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Friday, 25th July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Order of reference authorising the Committee to postpone its report for fourteen days was read. Printed copies of Mr. Hutchison's requisitions and correspondence thereon were laid before the Committee. The Chairman reported that he had consulted the Speaker as to the legality of admitting the Press to the meetings of the Committee, and that the Speaker was of opinion that so to admit the Press would be to trench on, and might violate,, the Standing Orders. The Chairman ruled that Mr. Seddon's motion on the subject of the previous day was out of order. Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. It was moved by Mr. Seddon, That during the taking of evidence strangers be admitted, as provided for under Standing Order 190, to be excluded at any time the Committee thinks fit. The Committee divided on the motion, with the following result: —• Ayes, 2.—Dr. Fitchett, Mr. Seddon. Noes, 5. —Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond. The motion was accordingly lost. It was moved by Hon. Mr. Ballance, That the House be asked to suspend Standing Order 190, to enable the Committee to admit strangers, if it so desires, while the Committee is deliberating. The Committee divided on the motion, with the following result: — Ayes, s.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Seddon. Noes, 2.—Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Ormond. The motion was accordingly carried. The Chairman reported that he had not yet ordered the reports of the addresses of counsel to be printed. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Larnach, That the addresses of counsel and others be printed as soon as possible. It was moved by Hon. Mr. Larnach, That this Committee sees no reason to vary the requisition already made to the Bank of New Zealand for the production of books and documents. An amendment was moved by Hon. Sir J. Hall, That, with a view of averting the inconvenience and risk which would result from the conveyance to Wellington of a large proportion of the original books of account, as well as letter-books and. other documents of the Bank of New Zealand, copies, authenticated in accordance with the provisions of the Banks and Bankers Acts, 1880 and 1887, will be received by the Committee of such accounts, letters, and other documents as may be required to be put in evidence before the Committee. The Committee divided on the amendment, with the following result : — Ayes, 2.—Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Macarthur. Noes, s.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The amendment was accordingly lost. Hon. Mr. Larnach's motion was put and carried. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Larnach, That the Chairman send a copy of the last resolution to the counsel of the Bank of New Zealand in Wellington, and telegraph it to the bank in Auckland. Hon. Mr. Bryce moved, That Mr. Hutchison be examined as a- witness, with a view of inquiring what knowledge he possesses as to the truth of the charges he has made. After discussion, it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Macarthur, That the debate be adjourned till Tuesday, the 29th July, at 11 a.m. Hon. Mr. Hislop made a statement to the Committee. The Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 29th July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman reported, with reference to the proposal to admit strangers, that the Speaker had pointed out to him that under Standing Orders, clause 196, it was forbidden to publish evidence and documents before reporting to the House. The following inward correspondence was reported : Telegram from the President of the Bank of New Zealand (I 16) ; telegram from Mr. John Murray (I 17). The following outward correspondence was reported : Telegram to President, Bank of New Zealand (O 20); to Mr. H. D. Bell (O 21); to Mr. John Murray (O 22) ; circular to Hon. T. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison (O 23). Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. Discussion was resumed on Hon. Mr. Bryce's motion, "That Mr. Hutchison be examined as a witness, with a view of inquiring what knowledge he possesses as to the truth of the charges he has made." 2—l. 7.