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By consent of the Committee, Hon. Mr. Bryce amended his motion by the substitution of the words " the first " for the word " a " before the word " witness." Dr. Fitchett moved that the following amendment be substituted for the motion: That the Committee sees no reason at present to depart from the order of evidence indicated by Mr. Hutchison. The Committee divided on the question, with the following result: — Ayes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Seddon. Noes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Bryce, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond. The Chairman gave his casting-vote with the Ayes, and the motion for the substitution of the amendment was accordingly carried, the amendment thus becoming the substantive motion. Mr. Macarthur moved that the following amendment be substituted for the motion as before the Committee: That the Committee take evidence as to the alleged wrongful manipulation of the public funds referred to in the speech of the member for Waitotara, before the question of private indebtedness is dealt with. The Committee divided on the question, with the following result: — Ayes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Bryce, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond. Noes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Seddon. The Chairman gave his casting-vote with the Noes, and the amendment was accordingly lost. The motion as before the Committee was then put, and a division was taken, with the following result: — Ayes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Seddon. Noes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Bryce, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond. The Chairman gave his casting-vote with the Noes, and the motion was accordingly lost. Mr. Seddon gave notice of the following motion : That the Chairman telegraph to the Bank of New Zealand in Auckland in order to ascertain at what date a bank official will be ready to appear with the required books and documents. The Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 30th July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That a resolution passed on Friday, 25th July, be so amended as to read, " That the House be asked to suspend Standing Orders 190 and 196 to enable the Committee to admit strangers, if it so desires, while the Committee is deliberating." It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That the Chairman telegraph to the Bank of New Zealand, in Auckland, in order to ascertain at what date Mr. E. B. Eigg will be ready to appear with the required books and documents. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Sir J. Hall, That the Committee now proceed to define the charges contained in Mr. Hutchison's speech. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Ballance, That the Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison be heard on the question of defining the charges. A shorthand-reporter attended and took notes of the subsequent proceedings. Mr. Hutchison addressed the Committee. Hon. Mr. Hislop addressed the Committee. Mr. Hutchison again addressed the Committee. The Committee adjourned till 11 a.m. on Thursday, the 31st July, to hear the conclusion of Mr. Hutchison's remarks on the formulation of the charges; and then to hear both Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison as to the conduct of the inquiry.

Thuesday, 31st July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following inward correspondence was reported: From the President of the Bank of New Zealand, telegram (I 18), Mr. John Murray (I 19). The following outward correspondence was reported :To Mr. John Murray (0 27); circular to Messrs. Hislop and Hutchison (O. 26). Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. A shorthand-reporter attended and took notes. Mr. Hutchison continued and concluded his address begun the previous day. The shorthand-reporter then withdrew. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Ballance, (1.) That an interim report be presented to the House, setting forth the refusal of the bank to produce certain books and accounts; and that the Chairman of this Committee be instructed, after consultation with the_ Speaker, to move a resolution asking the House to make an order for the production of the said books and accounts. (2.) That a copy of this resolution be sent to Mr. Murray. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr Seddon, That the Committee proceed to prepare an nterim report and resolution, to be submitted by the Chairman to the House.