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Wednesday, 23ed July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Sir J. Hall, That the minutes be confirmed, subject to the insertion in their proper place of motions actually put and lost. The Chairman reported that Mr. Hutchison had consented to limit his requisition from the Bank of New Zealand by substituting "31st day of March " for " Ist day of July," in paragrah No. 1, and wished, with reference to the telegrams mentioned in the requisition to Mr. Gavin, only such as are in the hands of the Treasury. The following outward correspondence was reported: Circular to Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. G. Hutchison, and Mr. H. D. Bell (0 16); to President, Bank of New Zealand, telegram (0 17). The following inward correspondence was reported : President, Bank of New Zealand, telegram (I 15). Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Sir J. Hall, That Mr. Bell and Mr. Stafford be allowed to appear, to state to the Committee on what ground they desire to appear for the Bank of New Zealand. Mr. H. D. Bell and Mr. E. Stafford attended at the invitation of the Committee, and the Chairman notified the former of the substance of the motion just passed. A shorthand-reporter attended and took notes. After a short statement from Mr. Bell, Mr. Seddon interposed, in order to propose a motion, whereupon Messrs. Bell and Stafford withdrew. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That Mr. Bell and Mr. Stafford be heard on behalf of the Bank of New Zealand on the question of books and documents contained in the summons. Messrs. Bell and Stafford were readmitted, and the Chairman read the resolution just passed. Mr. Bell addressed the Committee. Discussion following, Messrs. Bell and Stafford withdrew. Mr. Hutchison asked whether he should have a right of reply to Mr. Bell. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That Mr. Hutchison and the Hon. Mr. Hislop be heard in reference to the contentions made by Mr. Bell as to the production of books and. documents. Messrs. Bell and Stafford were readmitted. Hon. Mr. Hislop made a statement that he did not wish then to address the Committee on the question of the production of documents. Mr. Hutchison addressed the Committee, Mr. Bell replied to Mr. Hutchison. Mr. Hutchison made an explanation, and Mr. Bell commented thereon. Hon. Mr. Hislop made a further statement. The Committee then adjourned.

Thursday, 24th July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present : Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following outward correspondence was reported: Circular to Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison (0 18). Hon. Mr. Hislop and Mr. Hutchison attended the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of Sir J. Hall, That there be be printed, for the use of the Committee, Mr. Hutchison's requisitions with subsequent modifications, and all communications which have passed between the Chairman and the Bank of New Zealand, and between the Chairman and Mr. Gavin: the Government Printer to be urged to get the printing done as quickly as possible, and to be instructed to send a proof-copy for each member of the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That the Chairman ask the House for an extension of time for fourteen days for the Committee to report. Mr. Seddon moved, That the Press be admitted to the meetings of the Committee, to withdraw at any time that the Committee think fit. Hon. Sir J. Hall seconded the motion, which was held over, it being understood that the Chairman should consult the Speaker as to the legality of admitting the Press. Mr. H. D. Bell and Mr. E. Stafford attended, at the invitation of the Committee. A shorthand-writer attended and took notes. Mr. Bell addressed the Committee. After some discussion, Mr. Hutchison addressed the Committee. Mr. Bell answered a number of questions addressed to him by members of the Committee. Hon. Mr. Hislop addressed the Committee. Mr. Bell and Mr. Stafford then withdrew. After discussion, the Committee adjonrned.