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Feiday, 18th July, 1890. A special meeting of the Committee was held, by leave of the House, at 5 p.m., to consider Mr. Murray's telegram marked I 9. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Seddon. Mr. Hutchison attended at the request of the Committee. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Bryce, That the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting stand over till next meeting. A memorandum from Mr. Hutchison was read, consenting to limit his requisition for books and papers from Auckland. Copy of a telegram to Mr. John Murray was read, limiting the requisition for books and papers from Auckland. The telegram from Mr. John Murray marked I 9 was read and considered. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That the Chairman be requested to carry out the suggestion made in Mr. Murray's telegram of date, and to ask the name of a competent bank official so that he may be summoned to attend. Mr. Hutchison stated, in answer to inquiries from the Committee, that he did not see his way to further reduce the requisition made by him for books and documents from the Bank of New Zealand, as he considered them essential to the proving of his case. Hon. Mr. Bryce gave notice that he intended to ask at next meeting that Mr. Hutchison should be examined as a witness, with the view of inquiring what knowledge he possesses as to the truth of the charges he has made. The Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 22nd July, 1890. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Mr. Withy (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Dr. Fitchett, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Larnach, Mr. Macarthur, Mr. Seddon. The minutes of the meeting of the 16th July were read and confirmed. The minutes of the special meeting of the 18th July were read. Moved by Dr. Fitchett, That all reference to the contents of Mr. Murray's telegram be omitted from the minutes, and that this procedure be followed as much as possible in the future. The motion was put and lost. Moved by Mr. Seddon, That in paragraph of minutes referring to Mr. Murray's telegram all the words after the word "read" be omitted. The motion was put and lost. Moved by Hon. Mr. Larnach, That the following be substituted for the paragraph relating to Mr. Murray's telegram: "That the meeting of the Committee was held to consider telegrams marked 0 1, 0 9, I 3, and I 9, which have passed between the Chairman and Mr. John Murray." Moved, as an amendment by Mr. Seddon, That Mr. Larnach's motion to the effect that the meeting on Friday, the 18th July, was called for the purpose of considering telegrams marked 0 1, 0 9, I 3, and I 9, from Mr. Murray to the Chairman, and from the Chairman to Mr. Murray, is incorrect, the meeting having been called by the Chairman to consider a telegram from Mr. Murray, bearing date the 18th July, 1890, the same being urgent, so urgent that the meeting .was held although some of the members of the Committee had no notice of the meeting. The amendment was put and lost. Hon. Mr. Larnach's motion was not pressed. It was resolved, on the motion of Dr. Fitchett, That the paragraph in the minutes respecting a telegram from Mr. Murray be so altered as to read, " The telegram from Mr. J. Murray, marked I. 9, was read and considered." It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Sir J. Hall, That the following be added to the minutes : " Mr. Hutchison attended, and stated, in answer to inquiries from the Committee, that he did not see his way to further reduce the requisition made by him for books and documents from the Bank of New Zealand, as he considered them essential to the proving of his case." The minutes as amended were confirmed. The following outward correspondence was reported : To Mr. J. C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury (marked O 6) ; Mr. Hutchison, M.H.E. (marked 0 7); Mr. G. Buckley, telegram (marked 0 8); Mr. J. Murray, telegram (marked 09) ; Mr. J. M. Kay (marked O 10) ; President, Bank of New • Zealand (marked 0 11); Hon. T. W. Hislop (marked 0 12); Mr. E. B. Eigg, telegram (marked 0 13); Mr. J. Murray, telegram (marked 0 14); Messrs Hislop and Hutchison, circular (marked 0 15). The following inward correspondence was reported : From Mr. G. Buckley, telegram (marked 1 4); Mr. Hutchison, M.H.E. (marked I 5) ; Mr. J. C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury (marked I 6); Mr. J. C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury (marked I 7); Mr. Hutchison, M.H.E. (marked I 8); Mr. J. Murray, telegram (marked I 9); President, Bank of New Zealand, telegram (marked I 10); Mr. J. Murray, telegram (marked I 11); President, Bank of New Zealand, telegram (marked I 12); Mr. H. D. Bell (marked I 13); Mr. H. D. Bell (marked I 14). •It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That the Chairman consult Mr. Hutchison as to whether original despatch telegrams are necessary, and ascertain the limit of time, and if the same can be readily obtained. It was resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Larnach, That the Chairman ask Mr. Hutchison whether he requires the books of the bank actually in current use, commencing, say, from the Ist April last. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Seddon, That the meeting be adjourned till Wednesday, 23rd July, at 11 a.m.