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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Insfectok-Genebal of Schools to the Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir,— Education Department, Wellington, 31st March, 1890. I have the honour to report that, in accordance with regulations, the annual examination of candidates for teachers' certificates, and the examinations required by " The Civil Service.Eeform Act, 1886," were held in the month of January in this year. There were sixteen centres_ of examination for all candidates, including, in addition to the towns in which the thirteen Education Boards have their offices, the towns of Thames, Hamilton, and Gisborne; and the Civil Service examinations were also held in four other places, the candidates at these four places paying special fees to defray the cost of supervision. The total cost of the examinations, including £19 distributed in prizes for drawing and experimental science, was £647 16s. Bd. (Last year the cost was £647 11s. 6d.) The fees received amounted to £631 2s. 6d., including £15 16s. 6d. for supervision at the four extra places of examination. The net cost to the department was, therefore, £16 14s. 2d. The total number of candidates was 910, there being 715 candidates for the teachers' examination and 199 for the Civil Service, 4 persons being candidates for the teachers' examination and for the Civil Service examination at the same time. Ten of the candidates sat both for the Junior Civil Service examination and for the Senior. In this enumeration no account is taken of two provisionally certificated teachers who came up to pass in one subject each in order to obtain a full certificate, or of 24 pupil-teachers who availed themselves of the permission to sit for one branch of drawing in anticipation of their candidature for certificates: these all passed except three of the pupil-teachers. Out of 163 candidates for the Junior Civil Service examination, 86 were placed in order of merit in the list from which the appointments were to be made. The list in the Gazette was imperfect, owing to a clerical error by which the name of John Mcllroy was omitted: the name, however, is in its due place in the official list now in the office of the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Of the 46 candidates for the Senior Civil Service examination, 13 passed, including one candidate who sat for shorthand only. The 715 candidates for the teachers' examination were—ll9 to complete the examination for Class D ("partial pass for D" having been already obtained), 120 for the whole examination for Class D, 196 to complete for Class E, and 280 for the whole examination for Class E. Of these 715 candidates, 313 were teachers in the service of the Boards, 204 were pupil-teachers in the same service, 66 were normal-school students at the close of last year, 82 were persons formerly but not at present teachers, pupil-teachers, and normal-school students, and 50 were candidates not connected with Education Boards. A large number of the candidates for Class D had already passed the examination for Class E ; 136 having certificates of Class E, and 13 expecting certificates on the completion of the required term of service, or on having marks assigned to them by an Inspector. The number of candidates who passed for Class D and of those who completed a formerly incomplete examination for that class was 70, of whom 27 had certificates of Class E before, so that the additions to the list of certificated teachers on this account will not exceed 43 ; The number who passed for Class E and of those who completed a formerly incomplete examination for that class was 147. The total addition therefore to the number of persons who have obtained the examination qualification for a certificate is 190. Of those who were not successful in passing the whole examination for a class, 126 obtained '.'partial pass for Class E," and 43 obtained "partial D" (among the latter being 3 who at the same time obtained "partial E," and"3 who had previously obtained "partial E"); and among those who passed for Class E are 18 who obtained also " partial D " by this examination. I—E. la.