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The successes and "partial" successes are shown in the following table: —

The results in some cases have been arrived at by taking into consideration work done by the candidates at the University matriculation examination. The number of failures (excluding the cases of those who failed to obtain promotion or to complete " partial pass") was 66, and of these there were 33 wrho had failed at former examinations also. The number of persons who have as yet altogether failed—taking into account all the annual examinations since the department was instituted, in 1878 —is 602. At this year's examination, 56 succeeded in getting their names removed from the list of failures, while 33 names were added to it. The list of passes and partial passes, published in the Gazette at the close of the examination, is appended to this report, with some amendments, particularly with respect to the districts to which the candidates belong. In the Gazette the names were arranged according to the places at which the candidates were examined, and many of them had chosen to sit in districts remote from their residences. The papers set at the examination are also appended to the report. At the end of 1889 there were 1,976 teachers above the rank of pupil-teachers engaged in the service of the Education Boards. With respect to examination the 1,976 may be classified as follows, when the successes at the recent examination are taken into account: There are 1,683 who either have certificates, or have passed the examination and wait only for marks, or for the completion of the service qualification; 115 who have '< partial pass" recorded in their favour; 66 who have failed at examination ; and 112 who have not been examined by the Department. These facts are exhibited in the following table, in which numbers in square brackets denote licensed teachers :—

The number of certificated teachers engaged in public instruction as inspectors, high-school teachers, teachers in Native' schools, &c, was about 62, and the number not Known to be in any public service was about 800. I have, &c, Wm. Jas. Habens.

* Teachers. PupilTeachers. Normal Students. Ex-Teachers, Ex P.-teachers, Ex-Students. Others. Total. Status. umber of candidates 313 204 66 82 50 715 Passed in full for Class D Completed for Class D Passed in full for Class E Completed for Class E Partial pass for D (excluding 21 —below)... Partial pass for E (excluding 3—below)... 5 33 1 42 21 23 3 3 31 27 4 73 8 11 5 8 12 7 2 3 5 22 1 8 2 8 3 5 12 18 52 45 102 43 123 Number successful or " partially " successful 125 141 51 41 25 383 Partial D included in number of passes for E Partial E included in partial D 1 I 2 10 3 5 3 21 3

Education District. Passed. " Partial Pass." Failed- examined. Total. Auckland ... Paranaki Wanganui ... Wellington ... Bawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson 405 34 90 113 68 25 69 20 21 304 76 350 108 24 [4] 3 7[1] 9 pi] 8 [5] 1 16 6 4 7 7 [2] I 4[1] 3 1 17 2 3 5 4 9 I 7 [2] 4 [2] 6 10 [2] 9[1] 21 21 [1] 5[1] 13 6[1] 3 7 440 48 110 136 88 48 123 33 37 333 86 358 136 3rey Westland ... North Canterbury ... South Canterbury Dtago Southland ... 18 3 8 [2] 12 [1] Total ... 1,683 115 66 112 1,976