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resolved that their decision on the subject of reducing the amount owing by the cash purchasers on terms should be final, and they have accordingly declined to consider any further applications for reductions. The foregoing explanation is perhaps somewhat long and minute ; but, as a charge of dealing harshly with the settlers has been brought against the School Commissioners, it is desirable that the whole matter should be fully explained to the Government. In June, 1889, the Commissioners, having satisfied themselves that there was a demand for land in the district, decided to terminate the lease of Bun 193 a, Wendon, containing 10,000 acres, and to subdivide it into farms of about five hundred acres each, suitable for mixed farming. They accordingly gave the lessee twelve months' notice, as provided for in his lease, and have since had the land subdivided into sections with a view to offering them for fourteen years' lease in June next. Of the sum of £6,075 os. 4d. shown in the statement of receipts and expenditure as rent, &c, in arrear on the 31st December, 1889, £1,793 os. 6d. has been paid during the first quarter of the present year. As I have explained in former reports, all the rents are debited in advance, and a. number of them only fall due in December. In connection with the sum of £1,479 16s. shown in the statement of receipts and expenditure as expenses of management, &c, I may explain that £233 7s. 6d. was paid to the Government for railway-fares, rabbit-destruction, Crown-grant fees, stamps, &c, and that £191 3s. Bd. was paid for rates to County Councils, boroughs, and Bivor Boards. I may also say that £78 7s. 3d. was received during the year for preparing leases, which sum might fairly be deducted from the cost of management. The balance-sheet and statement of receipts and expenditure, duly certified to by the Controller and Auditor-General, was forwarded to the Education Department on the 9th ultimo. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. J. P. Maitland, Chairman. Approximate Cost of Paper.-— Preparation, nil; printing (1,050 copies), £J2G 10s.

By Authority : Geobose Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o.