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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


■Land set apart in the Pahiatua Village Special Settlement for Perpetual Leasing.

(i..5.) Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by the one hundred and sixty-second section of " The Land Act, 1885," I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the sections of land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same are hereby set apart and declared open, on and after Friday, the eighteenth day of June next, for the Pahiatua Village Special Settlement, upon the terms and conditions fixed by Order in Council of even date herewith, and made under the one hundred and sixty-third section of the said Act.


Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty's Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chicf in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. J. BALLANCE, Minister of Lands. God save the Queen!

Regulations for the Formation of Village Special Settlements on Perpetual Leasing.

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this sixth day of May, 1886. Present: His Excellency the Govebnob in Council. WHEREAS by the one hundred and sixty-third section of "The Land Act, 1885," it is enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and repeal regulations for fixing the terms and conditions upon which the lands in any special settlement shall bo disposed of, and the mode of payment for the same : Now, therefore, 1, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby fix the following terms and conditions as those upon which village special-settlement blocks shall be disposed of on perpetual leasing, and the mode of pa,yment for the same.

Regulations. 1. The land to be selected under these regulations shall be held on perpetual lease for the first term ol thirty years, and for subsequent terms of twenty-one years, without any right of acquiring the freehold. 2. The rental shall be based on the capital value of the land, which shall in no case be less than 20s. an acre. 3. No charge will be made for the lease, which shall be in the form in the Schedule hereto, beyond the sum of 10s. for registering the same in the Land Transfer Department.

1UUU. NEW ZEALAND. PAHIATUA VILLAGE SPECIAL SETTLEMENT (REGULATIONS FOR FORMATION OF). Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. BEGULATIONS FOE THE EOEMATION OF THE PAHIATUA VILLAGE SPECIAL SETTLEMENT ON PERPETUAL LEASING. Land set apart in the Pahiatua Tillage Special Settle- Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William ment for Perpetual Leasing. Erancis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General ■ in Her Majesty's Army, Knight Grand Cross of (l.s.) Wm. P. DBUMMOND JEEVOIS, the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael Governor. an<l Saint George, Companion of the Most HonourTDi?r»riT Aivr ATiTnxr able Order of the Bath, Governor and CommanderA 1 ICOCLAMAIIUjN . in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New IN pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred upon Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral me by the one hundred and sixty-second section of o{ t he same ; anc i j ssue d under the Seal of the " The Land Act, 1885," I, William Erancis Drummond sa ; c 1 Colony, at the Government House, at WolJervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do lington, this sixth day of May, in the year of our hereby proclaim and declare that the sections of land de- Lor( j one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. scribed in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same are a-nt/h-ci hereby set apart and declared open, on and after Friday, the J. LALLAJNCL, eighteenth day of June next, for the Tahiatua Village Minister of Lands. Special Settlement, upon the terms and conditions fixed by (j 0D SAVB THE Q nEEN I Order in Council of even date herewith, and made under the one hundred and sixty-third section of the said Act. regulations for the Formation of Villane Special Settle-iM/yit-titH/ntitd jwi t/ttc. -L' VI //(.CCCC/Cft* UJ V CCCttt/t; OjJeCtU/ti l.lClLii, SCHEDULE. ments on Perpetual Leasing. Regulations for the Formation of Village Special Settlements on Perpetual Leasing. Section.! Area. CaPital Section. Area. Capital Wm. E. DBUMMOND JEEVOIS, Valu0" Value- Governor. Section.! Area. Capital Value. Section. Area. Wm. f. drummond jervois, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this sixth day of May, 1886. Present: His Excellency the Govebnob in Council. WHEEEAS by the one hundred and sixty-third section of "The Land Act, 1885," it is enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and repeal regulations for fixing the terms and conditions upon which the lands in any special settlement shall be disposed of, and the mode of payment for the same : Now, therefore, I, William Erancis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby fix the following terms and conditions as those upon which village special-settlement blocks shall bo disposed of on perpetual leasing, and the mode of payment for the same. i *JT(DVeillUI. rmmiTR tn" r>nTra"nTT, I UJKJUJUl-4 liN CUUjNCIL. i a. B. p. £ A. E. P. & At the Government House, at Wellington, this sixth day 1 ! 4 2 26 20 33 o 2 0 16 f M lg86 2 15 0 0 20 34 10 0 17 30 p J" Q I f A A qa Q PI (X O A "f fi LI L.RGI10 , 4 2 26 20 36 10 0 17 30 HlS Ex0ELLENCT ™E Govebnob in Council. 6 ' 5 o 0 20 37 5 1 27 22 TTTHEBEAS by the one hundred and sixty-third section 7 5 0 0 20 38 8 1 23 34 VV of "The Land Act, 1885," it is enacted that the 8 5 0 0 20 29 11 1 30 46 Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and 9 4 2 26 22 40 10 0 17 40 repeal regulations for fixing the terms and conditions upon 10 5 0 0 22 41 9 3 24 40 which the lands in any special settlement shall bo disposed . 11 5 0 0 22 42 19 3 27 55 of, and the mode of payment for the same: 12 5 0 0 22 43 19 2 8 54 Now > therefore, I, William Erancis Drummond Jervois, 13 5 2 20 24 45 18 1 11 50 tne Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance 14 ■ 6 0 6 27 46 20 0 0 55 and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me 15 5 127 24 47 16 122 45 by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, and by and with the 16 7 0 24 28 49 17 1 24 47 advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said 18 ; <J 2 5 38 50 20 0 0 55 colony, do hereby fix the following terms and conditions as 19 ! 6 3 20 28 51 20 0 0 70 those upon which village special-settlement blocks shall be 20 10 0 0 40 52 20 0 0 70 disposed of on perpetual leasing, and the mode of payment 21 10 1 14 42 53 19 3 36 70 £or tlle same22 10 0 0 45 ; 54 19 3 38 70 ' 23 10 0 0 45 55 19 3 20 70 Begulations. 24 12 3 20 58 I 50 4 0 32 20 1. T i le i anc i to be selected under these regulations shall be 26 : 16 0 23 72 58 20 0 0 70 held on perpetual lease for the first term of thirty years, and 27 j 15 2 16 70 59 19 2 2o 70 f or subsequent terms of twenty-one years, without any right 28 I 17 3 28 81 61 19 3 22 70 0 f acquiring the freehold. b 29 5 0 6 15 62 19 0 26 70 2 . The rental shall be based on the capital value of the 30 8 2 36 26 63 14 0 2o fed l aI1( j ) which shall in no case be less than 20s. an acre. 31 5 2 ° l c> 64 10 2 18 45 3. No charge will be made for the lease, which shall be in 32 10 0 17 30 Go 19 3 3 oo the form in the Schedule hereto, linvcnrl tho on™ nf in= tr,* j A. B. P. 1 4 2 26 2 15 0 0 3 5 0 0 5 i 4 2 26 6 5 0 0 7 5 0 0 8 5 0 0 9 4 2 26 10 5 0 0 11 15 0 0 12 5 0 0 13 5 2 20 14 6 0 6 15 5 1 27 16 7 0 24 18 i 9 2 5 19 6 3 20 20 10 0 0 21 ' 10 1 14 22 10 0 0 23 10 0 0 24- 12 3 20 26 16 0 23 27 i 15 2 16 28 i 17 3 28 29 5 0 6 30 8 2 36 31 5 2 0 32 10 0 17 £ 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 24 27 24 28 38 28 40 42 45 45 58 72 70 81 15 26 16 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 41 42 43 45 40 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 58 59 61 62 63 04 65 A. B. P. 5 2 0 10 0 17 5 2 0 10 0 17 5 1 27 8 1 23 11 1 30 10 0 17 9 3 24 19 3 27 19 2 8 18 1 11 20 0 0 16 1 22 17 1 24 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 19 3 36 19 3 38 19 3 20 4 0 32 20 0 0 19 2 25 19 3 22 19 0 26 14 0 25 10 2 18 19 3 3 Regulations. 1. The land to be selected under these regulations shall be held on perpetual lease for the first term of thirty years, and for subsequent terms of twenty-one years, without any right of acquiring the freehold. 2. The rental shall be based on the capital value of the land, which shall in no case be less than 20s. an acre. 3. No charge will be made for the lease, which shall be in the form in the Schedule hereto, beyond the sum of 10s. for registering the same in the Land Transfer Department.