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Notice of Intention to change the Purpose of a Portion of a Reserve.

Wm. F. DEUMMOND JEEVOIS, Governor. "YTTHEEEAS by " The Public Eeserves Act, 1881," it is, V V amongst other things, enacted that the Governor may declare his intention to make, change, exchange, or alter the dedication of any public reserve now or hereafter vested in Her Majesty or the Governor for any of the purposes named in Class 11. of the Schedule to the said Act, whether tho same be granted or not; and, in tho case of any reserves made under tho authority of section one hundred and fortyfour of " Tho Land Act, 1877," if it shall, in the opinion of the Governor, bo expedient to change the purpose of such reserves or any part thereof from the purpose or presumed purpose for which it was set apart to any other purpose, or if it sliall, in tho opinion of tho Governor, be expedient to exchange any of the land comprised in such reserve for other land of equal value, to bo dedicated to one or moro purposes named in the said Class 11., the Governor may, by notice in the Gazette, declare his intention to make such change, exchange, or dedication, as the case may be, and in such notice declare the manner and terms in which the same is intended to bo so made : Now, therefore, I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of Now Zealand, do hereby, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by " The Public Eeserves Act, 1881," aforesaid, declare my intention to change the specific purpose of a portion of the reserve described in the first column of tho Schedule hereto, the area of which is described in the second column of the said Schedule, to the specific purpose set opposite such descriptitn in the third column of the said Schedule.


As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. J. BALLANCE, Minister of Lands.

Notice of Intention of Exchange of Land.

Wm. F. DEUMMOND JEEVOIS, Governor. "TTTHEEEAS hy " The Public Eeserves Act, 1881," it is, VV amongst other things, enacted that the Governor may declare his intention to make, change, exchange, or alter the dedication of any public reserve now or hereafter vested in Her Majesty or the Governor for any of the purposes named in Class 11. of the Schedule to the said Act, whether the same bo granted or not ; and, in the case of any reserves made under the authority of section two hundred and twenty-seven of " The Land Act, 1885," if it shall, in the opinion of the Governor, be expedient to change the purpose of such reserves or any part thereof from the purpose or presumed purpose for which it was set apart to any other purpose, or if it shall, in the opinion of the Governor, bo expedient to exchange any of the land comprised in such reserve for other land of equal value, to be dedicated to one or more purposes named in the said Class 11., the Governor may, by notice in tho Gazette, declare his intention to make such change, exchange, or dedication, as the case may be, and in such notice declare the manner and terms in which the same is intended to be so made : Now, therefore, I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby, in exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in me by " Tho Public Eeserves Act, 1881," aforesaid, declare my intention to exchange the reserve described in the first column of the Schedule hereto for the reserve described in the second column of tho said Schedule.


Jos. A. TOLE, (For the Minister of Lands.)

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,250 copies), £1 4s.]

Authority: Geobge Didsbubx, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB6.

Description and ; Portion of which the Pur'urpose of Original! pose is intended to be Eeserve. changed. Intended Purpose. All that parcel of land in the Township of Cobden, Provincial District of Nelson, containing 2 acres, more or less. Bounded towards the North by Fox Street, 500 links; towards the East by Newcastle Street, 400 links; towards the South by Bright Street, 500links; and towards the West by Sturge Street, 500 links. ■Reserved by Order in Council issued on the 7th January, 1869, for a site for public buildings or other purposes of the General Government. All that parcel of land in the Township of Cobden, Provincial District of Nelson, containing 32 perches, more or less. Bounded on the North-eastward by Section No. 175, Pox Street, 100 links; on the South-eastward by Section No. 81, Bright Street, 200 links; on the South-westward by Bright Street, 100 links; and on the North-west-ward by Section No. 33, Bright Street, 200 links. For a site fo: a library.

First Column. Second Column. All that piece or parcel of land in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, containing by admeasurement 1 rood, more or less, situate in the Woodville Survey District, being Section No. 40 of the Township of Woodville. Bounded on the East by Ormond Street, 100 links ; on the South by Town Section No. 89, 250 links; on the West by Town Section No. 35, 100 links; and on the North by Town Section No. 41, 250 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. From a site for a library and mechanics' institute to a site for a courthouse. All that parcel of land in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, containing by admeasurement 1 rood, more or less, being Town Section No. 44 on the map of the Township of Woodville. Bounded towards the North by Sections Nos. 51, 50, and 49, 250 links; towards the East by Section No. 46, 100 links; towards the South by Section No. 43, 250 links; and towards the West by Ormond Street, 100 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. From a site for a courthouse to a site for a library and mechanics' institute. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six.