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prince had some secret intimation of the marquis's purpose of immediately leaving the town and embarking himself for the parts beyond the seas, before the marquis himself sent him word of it; upon which, in great passion and rage, he sent him notice of his resolution presently to be gone, that he who had the command of all those parts, and thereby an obligation not to desert his charge, might be without any imagination that the prince would take such a distracted government upon him and leave him any excuse for his departure: and if in this joint distemper, with which they were both transported, any persons of discretion and honour had interposed, they might, in all probability, have prevailed with both for a good understanding between them, or at least for the suspension of their present resolutions and considering what might best be done." 4. Outline an essay on the character and work of any one great English statesman, and their relationship to his age. Write out the introduction and conclusion in full; but in the main part of the essay give only the main ideas, numbering them in logical order, and under each of these arrange the subordinate ideas in logical order. 5. Punctuate the following passage: I see you are getting tired and stupid Ben said Mrs. Garth accustomed to these obstructive arguments from her male offspring having finished her pies she moved towards the clothes-horse and said come here and tell me the story I told you on Wednesday about Cincinnatus I know he was a farmer said Ben now Ben he was a Roman let me tell said Letty using her elbow contentiously you silly thing he was a Eoman farmer and he was ploughing yes but before that that didn't come first people wanted him said Letty well but you must say what sort of a man he was first insisted Ben he was a wise man like my father and that made the people want his advice and he was a brave man and could fight and so could my father couldn't he mother now Ben let me tell the story straight on as mother told it us said Letty frowning please mother tell Ben not to speak Letty I am ashamed of you said her mother wringing out the caps from the tub when your brother began you ought to have waited to see if he could not tell the story now Ben well oh well why there was a great deal of fighting and they were all blockheads and I can't tell it just how you told it but they wanted a man to be captain and king and everything dictator now said Letty with injured looks very well dictator said Ben contemptuously but that isn't a good word he didn't tell them to write on slates come come Ben you are not so ignorant as that said Mrs. Garth carefully serious. 6. Write a list of words read out by the Supervisor.

Class D.—Exercise in Dictation and Spelling. Time allowed .- Three hours. (Part of a paper on English Grammar and Composition.) Words to be dictated by Supervisor:—Monosyllabic, revelling, metallurgy, mosque, mimic, traceable, acquittal, vying, fulfilment, advisable, enthrall, acacia, cantos, fulfilling, cabal, manoeuvre, aeronaut, mimicking, embarrassment, independent, ajsthetic, until, idiosyncrasy, canvasbaok, rhinoceros.

Class D.—Arithmetic. Time allowed .- Three hours. 1. One million eighty-nine thousand three hundred and sixty-three trees are planted in rows 5 feet apart, and the trees are 3 feet apart in each row: find the area planted, in acres. 2. The cost of asphalting a footpath, a mile and a half long, at Is. 1-J-d. per sq. yd., amounted to £210 7s. 6d. : find the width of the footpath. 3. The weight of an ingot of gold is found to be scwt, 3qr. 161b.: express this weight in ounces troy. Having given that the value of 401b. troy of gold is £1,869, find the value of the ingot. 4. Find, by Practice, the value of 4 tons 13cwt. lqr. 121b. at £4 12s. 6d. per ton. 5. If the velocity of sound be 1,100 feet per second, and that of a cannon-ball 1,000 feet per second, calculate the distance from the gun of a spot where the report is heard three-fourths of a second before it is struck by the shot. 6. Simplify ft of (3f - If) x fc-fi t ff +I. 7. Explain the rule for converting a mixed recurring decimal into a vulgar fraction, taking as an example the decimal -354. 8. Find the value of f of f of 15s. 9d. - -625 of 13s. 4d. + -2153846 of £1 12s. 6d. 9. A square cistern, 8 feet deep, has to be constructed to contain 12,000 gallons of water: find the length of a side of the cistern. [1 gal. = 277-274 cub. in.] 10. If the work of raising a pound one foot be called a foot-pound, and the work of raising a kilogramme one metre be called a kilogram-metre, express a horse-power, which is 550 foot-pounds per second, in kilogram-metres. [1 metre = 3937in.; 1 kilog. = 2-21b.] 11. Eind the amount of £375 put out for 4 years at compound interest at 6 per cent, per annum. 12. In a school of 650 children the percentage under twelve years of age is 84, and in another school of 250 children the percentage under twelve is 92. Taking both schools together, what is the percentage of scholars under twelve years of age ? 13. If cloth be bought at 2s. 9d. a yard, find what its selling price must be to leave a profit of 30 per cent, after allowing a discount for ready money of sixpence in the pound. 14. A person finds that if he invests his money in the 4-per-cents at 92 his income will be less by two guineas than if he invests it in the 4i-per-cents at par: find the sum to be invested.