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Class D. —Geography. Time alloived : Three hours. 1. Explain the moaning of the following terms and phrases: Left bank (of a river), meridian altitude of the sun, longitude, watershed, polar circles, height of the snow-line. 2. Explain how it is that portions of the nearly spherical surface of the earth are represented with sufficient exactness by means of flat maps. Explain the nature of Mercator's Projection. 3. Describe the positions of the chief mountain-ranges in Great Britain and Ireland. 4. Draw a map of the Mediterranean Sea; insert the chief islands in it, and mark the positions of the chief towms near its coast. 5. Describe the positions of the following towns in Asia: Delhi, Erzeroum, Shanghai, Yarkhand, Mandalay, Tashkend, Yokohama, Damascus, Herat, Lahore. 6. Describe the river system of that part of Europe which lies north of the great watershed. 7. Where in Australia are Geelong, Maitland, Port Augusta, Eockhampton, Eiver Yarra, Shark's Bay, Eiver Lachlan, Perth, the Grampians, Cape Howe, Lake Torrens, Champion Bay? 8. Draw a map of New Zealand, mark the names of the chief capes, and insert the following: Lake Manapouri, Waimakariri Eiver, Bay of Islands, White Island, Mount Cook, Kawhia Harbour, Taieri Plains, Lake Wairarapa, Mania Peninsula, Teremakau Eiver, Lake Eotorua, Pelorus Sound.

Class D.—English History. Time allowed .- Three hours. 1. Characterize Dunstan as a legislator. 2. How did William the Second deal with the Church ? 3. What was the attitude of the English Kings to feudalism ? 4. Whence did our parliamentary system get its principle of representation? 5. Distinguish frithgilds, craftgilds, and merchantgilds, and discuss the significance of their rise. 6. What led to the fall of Eichard the Second ? 7. Give the main events of the reign of Eichard the Third and investigate his character. 8. Tell the story of the relations between England and Spain during the latter half of the sixteenth century. 9. Compare the Petition of Eight and the Bill of Eights as to purport and result. 10. What attitude did English statesmen of the close of last century take up towards the Erench Eevolution and the English sympathizers with it ? 11. Sketch the advance made by England during the eighteenth century from a social and an economic point of view.

Class D.—Latin. Time allowed .- Three hours. 1. Give the ablative singular of tristis, felix, melior; and the ablative plural of dea. Give the vocative singular of meus films. Decline, in the singular number only, uterque senex, altera respublica. Write down the first person singular of the perfect active, the infinitive active, and the supine (if any) of veudo, veneo, venio, sero, pasco, condo, dlvido, aufero, suadeo, crepo, saepio, cognosco. 2. What are the common interrogative particles, and how are they used (1) in direct, (2) in indirect questions ? Erame examples. Express in Latin, " We must find out whether these things are true or not." 3. How do you express motion to, motion from, and rest at a place, (1) in the case of common nouns such as urbs, ager, regio; (2) in the case of proper names ? Erame examples. 4. What cases are governed by the following verbs, respectively: Parco, memini, fruor, credo, invideo, praesto, subvenio, juvo, placeo ? Where more cases than one are used, explain the difference. 5. Translate into Latin— A poor man is never believed. We must resist the tyrants. Do not be angry with me. I am afraid you are angry. I cannot hinder him from doing these things. Be silent, will you ? Take care that you are not deceiving yourself. 6. Translate—Luisse enim quendam ferunt Demaratum Corinthium, et honore et auctoritate et fortunis facile civitatis suae principem; qui, quum Corinthiorum tyrannum Cypselum ferre non potuisset, fugisse cum magna pecunia dicitur, ac se contulisse Tarquinios, in urbem Etruriae florentissimam. Quumque audiret dominationem Cypseli confirmari, defugit patriam vir liber ac fortis, et aseitus est civis a Tarquiniensibus, atque in ea civitate doinicilium et sedes collocavit. Übi quum tie matrefainilias Tarquiniensi duo filios procreavisset, omnibus cos artibus ad Graecorum disciplinam erudiit.