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6. What are the laws of the reflection of light ? Show by a diagram how an image is formed in a mirror. 7. Show how an image is formed in a photographic camera. 8. What is the difference between boiling and evaporation ? Upon what does the boiling point of water depend ? 9. What is heat supposed to be? What are the principal ways in which it can be produced? 10. Give the important properties of a magnet. State the apparatus you would need to illustrate these properties. 11. What are the chemical properties of an electric current? How is water decomposed ? 12. Describe fully the action of carbonic acid in nature. 13. Describe a candle-flame. How may gas be burned so as to give a non-luminous flame ? 14. Describe the manufacture of soap, or glass, or porcelain, in any case stating the chemical action. 15. Describe the mechanism for breathing. What purposes does it serve? 16. Explain how food gets into the blood. 17. Describe a plant, and state the functions of its several parts. 18.- Give an outline of the classification of the animal kingdom.

Classes D and E.—Domestic Economy and Laws op Health. Time allowed: Three hours. [Note. —This paper is for female candidates who are proficient in Needlework, and, in consideration of this, are allowed, if they prefer it, to be examined in Domestic Economy and the Laws of Health, instead of in the general subject of Elementary Science. See the note on the Elementary Science paper.] 1. What are the chief effects of breathing vitiated air? Give examples of its influence on the rate of mortality. 2. What is considered the most satisfactory way of connecting a house with a drain? 3. Why is physical exercise required by those engaged in mental occupations ? .4. Name some of the infectious diseases. What precautions are necessary to prevent the spreiad of such diseases ? '■5. What are the several ways of cooking eggs? Which of these ways are the most suitable for invalids ? 6. What are the effects of alcoholic drinks, and such drinks as tea and coffee, upon the system? 7. Describe the skin, and state its functions. State all the circumstances by which the temperature of the body is maintained and regulated. 8. Describe the process of digestion. Why is fried meat usually not so digestible as grilled meat? 9. Describe the heart. What effect has undue physical exertion upon its structure? '.101' Make a sketch showing the direction of the flues in an ordinary kitchen-range. Why does a chimney produce a draught ?

Class D. —English Grammar and Composition. Time allowed .- Three hours. [Note. —Each section must be attempted.] 1. (a) State the grammatical function which each italicised word in the following seems now to fulfil, and the function it fulfilled in an earlier stage of the language : (a) Some ten of them went (b) Give me the hook; (c) They took such men as they could get; (d) Men say that he did it; (e) Ought I to go ? (/) You were about to say ; (g) He acts like a statesman; (h) He drove past us; (i) Both he and I go ; (J) A dozen men ; (k) Our journey home; (/) He has done it before now. (/3) Distinguish in the following bracketed sentences the syntactical uses of the italicised phrases or clauses : (a) He came, lohen I came ; He asked when I came ; That was the time when I came : (6) He taught me to read; He seems to read well; It is a pleasure to read so well; lam glad to read that: (c) Is any afflicted, let him pray ;Is any one afflicted with the disease ? He asked, Is any one afflicted ? (d) He brought all but three ; But three were brought; "But three," he cried. 2. In each of the following sentences a word is inaccurately used; point it out, substitute the correct word, and state both the meaning that is common to the two and the differences between them: (a) For several hours we looked at the watchmakers as they worked, and we were surprised at the address with which they manipulated their tools and the minute pieces of the machinery. (b) We went to the athletic sports last year, and there we saw the renowned wrestler who accompanied you in your tour through Europe, (c) The chemist gave his evidence clearly and vigorously, and he declared that the drug which the prisoner used was the most forcible he had in his shop. (d) The lady gazed some time at the sea as it stretched out towards the horizon, and, turning round to her friend, exclaimed, "Is it not lovely ?" (e) He brought up the child with the greatest care, and instructed him to speak three languages well. (/) He now came to see the error of his ways, and showed an inclination to recant his allegiance to his king, (g) His memory, lam certain, has not begun to fail; for, all these years that he has been absent from the neighbourhood, he has recollected the details we have entirely forgotten, (h) The woman was vigorous and not unfrequently witty in her conversation ; but she was so garrulous that no one who had not the gift of silence and hours to spare would venture near her. (i) Those misfortunes which came upon him later in life every one looked upon as just revenge for all the crimes he had committed in his youth. 3. Bewrite the following so as to avoid the ambiguities, inaccuracies, archaisms, awkward, unrhythmical, and ungrammatical constructions, and intricate and ill-balanced clauses. The words and order may be changed, but no idea of the original is to be omitted. "The truth is, the