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Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Haulage. I c Type. o Z ft 0 * Detail. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Running. I Repairs. Running. hi c tj Q Train. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages Mat Stor"- FueL rials. Wages. Total. Wages and Stores. Fuel. Materials. Total. Wages. I Ton-Miles Gross. A* I) E Ft L 1 I I 4 6 I S 12,307 26,199 49,346 85,253 2,516 6,773 6,821 1,617 12.573 48 302 14,097 14,871 33,274 70,264 9,924 98,720 1,748 7,682 1,078 16,923 338 i,i75 1,871 236 2,56c ... '43 645 940 88 147 629 758 86 1,167 2,787 1 99 563 940 316 1,480 14 ' 61 95 16 '3 1 119 I 48s I 688 S 64 1,080 ... 195 57° 1,194 119 1,238 i 3.3l6 1 427 1,679 2,917 515 3,929 9,468 33't ... i"59 4'06 3-21 7'6S 3'6o ■23 ■44 •32 ■38 •32 ... 1-92 3'5° 2'35 1'54 2'62 3*14 4-11 4-08 2-88 3'oi 6-88 I2'II 9-96 12-45 9-55 431,831 1,709,891 2,765,124 319,040 4,380,640 9,606,526 35'°9 : 65-27 56-04 38-41 ; 51-38 •24 •24 ■25 . ■39 •22 130 409 675 84 975 894 1,297 Total 2,436 I 18 181,412 30,300 15,341 37,087 6,180 3,"3 3,399 317 3'59 ■34 2'57 3"S« IO'OI •35t I 52-90 •24 i •oo8j 2,273 227,053 NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. A 2 3 3 8 7,3 'S 7,691 3,469 3,661 5,75o 1,122 6,395 613 11,906 j 1,511 '7,747 ! 3,084 65,104 10,732 292 532 1,245 2,069 164 334 627 161 279 444 133 427 507 i 17 34 74 134 251 845 273 400 829 557 1,112 2,255 i 2-67 5-78 1-87 "34 ■47 •27 2-70 3'39 3" 5'5i 5'4O 3-06 II'22 I5'O4 8-31 204,874 452,402 3.033,733 28-01 58-82 51-65 •65 ■59 ■17 241 363 624 Total 8,130 94,757 i 15,327 t.ias 884 1,067 125 1,230 1,502 3,924 380 9'94 3,691,009 I 5O'°5 •26 1,228 73,747 12,880 2-70 '3 2 P 3'12 HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. A D E GJ L If P T 11 4 3 35 4 25 8 1 4 1 6 6 6 18 18 18 20 20 20 25 35 20 20 6 3,174 17,383 17,435 "6,655 59.58.2 372,627 33,137 637,32! 228,198 6,219 43,206 123,094 4,33° 42,274 37,402 13,202 213,909 20,073 80,581 20,734 2,038 '7,457 6,004 4,212 3'>3'5 14,581 6,228 37° 206 3,067 3.997 87,125 '0,530 II,IOI 137,496 22,083 59,9'5 157,124 76,781 673,661 63,740 729,003 248,947 18,195 61,438 6,712 46,024 157.580 115,018 14,620 7,268 8,658 25,933 40,317 177,291 16,361 252,895 67,892 5,121 18,789 624 12,246 58,830 65,548 1,821 I 53° 1,005 2,529 2,013 13,269 1,245 16,428 3,836 260 1,640 117 i,i77 2,915 3.'7 6 532 132 I 370 891 i 1,142 5.251 428 8,071 2,241 245! 579 18 53i 2,357 2,290 1,823 310 886 1,878 1,119 9,698 1,038 10,568 3,'7 6 295 1,025 60 643 2,212 800 320 356 9'3 1,102 7,265 886 5,i97 2,461 124 1,162 26 106 24 i 59 125 93 i 696 63 827 219 81 62 858 i 30: 35S i 1,192 1,097 6,314 642 9.784 3,"8 136 877 35 5" i,733 2,218 ! 2,780 323 996 2,349 1,188 11,289 1,201 9,463 2,795 334 988 93 553 2,431 1,608 4,544 968 1,766 4,579 3,48o 25,564 2,792 25,271 8,593 611 3,109 159 i,458 5,657 7,064 95,6i5 1-40 3-48 1-42 3'44 2'59 3"33 2'37 1 63 4'54 •93 173 2'OI 6-4O 2-36 •l8 •26 ■24 •29 •24 •24 •27 ■21 ■22 •32 •18 1-50 3'27 1-42 r8 3 3'43 2'25 2-42 3"22 3"OO 179 3'42 1-25 2-67 2-64 4'63 4-85 3-5 1 3-99 3-58 3-7i 4'02 4-52 3-11 2-70 4-41 3-86 3-22 2-88 3-69 3'3S 3-58 7'93 10-52 7-07 6-99 10-87 9'I0 10-51 8-31 8-28 8-05 12-14 5-58 7-60 8-6i H-73 8-91 385,775 1,783,495 650,464 5.817,572 5.352,45° 27.749,534 2,069,814 64,466,458 17,478,840 569,928 7,147,748 1,482 3,053,152 8,413,125 10,859,686 26-78 100-46 36-87 48-58 84-18 6 1-04 47-40 99-42 76-59 35-27 162-51 j •168 ■102 •189 •121 •122 •168 •082 •108 •088 ■073 2,103 204 777 1,762 652 7,975 935 i,733 239 757 87 346 1,632 1,285 26,642 15 775 691 35 20 18 17 41,808 126,208 100,437 4 57 332 1,320 3,070 i73 168 ■32 ■27 ■35 ... 73-02 66-63 108-12 - '104 ■129 •136 Total Il8 . i 38,391 I 80-41 1,808,407 631,206 134,104 2,573,717 77 2>393 Si>96i 25,078 \ 37,'46 25,334 2,7'9 I 29,171 •25 272 155,799,5231 •103 Cr. by recoverable mileage and expenditure i 1,001 Per EngineMile. Per TrainMile. 27,090 28,091 ... 762 94,853 8,148 ... I i !_ I 8-94 '77 108 General ehargeB,,. 1,808,407 630,205 107,014 12,545,626 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I I "3'67 1,808,407 630,205 107,014 [2.545,626 1 ... i ... I ... I 103,001 97 1 I ... I I ... I I ... ... I I ... * A engine transferred to Kawakawa Section. t One F engine working for contractor ten months. J Miscellaneous charges. § One 0 engine transferred from Picton Section during year.