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Thursday, 27th November, 187!). Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Fisher, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel T-rimble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman stated that h"e he had not wired to Mr. Morrison, at Sydney, as he could not ascertain his address. Telegrams had been sent to Napier as directed. Committee then adjourned.

Friday, 28TB November, 1870. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond. .Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Whitaker. Order of reference read. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. George Buckland Worgan was in attendance, and proceeded to give evidence on the petition on his former oath. Resolved, That the Cliairmau wire to the Manager of the Mosg-iel Woollen Factory, Dunedin, re Morrison's whereabouts ; Mr. Morrison to reply by Tuesday, before 11 o'clock. Resolved, That the Chairman take such other steps as may be necessary to insure the production of the deed of the Te Awa-o-te-Atua Block. Consideration postponed until Tuesday, at 11 a.m. Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 2nd Decemher, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present 5 Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Captain Russell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Major Te Wheoro. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Tho Chairman read telegrams to and from various persons re George Davie's petition, which were ordered to be printed. The Hon. J. N. Wilson attended the Committee, and gave evidence on the petition of George Davie. A discussion here ensued as to whether a certain question re professional etiquette, put by Mr. Sutton, should be allowed or not. Strangers were requested to withdraw. On the motion of Mr. Ormond, Resolved, That the question put by Mr. Rees be expunged with Mr. Wilson's answer, and that Mr. Sutton's question be not proceeded with. Mr. Wilson here reattended the Committee, and continued his evidence. Mr. W. L. Rees, being recalled, proceeded to give further evidence on the petition of George Davie. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Resolved, That the Chairman be requested to consult with Mr. Speaker as to the steps necessary to be taken to obtain the production of the deeds in question ; also of the power of the House to order the production of the deeds. Mr. M. .T. Gannon attended the Committee, and gave evidence relative to an alteration in the printed evidence on the petition of George Davie. Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 3rd December, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Adams, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Captain Russell, Mr. Sheehan. Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Major Te Wheoro. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Resolved, That the Chairman be directed to obtain from the Registrar of Deeds, Napier, copies of the following deeds: Paora Nonoi to Sutton, Sutton to Coleman and Fountain, Coleman to Watt, Natives of Kakeraawa and Te Awa-o-te-Atua to Watt Brothers. Consideration postponed until Friday, at 11 a.m. Committee then adjourned. Friday, sth December, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Adams, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Hon. Mr. Rolleston, Captain Russell, Mr. Sheehan. Mr. Taiuui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Major Te Wheoro, Mr. Wakefield, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.