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The Chairman stated that he believed the witness who arrived from Napier to give evidence on the petition of George Davie was not the person required. Copies of deeds sent for to the Registrar, Napier, produced by the Chairman. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. Harawira te Tatere attended the Committee and proceeded to give evidence on the above petition, when it was ascertained that he was not the witness required by the Committee. George Buckland Worgan was in attendance, and, being recalled, was again examined on his former oath in reference to the petition of George Davie. A discussion ensued as to whether certain telegrams and Mr. Sutton's evidence should be read to the witness Worgan, during which the witness and strangers were requested to withdraw. Decided that the documents should not be read to the witness. George Buckland Worgan here reattended and continued his evidence. Xikera attended the Committee, and was recognized by George Buckland Worgan as being one of the persons who witnessed the signature to the deed, Paora Nonoi to F. Sutton. Consideration postponed until Monday, at 10 a.m. Committee then adjourned. Monday, Stii December, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Adams. Hon. Mr. Bryce, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Hon. Mr. Eolleston. Captain Eussell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. AVakefield, Mr. AVhitaker, Major Te Wheoro. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. George Buckland Worgan was in attendance, aud proceeded to give further evidence on his former oath on the above petition. (See Appendix.) Mr. Sheehan, being recalled, also gave further evidence on his former oath on the above petition. (See Appendix.) Mr. Sutton, being recalled, also gave further evidence on his former oath on the above petition. (See Appendix.) Moved by Colonel Trimble. That, after having examined many witnesses, and carefully considered the petition, the Committee cannot recommend the House to take any action on this petition. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Resolved, That the consideration of this petition be postponed until 11 o'clock to-morrow, for the purpose of considering a report on the above petition. Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 9th December, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Adams, Hon. Mr. Bryce, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Reeves, Mr." Eolleston. Captain Russell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana. Colonel Trimble, Mr. Wakefield, Mr. Whitaker, Major Te Wheoro. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. Moved by Colonel Trimble, That, after having examined many witnesses, and carefully considered the petition, ihe Committee cannot recommend the House to take any action on this petition. Upon which an amendment was moved by Sir George Grey. That all the words after the word " that" be struck out with the view of inserting the following: '"The petitioner states that, on or about the 31st, August, 1870. Messrs. Frederick Sutton and George Buckland Worgan weut to the pa of Paora Nonoi during the night, taking with them a conveyance of Te Awa-o-te-Atua Block, which they desired Paora Nonoi to execute." Upon the question being put, That Ihe words proposed to be struck out stand part of the question, the Committee divided, and the names were taken down as follow : — Ayes, B.—Mr. Adams, Mr. Bryce, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Ormond, Captain Eussell, Colonel Trimble, Mr. AVakefield, Mr. Whitaker. Noes, 8. —Mr. Fisher, Sir G. Grey, Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Major Te Wheoro, Mr. Tomoana. The votes being equal, the Chairman gave his casting vote with the Ayes: so the original motion was curried. Moved by Sir George Grey. That the following words be added to Colonel Trimble's resolution: — "The petitioner states that, on or about the 31st August, 1870, Messrs. Frederick Sutton and George Buckland Worgan went to the pa of Paora Nonoi during the night, taking with them a conveyance of Te Awa-o-te-Atua Block, which they desired Paora Nonoi to execute. "It appears that previous to August, 1870, George Buckland Worgan had been dismissed from the public service on account of the manner of his dealings with certain moneys the property of a Native chief named Ihaka Whanga; and subsequently George Buckland Worgan was obliged to admit, upon oath before the Hawke's Bay Native Lands Commission, 1873, that he had knowingly and wilfully made a false declaration as to the execution of a certain deed of lease by the Maori grantees of a block of land at the Wairoa to Europeans. Several of the grantees, as to whom he declared that they were present and signed the lease in his presence, he admitted before the Commissioners were not present; that he did not see them sign ; and that other persons, having no interest, forged the signatures of the absent grantees with his knowledge and approval. For this offence he was suspended from his functions as an interpreter for twelve months."'