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had appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald, and that the Speaker had informed him that he had been told that the Clerk of the Committee had given the information to the paper. The Chairman here called upon the Clerk to state whether he had supplied the information coinplained of. The Clerk stated that he had never given any information, either verbally or in writing, to any one outside the Native Affairs Committee relative to anything that had occurred in the Committee. The Chairman asked Mr. Rees if it was true that the Clerk had handed him any of the evidence taken before the Native Affairs Committee for inspection, excepting his own. Mr. Rees, in reply, stated that the Clerk had never done so. The Chairman warned Mr. Rees and Mr. Sutton that they were not to divulge anything that occurred before the Committee. Petition No. 19, Session L, from George Davie, reconsidered. Mr. Cornford attended the Committee, and, having been sworn, gave evidence on the above petition. The petition was handed to Mr. Cornford for perusal. A portion of Mr. Rees's evidence was read to Mr. Cornford relative to Rora Nonoi being detained in his (Mr. Cornford's) office. Consideration postponed. On the motion of Sir George Grey, Resolved, That the minutes and proceedings of the Committee and the evidence taken on the petition of George Davie be printed day by day. Mr. Read, Governor of the Wellington Gaol, was instructed to again produce George Buckland Worgan on Monday, the 24th instant, at 11 a.m. Committee then adjourned.

Monday, 24th November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Cornford, telling him that he was at liberty to return to Napier. After some discussion, it was resolved that Mr. J. P. Hamlin's evidence be taken on the petition of George Davie. The Chairman stated that Mr. Worgan's diary would, in all probability, reach here on Tuesday evening, it having been sent for to come by the overland mail. The Clerk read the demurrer in the case Wi Rangi Rangi and Rora Nonoi v. Sutton. Mr. J. P. Hamlin then attended the Committee, and gave evidence on the petition of George Davie on oath. Mr. Sutton, having been sworn, proceeded to give evidence on the same petition. The hour of 1 o'clock having arrived, Mr. Sutton's cross-examination was postponed. The Chairman was directed to wire to Messrs. Farmer and Richardson, Napier, requesting them to authorize the Hon. J. N. Wilson to produce the title-deeds of the Te Awa-o-te-Atua and Kabiraawa •Blocks. Committee then adjourned until Tuesday, at 11 a.m. Tuesday, 25th Noyembee, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. pi •'her, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Sheehan, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. Mr. Sutton attended the Committee and continued his evidence, postponed from yesterday. Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 26th November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. Ormond, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition of George Davie reconsidered. George Buckland Worgan attended the Committee, and continued his evidence on the above petition. Consideration postponed until Friday, at 11 a.m. The Chairman was instructed to wire again to Napier for Worgan's diary, the wrong one having been sent. Also to wire again to Mr. G. Or. Richardson for certain deeds re George Davie's petition. On the motion of Mr. Ormond, Resolved, That the Chairman communicate by wire with Mr. Morrison, relative to his visit with Mr. Sutton to Messrs. Coleman and Fountain's about the end of August, IS7O. On the motion of Sir George Grey, Resolved, That the two or three other persons who are said to have been present when Paora Nonoi signed the deed be summoned to attend. Committee then adjourned.