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Eora Poneke attended the Committee, and gave evidence on the above petition. Consideration postponed until Wednesday. Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday. 19th November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Acton Adams, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr Lundon, Mr. Moss, Mr. Beeves, Captain Eussell, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read aud confirmed. Petition No. 19, Session 1., from George Davie, reconsidered. Jiora Poneke attended the Committee, and, after having been sworn, gave further evidence on the above petition. Wiripine Weraniko attended the Committee, and, after having been sworn, gave evidence on the petition. Nikera te Ho attended the Committee, and, after having beeu sworn, gave evidence ou the petition. Consideration postponed until Thursday. Committee then adjourned.

Thursday, 20tb November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Acton Adams, Mr. Allwright, Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Cliairman). Mr. Lundon, Mr. McDonald. Mr. Moss, Mr. Beeves, Captain Eussell, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai. Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Wakefield, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Petition No. 19, Session L, from George Davie, reconsidered. Moved by Sir George Grey, That Mr. Sutton be now called on to give evidence. Upon which the following amendment was moved by Colonel Trimble: That all the words after the word " That" be omitted, for the purpose of inserting the following : " Mr. Worgan be now called to give evidence." Upon the question being put, That the words proposed to be struck out stand part of the question, the motion was negatived. The amendment was then put, and carried on the voices. During the discussion Mr. Sutton was called in, and, in answer to a question from the Chairman, said he should prefer to give his evidence after the petitioner's case was closed; but if the Committee wished him to give his evidence at once he should do so. George Buckland Worgan was in attendance, and, having been sworn, proceeded to give evidence on the petition of George Davie. .At the witness's request, the petition was read over to him by the clerk. A question was asked by the witness as to whether any evidence he gave in reference to the petition might be used against him in another place. Upon which a discussion ensued, during which the witness and strangers were requested to withdraw. Moved by Captain Russell. That the Chairmai; do request the Government to introduce and pass through all its stages an Act to indemnify George Buckland Worgftn for any evidence be may give before the Committee tending to criminate himself, if advised by the Law Ollicers of the Crown that such a course is necessary for Worgan's protection. Carried. On the motion of Mr. Acton Adams, Resolved, That George Buckland Worgan be informed that any evidence he may give before the Committee cannot be used against him in any legal proceedings. Witness here reattended the Committee, aud continued his evidence. Consideration postponed until Friday, at 11 a.m., at which time the Gaoler was instructed to again produce George Buckland Worgan. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Resolved, That all the title-deeds belonging to the blocks known as Te A wa-o-te-Atua and Kakirawarawa be obtained forthwith, and also that any diaries and papers left by George Buckland Worgan with J. P. Hamlin be also obtained. Betolved, That the Chairman inform Messrs. Bees and Sutton that they are warned not to divulge any part of the evidence taken on the Committee. Mr. Cornford to be summoned to give evidence at 11 a.m. on Friday. Committee then adjourned.

Friday, 21st November, 1879. Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Fisher, Sir George Grey, Mr. Hamlin (Chairman), Mr. Lundon, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Moss, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Seddon, Mr. Tainui, Mr. Tawhai, Mr. Tomoana, Colonel Trimble, Mr. Whitaker. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman apologized to the Committee for having omitted to give notice iv the House of the introduction of a Bill to indemnify George Buckland Worgan for any evidence he might give before the Committee. The Cliairman stated that it had been brought to his notice that the proceedings of the Committee ii—l. 2a.