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In the matter of the Petition of Geoege Bentham Mobeis, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, and Colony of New Zealand, sheep-farmer, a voter qualified to vote at the election of a member for tho House of Bepresentatives for the District of East Coast, held on the sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six; and in the matter of " The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1858," and its amendment. I, Jonathan Beown, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, and Colony of New Zealand, sheepfarmer, make oath aud say, — 1. That I am the Jonathan Brown whose name is mentioned as one of the sureties to the bond of the above-named George Bentham Morris. 2. That, after the payment of all my just debts, I am and should be seized and possessed of real and personal estate to the clear amount of one hundred pounds and upwards. Jonathan Beown. Sworn at Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland aforesaid, this eleventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, before me — J. M. Eobebts, E.M., A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. In the matter of the Petition of Geoege Bentham Moreis, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, aud Colony of New Zealand, sheep-farmer, a voter qualified to vote at the election of a member for the House of Eepresentatives for the District of East Coast, held on the sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six; and in the matter of "The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1858," and its amendments. I, Ebenezee Goddaed Noebis, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, and Colony of New Zealand, storekeeper, make oath and say,— 1. That I am the Ebenezer Goddard Norris whose name is mentioned as one of the sureties to the bond of the above-named George Bentham Morris. 2. That, after payment of all my just debts, I am and should be seized and possessed of real and personal estate to the clear amount of one hundred pounds and upwards. E. G. Noeeis. Sworn at Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland aforesaid, this eleventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, before me — J. M. Eobeets, E.M., A Justice of tho Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. I approve of Jonathan Brown, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, and Colony of New Zealand, sheep-farmer, and Ebenezer Goddard Norris, of Tauranga, in tho province aforesaid, storekeeper, as sureties. E. E. Hamlin, Returning Officer for District of East Coast. Affidavit of Eespondent's Agent. In Parliament. —In the matter of the Petition of Geoege Bentham Mobeis, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, New Zealand; and in the matter of " The Election Petitions Act, 1858," and " Election Petitions Act Amendment Act, 1862." Take notice, that at the first sitting of the Committee appointed to hear the above petition, Counsel on behalf of the respondent will move that the petitioner, George Bentham Morris, shall be ordered to give to the respondent particulars of the said charges of bribery, treating, and undue influence mentioned in the petition ; and also to give to the respondent the names of the agents, friends, managers, publicans, and other persons whom petitioner alleges were bribing, treating and using undue influence ; and also the names of the persons bribed, treated, and unduly influenced, with sufficient particulars to enable respondent and his agents to summon the necessary witnesses on his behalf, which motion will be grounded on the affidavit of George Edward Eead and Henry Samuel Eitzherbert, sworn on the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. And further take notice, that Counsel will move that the further hearing of this case be adjourned until such time after delivering of said particulars as the Committee shall think reasonably required to enable the respondent to bring evidence to answer said charges. Dated this third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. H. S. Pitzhebbebt, Agent for the respondent, G. E. Eead. This is the paper written marked "A " referred to in the annexed affidavit, sworn before me this fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. P. A. Buckley, A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. In Parliament. —In the matter of Geoege Bentham Moebis, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, New Zealand; and in the matter of " The Election Petitions Act, 1858," and " The Election Petitions Act Amendment Act, 1862." I, Elliot Baeton, of Featherston Street, Wellington, clerk to Henry Samuel Fitzherbert, agent of the respondent, George Edward Eead, make oath and say, —