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9. That the said George Edward Read, by himself and his agents, corruptly, fraudulently, and illegally caused to be distributed to the electors for the said district cards or tickets, as follows :— " Poll to-day ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 to 4." And instructed certain of the publicans in the town of Gisborne, Poverty Bay, and elsewhere within the said district, to give, for each of the said tickets or cards, when presented to them by voters or other persons on the day of such election or voting as aforesaid, the sum of two shillings and sixpence, or part spirituous liquors or beer and part money, for the corrupt and illegal purpose of inducing the said voters, or other persons being voters at the said election, to vote for him the said George Edward Bead. 10. That the said George Edward Read, by the said corrupt and illegal practices, was and is wholly disabled, incapacitated, and ineligible to serve in Parliament for the said East Coast District, and the return of the said George Edward Read was and is wholly null and void. Tour petitioner therefore humbly prays,— (1.) That your honorable House may take the premises into consideration, and inquire into the same, and declare the said election and return of the said George Edward Read wholly null and void. (2.) That your petitioner be declared duly elected in the stead of the said George Edward Read; or, (3.) That your honorable House will afford your petitioner such further and' other relief in the premises as to your honorable House may seem meet. G. B. Morris. Signed by the said George Bentham Morris, at Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, New Zealand, on the eleventh day of Eebruary, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, in the presence of J. M. Roberts, A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. This petition was delivered to me on Monday, the fourteenth day of Eebruary, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. The declaration of the poll for the East Coast District was made on the eighteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. E. E. Hamlin, Returning Officer for the East Coast Electoral District. I certify that the provisions, stipulations, and requirements of " The Elections Petitions Act, 1858," and " The Elections Petitions Act Amendment Act, 1862," have been duly performed and obeyed by the persons subscribing and promoting this petition. E. E. Campbell, Examiner of Election Bonds. Bond, &c, accompanying the Petition. Know all men by these presents that we, George Bentham Morris, of Tauranga, in the Province of Auckland, and Colony of New Zealand, sheep-farmer, Jonathan Brown, of Tauranga, in the province and colony aforesaid, sheep-farmer, and Ebenezer Goddahd Norris, of Tauranga, in the province and colony aforesaid, storekeeper, held and firmly bound to Her Majesty the Queen, the said George Bentham Morris in the sum of two hundred pounds, and each of them the said Jonathan Brown and the said Ebenezer Goddard Morris each in the sum of one hundred pounds, to be paid to Her Majesty the Queen, her successors or assigns, or her or their certain attorney or attorneys, for which payments to be well and truly made we bind ourselves, and each of our heirß, executors, and administrators, by these presents, sealed with our seals. Dated this eleventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. G. B. Morris. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said above Jonathan Brown. bounden George Bentham Morris, Jona- E. G. Norris. than Brown, Ebenezer Goddard Norris, in the presence of — J. M. Boberts, R.M., A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. The condition of the above-written bond is this, that if the said above bounden George Bentham Morris shall well and truly prosecute a petition, duly lodged by him, against the return of George Edward Bead as a member of the House of Representatives for the District of East Coast, at the next sitting of the General Assembly, and shall pay or cause to be paid any costs and penalties which may be awarded against him in that behalf by the said House of Representatives, or by any resolution thereof, then and in that case the said bond shall be null and void, otherwise to continue of full force and effect. G. B. Morris. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said above Jonathan Brown. bounden George Bentham Morris, Jona- E. G. Norris. than Brown, Ebenezer Goddard Norris, in the presence of — J. M. Roberts, R.M., A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand.