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SCHEDULE OP DESPATCHES— continued. .3 « q •« Date and Number. as Subject. t 24 23 2G 27 88 29 18 Feb., 1874 (No. 8.) 18 Feb., 1874 (No. 9.) 20 Feb., 1874 2 March, 1874 11 March, 1874 (No. 13.) 12 March, 1874 (No. 18.) April, 1874(No. 20.) , 8 April, 1874 (No. 21.) 13 April, 1874 (No. 25.) Respecting a proposed Presentation to Captain Jacquemart, of the " La Vire" ... Ecspecting the G-overnor's stay in, and return from, the Middle Island... Eespeeting the pardon and embarkation of the Convict Sullivan Further respecting the presence of Her Majesty's Ships on the Coast of New Zealand Eeply to No. 86, of 12th December, 1873, respecting the acceptance by the Telegraph Department of Telegrams labelled " via Teheran." Eeply to No. 2, of 5th January, 1874, respecting the Commodore's seat in the Executive Council. Eeply to Circular of 1st August, 1873, respecting Church Property in the Colonies 21 M 26 26 27 28 80 29 81 Further respecting the release and departure of the Convict Sullivan ... 29 32 Conveying thanks from the Government of New Zealand to the Postmaster-General, for permitting them to exhibit their notices to intending emigrants in the Post OfficeB of the United Kingdom. 30