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No. 1. Copy of DESPATCH from the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand to the Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberlet. (No. 35.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord,— New Zealand, 28th April, 1873. At the instance of my Responsible Advisers, I have the honor to transmit a Ministerial Memorandum, with copies of the evidence taken at the Resident Magistrate's Court, on recent prosecutions before that Court of the masters of the ships " Eorfarshire " and " Glenlora," and newspaper reports of those proceedings. I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley. G. A. ARNEY.

Enclosure in No. 1. Memorandum for His Excellency the Administrator of the Government. Ministers have the honor to transmit herewith to His Excellency the copies of the evidence taken at the Resident Magistrate's Court in this city, on the occasions of the prosecutions of the masters of the ships " Forfarshire " and " Glenlora " for breaches of the Passenger Act. His Excellency is respectfully advised to forward these documents to the Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and to draw the attention of the Imperial Government to the very perfunctory way in which', judging by the evidence, the Emigration Officers in the United Kingdom appear to fulfil their duties, from which the most serious results may arise. "Wellington, 10th April, 1873. Julius Vogel. Sub-Enclosure 1 to Enclosure in No. 1. Province of "Wellington, the "} Colony of New Zealand, > to wit. ) The information of Huntly John Harry Eliott, of the City of Wellington, a Government Emigration Officer, duly appointed under the provisions of " The Passengers Act, 1855," who Cometh before me, George Sisson Cooper, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the Colony of New Zealand, this 31st day of March, 1873, and informeth mo that within the space of twelve calendar months last past, to wit, on a certain day between the 19th day of February last and the 11th day of March aforesaid, on the high seas, William Culbert, then being the master of the ship " Glenlora," now lying in the Port of Wellington, on the voyage of the said ship from the Port of London to Wellington aforesaid (such ship being a passenger ship within the meaning of the said Act, and the passengers on board such ship being divided into messes), unlawfully did neglect to comply with the provisions of the 35th section of "The Passengers Act, 1855," by not issuing to Edward Filer, then being the head man for the time being of a certain mess of such passengers, consisting of eight statute adults and one half statute adult, the weekly allowance of provisions which he was entitled to receive on behalf and for the use of all the members thereof according to the dietary scale marked B set forth in the said 35th section, that is to say, the allowance of wheaten flour, of beef, of pork, of preserved meat, of tea, of butter, and of vinegar, according to the rates for each statute adult mentioned in the said scale B, contrary to the form of the Statute in such cases made and provided. H. J. H. Eliott. Taken before me this 31st day of March, 1873, G. S. Cooper, A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand. I—A. 1.