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Presented io holli Houses of the General Awambl// by command of His Excellency.


6 g Date and Xumber. Subject. I Faosi the Acting Goverxob of New Zealand. 1 2 28 April, 1S73 (No. 35.) 7 May, 1873 (No. 36.) 7 May, 1873 (No. 37.) 3 June, 1873 (No. 40.) Transmitting a General Report of tho proceedings in respect of the Prosecution of the Masters of the Ships " Forfarshive" and GHenlom" Respecting the Murder of Timothy Sullivan, on the Upper Waikato ... ' ... 1 5 8 Further respecting the Murder of Timothy Sullivan... 7 4 Respecting the course taken by the Government in respect of the Muvder of Timothy Sullivan. 8 27 June, 1873 (No. 49.) 27 June, 1873 (No. 50.) 30 June, 1873 (No. 51.) 23 July, 1873 (No. 60.) 25 July, 1873 (No. 61.) 1 Aug., 1873 (No. 63.) 1 Aug., 1873 (No. 64.) 30 Sept., 1873 (No. 73.) 30 Sept., 1873 (No. 74.) 7 Oct., 1873 (No. 75.) 14 Oct., 1873 (No. 76.) 22 Oct., 1873 (No. 80.) 22 Oct., 1873 (No. 81.) 6 Nov., 1873 (No. 86.) Fboh the Goternob of New Zealand. 10 5 6 7 8 Requesting that the Officer in Command of the Station may be instructed to examine and report on the capabilities of Phormium tetiax. Respecting the proposed establishment of a Training Ship for the education of Boys for the Mercantile Marine of New Zealand. Respecting the Precedency of Superintendents and of ex-Ministers privileged to retain the title of Honorable. Respecting the advisability of extending The Colonial Attornies Relief Act" to New Zealand. Further respecting the Precedency of ex-Ministers privileged to retain the title of Honorable. Respecting the Colonial Treasurer's Financial Statement 10 11 12 9 12 10 13 11 12 Transmitting Report of Mr. James Mackay, Jun., on the circumstances of tho Murder of Timothy Sullivan. Transmitting a Letter from Mr. T. C. Williams to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, respecting the Ngatiraulrawa Tribe. Respecting the presence of Her Majesty's Ships on the Coast of New Zealaud 14. 15 13 15 14 Reply to No. 50, of 31st July, 1873, respecting the claims and counter-claims in dispute between the Imperial and the New Zealand Governments. Respecting the Reserved Bill as to the Governor's Salary and Allowances 16 15 1G 16 Respecting the small amount contributed by the Imperial Government towards the late Caliibrnian Mail Service. Respecting the increasing efforts of the Government to attract Immigrants to New Zealand IS 17 19 18 Rep'ying to No. 47 of 11th July, 1873, respecting the introduction duty free iuto New Zealand of the instruments i-equired by the United States e:pedUion for the observation of the Transit of Venus. Respecting the recent Native disturbance near Otaki... 20 10 17 Dec, 1873 (No. 88.) 29 Dee., 1873 (No. 95.) 21 20 Reply to Circuit No. 1 of 7th June.. 1873, respecting the proposed Convention between Great Britain and the German Empire, for the mutual exemption of subjects of either Power from military service, &v. Respecting the assistance rendered to the emigrant ship "Surat" by the French slr'p " La Vive." Reply to No. 69, of 10th October, 1873, respecting the fine imposed by the Government of New Zealand on the ship " Gleulo'a." Requesting information as to the management of State Forests in Gevmany, France, Norway, and Sweden; and the cultivation of Tobacco in Cuba and Manilla. 21 21 4 Jan., 1874 (No. 1.) 19 Jan., 1874 (No. 4.) 19 Jan., 1874 (No. 5.) 22 22 23 23 23