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No. I. (3). Pokonao (Waikaahu Block). —Paora Torotoro, Kaitono. Ko a maua whakaaro mo tenei tono kei roto katoa i nga korero mo Waikaahu. Wieemu Hikaieo, Komihana. Wieeiiu Te Wheoeo, Komihana.

REPORT on CASE No. I. (4.) (4.) Taheke and Te Kabaka (Hikutoto). —Paora Torotoro, Complainant. Paora Torotoro appeared to complain against the grantees of these blocks, because they gave him no part of the purchase money. When he gave his evidence before the Commission, it was discovered that he got £100 on account of Te Taheke, and £10 on account of Te Karaka. We consider that the complainant had no ground of complaint. Wibemit Hikairo, Commissioner. Wieemu Te Wheoeo, Commissioner. No. I. (4.) Taheke and Te Kabaka (Hikutoto).—Paora Torotoro, Kaitono. Ko te tono a Paora Torotoro mo enei whenua he whakaho ki nga tangata o roto i te Karauna Karaati i mea ia kihai ia i whakawhiwhia c aua tangata ki tetahi waahi o nga moni utu o enei piihi whenua. Heoi no tona tunga kite Kouti whakaatu korero ai mo runga i aua tono ka kitea ko Ega moni utu mo te Taheke i riro kia ia £100, ko nga moni utu mo te Karaka £10. Na ko ta mnuq. whakaaro kaore he tikanga i tuku kau ai te Kaitono i tana tono. Wieemij Hikaeo, Komihana, WißEiir Te AVheoro, Komihana.

REPORT on CASE No. 11. Pahof. —Morehu, Paora Torotoro, Hoera Paretutu, Matiu Tamanuwhiri, Turuliira Heitoroa, Complainants. Morehu appeared to complain against E. D. Maney, and stated that he had not sold his portion of the land. This complainant is a very old man, but he stated most positively that he got no goods or anything from that European on account of this Land. He repudiated the mark which appears beside his name, and said he had never made that mark. Paora Torotoro also complained of that European for not giving him the £100 which was promised to him, and which was the inducement for him to sign the deed. He did not sign for the £400 only. This complainant said that ho made many applications to that European for the £100, without getting it. Because he did not get it, he went in for getting goods on credit. He said that he did not know what was being done by the other grantees. Hoera Paretutu, Matiu Tamanuwhiri, and Turuhira Heitoroa appeared to complain against those who mortgaged the land. They said they did not execute the mortgage deed, and they applied to have their piece of land cut off from the rest. The complainants were of both sexes and were very old. Tareha stated that some of the grantees had executed a mortgage. He supported the evidence of the applicants. Paraone Kuaro stated that Martyn Hamlin, interpreter, went many times to the grantees of this land to get them to sign a deed of conveyance or mortgage, also that he (Paraone) did not see the execution of the deed, and that he did not see, nor did he know of, any of the other grantees besides himself having got goods from Maney. Utiku Paeata stated that according to Maori custom there were twenty persons interested in this land who had suffered injury by the provision in the Act that the names of only ten persons shall be inserted in the Crown grants. Further, they had not received any of the proceeds of the land. He believed that Maney had not got the whole of the land ; there was a balance left, and he applied that they should get the said balance. I will now give my opinion on this case. I believe Paora Torotoro's statement that he made frequent applications to Maney without success, and that through that he went in for getting goods on credit. It was also found, through the numerous complaints which were made against that European, that he was in the habit of holding back money, so as to compel the Maoris to go to him in order to get goods on credit. I believe also the statements of Hoera Paretutu, Matiu Tamanuwhiri, and Turuhira Heitoroa. They said that they had got no goods on account of this land, and I did not see the names of these applicants in Maney's accounts. My opinion on Morehu's statement is the same as on the foregoing. This transaction was not quite fair. The grantees were not assembled in one place to sign their names. It will be for Parliament to consider the statement made by TJtiku Paeata. Wiremi; Hikaieo, Commissioner.