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fro. ll.—Pahou.—Morchu, Paora Torotoro, Hoera Parctutu, Matiu Tamanuwhiri, Turuhira Heitoroa. Ko te tono a Morehu lie whakahe ki a Miini (R. D. Maney) he ki kaore ano tona waahi i hokona. Ko te Kaitono, he tino koroheke. Otiia i tino kaha to whakaatu mai a taua koroheke kaore rawa he taonga aha ranei o taua Pakeha i riro ki a ia. I tino whakahe hold ia kite tohu c tuhi ana i waho atu o tona ingoa, i mea kore rawa ia i tuhi pera. Ko te tono a Paora Torotoro he whakahe ano ki taua Pakeha mo te korenga i hoatu ki a ia o to £100 i kiia mana, ko te take hoki tera i tuhi ai ia i tona ingoa kite pukapuka o to hoko, ehara i te mea mo te £400 anake. Ko te mahi tonu ate Kaitono eai ki tana ki, he tono tonii ki taua Pakeha Ida hoatu te £100 ki a ia, kore rawa c hoatu, a na te korenga tonutanga c hoatu ka tahuri ia kite nama. 1 ki hoki ia kaore hoki ia i mohio ki nga meatanga a era atu tangata o te Karaati. Ko te tono a Hoera Paretutu a Matiu Tamanuwhiri, a Turuhira Heitoroa he whakahe ki nga tangata i mokete he ki hoki kore rawa ratou i tuhi kite pukapuka mokete, hoko ranei a c touo ana Ida wchea to ratou nei waahi. Ko te ahua o nga Kaitono, he koroheke he ruruhi. Ko nga korero a Tareha he whakaatu kua mokete etahi o nga tangata o te Karaati o tenei whenua, he whakatika hoki i nga korero a nga Kaitono. Ko nga korero a Paraona Kuare he whakaatu i to mahi haere tonu o Matcne Hemara, Kaiwhakamaori, ki to tohe ki nga tangata o te Karaati o tenei whenua Ida tuhituhi i o ratou ingoa ki to kukapuka hoko, mokete ranei. Xi tana kihai ia i kite ite tuhinga. I mea hoki ia kihai ia i kite i mohio ranei kite rironga o etahi taonga o Miini i era atu tangata o te Karaati o tenei whenua, licoi tana i mohio ko nga taonga i a ia. Ko nga korero a Utiku Paeata he whakaatu c rima tekau ratou nga tangata c pa ana ki tenei whenua i runga ite iikanga Maori c noho mate ana i te Ture mo te Karauna Karati Ida tekau anake tangata mo roto. Ho whakaatu hoki, kore rawa etahi utu o taua whenua i riro ki a ratou. Xi taana, kihai tenei whenua i riro katoa i a Miini kei te toe auo etahi waahi, a c tono ana kia whakaurua ratou ki aua waahi. Na ko aku whakaaro mo nga korero o tenei whenua, koia enei: E whakapono ana ahau kite ki a Paora Torotoro : Tana mahi he tono tonu ki a Miini i tc £100 kaore c homai, ana taua mahi pupuru tonu, ka tahuri ia ki to mahi nama: I kitea hoki i runga i te maha o nga whakahe mo taua Pakeha, ko tona mahi tonu tera ho kaiponu i nga moni kia tahuri ai to tangata ki a ia nama taonga ai. L whakapono ana hoki au ki nga korero a Hoera Paretutu a Matiu Tamanuwhiri a Turuhira Heitoroa. I mea kore rawa he taonga i riro ki a ratou mo tenei whenua, kihai hoki nga ingoa o aua Kaitono i kitea c au i roto i nga pukapuka nama a Miini. Pena ano hoki taku whakaaro mo Morehu. Kihai i tino tika te hokonga o tenei whenua. Ehara hoki i te mea he mea ata huihui nga tangata o te Karauna Karaati kite wahi kotahi hei reira ka tuhituhi ai nga ingoa kite pukapuka o te hoko. Kei te Paremata he tikauga mo tc korero a Utiku Paeata. "Wiremu Hikaiko, Komihaua.

REPORT on CASE No. 111. "Waitanoa. —Tarcha To Moananui, Complainant. Tareha appeared to complain against the Hon. 11. E. Russell, for not carrying out certain covenants agreed to at the time of the sale. The evidence shows that Mr. 1\ Sutton conducted the negotiations for this purchase, and that he promised that " the trees and firewood were not to be included in the sale of the land," or in other words, that Tareha was to have them. Sutton said that Mr. Henry Russell was told of this, and he admitted that he had been told ; but he declined to agree to it, because there was nothing about it in the conveyance. Mr. Russell has agreed to execute a deed, under which the trees and firewood will pass into the possession of the complainant. 1. I consider Tareha's complaint to be a proper one, because certain agreements entered into at the time of the sale were not carried out. 2. Mr. Russell was not present when they were made, but only the agent for the purchase and an interpreter were there, and they completed the purchase. 3. The fault lies with the agent and the interpreter, because they knew that the above conditions were not set forth in the conveyance when they agreed to them. 4. They gave their consent as an inducement for the complainant to sign his name to the deed, and to gain credit from the man for whom the land was to be. 5. The agent for the purchase should pay Tareha for the trees used and those which rotted. Wihemu Hikairo, Commissioner. lll. —"VVaitanoa. —Tareha Tc Moananui, Kaitouo, Ko tc tono a Tareha he whakahe ki a Henare Rata (11. R. Russell) mo to korenga kihai i whakaotia nga tikanga i whakaaetia i te hokonga. I runga i nga korero ka kitea ko te kaiwhakahacrc o te hokonga o tenei whenua ko Tatana (F. Button) ka kitea hold, i whakaaetia ano c taua kahvhakahacre, " Ko nga rakau me ngn wahie me kape ki waho o te hokonga" ara me waiho ki a Tareha.