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REPORT on CASE No. I. (1.) (1.) Papakura.—Paora Torotoro, Complainant. Paora Torotoro complained against the grantees of this land, because those whose names were not in the grant did not share in the proceeds of the laud, he having a claim there according to Native custom. Tareha admitted Paora Torotoro was right in blaming the grantees, but stated that as Paora Torotoro belonged to Karaitiana's party, he (Tareha) gave Karaitiana £1,000 for all Karaitiana's people. Wo believe Paora Torotoro to be right, but Tareha and Karaitiana were to blame. Besides the complainant made a mistake in not asking Tareha at the time for a share of the proceeds of the land. Wiremu ITikatro, Commissioner. Wiremu Te Wheoro, Commissioner. No. I. (1.) Papakura.—Paora Torotoro, Kaitono. Ko te tono a Paora Torotoro, c whakahe ana ki nga tangata o te Karaati o tenei whenua mo to ratou korenga c whiwhi no to te hunga o waho ki tetahi waahi o nga moni utu o taua whenua no to mea he paanga ano tona ki reira c runga i te tikanga Maori. I whakaaetia c Tareha, c tika ana te whakahe a te Kaitono engari i mea a Tareha ko Paora Torotoro no te taha ki a Karaitiana Takamoana, a c hoatu c ia kotahi rnano (£1,000) Ida Karaitiana ; ki taua, ko tera mano (£1,000) i hoatu c ia, ma nga tangata katoa o to Karaitiana taha. Xi ta maua whakaaro, c tika ana te tono a Paora Torotoro, engari no Tareha raua ko Karaitiana to he. Tetahi no te Kaitono ano, kihai hoki ia i whai kupu ki a Tareha i tera wa Ida liomai tetahi waahi o nga utu o taua whenua ki a ia. Wiremu Hikatro, Komihana. Wiremu Te Wiieoro, Komihana.

REPORT on CASE No. I. (2.) (2.) Waikaahu. In this case Paora Torotoro appeared to complain against the grantees for not giving him a share of the price of the land. On examination of Paora and his witnesses it was discovered that his name was in the grant, and that he got part of the proceeds. One of his witnesses stated that he actually saw him get £70, another stated that he knew that the applicant got £270. The applicant signed the deed of conveyance. On considering the evidence given by the complainant and his witnesses, we consider that he was not right to complain against the grantees. It rests with Giffard to give back part of the land for the balance of the money to the applicant or not. Waka Kawatini also made a complaint about this laud; he was heard, but failed to make out a case. Wiremu Hikairo, Commissioner. Wieemu Te Wheoro, Commissioner. No. I. (2.)— Waikaahtj. Ko te tono a Paora Torotoro mo tenei whenua, he whakaho ki nga tangata o roto i te Karauna Karaati, te take, kihai ia i whiwhi ki nga moni utu o taua whenua. I te wa i tv ai ratou ko ana kai korero kite Kouti whakaatu korero ai mo taua whenua, ka kitea, ko taua Kai tono ano tctahi o nga tangata i tuhia ki roto o te Karauna Karaati mo taua wheuua, i whiwhi ano ia ki nga moni utu mo reira. Xi te ki a tetahi o ana kaikorero i tino kite ia ite rironga ote whitu tekau pauna (£7O) i taua Kaitono. Xi te ki a tetahi c mohio ana ia ko te nui o nga moni i riro kite Kaitono c rua rau i whitu tekau (£270). I tuhi ano te Kaitono i tona ingoa ki te pukapuka o te hokonga. No runga i a ratou korero ko ana kaiwhaki i whakaatu mai ai kite Kouti i whakaaro ai maua kaore c tika tona whakahe ki nga tangata o roto i te Karaati. Kei a Tipata te whakaaro kite wliakahoki atu i tetahi waahi o te whenua, mo nga moni toenga ki to Kaitono, kite kore ranei. I tuku tono mai hoki a Te Waka Kawatini ki nga Komihana mo taua whenua ano, a whakarangona aua ana korero, heoi kihai maua i marama ki nga korero a te Kaitono mo tenei whenua. Wiremu Hikairo, Komihana. Wiremtj Te Wheoro, Komihana.

REPORT on CASE No. I. (3.) 3. Pokonao (Waikaahu Block). —Paora Torotoro, Complainant. Eeport on this case the same as that on Waikaahu. Wteemu Hikairo, Commissioner. Wiremu Tf, Wiieoro, Commissioner.