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D.—No. 6b.



III.—Invebcabgill to Mataura — continued. Ho. Date. From. To. Subject. 134 135 July 3 Mr. Knowles July 3 Hon. Colonial Secretary 1871. July 3 July 3 Mr. Harvey The Superintendent of Otago Hon. Colonial Secretary Acknowledges receipt. [ Forwarding correspondence with. Mr. Harvey, as above. • Acknowledges receipt. 136 July 10 The Superintendent of Otago July 10 March 10 IV.—Matattra to Cixttha. 137 March 10 Hon. W. Gisborne ... | The Superintendent of Otago Hon. Colonial Secretary Has accepted Mr. Brunton's offer to survey line between Mataura and Balclutha. Has seen line proposed. It is probable a comparatively level line may be secured by careful selection. Expects his estimate will not exceed £3,500 per mile. Inviting the opinion of the Provincial Council on the lines to be submitted to the Assembly. Forwarding plan, section, and estimate of Longford and Clutha Line. 138 April 8 April 8 Mr. Blackett 139 140 May 16 May 29 May 16 Mr. Brunton May 29 Hon. Colonial Secretary Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Otago Hon. Colonial Secretary 141 July 6 July 6 Mr. Brunton 1871. May 5 1871. May 5 Mr. Blackett V. —Athol to Kii :ngston. 142 Hon. Colonial Secretary Submitting a proposal for the completion of the survey of the Athol to Kingston Line. Has accepted tender for completing above survey. His staff proceeds at once on survey. Should the levels be extended to Winton from Athol ? Levels between Athol and Winton not required. All necessary information is in Mr. Blair's possession. Mr. Brunton to be informed that it is not necessary to survey Athol to Winton. Hon. Mr. Holmes reports that Winton and Kingston Line can be taken up the east bank of the Oreti, and great saving effected in bridges. Cannot say what saving would be effected until levels are taken. Only two bridges on line between Winton and Athol, cost of which would be more than balanced by increased length and heavy cuttings on east side. 143 144 1 May 5 Juno 3 May 5 Mr. Blackett Juno 3 Mr. Brunton Hon. Colonial Secretary Hon. Colonial Secretary 145 June 12 June 12 Mr. Blackett Mr. Knowles 146 June 15 June 15 Hon. Colonial Secretary Hon. F. D. Bell 147 July 5 July 5 Mr. Blackett Mr. Brunton 148 July 5 July 5 Mr. Brunton Mr. Blackett 149 July 6 July 6 Mr. Blair Mr. Blackett May 20 The Superintendent of Otago June 6 Hon. Colonial Secretary VI.—TUAPEKA Bl RANCH. 150 May 20 Hon. Colonial Secretary A line from Tokomairiro to Tuapeka is needed. + 151 152 153 June 6 June 12 June 15 June 12 Mr. Blair June 15 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Otago Hon. F. D. Bell Hon. F. D. Bell Will be glad to do what is necessary. Can prepare plans with little further work. Survey left to Provincial Engineer. Mr. Blair to prepare plans. 1870. Dec. 22 VII. —CoEEESPONDEN rCE EELATKG TO THE Al DMINISTEATION OS PtJBLIC WoEKS. 154 155 Dec. 22 1870. Dec. 22 The Superintendent of Otago Dec. 22 Hon. J. Vogel Hon. J. Vogel The Superintendent of Otago Forwards memorial from settlers, requesting sundry public works may be proceeded with. Acknowledges receipt. Anxious to carry out wishes of memorialists, and regrets action of the Provincial Council. Forwards further memorial to same effect as No. 154. 156 1871. Feb. 23 The Superintendent of Otago May 15 The Superintendent of Otago 1871. Feb. 23 Hon. Colonial Secretary 157 May 15 Hon. Colonial Secretary Intimating wish of Provincial Government to act in harmony with General Government. Requesting that in the administration of the public works, Otago should be placed on same footing as Canterbury. Reciprocating the wish of the Provincial Government in reference to the co-operation of the two Governments, so far as the responsibility imposed on the General Government by the Assembly will permit, and explaining why Otago cannot be placed on same footing as Canterbury. Acknowledging receipt, and enclosing a message sent by His Honor to the Provincial Council, and of a resolution defining the railways it is desired should be undertaken. Encloses further resolutions of Provincial Council relative to railways to be undertaken, together with a memorial from settlers relating thereto. 158 May 29 Hon. Colonial Secretary May 29 The Superintendent of Otago 159 June 22 The Superintendent of Otago Hon. Colonial Secretary 160 July 24 The Superintendent of Otago Hon. Colonial Secretary ches 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, locomotive, carri eh illustrating Mr. Brunton'a report oi PLANS. Skel Skei iages, rail, &c, for Dunedi n survey of line, Inverearj in and Clutha Railway ... ... No. 114. ■gill to Mataura ... ... ... No. 150.