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D.—No. 6b



VII.—Transfer of Canterbury Railways to Colonial Government — continued. No. Date. From. To. ! i Subject. [ 1871. 100 Aug. 9 The Superintendent of Hon. Colonial Secretary Asking what proposals are intended to be made by Canterbury Government to give effect to Provincial Council resolutions. 101 Aug. 15 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of ! Mr. Bray will be instructed to place himself in cornCanterbury munication with Provincial Government. 1st of October next is proposed as date of transfer. OTAGO. I. —Dunedin and Clutha. 102 1870. Dec. 21 Mr. Blair lion. J. Vogel Original and modified estimates relative to the construction of the Otago and Southern Trunk Railway. Recommends section from Dunedin to Caversham to be contracted for. Call for tenders for construction from Dunedin to Caversham. Mr. Blair has been instructed to call for tenders as above, and prepare plans for greater length. 103 Dec. 28 Mr. Blair Hon. Colonial Secretary 104 Dec. 30 Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Blair 105 Dec. 30 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Otago 1871. Jan. 21 Mr. Blair Hon. Colonial Secretary Plans, &c, completed and open for inspection of contractors. Has carefully examined the plans of the Dunedin contract ; some modifications proposed. Sections Nos. 2 and 3 can be advertised. No. 1 section let to Mr. Chaplin for £4,325 15s. [A^e.-Mr. J. Smyth's tender for £21,000 accepted for sections Nos. 2 and 3.] Reporting progress during May. Reporting progress during June. Field work for contract at Clutha end nearly finished. Reporting progress during July. Clutha contract advertised. Although the prayer lias been anticipated by the action of Government, yet forwards a memorial praying that the railway works may be begun at the Clutha end as well as at Dunedin. Acknowledges receipt. Government arc anxious to go on with the work as speedily as possible. Plant and rolling stock required to be ordered from England. Ordering plant and rolling stock. Requests certain information with a view to building the carriages for the future in the Colony. 106 107 March 28 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary 108 March 30 Mr. Blaclett Hon. Colonial Secretary 109 110 May 27 June 26 Mr. Blair Mr. Blair Mr. Blackett Mr. Blackett 111 July 21 Mr. Blair Mr. Blackett 112 June 15 Mayor of Balclutha ... Hon. F. D. Bell July 3 Mr. Knowles Mayor of Balclutha ... 113 114 April 26 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary 115 May 27 Hon. Colonial Secretary Agent-Q-eneral, London 1870. Nov. 8 Hon. Col. Secretary ... II. —Waitaki to S [oeeaki. 116 117 Nov. 84 Mr. Millar ... Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Millar ... Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Otago The Superintendent of Otago Mr. Millar Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Millar ... Requesting recommendation of Engineer to survey Waitaki to Moeraki line. Has formed his field staff, and will proceed at once with the survey. Instructions as to survey. When should plans be ready ? By May next. 118 119 120 Nor. 26 Dec. 7 Dec. 16 1871. March 23 121 Mr. Blackett Hon. Colonial Secretary Has examined line now being surveyed. Although there are difficulties in some places, has no doubt a good practicable line will be found for the whole distance. Line is turning out much better than expected. Forwards resolutions passed at a public meeting respecting a proposed line—Oamaru, through Cave Waiareka and Awamako Valleys, to Maerewhenua. Line mentioned will receive consideration, and suggesting that landowners along the line should communicate to the Government their willingness to give the laud free. Forwarding correspondence with Mr. Steward, M.H.B. 122 123 May 13 June 16 Mr. Blackett Mr. Steward, M.H.E. Hoc. Colonial Secretary Hon. Colonial Secretary 124 July 6 Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Steward, M.H.E. 125 July 7 Hon. Colonial Secretary The Superintendent of Otago 1870. Aug. 22 The Superintendent of Southland Hon. Colonial Secretary III.—INTERCARGILL TC Mataura. 126 127 128 129 130 Nov. 8 Nov. 26 Dec. 7 Dec. 26 Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Bruntoa Mr. Brunton Hon. J. Vogel The. Superintendent of Otftgo Mr. Brunton Hon. Colonial Secretary Hon. Colonial Secretary Calling attention to importance of a railway between the Mataura River and Invercargill. W Till His Honor recommend an Engineer to survey line? Instructions for survey. Will lose no time in completing plans, &c. Report on alternative lines —requesting instructions. 1871. Hon. Colonial Secretary Mr. Brunton Mr. Brunton Hon. Colonial Secretary Tlie blue line is authorized. Forwards plan, section, and estimate of line. Estimates cost at £2,500 per mile. Forwards report of a public meeting held to urge Government to coimnence Invercargill and Mataura Railway as soon as possible. 131 132 Jan. 9 Feb. 28 133 June 14 Mr Harvey Hon. Colonial Secretary