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A.—No. 17,



at Te Ruahinc, as the same are defined in the map hereunto annexed. The following are the terms and conditions under which the said piece of land is given over for gold mining purposes, viz.: — 1. All lands within the said boundaries above described are open for gold-mining to all persons. 2. No person shall be allowed to mine for gold on the piece of land above described, unless he be the holder of a miners' right for that land empowering him in that behalf; the payment for every such miners' right shall be one pound per annum. 3. Miners' rights will be issued by an ofheer of the Government. Any person being the holder of a miner's right shall be entitled to mine for gold, construct dams and water-races, fell timber for gold-mining purposes and firewood, and do all other acts (or works) connected with or appertaining to gold-mining operations, on all the land within the boundaries hereabove described, excepting that the right to fell kauri timber is reserved. Any person desiring to cut any kauri timber must pay the sum of one pound five shillings for each tree required by him. No person will be permitted to cut ordinary timber for firewood, fencing, or for any other purpose, for sale to any other person. Any person desiring to cut timber for those purposes must first obtain a miner's right, and a timber license empowering him in that behalf. The payment for every such timber license shall be five pounds per annum. The money derived from such timber licenses and from the sale of such kauri timber shall belong to the Native owners of the land on which the timber is situate. This money shall, in the first instance, be paid to an officer of the Government, and shall be paid by him to the Natives lo whom the land belongs. The days for the payment of the said money shall be the same as the days for the payment of the miners' rights fees, hereinafter specified. 4. In consideration of the Chiefs and People of Ngatimaru and Te Tawera, of Manaia, and their heirs, giving over all the said piece of land to Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, and the Governors who shall succeed him, for gold-mining purposes, for themselves and their assigns, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, on behalf of himself and the Governors who shall succeed him, hereby consents to pay to the said Chiefs and People of Ngatimaru and Te Tawera of Manaia, and their hcips, one pound for each miner's right which shall bo issued to any person for gold mining or for cutting timber within the boundaries of the land above described during each year of the continuance of this Agreement, the first year to commence from the Ist day of October, 1868, last past. The days for the payment of the money shall be the 31st day of March, the 30th day of June, the 30th day of September, and the 31st day of December in each year. 5. That the land above described is divided into two pieces, one piece to Ngatimaru, and the other piece to Tc Tawcra; the divisional boundary of the said pieces commences at Te Tumutumu ; thence to Kakawhitia; thence along the stream to To Tau o Tikohunui; thence to the Manaia Stream; thence by that stream to a direct line with Puketotara ; thence to Pukctotara; the northern side shall be the Ngatimaru's, and the southern side shall be Te Tawera's. If any person shall mine for gold or cut timber on either of the said pieces, the name of such piece shall be written in the miner's right of such person, with the date of his commencing the occupation thereof. If such person shall remove to the other piece, or to land belonging to another tribe, before the expiration of the twelve months for which his miner's right shall have been issued, the said person shall return his miner's right to the officer whose duty it is to issue such, in order that the day and month of his removal to the other piece, or to the land of another tribe, may be inserted therein. The moneys for such transferred miner's rights shall bo fairly apportioned (on the days for the payment of money) according to the period for which such person shall have remained on either such piece, or land belonging to another tribe. The money arising from miners' rights for the whole of the land shall be divided among the owners of each piece in proportion to the number of persons mining on the said pieces. 6. The duration of this agreement shall he for such term as Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, and the Governors who shall succeed him, shall require the above described piece of land for gold-mining purposes : Provided always that if Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, and the Governors who shall succeed him, shall desire to terminate gold mining on the said-land, not less than six months' notice of such intention shall first be given ; and when gold mining has ceased, all these lands shall be surely yielded up (or returned) to the Chiefs and People of Ngatimaru and Te Tawera, of Manaia. In witness of the consent of the Chiefs and all the People of Ngatimaru, and Te Tawera, of Manaia, to all the conditions of this Agreement, they have hereunto signed their names ; and, in witness of the consent of Sir George Ferguson Bowen on his part to all the said terms and conditions, the name of James Mackay, junr., Civil Commissioner, is hereuntosubscribed, on the day and in the year first above written. Te Marau, his x mark, "Wikiriwhi, his x mark, Waka Te Tuhi, his x mark, • Anarau Pahapaha, Paroto, lluka Hutaupoki, Paurini Waitaha, his x mark, Manuera Potae, his x mark. Witness—Henare Pango, James Mackay, jun. Policeman, Hauraki.

Ko tenei Pukapuka i tuituhia kei Manaia i te takiwa ki Hauraki i tc Porowhini o Akarana i t& Koroni o Niu Tircni i te tekau marima o nga ra o Okctopa i to tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano c waru rave ouo tckau mawaru (18GS) no nga Rangatira me nga tangata o Ngatimaru mo tc Tawera o Manaia tetahi taha no Ta Hori Pakitini Powene (Sir George Ferguson Bowen) Kawana o Niu Tireni tetahi taha He Pukapuka whakaatu mo te whakaactanga o ratou katoa ara o nga Rangatira me nga Tangata katoa o Ngatimaru me te Tawera o Manaia mo ratou me o ratou uri kia tukua atu ki a Ta