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A.—No. 17.

The external boundaries of that land were pointed out to me by Te Waipane, father of Paora Taputu. I wrote them. The commencement of the boundary is at Ohineperu (a spring of water), Piripirika (a fern hill), Taraingapoito, Te Pu (this is a hill), Tahatu, Te Eanga, Tau-o-Maroiri, Tokatea, Kaipaua, Waikoromiko, Pukeohiku, Hapapawera, Pukenui, Tapuae, Kakahiaroa, Pukeruru, Te Harakeka. This turns you look at. "Written by me, by your friend, Tuparoa, "Waiapu. Eaniera Kawiiia.

[teanslation.] E taktt Hoa c Te Maki,— Tuparoa, Mci 23, 18GS. Tena koe. Tenei ta taua hoa aroha, a Hopata Ngatai, kua tas mai nei ki au ite2l o nga ra nei. Tenei ahau ka rongo taketake kua tino tukua atu a Harataunga c tera ki a koe kia mahia te koura c te Pakeha i runga i te whakahaere a te Kawana o Nui Tireni. E hoa, tenei ano ahau ka rongo i nga tikanga mo taua whenua kua rite nei i a korua te whakatakoto pai, ko Eopata ko koe ano hold, ara kua wehea nei te taha kite piti nei hei reti whenua. Ko taku kupu tenei, c pai ana. Ko te utu mo te tau i meatia ai £200, &c. Ko taku kupu atu tenei, c pai ana. Ko te wahi mo te koura kua wehea me tona reti ano c 4 koata oto tau c tangohia ai tona reti. Kei te pai ano tenei, pai rawa. Otira tera c puta atu he whakaaro i roto iau mo tenei reti kia pelieatia. Ko totahi wahi kua whakatapua o taua whenua mo nga tamariki c noho nei ki reira hei oranga mo ratou. E pai ana au. Ko nga wahi ririki o te tikini i whakangawaritia nei c koe ki a Eopata, he matenga mango tena ki a matou ka riro ia i a koe ki raro, otira ka kmitia ake c ia to rekereke. Ko nga rohe o waho, ara, te rohe potae o waho o taua whenua na te matua o Paora Taputu, na Te "Waipanc i whakataki ki au naku i tuhituhi. Ko te timatanga oto rohe nui kei Ohineperu (he puna wai), Piripirika (lie puke rarauhe), Taraingapoito, Te Pit (he inaunga tenei), Tahatu, Te Eanga, Tau-o-Maroiri, Tokatea, Waikoromiko, Pukeohiku, Tapuae, Hapapawera, Kakahiaroa, Pukenui, Pukeruru, Te Harakeke. Ka huri mau c titiro. ITaku i tuhi, na to hoa, Tuparoa, "Waiapu. Na Eanieea Kawiiia.

Enclosure K. We have hereby agreed that all Europeans may prospect for gold on our pieces of land at "Whangapoua; and if gold is found in large (meaning payable) quantities, arrangements shall be made for that land similar (o those that have been concluded for the lands at Hauraki. "Written at Kapauga, this 15th day of October, 18G8. Moht Maxgakaiiia, Hamioea Manoakaiiia, Na Makoaee. Witness to signatures— James Mackay, jun., Civil Commissioner. Ktta whakaae matou kia haere atu nga Pakeha katou ki to kitni koura ki runga ki o matou piihi whenua kei Whangapoua, a te takiwa ka kitea nuitia te koura. ma whakarite marire te tikanga mo taua whenua kia rite ki nga tikanga kua oti mo nga whenua kei Hauraki. lie laea tuhituhi kei Kapanga i tenei to 15 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1868. Mom Maxgakahia, Hasiioea Mangakahia, Na Makoaee, "Witness to signatures— James Mackay, jun., Civil Commissioner.

Enclosure L. Thts Ageeement, ■written at Manaia, in the District of Hauraki, in ihe Province of Auckland,in the Colony of New Zealand, the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (1868), by the Chiefs and People of Ngatimaru and Te Taw era, of Mnnaia, on the one part, and Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, on the other part: Witncsscth, the consent of all of them, thnt is of ihe Chief's and all the People of Ngatimaru and Te Tawera. of Manaia, on behalf of themselves and their heirs, to release (give over) to Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand, and the Governor who may succeed him. a certain piece of land situated in the District of Hauraki, for gold-mining purposes for himself and his assigns within the meaning of the statute entitled " The Gold Fields Act, i860." The boundaries of the said land commencing at the northern boundary of the lands of Ngatitamatera, at Te Euahine, thence proceeding along the line which has been laid down 1o Pongawhakairo, thence to Puketotara, thence proceeding along the ridge to the source of the Manaia Stream, thence continu ng along the ridge to Pukewharariki, thence to Tawhitirahi, thence to Te Tauiiti, thence to Maungakowa, thence coming out at the great road and going towards Mnnaia, by that great road to the boundary of the piece of land reserved for Native occupation and cultivation, thence along the (boundary) line of the said land which has been laid down to the Manaia Stream, and crossing the Manaia Stream and proceeding by the said line to To Tumutumu, thence continuing along the said line to the point of commencement 8