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D.—Jfo. 3t_

Whether the Office he held in Annual Rate Amount of Whether the Principal conjunct inn with any and what other Civil or .Military Office, Period Whether the Total period of Servico By whom appointed of Salary !)C allowed a house foe daring which the Officer has Principal enjoy any, under the Date of retaiaed as his personal residence, or Appointment, and what other General Government. OFFICE. NAME. and under payable on Perquisites or place of profit, on the been absent advantage or profit, Appointment. what Instrument. 30th April, of Office daring the or what allowance (if any) for house rent or quarters. Establishment of tho General Government or any Provincial Government of New Zealand. from the Colony daring I he year not required to bo stated in the Vears of Actual Service. 1860. year 1H6-3. 1805. preceding columns. Dale of first Appointment. Audit Office — £ s. d. £ s. d. y. M. Auditor ... Charles Knight ... 5 Aug., 1858 II. E. the Governor's Warrant 800 0 0 Nose Officer receiving Patents under Act of 1860, alsoDireetor of Meteorological Stations. Not absent None Nov., 1845 20 6 Chief Clerk Ed.'Hill 7 July, 1861 11. E. the Governor 350 0 0 do. > T one. do. do. Mac, 1856 10 1 Second do. 0. H. Snow 27 Aug., 1860 do. 250 0 0 do. do. do. do. Aug., 1860 5 8 Third do. and Money J. G. Anderson ... lb' July, 1862 do. 275 0 0 35 O 0 do. Clerk under " Patents Act, do. do. July, 1862 3 9 Order Account ant (•) 1860." Clerk Jus. Davis... 5 Aug., 1863 do. 888 0 0 do. Clerk in charge of Meteorological Records, and Chief do. do. Aug., 1863 2 8 and ,,v 50 0 0 <*) 12 0 0 . . . do. Statistical Clerk. do. do. Jan., 1862 4 3 aiel Clerk R. S. P. Parsons ... Sep., 1864 do. 200 0 0 do. None do. do. Clerk examining W. Harrison Feb., 1866 do. 182 10 0 ... do. do. do. do. June, 1864 1 10 Militia Accounts Clerk G. If. Nation Dec, 1883 do. 140 0 0 do. do. do. do. Dec, 1863 2 4 Clerk L. C. Roskrugc ... 26 Aug., 1863 do. 100 0 0 do. do. do. do. Aug., 1863 2 8 Gtar. Cuowx Lands DKeAKTMUNT Secretary for Crown Alfred Dome! t (<•) 21 Dec, 1863 Commission GOO 0 0 do. With Land Claims do. do. 11 Feb., 1818 18 2 Lands Commis.c; Reg.-t Jen. of Land Chief Clerk Robert Lyle 1 Jan., 1861 J I. K. the Governor 220 0 0 do. None do. do. May, lsr>l 12 0 Second do. H. J. Hasten do. do. 250 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 L.I tin'., 1858 8 4 Third do. Walter Grey 5 Sept, 1864 do. 185 0 0 do. do. do. do. Si .rune, 1863 2 11 Fourth do. Edward Wakefield 1 May, 1865 do. 160 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 May, 1865 1 1 Draughtsman J. AV. A Marchanl 1 May, 1863 do. 250 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. 1 1 Assistant do. G-. Fannin 1 Jan., 1866 do. 115 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Sept., 1865 0 8 Messenger J. Uuctt ApL, 1861 do. 27 7 6 do. ('') do, do. 15 Jan., 1859 7 1 RF.OISTItMt-G [Mil's Df.paktmkxt Registrar-General of John 13. Bennett ... .Nov., 1854 Officer administering 600 0 0 76 19 0 do. Registrar Joint Stock Co.'s do. do. 15 June, 1853 12 10 Births, D., M., to. the Government Chief Clerk John M. Waylund Sep., 1858 do. 180 0 0 100 0 0 do. District Registrar of Births. do. do. 20 Jan., 1855 11 3 (a) Draws this amount from Fees received under Patents Ac!. (c) As Land Claims Commissioner, Mr. Domett is paid £100; date of appo ntment, 1st July 1861. (4) Receives C.">0 per annum, as Statistical Clerk from 1st March. 1866; and has received .£12 per A- Registrar-General, £800. This salary is payable f •out fees under " Die Land Claims Settleannum as Clerk in charge of Meteorological Record.-, from August, 1864. This work is mainly ment Act, 1h.">i; ; " if these tecs are no) sufficient, i; is chargeable on General Revenue. done out of o licial hours. (rf) Messenger, Attorney General's Office.