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D.—No. 3.



Whether the Office bo held in Annual Kate Amount of Whether the Principal conjunction with any and what Period > Whether the Total period of Service T~V 1 t* By whom appointed of Salary Fees be allowed a house for other Civil or Military Office, during which Principal enjoy any under the Date of retained as or Appointment, the Officer has and what other General Government. OFFICE. NAME. and under payable on Perquisites his personal residence, or place of profit, on the been absent advantage or profit, Apx)ointment. what Instrument. 30th April, of Office during the or what allowance (if any) for house rent Establishment of the General Government or any from the Colony during the year not required to bo stated in the Years of Actual Service. 1860. year 1865. v or quarters. Provincial Government of New Zealand. 1865. preceding columns. Date of first Appointment. Internal Defence £ s. d. £ s. d. Y. M. continued — Messenger... J. Casey ... June, 1865 H. E. the G-ovcrnor 100 0 0 •.. None None Not absent None 13 Mar, 1865 1 1 Military Branch — y Chief Clerk F. Stevens Nov., 1862 do. 300 0 0 <. i do. do. do. do. 6 Feb., 1862 4 3 Clerk A. Boughton July, 1863 do. 175 0 0 • •. do. do. do. do. 11 July, 1863 2 9 Commissioner of Customs Dept. Wellington — ■ Secretary and InS. Car keck (ft) 6 Feb., 1865 Commissioner of 600 0 0 •.. do. do. do. do. 21 Feb., 1838 27 0 spector Customs Acting ditto W. Seed ... May, 1866 do. • • • ... ... do. Collector Customs, at £600 do. do. Jan., 1851 15 4 Clerk W. France 6 Feb., do. 250 0 0 ... do. None do. do. Sept., 1861 1 7 Do J. Enright April, do. 158 0 0 • ■. do. do. do. do. April, 1865 1 0 Legislative Council. Speaker Hon. T. H. Bartley 12 May, 1856 H. E. the Governor 500 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. June, 1857 9 0 Chairman of ComHon. Major Rich28 July, 1865 Elected by Council 150 0 0 •.. ... ... •.• ..• . • • Julv, 1865 0 11 mittees mond, C.B. - c/ ' Clerk L. Stowe ... 11 Oct., 1865 H. E. the Governor 350 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. 11 Oct., 1865 0 8 Clerk Assistant ... A. Hibble (b) ... 26 July, 1865 Hon. Mr. Speaker 200 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. 26 July, 1865 0 11 House of Representatives. Speaker ... ... ... ... ... (*) • . . ... ... do. Chairman of Com- ... ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 •.. do. mittees \ f Clerk of Parliament F.E.Campbell ... 11 July, 1851 Officer administering 500 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. 23 May. 1853 13 0 and Librarian the GroveiMimcnt %/ * Clerk Assistant ... Gr. Friend Oct., 1863 H.E. the GfoYcrnor 300 0 0 do. do. do. do. May, 1854 12 1 2nd Clerk Assistant J. P. Stevenson ... 1 Sept., 1861 Hon. Mr. Speaker 250 0 0 •.. do. do. do. do. 1 Sept., 1860 5 8 & Asst. Librarian X ' Serjeant-at-Arms ... J. D. Greenwood... 9 Jan., 1866 do. 250 0 0 .. i do. do. do. do. 9 Jan., 1866 0 6 Messenger... Gr. Johnston July, 1865 Clerk of Parliament 109 10 0 •.. do. do. do. do. July, 1865 0 11 Library Attendant E. McColl 7 Feb., 1866 Library Committee 100 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. 7 Feb., 1866 0 5 Translator... E. W. Puckey ... Dec, 1865 Hon. Mr. Speaker 1 50 0 0 ... do. 'Translator, N. Office, at £250 do. do. May, 1863 J 2 11 (a) Placed on the List of Retired Officers from 1st April, 1886. [See Superai muation List. (c) The appointments of Speaker of the Hon of Representatives and Chairn of Committees are only (b) Transferred to Bankruptcy Court, Ne Lson. Mi*. Forster provisionally appointed Clerk to Council, for the Parliament in which they are elected; consequently appointments are now vacant. June, 1866.