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D.—No. 3.



Whether the Office be held in ' Annual Kate Amount of Whether the Principal o injunction with any and ulrtt Period Whether the Total period of Service By arhom appointed Of Sul:i :-\ '.''''"; in 1 allowed a bouse for oilier Civil or .Miliary Office, during which Principal enjoy any under the Tlnte of retained as or Appoint ment, the Officer has and what other General Govern] ient\. OFFICE. N 1 ME. and under payable on or place of proflt, on the Establishment of the General Government or any Proi incial Government of New Zealand! been Bbsent advantage or profit 'ment. v,!i:\t lostrument. 3"th Apr; 1 of Office or what allowance, during the (if™) forhousereni year ISQo. * or quarters. ■ Colony during the year not required to '•■■■ stated in the Fears ol Actual Serviee. preceding columns. Date of first Appointment. £ s. d. £ s. d. v. m. Bbgistbas-Oenel's. Dept. (Births, M., 1)., &c.) continued Second Clerk William K. league Aug., 1863 Officer admin. Govt. 180 0 0 None None X. > 1 absent None Ati£., 1803 2 0 Third do. E. J. VonDadelszen Oct, 1861 do. 150 0 0 do. do. do. do. Oct., 1861 1 6 REGiSTii.Ui-Gnxiu.'s. Department — Registrar-General of Alfred Domett Dee., 1865 II. E. the GoTCrnor 300 0 0 do. Secretary for O. Land- 1 do. do. (<■) Feb., 18 IS 18 2 Land and Deed-; L. C. Commissioner £100. Secretary ... John Elisha Smith Feb., 1865 do. do. Registrar Deeds £850, Dis. Registrar Land £150, also Reg. Births &c., fees to £100. do. do. (</) Jan., 1810 17 4 Clerk WiaterO. Wilkinson Apl., 1865 do. 60 0 0 do. None do. do. April, 1805 1 0 Marine XTo.yed — President ... Charles Sharp .31 Oct., 1862 do. 400 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Feb., 1818 18 3 Warden and Inapt. Robert Johnson ... do. do. 375 0 0 do. Admiralty Mail Agent. do. do. 1861 5 0 Steam Vessels (a) * Do. do. (J) Alexander Kennedy 23 Dee., 18G3 do. 375 0 0 do. Lent to s. "St. Kilda." do. do. 23 Dec, 1863 2 4 Engineer Surreyor J. Nancarrow 1 Jan., 1863 do. 250 0 0 do. None do. do. 1 Jan., 1868 3 4 Do. do. E. Hamilton 8 May, 1863 do. 250 0 0 do. do. do. do. B May, 1st;:! 3 0 First Light-keeper A. Gibson... 1 Jan'., 1865 Marine Board 180 0 0 Allowed a house. do. do. do. 1 Jan., 1865 1 4 Tiri Tiri Second do. do. George Hands do. do. 140 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. 1 4 First do. Ponearrow Head Second do. do. Philip Deck 1 Jan., 1866 do. 150 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Jan., I860 0 4 R. B. Haybittle ... 8 Mar. 1866 do. 130 0 0 do. do. do. do. 8 Alar., 1866 Do. Nelson.., John Kidson 9 Oct, 1865 do. 180 0 0 do. do. do. do. 9 Oct., 1865 0 6 First do. Mann William Ilcndle ... 1 Feb., 1865 do. 180 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Feb., 1865 1 3 Second do. do. George Perry 20 Julv. 1 j65 do. 140 0 0 'do. do. do. do. 20 Julv, 1866 0 9 First do. Godleyhcad William Chapman 1 Apl'., 1865 do. 200 0 0 ... do. do. do. do. 1 April, 1865 27 June, 1865 1 0 Second do. do. William Davidson 27 June, 1865 do. 150 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 0 First do. Ta iron's John Gregory 1 Jan., 1868 do. 200 0 0 ::: do. £25 per annum from Prov'l. do. do. 1 Jan., 1865 1 4 Head Government for signalising Second do. do. J. Williamson do. do. 150 0 0 ... do. None do. do. do. 1 4 («) Warden and Inspector Johnson, although attache! 1 to the Marine Boa rd, receives his salary as (c) Colonial Secretary, New Monster. Admiralty Mail Agent and Inspector of Mail Stea a Vessels, (</) First appointment under General Government as Clerk to Magistrates, in December, 18 IS. (J) Warden and Inspector Kennedy has been employee in command of Gove rnment 3. 3. " St, Kilda" since Decembe r, 1805, but is still no niinally attach <d to the Board.