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B.—No. 3.

1. That the sum of £18,000 for the Tuakau Block be charged against the Province of Auckland, unless the Province shall surrender the grant of that land, and such surrender be accepted "by the General Government; so that the land may be again open for sale or other arrangements between the General Government and the Province, in which case the said sum of £18,000, with interest thereon, shall be deducted from the amount now charged. 2. That in the event of the homestead purchased from G. Thompson being transferred to the Province of Auckland, the sum of £177, with interest thereon from the month of August, 18(54, be charged against the Province. 3. That the cost of buildings constructed for military purposes—including hospitals,—also the cost of the Engineer's offices and shops at Xgaruawahia, the coal-mines on the Waikato, and the station at the Waikato Heads ? together with the stores and plant at the above places, be excluded from the sum charged against the Province of Auckland ; the whole of such buildings, plant, Ac, together with the land necessary for the uses of the several buildings remaining the property of the General Government. 4. That out of the disbursements finally brought to account by the Colonial Treasurer up to the 30th of June, 1865, the amount fairly chargeable against the Province of Auckland (including the price of the Tuakau Block), and interest to the above date, is £180,442 10s., less the sum of £8068 10s. lid., (being the receipts arising from the disposal of confiscated lands in the Province up to the 30th June, 1865,) and subject to the terms of theßesolution relative to the purchase of the Tuakau Block, and also to the Resolution relative to the purchase of Thompson's homestead. 5. That inasmuch as the final accounts of the Emigration Commissioners in England are not now before the Commission, the report for the period since the 30th of June, 18G5, be not made until such accounts are obtained. . "VVe are, &c, Charles Knight, j. woodward, The Hon. Colonial Secretary, &c, Wellington. Charles Heapiit. No. 7. Copy of a Report by the Allocation Commissioners. Sir,— INTew Plymouth, 18th May, 1866. In accordance with instructions, dated Bth February, 1866, we have the honor to report, for the information of His Excellency the Governor, that the Commission, after careful inquiry, has resolved — 1. With reference to the item charged against the Province of Taranaki, under the head of Surveys, that the sum so charged should be excluded if the confiscated lands are not handed over to the Province. 2. That out of the Disbursements finally brought to account by the Colonial Treasurer up to the 30th June, 1865, the amount fairly chargeable against the Province of Taranaki, including the sum of £1059 12s. 7d., on account of surveys and interest to the 30th June, 1865, is £24,264 125., subject to the terms of the resolution relative to surveys. 3. That in addition to the sum of £24,264 125., chargeable against the Province of Taranaki, there be also charged a sum of £1100 for public works at the Oakura River, provided that the sum of £650 be expended by the General Government in completion of the works that have been begun at that place. 4. That in reference to the period subsequent to the 30th of June, 1865, there be charged against the Province of Taranaki, in addition to the above sum of £24,264 125., the sum of £9617 19s. 9d., such sum including the sum of £7402 6s. for surveys and interest thereon, subject as before, to the terms of the resolution relative to surveys. , "VVe have, &c., Charles Knight, J. Woodward, The Hon. Colonial Secretary, &c, Wellington. Thomas Kelly. No. 8. Copy of a Report by the Allocation Commissioners. Sin— Xapier, Hawke's Bay, 12th June, 1866. In accordance with the instructions dated Bth February, 1866, we have the honor to report for the information of His Excellency the Governor, that the Commission, after careful inquiry, has lesolved— 1. That the sum of £419 10s., the cost of survey of land at Puketitiri, belonging to the Provincial Government of Hawke's Bay, ought not at present to be charged against that Province; but that when the land is sold, the above sum or such part of it as may be considered fair and reasonable, be refunded out of the Provincial Treasury. 2. That out of the disbursements finally brought to account by the Colonial Treasurer, up to the 30th of June, 1865, the amount fairly chargeable against the Province of Hawke's Bay, including interest to the above date, is £3730 lls. lOd. 3. In reference to the period subsequent to the 30th June, 1865, the amount fairly chargeable against the Province of Hawke's Bay, including interest to the 30th June, 1866, is £631 Is. 2d.