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E.—No. 1.

word in the days of our ancestors and fathers. In these our times we have a different system to theirs. ■Vni now I ask you, Omy youngest born, to give peace to Waikato. Ido not say to you, Be strong, as I have nothing to say in regard to the timber—that was the Waikatos' doing. Your ancestors, your fathers and you?system is a good one; the grandfather gets angry (or goes to war) with the grandchild and the grandchild with the grandfather. Do not suppose that I shall rise m consequence ot your ancestors and your work (i.e., if one tribe goes to war with another as in former times) ; but it 1 see the whiteskin, then I shall look, as you will then have a support. I shall support Waikato ; it they approve of what you propose, well and good; or if you approve of what they propose, well and good. Do not be like Mahanga—give up canoes and forsake property; or like the cricket, which bursts through the back of its parent, and flies away and leaves it. Ido not approve of the work ot the No-atimaniapoto. Potatau set up law, religion, and love, and I hold to those words ' Wiremu Te Wheoro stood up and said—Welcome, my fathers, welcome to Waikato! Come and witness the wrono- doings, come and see the taonga. I had supposed that the wrong should come from me from the Pakeha side; but you have taken it upon yourselves. Don't say that was the work ot the' Ngatimaniapoto only—that it was their evil work. No, it was yours; because it was you who planned that proceeding, and the first thing seen was (the timber) floating m Waikato. I don t see that this is clear, had this throwing of Pakeha property into the water been planned by Kilnrmi and the Ngatimaniapoto, you would abide by the word of your younger brother Potatau. ~.,., ... This was all that was said in the daytime. Tamehana spoke again at night, and said that he did not approve of the proceedings of the Ngatimaniapoto aud the Waikatos. I abide by the words of Potatau. If the Ngatimaniapoto come to drive away the Pakehas from my side, they shall not come near but if I clearly see the wrong of the Governor. I have nothing to say m regard to Tataraimaka, as it'was given up to the Governor in the daytime. My plan regarding Waikato is, that it should be investigated. What put me in fault was Kihirini's letter. I wrote to the Ngatiruanuis and laranakis to tell them to give up Tataraimaka to the Governor, but Kihirini wrote to say that the Ngatiruanuis and Taranakis should hold on to Tataraimaka—hence their hardness. I have nothing to say in regard to Tataraimaka. My plan is, that all portions of New Zealand acquired by the Governor are his, and that all that remains of New Zealand belongs to the Maoris. Te Wheoro said—l wish to ask you what your opinion is in regard to the murders at taranaki. Tamehana replied—When Igo up and see the letters, you shall hear my word. If Tataraimaka is the cause of this crime it is wrong. I am going to the meeting at Paetai, that I may hear the forsakino- of Potatau's words by the Waikatos. Enough. Leave the Ngatimamapotos and VV aikatos to pursue their own plans, and I and my tribe will pursue ours. Do not suppose that I have any design No; were I alone the ruler (or manager) it would be good, instead of which there are many, and°each has'a different plan ; hence the errors. Enough. Prom Te Wheoeo. Enclosure 2 to No. 66. Mangatawhiri, Mci 19, 1863. Ko nga korero ite huihui ki Eangiriri itels o nga ra o Mci 1863. Ka korero. Ka tv ko Te Kihirini ka mea: Haere mai aku potiki kua he ahau ko nga papa ko ta korua tamaiti muri iho ko nga pakeha ko to peinga ia Te Kohi, no muri iho ko tenei ki Taranaki. Xi taku, waiho au kia he ana, kite rongo au itehe ki Taranaki ka whakatika au ki reira. Ka whakatika ko Tioriori: Tenei te haere nei c aku papa ko au c noho ana au ki runga i nga kupu o Potatau ko taku whakaaro ki runga ki ta koutou korero whakarerea ake c koutou te tikanga o te kupu peke ke ana koutou he tikanga ke ko ahau kahore c haere i runga i ta koutou. _ Kei runga ko Waikato: Haere mai ko aku potiki tenei taku he, (ko aua korero ano aTe Kihirini,) ka mutu. , ...... ™ Itepo ka huihui ki roto kite whare ka patai a Tioriori kia Te Kihirmi kia korero ano ale Kihirini. . ___ , \ Xi whakatika mai ano kite korero a Tipene Te Tahatika: Ko taku he ko nga papa ko ta korua tamaiti muri iho ko te peinga o Te Kohi o nga pakeha muri iho ko tenei he ki Tataraimaka koia au 1 whakaarohia ai me Waiho au kite he. Ko Wiremu Tamehana: Kahore he haunga o nga papa na tatou katoa tena na te motu katoa engari kaua c kopikopiko a koutou korero. Ka waiho te kupu a Potatau ki waenganui tv ai engari taku c mea atu kia koutou kaua c whakarerea nga kupu o Potatau ko ahau kei te pupuri tonu l nga kupu o Potatau te ture te whakapono te aroha te atawhai. Xi te tohe koutou ki Taranaki ekore au c tae, me oku iwi no te mea no Te Kawana ano tera whenua a Tataraimaka he whenua tuku i te awatea na Potatau kahore aku whakaaro mo reira inaianei. Ko Murupaenga: Ka tika to korero mo noho au ki runga i nga korero a Potatau. Kei runga ano°a Wiremu Tamehana: Kia rongo mai koutou ko te kupu ano tenei a Waata i ki mai ki au ka haere ia kite Ia kite tiaki. .... Kei run<*a ko Te Kihirini: Kia rongo mai koe che ana, kei haere mai ia kite la ko te mea kahore he take o tana haere mai ki reira, engari ma ta korua tamaiti ka tika kite haere mai ia ki reira he whakataka tana kia kino ko tena c he ana tena haere mai. Ko Murupaenga: E he ana te haere mai a Waata engari ano ma ta matou mokopuna ka tika, no te mea i tahuri atu te iwi ki aia ma Waata che ana kite mea ka noho ia kite Ia kite mate tetahi tangata ki Akarana ki Taranaki ranei kite rori ranei mana i patu engari ma ta korua tamaiti ka tika ka atawhai tonu ahau i nga Pakeha kite puta he kino maku kite la, he he nui tenei noku ki ta korua tamaiti, ta matou mokopuna. Ka mea atu a Tamihana kite whakahokia mai nga papa ki Te Kohekohe he he tenei, engari tena ka whakatika mai au engari kei ki koutou na ta koutou mokopuna te he ana haria mai ano nga papa, engari na Te Kawana. Xi te whiti te rori i Mangatawhiri he he tena; kite tapoko mai he Tim ahe he tena whakaae a Te Kihirini ma ki ena korero. _ Na Tipene: Ko taku pa he tupato noku ki nga hoiho c korerotia nei kotahi mmeti ka rere mai i Akarana tae tonu atu ki Ngaruauahia tae tonu atu kite Awamutu no reira ka hanga taku pa hei arai. No te haerenga o Wiremu Tamihana ki Rangiriri, tukua ana c Te Wheoro a Tipene hei whakarongo i vga korero koia enei. T. A. A\ iiite.