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F—No. 3


Monday, the Bth day op October, 1860. present:— Mr. Domett, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Heale, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Fox, Mr. Dillon Bell. Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Resolved, —That Mr. C. O. Davis be summoned to attend next Wednesday. F. D. Fenton, Esq., called in and further examined. Resolved, —That the Chairman write to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, enclosing copy of paper annexed, requesting that the documents, &c, named therein may be laid before the Committee for perusal. House of Representatives, 8 Oct. 1860. Sir, The Committee of Inquiry as to the attempt made in 1857 to introduce Civil Institutions amongst the Natives in the Waikato District are desirous of being furnished with the original documents, &c, specified in the accompanying list. May I beg the favour of your instructing the proper Officers to supply the Committee with the same for their inspection and perusal ? In particular I may mention that the Committee are desirous of seeing the Departmental Minutes on such papers. I have, &c., Henry Sewell. Original Letters and other Papers, with minutes thereon, as under:— Letter from tribes at Paetai to Governor after the King meeting in May, 1857, tendering allegiance.—Referred to in p. 16 of Mr. Fenton's Report. Letters from Mr. Fenton to Native Office, and Treasury, and Secretary, asking for fittings for Courts. Letters from Natives at Paetai asking for grass seed, August 1857 Ditto ditto Pepepe, ditto ditto ditto Ditto ditto Whatawhata ditto ditto Letter ordering Mr. Fenton to correspond with Native Department Other letters and papers on subject of correspondence between Mr. Fenton and Native Office. Letter from Native Secretary to Mr. Fenton as to Assessors.—(About Feb. or March, 1858.) Letter of Heteraka (Whaingaroa) to Native Office, dated May or June, 1857. Tioriori's letter respecting the murder of a boy. —(End of 1858 or 1859.) Mr. Fenton's letters about his desire to return to his district. Mr. Fenton's letters about supply of grass seed. Letters about correspondence and Governor's Memorandum of August, 1857. Mr. Fenton's letter recommending appointment of Mohi and Reweti as Native Assessors. All letters from Waikato complaining of Mr. Fent m's proceedings. Mr. Kenton's first Memorandum. Original of second ditto. Letters from Government to Mr. Fenton, complaining of or commenting on his proceedings. T. 11. Smith, Esq., called in and further examined.

Tuesday, the 9th day op October, 1860. present:— Mr. Williamson, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Heale, Mr. Domett, Mr. Hunter Brown, . Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr Fox, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Resolved, —That Mr. Buddies previous statement be read. Read accordingly. The Chairman stated he had received the following letter from Mr. McLean : My dear I : bo very glad to attend to-morrow, but as there are several Natives in town with whom I at- ; business, I should prefer your postponing rnj further examination until the Natives who ire to attend have given their evidence. I have, &c, October 8, 1860. D. McLean.