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Resolved, —That Native witnesses be examined, three to be suggested by Mr. McLean, and also Waata Kukutai, Te Kereihi, and Te Reweti; the Chairman to adopt the best means of obtaining the attendance of both witnesses ; the witnesses to be summoned as soon as possible, but not sooner than Monday next,

Tuesday, the 2nd day or October, 1860. present :— Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Domett, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. King, Mr. Heale, Mr. Dillon Bell. Mr. Sewell in the Chair. The Rev. Mr. Buddie and T. H. Smith, Esq., Assistant Native Secretary, examined.

Friday, the sth day op October, 1800. PRESENT: Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Heale, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Fox, Mr. Domett, Mr. King, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Dillon Bell in the Chair. The Rev. J. H. Hobbs examined. Mr. Forsaith moved, and question proposed,—That "Wiremu Maehe, of Rangi Kaheke, *nd Haoni Takarua, be summoned to attend the Committee to-morrow. When it was proposed by way of amendment, that the discretion of summoning the above two Natives be left to the Chairman, in accordance with a former Resolution. Amendment put and carried. On motion of Mr. Forsaith, Resolved, —That F. D. Fenton, Esq., and D. McLean, Esq., be summoned to attend the Committee to-morrow. Ordered that the two Native witnesses, Wiremu Maehe, and Hoani Tukarua be summoned for to-morrow.

Saturday, the 6Tn day of October, 1860. present : — Mr. Heale, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Domett, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Mr. Sewell moved,—That Mr. C. O. Davis be called in and examined. Question put, the Committee divided ; and the names were taken down as follow :—> Ayes 3. Noes 3. Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Healo, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Williamson The Chairman having given his casting-vote with the Ayes, it was resolved in the Affirmative. Mr. C. O. Davis was then called in and examined. Resolved,—-That Wiremu Tamihana be summoned to attend the Committee. The following Native witnesses were then examined ; Mr. Monro acting as Interpreter :— Wiremu Maehe, Hoani Takurua, Te Wheoro Haerehuka.