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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS Resolved, —That Mr. McLean be summoned to attend on Monday next, at 10 a.m. Resolved, —That the following witnesses be summoned:—The Rev. Mr. Ashwell, the Rev. Mr. Burrows, Waata Kukutai, and the Native witnesses in town, and the Chairman to use his discretion as to the time to he appointed for summoning the witnesses. The Rev. Mr. Buddie called in and further examined.

Wednesday, the lOth day of October, 1860. present : — Mr. Heale, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. King, Mr. Domett, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. Mr. C O. Davis called in and further examined. The Chairman informed the Committee that it had come to his knowledge that Wiremu Maehe, tire bearer of a summons from the Committee to Wiremu Tamihana had been detained by the Government ; Resolved, —That a letter to the following effect be forwarded to Mr. McLean :— My uear Sir, — A statement has been made to members of the Committee by Wiremu Maehe, to the effect that he has been prevented from going to the Waikato to obtain the attendance before the Committee of Wiremu Tamihana, by the Government.—Will you be so good as to attend the Committee this afternoon, to explain the circumstance. I have, &c., October 10, 1860. Henry Sewell. Waata Kukutai called in and examined ; Mr. Monro interpreting. D. McLean, Esq., called in and examined.

Thursday, the 11th day of October, 1860. PRESENT : — Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Domett, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Fox, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. King, Mr. Heale, Mr. Dillon Belli, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. The Chairman laid before the Committee the following letter from Mr. McLean :— Mr de*r Sir, — Since I was examined yesterday, it has occurred to me that the Committee may have some grounds for supposing that I was acting uncourteously to them in detaining Wi Maehe. I beg leave to say that I was not aware that ho was tho bearer of any formal summons to Wiremu Tamihana, or that the Committee had determined upon sending any such summons. Hal I known that such was the case, I should have communicated to you or some other member of the Committee my opinion that, in the present state of affairs, it would be highly inexpedient to send Maehe to the Thames, and that I should have arranged, as, indeed, I had already done, some other mode of getting Tamihana here. I feel satisfied that Maehe would not have succeeded in bringing him. You will permit me to observe that I understood it had been arranged that Native witnesses should be summoned through the Native office only ; and I wish to submit to the Committee that, unless this rule be adhered to, much inconvenience and injury may result. I remain, &c, H. Sewell, Esq., Donald McLean. Chairman of the Waikato Committee. Ths Venerable Archdeacon Maunsell, being in attendance, was examined.