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F—No. 3


Thursday, the 27th dat of Sbptember, 1860. present :— Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Domett, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Ileale, Mr. Fox, Mr. King, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Sewell was called to the Chair. F. D. Fenton, Esq., and James Armitage, Esq., examined. The Committee deliberated as to their future proceedings.

Fridat, the 28th day of September, 1860. present :— Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Heale, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. King, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. James Armitage, Esq., further examined. Ordered, —That an application be made for a copy of the Minutes referred to in paragraph S •f page 1, of Mr. Fenton's Report; also all other papers and correspondence of Mr. Fenton relative to the attempt to introduce Institutions of Civil Government amongst the Natives of Waikato.

Saturday, the 29th day of September, 1860. present :— Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Dillon Bell, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fox, Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Heale, Mr. King, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Dillon Bell called to the Chair. Donald McLean, Esq., examined. Resolved, —That the Chairman (Mr. Sewell) do decide what Native witnesses shall be summoned, with the understanding that they should be selected with the concurrence of Mr. McLean and Mr. Fenton.

Monday, the Ist day of Octobbb, 1860. present : Mr. Hunter Brown, Mr. Forsaith, Mr. Domett, Mr. Dillon BelL Mr. Williamson, Mr. King. Mr. Fox, Mr. Sewell in the Chair. The Chairman reported that he had ascertained that it would not be convenientto Mr. McLean to Attend the Committee till towards the end of the week. Resolved, —That Mr. McLean be requested to attend on Thursday next, at 10 a.m. Resolved, —That a copy of Mr. Fenton's Report be forwarded to the Rev. J. Hobbs, Wesleyan Missionary, with an intimation that the Committee will require his attendance on Friday next, to give evidence «n the matter of the Report. Resolved, —That T. 11. Smith, Esq., Assistant Native Secretary, be requested to attend the Committee, particularly with the view of supplying the Committee with information as to what communications passed between the Native Department and the Waikato District during the time Mr. Fenton was Resident Magistrate there; and to produce any letters and documents relating to the above, particularly correspondence relative to the supply of grass seeds. Resolved, —That for the present it is not desirable to take the evidence of Mr. C. O. Davis, and that he be requested to attend on Saturday next, at 10 a.m. Resolved, —That the Rev. Mr. Buddie be requested to attend the Committee to-morrow at 10 a.m.