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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 11 (2) of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Act, 1936

Sib, — I have the honour, by direction of the Board of Trustees, to submit to you herewith, pursuant to section 11 of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Amendment Act, 1936, their report for the year ended 31st-March, 1946, together with a copy of their accounts for the year, certified by the Audit Office. I have, &c., F. H. Bass, Secretary. The Hon. W. E. Parry, Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman : The Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Peter Fraser, P.C., M.P. Deputy Chairmen — The Mayor of Wellington (W. Appleton, Esq.). The Minister of Internal Affairs (Hon. W. E. Parry, M.P.). Members — Ernest W. Hunt, Esq. J.P., F.C.A.(Aust.), F.C.LS.(Eng.). The Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs (J. W. Heenan, Esq., C.8.E., LL.B.). Representative of the Maori Race : Sir Apirana Ngata, Kt. The Royal Society of New Zealand — Dr. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.N.Z. Professor W. P. Evans, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.N.Z. Wellington Harbour Board — W. H. Price, Esq. (Chairman). W. L. Fitzherbert, Esq. New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts — D. A. Ewen, Esq., 0.8. E. G. G. Gibbes Watson, Esq., M.A., LL.B. Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects : S. W. Fearn, Esq., A.R.1.8.A., F.N.Z.I.A. Wellington City Council: Councillor L. T. Jacobsen. Chairman of the Wellington War Memorial Carillon Society : E. E. Muir, Esq. Local Bodies' Representative : The Mayor of Lower Hutt (J. W. Andrews, Esq.). Secretary: F. H. Bass, Esq., R.P.A.N.Z., Chartered Secretary (Eng.). Treasurer : J. R. Deal, Esq.


ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 The Trustees met on four occasions and the Building'and Finance Committee held three meetings. Changes in Personnel There were no changes in the personnel of the Board of Trustees during the year. Obituary The deaths of two former members of the Board of Trustees —namely, Mr. Thomas Jordan, Mayor of Masterton, and Mr. William Fielding, who represented for a period the Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects —are recorded with much regret. Management Committees The death of Mr. G. V. Hudson, who had been a member of the Committee of Management of the Dominion Museum almost since its inception, occurred during the year. Mr. Hudson was well known as an entomologist and author of several standard works on moths and butterflies of New Zealand, and the Trustees desire to place on record their deep appreciation of the valued services rendered by him during his long period of office. Professor L. R. Richardson and Mr. H. C. McQueen were nominated to the Museum Management Committee by the Royal Society of New Zealand to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Professor H. B. Kirk and the death of Mr. G. Y. Hudson. Mrs. M. Murray Fuller, who had served for a number of years as a member of the Management Committee of the National Art Gallery, resigned from the position of Education Officer in January, 1946, on taking up her residence in England. The Trustees place on record their appreciation of the very valuable services rendered by Mrs. Fuller, who is now acting as accredited representative of the National Art Gallery in England. Mr. R. Gross, of Auckland, retired from the Committee of Management of the National Art Gallery, and the Board records its appreciation of his services while serving on that Committee. General The reports of the three Management Committees are attached hereto and indicate continued activity, despite the handicap caused by the occupation of the major part of the Buckle Street building by the Defence Forces. It is gratifying to record that the building has now been vacated by the Air Force and the work of restoration is about to be commenced. When this is completed the Art Gallery will be transferred from its temporary location and both the Art Gallery and Museum will be reopened to the public at the Buckle Street location. Exhibitions of pictures have been held in the temporary Art Gallery in the D.I.C. building. Educational work has been continued in the Art Gallery and Museum, and this important feature of both institutions will be further developed when the Buckle Street building becomes available. The National Art Gallery has been augmented by the purchase of a number of pictures from the Board's funds and from grants made by the T. G. McCarthy Trust. Both the Art Gallery, and Museum have received gifts of pictures and exhibits. In particular, mention is made of a valuable bequest of period furniture by the late Mrs. E. G. Elgar, which will be housed in two specially erected rooms in the Museum, and a collection of Japanese ivories by the late William Wallis. The Board records its grateful appreciation of these bequests.



It is hoped that full restoration of the grounds will shortly be undertaken by the City Council. Recitals on the Carillon by the automatic playing-apparatus have been continued throughout the year. Proposals regarding completion of the Hall of Memories as a national war memorial and the establishment of a war museum have been receiving consideration by the Board of Trustees, and the matter is now awaiting Government action. The members of the staff have carried out their duties efficiently. The Board records its appreciation of the continued financial support received from the Government, Wellington City Council, Wellington Harbour Board, and other local bodies in the Wellington district; also of assistance received from the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington War Memorial Carillon Society, and others ; and also extends its thanks to the press for valuable publicity. The annual accounts are appended hereto. In addition to the usual provision of £l,OOO for Repairs, Renewals, and Extensions Fund, appropriations have been made for educational purposes (£700), purchase of pictures and exhibits (£500), and for rehabilitation of the Art Gallery and Museum (£500). P. Fraser, Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Committee op Management of the National Art Gallery G. G. Gibbes Watson, M.A., LL.B. (Chairman) ; Mrs. M. Murray Fuller ; Messrs. Stanley W. Fearn, A.R.1.8.A. ; W. S. Wauchop, M.A. ; Richard Gross, C.M.G. ; Stewart B. Maclennan, A.R.C.A. ; Archibald F. Nicoll; Cedric Savage ; and Nugent Welch. Secretary-Manager : E. D. Gore. Meetings Four meetings of the Committee were held during the year. General The National Art Gallery building continues to be occupied by the military authorities and there is no indication yet as to when it will be vacated by them. As it will require some months to restore the building after its return, there is little prospect of its being opened again to the public before 1947. The Committee has again carried on its activities in the temporary premises in the D.I.C. A varied programme of exhibitions was arranged during the year and the interest of the public was well maintained. National Collection When the Art Gallery was taken over by the military authorities in 1942, steps were taken to safeguard the National Collection from damage which might result from enemy action. Great difficulty was experienced in finding satisfactory storage accommodation outside Wellington, but through the courtesy of the Public Trustee the loan of a very suitable storage room in the Public Trust Building, Hastings, was obtained. Thirteen cases containing some three hundred and fifty paintings and drawings and a large collection of prints from the National Collection were sent for storage to this building. These pictures were returned to Wellington this year. They will not be available for exhibition until the Art Gallery building is reopened.



The Committee desires to record its thanks to the Public Trustee for his kindness in lending storage space for this purpose. It desires also to place on record its appreciation of the voluntary services rendered by Messrs. McCulloch, Butler, and Spence, Hastings, in connection with various matters regarding the storage. Acquisitions Up to the present year the Gallery has had no endowment fund available for purchasing pictures, but the Gallery is now benefiting from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Trust Fund of £15,000, the income from which is now available for the purchase of works of art. Under the late Sir Harold Beauchamp's will a further sum of £5,000 for a like purpose will be available in about a year's time. The Ellen Eames Collection Fund, estimated to realize £20,000, and the Thomas Lindsay Buick Bequest, estimated to realize over £lO,OOO, will later become available. Annual grants made by the Board of Governors of the Thomas George Macarthy Trust in recent years have assisted the Board to add to its collection of pictures. Some notable additions to the Collection were made during the year. The following is a list of works acquired : " Mother and Child " (Portland stone), by Charles Wheeler, A.R.A., purchased by the Committee. " A Roman Street " (drawing), by Henry Rushbury, R. A., R.W.S., R.E., purchased by the Committee. " Marjorie" (oil painting), by Ambrose McEvoy, R.A., purchased by the Committee. " Man in White" (oil painting), by 'Glyn Philpot, R.A., purchased by the Committee with moneys available from the Sir Harold Beauchamp Trust Fund. " Earl Stonham, Suffolk " (oil painting), by Sir Alfred Munnings, P.R.A., presented by Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gibbes Watson. " View of Mount Cook" (water-colour), by the late Margaret O. Stoddart, purchased by the Committee. " The Market " (water-colour drawing), by A. S. Paterson, presented by the Hon. H. G. R. Mason and Mrs. Mason for the children of New Zealand. " Model and a Friend " (drawing), by Robert Austin, A.R.A., R.W.S., purchased by the Committee with funds donated by the Thomas George Macarthy Trust. " Drawing " (drawing), by A. K. Browning, R. 0.1., purchased by the Committee with funds donated by the Thomas George Macarthy Trust. " Profile " (wash drawing), by the late Ambrose McEvoy, R.A., purchased by the Committee. " A Girl in Pink " (oil painting), by the late George Henry, R.A., presented by the beneficiaries and trustees in the estate of the artist. Three pottery jugs by Phoebe Stabler and set of mugs and beaker designed by Keith Murray, presented by Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. The thanks of the Trustees are due to the above-mentioned donors for their generous and public-spirited gifts. Centennial Art Collection The Centennial Art Collection of British and Foreign Art, brought to New Zealand by the Trustees in 1939 for the Centenary Celebrations, which had to be stored in New Zealand for the duration of the war, was returned to England this year.



Sir Angus Gillan Sir Angus Gillan, Director of the Empire Division of the British Council, visited Wellington during the year, and representatives of the Committee discussed with him plans for art exhibitions to be sent to New Zealand by the British Council. Educational Work The educational work of the Gallery was continued up to the end of 1945 by the part-time Education Officer, Mrs. M. Murray Fuller. Secondary-school classes visited the Gallery, and loan collections of reproductions with written talks were sent out to other centres. At the end of 1945 Mrs. Fuller relinquished her appointment and advised the Committee that she would not be able to continue with the work. The Committee decided that the educational work, which had been established on a sound basis by Mrs. Fuller, was of such importance that it was desirable to appoint a full-time Education Officer. The position was advertised throughout New Zealand, and Mr. S. B. Maclennan, A.K.C.A., has been appointed and will take up the appointment at the end of May, 1946. Unfortunately, the change over has necessitated a break in the educational programme. The work, however, will be recommenced with as little delay as possible. t Exhibitions The following exhibitions were held in the Gallery during the year : (1) Collection of pictures selected from the National Collection. (2) Exhibition of colour reproductions of old masters (Italian School). (3) " India in Action." Paintings and drawings by Captain Anthony Gross, Official British War Office Artist. (4) Autumn exhibition of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. (5) Selection of pictures by New Zealand and overseas artists from the National Collection. (6) Beproductions in colour of old masters (Flemish School). (7) Annual exhibition of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. (8) Becent acquisitions for the National Collection. Library Forty-four books were added to the reference library during the year. Bepresentative in England Mrs. M. Murray Fuller, who left New Zealand for England at the beginning of 1946, has been appointed the representative of the Board of Trustees in England in connection with Art Gallery matters. The Committee desires to record its great appreciation of the outstanding services rendered by Mrs. Murray Fuller not only in her capacity of Education Officer, but also by her voluntary work in the interests of the Gallery and of the development and advancement of art in New Zealand generally. War Museum Last year's report made reference to suggestions put forward by the Committee for the establishment of a war museum in Wellington to house the records of the 1914-18 and the 1939-45 wars. It was also suggested that the present Art Gallery and Carillon would make an excellent war museum and that an Art Gallery might be built elsewhere in the city. No action has been taken by the authorities to give effect to these suggestions.



Press The Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation for the valuable support and publicity given by the press in connection with exhibitions and other activities. G. G. Gibbes Watson, Chairman. E. D. Gore, Secretary-Manager.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DOMINION MUSEUM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Committee Meetings The Committee met five times during the year. Staff The arrangement by which half of Mr. Phillipps' time was given to Health Department duties was discontinued as 'from Ist February, 1946. Miss B. Gibbons was appointed as an assistant in the botany department, and Miss M. Stephenson and Miss S. Baker as assistants in the education department. Mr. R. R. Forster, Miss H. Turnbull, and Mr. H. J. Allen returned to duty from service in the Navy and Army. Military Occupation of Museum The greater part of the Museum building continued to be occupied by the Air Department during the year. Education Services The end of 1945 found the education service completely disorganized. The technical assistant to the Education Officer left; and the Museum lost the services of Miss J. Luke, teaching assistant. At the beginning of 1946 appointments were made which will place the loan service of the Museum on a sounder basis than has been the case hitherto. Two technical assistants, Miss Turnbull and Miss Baker, now are preparing loan cases, and an additional assistant, Miss Stephenson, is concentrating on loan material designed to assist the new social-studies syllabus for the primary schools. Miss M. Lawson also was appointed by the Wellington Education Board as a teaching assistant. In January, 1946, the Education Officer, Mr. D. W. McKenzie, resigned. The decentralization of the school loan collection continued. Groups of cases now are located at Napier, Palmerston North, and Nelson, while with the return of assistants the Wellington loan service again was put into operation. Maori Collection During the year part of the Bollons Collection has been reclassified and placed in cabinets for future reference. The stored collection of carvings has been re-examined and important specimens separated for study. A general recataloguing of the collection continues at intervals. Field-work was carried out by Mr. Phillipps on Maori carving and carved houses in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, and Rotorua districts, and information of practical value in the classification of Museum material has resulted. In this work the Museum has had the full co-operation of the Department of Internal Affairs, and a considerable amount of historical information concerning Maori, carvers and their houses, which otherwise might have been lost, has been obtained. The Maori material added to the Museum collection includes the following : a greenstone adze presented by Mrs. Alves, a wakahuia presented by Mr. F. Seed, two Maori stone adzes presented by Mrs. M. Stuart, and a collection of various Maori artifacts purchased.



Technological Collections The principal addition during the year was an extensive and valuable collection of furniture bequeathed by Mrs. E. G. Elgar, of Featherston. Most of it. belonged to the Queen Anne and Georgian Periods. Besides furniture, the bequest included eight Chinese figures and seven Chinese plates and bowls. Another valuable bequest was a collection of ivories, mainly Japanese, left to the Museum by the late Mr. W. Wallis. Miss Carkeek, a relative of Sergeant Carkeek, who was awarded the New Zealand Cross during the Maori Wars, presented the cross and a war medal to the Museum. Fishes A large portion of the total spirit collection has been overhauled and relabelled where required. The collection of dried fishes has been further reclassified. During the year the most important accessions have been a pair of jaws of a bramble shark, Echinorhinus mccoyi, presented by Dr. J. A. Berry, Napier, and a mudfish, Neoehanna apoda, presented by Mr. R. H. Michie, Kaitaia. Entomological Collection Numerous inquiries from the public and Government Departments have been dealt with during the year. The rearrangement of the collections has continued, but still is hampered by lack of cabinet space. During late January and early February Dr. Salmon and Mr. R. Forster made a further expedition to the Homer district to see what results could be obtained there in the late season. The expedition was extremely successful, and a very large collection of insects was obtained ; also, at least four new species of Lepidoptera were secured. During the return journey short visits were made to Peel Forest and Mount Algidus, where further collections were made. During February Dr. Salmon accompanied the Director and Mr. Lindsay, together with Mr. E. S. Gourlay, of the Cawthron Institute, Nelson, on an expedition to Mount Arthur, when extensive collections of Collembola, opiliones, spiders, &c., and many moths and miscellaneous insects, including a new species of weta, were obtained. Later, in April, Dr. Salmon and Mr. Forster made a further short expedition to Mount Arthur in an unsuccessful attempt to secure specimens of the large moth, Porina aurimaculata, for the Museum collection. The literature system and index commenced last year for recording separates now has been completed. Accessions for the year include a large collection of opiliones from Dr. C. J. Goodnight, of the American Museum of Natural History ; a large collection of New Zealand spiders and literature from the estate of the late Mr. E. K. Lomas ; a small collection of miscellaneous New Zealand insects from Mr. G. Y. Hudson ; a small collection of moths from Longbeach, Dunedin, from Mr. T. M. Smith ; a small collection of rare New Zealand Lepidoptera from Mr. A. H. Ahrens, of Masterton ; and a nest of the wasp, Vespa germanica, from Mr. C. R. Paterson, Apiary Instructor, of Hamilton. A paper entitled " Notes and Synonymy on some Generic Names of the Collembola " was published by Dr. Salmon in the Trails. Roy. Soc. of N.Z., 75, pp. 68-71. Botanical Collection Work on the collection, mounting specimens, classifying, and disinfecting has proceeded somewhat interruptedly during the year, as the botanical assistant has had to carry out essential work in the library. Some assistance was obtained in the University vacation by employing a number of students. The main addition was the herbarium of Mr. W. Martin, presented by him on his retirement. The collection included a considerable series of plants from the Marlborough mountains and from the Chatham Islands. Other additions resulted from Museum expeditions to Mount Arthur, Mount Peel, and the CollingwoOd district, and visits by the Director for other purposes to Taupo and Blenheim.



Library Exchanges have been renewed with several European countries, and periodicals held back during the war have come forward from the United States and England. The Dominion Museum's publications are being forwarded as exchange relations become normal. Photographic Department A large amount of illustrating work for scientific papers written by members of the Museum staff and for the Education Officer has been undertaken during this year. The permanent collection of negatives has been increased by 364, and 1,507 old negatives have been printed and recorded during the year ; 163 new lantern slides also have been prepared and added to the permanent collection. Considerable progress has been made with the reclassification and recording of the Burton Bros, collection of historical New Zealand negatives purchased some time ago, and this work now is drawing to a close. J. C. Andersen, Chairman. W. R. B. Oliver, Director.

WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 The Management Committee has pleasure in reporting that the recitals given throughout the year have been much appreciated by large numbers of people, especially on Sunday afternoons, when they have been attracting larger attendances in the vicinity of the tower itself. The Carillon played a fitting part in the National Celebrations on VE Day and the two YJ Days. On these occasions special morning, afternoon, and evening recitals by automatic player were given by the operator, Mr. John Randal, and changes 011 the bells were played hourly. Portions of these recitals were broadcast, and specially effective was Mr. Randal's rendering on the hand clavier of " The Victory March," which was specially written by Mr. Percival Price, the celebrated carillonist of Michigan, U.S.A., for production on the world's carillons on these occasions. Satisfactory as these recitals by automatic player have been, however, the Management Committee again emphasizes the necessity for the early appointment of a fully qualified carillonist, who, by the use of the hand clavier, can alone bring out the full qualities of the instrument and thereby cultivate the love for the old folk songs which mean so much in the building-up of the traditions and unity of our race. During the year an experiment was tried of chiming the hours on the bells, using the Westminster chimes, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., but did not prove successful, as, owing to the constantly changing atmospheric conditions in the tower, the clock required daily checking to ensure accurate synchronization with the Observatory time signal, which could not be assured without the services of a regular attendant. The experiment, therefore, was discontinued until such time as a regular attendant is appointed. The appointment of a regular attendant is also necessary if the tower and the bells are to be thrown open for public inspection. This is impossible at present, owing to the protective wire netting over the louvers and openings in the tower and over considerable portions of the lift well having been eaten awav by weather action. Repairs are being effected. The Management Committee further considers that the present ladder-like stairways are altogether unsuitable, and urges that they be replaced. The closing of the tower to visitors is unfortunate, as many requests are continually being received for admission, notably from returned servicemen, overseas visitors, and residents in other parts of the Dominion who are anxious to see the clavier and bell chambers.



Now that there is a prospect of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum being reopened soon, this demand is certain to increase. During the year the Management Committee submitted to the Board of Trustees comprehensive proposals for the completion of the interior of the tower on plans drawn by Mr. W. M. Page, Architect, of Wellington, and for the erection of Halls of Memories for World Wars I and II on sketch plans prepared by Mr. W. H. Gummer, of Auckland, who was the architect for the erection of the National War Memorial, National Art Gallery, and Dominion Museum. The Committee expresses its deep appreciation of the inspiring designs submitted and of the valuable assistance rendered by these gentlemen. Ernest E. Muir, Chairman. John G. Osborne, Hon. Secretary.

TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 The Chairman, — I beg to submit the following financial statements relating to the year ended 31st March, 1946 : (1) Receipts and Payments Account. (2) Income and Expenditure Account. (3) Balance-sheet. J. R. Deal, Treasurer.



Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946


(Figures to nearest pound) 1 Receipts. 1945-46. 1944-45. Payments. 1945-46. 1944-45. Balance at beginning of period — £ £ £ £ £ £ Cash in bank and in hand .. .. 3,674 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 37 23 Imprest accounts .. .. .. 10 Audit fees .. . . .. . . .. 18 18 Investments — Carillon: Miscellaneous payments .. .. 120 166 Deposit with Public Trustee .. 5,579 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. 36 25 National Savings Account .. 1,020 Educational services .. .. .. .. 456 .295 New Zealand Government Stock .. 7,000 Exhibitions in Art Gallery .. .. .. 27 27 Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand 1,000 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. 51 . 16 Deposit, Post Office Savings-bank .. 536 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. 25 41 — 18,819 16,397 Insurances .. .. .. * .. .. 198 124 Government grants for maintenance .. .. 8,500 8,500 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 24 26 Interest on investments .. .. . . 485 420 Photographic supplies .. .. " 221 186 Local bodies: Contribution for main- .. 2,935 2,918 Postages, telegrams, and toll calls .. .. 37 43 tenance Printing and stationery .. .. .. 112 382 Macarthy Trust grant .. ,, .. 200 200 Rent for Art Gallery temporary premises . . 970 970 Beauchamp Trust .. .. .. . . 503 294 Repairs and maintenance: Buildings and . . 302 968 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. . . 8 1 equipment New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts: .. 225 225 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 5,900 5,595 Contribution towards salary, &c. Specimens and pictures, preparation of . . . . 28 80 Rental for occupation of portion of building .. 1,000 1,250 Subscriptions to societies .. .. .. 1(> 16 Subscription towards Building Fund . . . . 10 9 Telephones and fire-alarms .. .. .. 54 65 Transferring Art Galley location (recoveries) .. .. 96 Transferring Art Gallery location .. .. 33 31 Centennial Art Exhibition: Picture sales .. 2,931 3,156 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 288 186 Unauthorized expenditute .. . . . . .. 1 Uniforms, overalls, &c. .. .. . . 9 25 Centennial Art Exhibition — Artists for pictures sold .. .. .. 2,196 3,038 Commission .. . . . . . . 5 63 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 512 185 Capital — Buildings . . . . . . . . .. . . 100 Exhibits — Art Gallery .. .. .. .. 1,954 1,267 Museum .. .. .. .. 50 190 Furnishings .. .. .. .. 23 16



1 Library ! 401 196 Mechanical appliances 34 Miscellaneous equipment 98 54 Photographic apparatus 82 120 Publications : Stock 66 Scientific apparatus 109 2 Tools 221 7 Balance at end of period — Cash in bank and in hand 2,609 Imprest accounts 14 Investments — Deposit with Public Trustee 5,760 National Savings Account 2,071 New Zealand Government stock 7,000 Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand 3,000 Deposit, Post Office Savings-bank .. 549 1 21,003 18,819 £35,616 £33,466 £35,616 £33,466


Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1946


(Figures to nearest pound) Expenditure. 1945-46. 1944-45. Income. 1945-46. 1944-45. £ £ £ £ £ Advertising 37 23 Contributions — Audit fees 18 18 New Zealand Government 8,500 8,500 Carillon : Miscellaneous payments 120 166 Local bodies — Cleaning 36 25 Wellington City Council 1,700 Educational services 238 309 Wellington Harbour Board 500 Exhibitions in Art Gallery 23 31 Lower Hutt City Council 390 Freight and cartage 51 17 Palmerston North City Council 190 Fuel, light, power, and water 26 41 Petone Borough Council 50 Insurances 198 124 Hutt County Council 40 Office expenses 24 26 Masterton Borough Council 15 Photographic supplies 222 185 Masterton County Council 15 Postages, telegrams, and toll calls 36 43 Wairarapa South County Council 15 Printing and stationery 109 378 Horowhenua County Council 10 Rent for Art Gallery temporary premises 970 970 Levin Borough Council .. 10 Repairs and maintenance: Buildings and equipment.. 371 960 2,935 2,917 Salaries 5,900 5,595 Miscellaneous receipts 6 1 Specimens and pictures, preparation of 28 80 New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts: 225 225 Subscriptions to societies 16 16 Contribution towards salaries, &c. Telephones and fire-alarms 54 65 Rental for occupation of portion of buildings 1,000 1,000 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. i 287 189 Unauthorized expenditure 1 Uniforms and overalls 8 25 Balance carried down 3,894 3,356 £12,666 £12,643 £12,666 £12,643 £ £ Capital purchases from revenue 1,685 1,391 £ £ Appropriations — Balance brought down 3,894 3,356 Repairs, Renewals, and Extensions Reserve . . ] 1,000 1,000 Accumulated surplus (general) 178 200 Art Gallery and Museum Rehabilitation Reserve .. 500 500 Interest on investments 500 413 Educational Purposes Reserve — * Art Gallery 400 250 Museum 300 250 Picture Purchase Reserve : General 200 200 Museum Exhibits Purchase Reserve 300 200 1 Balance carried forward 187 178 £4,572 £3,969 1 £4,572 £3,969


J. R. Deal, Treasurer.

Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1946


(Figures to nearest pound) Liabilities. 1945-46. | 1944-45. l| Assets. 1945-46. 1944-45. Capital: Balance at beginning of period Add— £ Capital purchases from revenue 1,685 Capital purchases from reserves 1,253 £ 342,946 2,938 £ £ Land, buildings, inprovements — Land Buildings Approach steps and terraces Ground improvements Floodlights £ 30,000 195,514 4,300 6,185 482 £ 236,481 84,461 24,942 146 410 5,760 2,071 7,000 3,000 1 549 14 2,609 £ 236,481 82,456 24,009 148 367 Sundry creditors Special reserves — Art Gallery Special Purposes Reserve Art Gallery and Museum Rehabilitation Reserve Beauchamp Trust Reserve Buildings Fund Reserve Centennial Art Exhibition Reserve Educational Purposes Reserve — Art Gallery Museum Museum Exhibits Purchase Reserve .. Picture Purchase Reserve — General 114 345,884 83 342,946 40 ExhibitsMuseum Art Gallery 51,122 33,339 3,000 298 358 610 3,000 1,950 1,695 394 Furnishings and equipment — Cinematograph equipment Furnishings Library Mechanical appliances Miscellaneous equipment Photographic apparatus Scientific apparatus Tea-rooms equipment Tools 688 19,203 2,033 208 727 770 236 695 382 Macarthy Trust Repairs, Renewals, and Extension Reserve 57 8,750 20,226 1 988 187 75 18,271 770 178 75 Publications (stock) Sundry debtors InvestmentsDeposit with Public Trustee National Savings Account New Zealand Government stock Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand .. Deposit, Post Office Savings-bank Imprest accounts Cash in bank and in hand (less unpresented cheques) Centennial Art Exhibition Suspense Account Accumulated surplus — General Tea-rooms 5,579 1,020 7,000 1,000 536 10 3,674 £367,443 £362,280 £367,443 £362,280


The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. —J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper. I 'reparation, not given ; printing (770 copies), £24

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington. —1946.

Price 6d.~\


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NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-21

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NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-21

NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1946 Session I, H-21