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Now that there is a prospect of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum being reopened soon, this demand is certain to increase. During the year the Management Committee submitted to the Board of Trustees comprehensive proposals for the completion of the interior of the tower on plans drawn by Mr. W. M. Page, Architect, of Wellington, and for the erection of Halls of Memories for World Wars I and II on sketch plans prepared by Mr. W. H. Gummer, of Auckland, who was the architect for the erection of the National War Memorial, National Art Gallery, and Dominion Museum. The Committee expresses its deep appreciation of the inspiring designs submitted and of the valuable assistance rendered by these gentlemen. Ernest E. Muir, Chairman. John G. Osborne, Hon. Secretary.

TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1946 The Chairman, — I beg to submit the following financial statements relating to the year ended 31st March, 1946 : (1) Receipts and Payments Account. (2) Income and Expenditure Account. (3) Balance-sheet. J. R. Deal, Treasurer.