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1930. NEW ZEA LA N D

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1929.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

C O N T E NTS. Page ! Page 1. Report of the Chief Inspector op Secondary 2. Detailed Tables, etc.— continued. Schools .. .. .. .. 2 Secondary Schools —continued. K IIA. Statement of Affairs and Balance2. Detailed Tables, etc. : — sheet of the Whanganui College Secondary Schools- Board of Trustees .. .. 15 K 1. Some Particulars relating to K 12 - Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Secondary Education, 1927, 1928, Hostels .. .. .. .17 and 1929 .. .. ..5 K 13. Incidental Expenses of Secondary K2. Roll, Average Attendance, and Free Schools .. .. .. 19 Pupils of Secondary Schools 5 Kl4. Lower Departments .. ..19 K. 2a. Ages of Pupils in Secondary Schools 6 K 3. Years of Attendance of Pupils and District High Schools, Secondary Departments— Numbers commencing Post LI. Roll, Average Attendance, Free Pupils, Primary Education .. .. 6 and Numbers of Teachers .. .. 20 K4. Subjects taken by Pupils in Second- L la. Ages of Pupils in Seaondary Departary Schools .. .. .. 6 ments of District High Schools .. 21 K5. National Scholarships .. ..7 L 2. Years of Attendance of Pupils and K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 1 ■ Numbers commencing Post Primary * 6 ' i Education .. .. ..22 K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 8 _ . „.. , . , , _ ~ . „ L 3. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary K 8. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 10 ; Departments of District High K9. Income and Expenditure of Hostels 12 I Schools .. .. .. .. 22 K 10. Income and Expenditure of Hostels per Boarder .. .. 1.3 i Registered Private Secondary Schools — Kll. Balances and other Monetary Assets Ml. Roll Numbar .. .. .. 23 and Liabilities - .. ..14 M la. Ages of Pupils .. .. ..23

I—E. 6.



1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Wellington, 11th June, 1930. Sir — I have the honour to present the report for the year 1929. There is little fresh to record in the routine work of the Inspectorate. As in previous years, the middle portion of the first school term was devoted .to inspecting the secondary departments of district high schools. The education districts chosen on this occasion were those of Nelson, Wellington, Hawke's Bay, Wanganui, and Taranaki, and twenty-eight schools in all were visited. At the close of the inspection in each district a conference was held, with the local Inspectors, and problems relating to the various schools and staffs were discussed at some length. It is pleasing to record that the organization and the standard of work had distinctly improved in several schools since the last visit of the secondary Inspectors. In others improvement had been rendered difficult by changes in personnel of the staff, as these usually lead to a break in continuity in teaching methods and even, in some cases, in curricula ; in many instances, possibly the majority, a comparatively raw teacher replaces a more experienced one. The period from mid-April to mid-July was occupied mainly with the full inspection of eighteen of the departmental secondary schools and the remainder of the year with the customary visit to all the secondary schools for the purposes of classifying assistant teachers and of accrediting candidates for senior free places and for leaving certificates. During the year one new secondary school —the Waimate High School —was opened, thus raising the number of departmental secondary schools to forty-four. Their aggregate roll on the Ist March was 16,867, an. increase of 924. on the number for the preceding year. It is interesting to note that this increase is almost the same as that recorded in 1928 (950). One may add further that no great welling of the aggregate rolls may be looked for in 1930 and 1931, and that the total number of pupils in our secondary schools may reasonably be expected to diminish temporarily in 1932. The low birth-rates of the period 1917-1919 must inevitably affect the enrolment in the manner suggested. The number of registered private secondary schools was raised to forty-seven during the year by the registration of St. Matthew's Collegiate School for Girls, Masterton, the Marist Brothers' School, Hamilton, St. Catherine's Convent, Invercargill, and the Sacred Heart High School, Nelson. Thirteen of the registered schools were inspected during the year. Though the number of appeals lodged by teachers against their classification was much larger than usual only two sittings of the Appeal Board were necessary —one in Auckland and one in Dunedin. Of the fifteen appeals lodged twelve were withdrawn and three disallowed. The number of senior free places granted to pupils from departmental secondary schools on the Principals' recommendation continues to increase steadily, but, on the whole, not more rapidly than the total number of candidates offering. Senior free places on recommendation were obtained by 3,448 pupils, and refused to 1,452 ; 608 of these subsequently sat the Intermediate Examination, but only 123 succeeded in obtaining their senior free places by this method. Following the customary practice of accrediting, higher leaving-certificates were granted to 834 pupils, including 126 from registered private secondary schools. In 1928 the corresponding numbers were 778 and 104. The demand for lower leaving-certificates from the purely secondary schools continues to decline, and only sixty-six were granted this year, including ten to pupils in private schools. No progress was made during the year towards a satisfactory solution of the problem of school leaving-certificates. The whole question was dealt with at considerable length in my last report, and Ido not propose to traverse the same ground again. Further consideration of the requirements of the situation has, however, led me to advocate strongly the institution of a new school leavingcertificate, to be awarded on the result of an independent examination taken by secondary-school pupils at the close of their third or fourth year. Such an examination would need to be held at the same time as the University Entrance Examination, otherwise many pupils would submit themselves to both tests —a most undesirable procedure, and one to be discouraged by all means. Further, the institution of independent and synchronous examinations would materially reduce the present unwieldy number of candidates for the entrance test. It is possible that at the outset pirpils might hesitate to enter for the new examination, not caring to forgo the advantages which are undoubtedly associated with the passing of a University entrance test, but in a little while the status of a leaving-certificate ■would be satisfactorily established, and would secure the approval of public estimation. To adopt the procedure followed in Britain and in Australia and establish an examination to serve the dual purpose of leaving-certificate and University entrance, would merely perpetuate the evils of examination ridden curricula which educationists, both here and at Home, are so busily engaged in decrying. The severance of the two examinations would give the University authorities a better opportunity for gradually raising the standard of attainment required from young people entering upon degree courses ; a dual-purpose examination, on the other hand, would tend to preserve its own standard at the level of the requirements and capacities of pupils in their third and fourth year of secondary school work. Its institution and organization would probably be delayed and hampered by the establishment of a composite examining body representative of the aims and requirements of the University and of the schools, and its effect would undoubtedly be to add at least a thousand candidates annually to the already undesirably large number sitting the Entrance Examination.



So far as the training of secondary-school teachers is concerned matters remain very much as before. In three of the training-college centres students who desire to specialize in secondary-school work are given the opportunity of entering any of the local secondary or technical high schools ; they spend periods of from three to five weeks at a time in observing the work of expert teachers and in practising under skilled Heads of Departments. The system is undoubtedly imperfect, but the students are grateful for the opportunities provided, and for the help and guidance accorded to them by Principals and Heads of Departments. In Auckland the facilities described above are available at the technical school and the Kowhai Junior High School only. It is pleasing to note that more and more of our young teachers have availed themselves of the benefit of a training-college course. So far as the men are concerned, the proportion of trained teachers has for some years risen steadily, but during this last year a really notable record has been established, in that 97 per cent, of the male entrants into the ranks of the secondary-school teachers had passed through a training college. Of the forty-one women entrants thirty had either attended a trainingcollege or had obtained practice as home-science student-teachers, and six others had had previous teaching experience. It should scarcely be necessary to draw attention to these figures, but popular beliefs die hard, and the statement is still idly repeated in some quarters that the great majority of secondary-school teachers are quite untrained. Within the past two years a notable expansion of the system of Heads of Departments has taken place, and more and more Principals are availing themselves of the assistance of the abler senior members of their staffs and delegating to them some measure of responsibility for the maintenance of a high standard in the teaching of their particular subjects. In the large city schools in Wellington and in the South the Heads have been particularly helpful in superintending the practice of the students in training. The number of Heads that may be appointed is prescribed by regulations, and varies from one in schools with a minimum roll of 300 to three in schools with 600 pupils or more ; in general, also, it is required that there should be at least three junior teachers in the subject for which the Head is responsible. In 1929 the regulations permitted the appointment of forty-six Heads of Departments in all, but only thirty-five were actually employed ; of the eleven vacancies eight were in girls' and two in mixed schools. Turning to the standard of the work being accomplished in the secondary schools, and to the methods employed in attaining that standard, it may be stated that the year has been one of steady application and reasonable progress ; no startlingly new method of attack or presentation has been applied in the teaching of any subject, and, on the whole, the tendency has been to realize that, after all, some of the older methods had in them many elements that made for soundness and thoroughness. Unfortunately, they were often of such a nature as to fail to retain, or even to arouse, the pupil's interest, and by their very thoroughness they sometimes succeeded in creating an actual distaste for the subject studied. It was only natural that following the lead and guidance of expert and earnest educationists we should adopt brighter and less rigid methods, and seek to give the pupil greater scope to develop his own aptitudes in his own way. There is a growing conviction among many teachers, however, that as applied to some subjects the new methods have gone a little too far in their laudable desire to escape from formalism, and that, as a consequence, our school-children have not the sound knowledge of certain fundamental processes that their predecessors of ten to twenty years ago possessed. In English the teaching of literature continues to develop satisfactorily, and in most schools the library is becoming more and more a centre of general interest. The practice of setting aside definite periods in the library for silent reading is also steadily growing. On the other hand, there has been a distinct lapse in the standard reached in formal work, with the inevitable result that the teaching both of English composition a.nd of foreign languages has been seriously affected. While it is admitted that some of the fault lies with the secondary school, it is also true that many new entrants, in some cases the great majority, come up insufficiently prepared in formal work. The primary-school syllabus, although purposely stated in fairly general terms, is for the most part adequate, so that the main responsibility lies with the individual school or teacher. A more general insistence upon definite and accurate grammatical knowledge would be of distinct benefit to the pupil in his secondary course. It is a little disconcerting, too, to realize that, in spite of the increasing amount of time devoted in recent years to the reading and appreciation of literature, both in primary and in secondary classes, there has been no apparent commensurate development of the pupils' power of expression as judged by their composition work, and that so far as the more mechanical points of composition are concerned —spelling, punctuation, sentence-structure, &c. —the work of many of our first-year pupils is pitifully weak. There is no gainsaying the fact that the standard of spelling among entrants to secondary schools has deteriorated considerably during the past ten years or so. Whether this deterioration has resulted from the adoption of new methods of teaching the subject in the primary schools, I am not in a position to state, but it is to be hoped that a remedy may soon be found for the present state of affairs. As far as the teaching of foreign languages is concerned there is little fresh comment to make. Latin continues to be taken by only a comparatively small proportion of pupils (a little over 38 per cent.). In some ways this preference for Latin over French is to be regretted. In the early stages there should be little difference in attraction between the two, especially nowadays, when interesting text-books in Latin are available. In ease of pronunciation Latin undoubtedly has the advantage. For pupils who are destined to proceed only a short way in a foreign language, an elementary knowledge of Latin is possibly more useful than a little French, since even a small vocabulary will provide the key to many groups of derived English words. For those, however, who contemplate proceeding to more advanced studies the choice is not so obvious, as a mastery of Latin is admittedly more difficult of attainment and probably offers fewer practical advantages than does the ability to read and appreciate current French literature.



In the teaching of history in lower forms and at the post-entrance stage a good deal of interesting and original work is being done, such as the compilation of individual illustrated historical sketches of the history of the Dominion by the younger pupils, and in the Sixth Forms the application of elementary research methods. In Fourth and Fifth Forms, however, many teachers allow themselves to be hampered by the necessity of imparting and revising the knowledge of sufficient facts for examination purposes. This is to be deplored, particularly in the Fourth Forms, for whom the Department's syllabus is intended to be suggestive only ; a considerable enlargement of certain sections, and the curtailment of the treatment of others in accordance with the special tastes of the teacher, would be very desirable in many instances. Geography has not yet succeeded in obtaining the place in our secondary schools' curricula to which its importance and its value as a medium of cultural training entitle it. Many Principals would gladly give the subject more attention than it receives at present, but for the difficulty in finding adequate time for a proper study of it. Where pupils learn two foreign languages there is admittedly little time for geography, but the subject should be a prominent constituent of every course provided for " modern " or non-Latin pupils. The work in arithmetic submitted by the Senior National Scholarship and Public Service Entrance candidates at the last November examinations was of a disappointing standard, and was most severely criticized by the examiners. For this weakness the secondary schools must take their fair share of blame. In the past two or three years, however, teachers in secondary schools have complained that the pupils coming up from the primary schools are not as well-grounded in arithmetic as they used to be. So far as proficiency in mechanical processes is concerned, the complaint is certainly well founded. Whether it is because less time is now devoted to " tables " than in the past, or whether other subjects in the primary syllabus have engrossed more of the pupils' time and attention than formerly, is not easy to adjudge, but the inability of many entrants into our secondary schools to add or to multiply correctly has become dispuietingly apparent in the past few years. It is obvious that unless the standard of arithmetic in our secondary schools is to fall our teachers must be prepared to devote more time and energy to the subject than has hitherto been the case. In the early stages it will be well to make some special effort to ensure mechanical accuracy before giving instruction in newer and more difficult branches of the subject. Though the teaching of agriculture has by no means been neglected, there,is little to record by way of progress. The subject, as a part of a semi-vocational course, is still taught in sixteen boys' or mixed secondary schools ; but the percentage of boys taking it in. these schools has not risen beyond that recorded in my last report (twenty-three). It is interesting to note that for the last three years (1927-29) the percentages of all boys leaving Departmental secondary schools to take up agricultural or pastoral pursuits have been seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen. Whether the prevailing economic depression will materially affect the percentage remains to be noted in. next year's report. As many as 53 per cent, of the boys who completed their schooling at Rangiora High School last year took up farming-work, and this school is to be congratulated on the success attending .its efforts to counteract the townward drift of young folk. Closely following Rangiora were Waitaki Boys' High School (48 per cent.), Dannevirke High School (40 per cent.), and Gore High School (37 per cent.). It is of some interest to observe that these figures are not very dissimilar to those of the technical high schools with the highest percentages —viz., Ashburton (53 per cent.), Pukekohe (52), and Feilding (45). Not all post-primary schools can be expected to turn out young farmers or farm-workers on such a generous scale, nor from an economic point of view would it be advisable or desirable to attempt to do so. The large city schools very naturally contribute much smaller proportions of youths to the ranks of those earning their living on the land, and, in consequence, the percentage of boys leaving all types of post-primary Departmental schools to take up farm work was in 1929 a modest twentyone. In 1927 it was nineteen, but rose to twenty-one in the following year, and has since remained practically stationary. When from the 1926 census tables it is learnt that 28-18 per cent, of all male workers who described their industry or occupation were engaged in agricultural and pastoral pursuits, it would appear at first sight as if our schools were not coping with the normal demand for rural workers. It must not be forgotten, however, that as many as 2,433 boys left primary schools last year to work on farms, and it is probably not realized that 30 per cent, of the boys who completed their schooling at all types of public schools in New Zealand in 1927 took up farming on leaving school; in the following year the percentage rose to 31, and at that figure it remained last year also. These numbers are by no means alarmingly low, but the margin of security for an adequate supply of people permanently engaged in rural industries is undoubtedly small; and if, as is highly to be desired, the 1931 census is to record a greater rural quota than 28-18 per cent, it behoves all schools, and particularly the secondary schools, to avoid fostering unduly any tendencies that will encourage either an urban drift or the neglect of our greatest, almost our only, primary industry. In conclusion, I am again pleased to record my appreciation of the efforts of the secondary-school staffs to maintain a high standard of efficiency and to co-operate willingly with the Inspectors in their work. I have also to express my appreciation of the whole-hearted co-operation of my colleagues. I have, &c, E. J. Pare, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.

E. 6.

2.— DETAILED TABLES. Table K1. —Some Particulars relating to Secondary Education for the Years 1927, 1928, and 1929.

Table K2. —Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders.


— 1927. 1928. 1929. Secondary schools — Number of Government secondary schools .... 41 43 44 Number of endowed schools .. .. .. .. 2 2 2 Number of boys at Government secondary schools .. 7,306 7,808 7,924 Number of girls at Government secondary schools.. .. 6,337 6,654 6,981 Number of boys at endowed schools .. .. .. 547 576 593 Number of girls at endowed schools .. .. .. Nil Nil Nil Number of free pupils at Government secondary schools .. 13,901* 14,931* 15,746* Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. 5,582 6,037 6,044 Number of pupils leaving school .. .. .. 4,855 4,995 5,622 Secondary departments of district high schools — Number of secondary departments ...... 79 79 79 Number of boys in attendance .. .. .. .. 1,719 1,889 1,937 Number of girls in attendance .. .. .. .. 1,724 1,784 1,932 Number of free pupils .. .. .. .. .. 3,746* 4,033* 4,436* Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. 2,095 2,198 2,381 Number of pupils leaving school .. .. .. 1,566 1,596 1,937 Expenditure by Government in financial year — Payments to Education Boards for— £ £ £ District high schools—Secondary teachers'salaries .. 52,359 58,254 65,276 National scholarships .. .. .. .. 11,280 11,273 11,268 Payments to secondary schools and colleges for — Salaries and incidental expenses .. .. .. 248,790 267,282 276,969 Manual-instruction capitation .. .. .. 4,414 4,606 5,322 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. 2,018 1,750 3,670 New buildings, equipment, furniture, and sites .. 93,878 44,382 78,438 Maintenance of school buildings .. .. .. 1,131 1,453 3,654 Reserves revenue .. .. .. .. .. 8,280 10,556 12,280 Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools 7,887 8,618 11,783 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,570 3,949 2,801 * As at 30th June in each year.

Number of Holders of Roll Number, p ,, Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1929. tv.V™w on Roll June, School. Attendance, 1st March, «2®. 1929Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. 421 | 231 191 422 477 333 ! 123 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. j 873 ! 862 .. 862 974 595 ! 323 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. | 559 ' 518 .. 518 599 383 174 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. ! 543-3 : .. 540 540 584 398 166 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. j 545-7 .. 556 556 607 415 165 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. i 385 193 179 372 422 303 90 Thames High School .. .. .. j 188 93 85 178 210 128 57 Hamilton High School .. .. 394 197 199 396 435 264 151 Rotorua High School .. . . .. ! 144-4 80 63 143 164 107 42 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. ! 455-9 436 .. 436 543 316 156 New Plymouth Girls'High School .. 271-9 .. 275 275 321 220 81 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 276 .. 283 283 296 178 102 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. 338 322 • .. 322 384 241 105 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. 227-8 .. 233 233 252 177 59 Gisborne High School .. .. 416 231 161 392 473 311 125 Napier Boys' High School . . .. 260-7 262 .. 262 305 178 91 Napier Girls' High School .. .. 264-7 .. 278 278 302 197 86 Hastings High School .. .. 322-7 152 156 308 374 274 84 Dannevirke High School .. .. 179 86 93 179 203 142 48 Wairarapa High School .. .. 275-3 162 109 271 310 175 101 Hutt Valley High School .. .. 363-9 176 164 340 412 300 89 Wellington College .. .. .. 655 651 .. 651 725 423 242 Bongotai Boys' College .. .. 200 197 .. 197 225 166 45 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 440 .. 450 450 481 338 132 Wellington East Girls'College .. .. 339-7 .. 350 350 394 282 99 Marlborough High School .. .. 221 116 101 217 266 191 56 Nelson College .. .. .. 348 350 .. 350 401 234 127 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. 315-6 .. 328 328 349 203 128 Rangiora High School .. .. 153 77 74 151 181 124 34 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 589 627 .. 627 720 483 201 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 421-7 .. 429 429 454 282 156 Avonside Girls' High School . . .. 240-6 .. 246 246 271 201 57 Ashburton High School .. .. 186 107 90 197 209 124 75 Timaru Boys' High School . . .. 376-6 380 .. 380 402 251 129 Tiinaru Girls' High School .. .. 304 .. 314 314 340 219 105 [Continued overleaf.]



Table K2.—Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments). —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders — continued.

Table K2a. —Ages of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Schools and Endowed Schools at 30th June, 1929.

Table K3.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 30th June, 1929, according to Years of Attendance at Post-primary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).

Table K4.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Schools, 1929.

Number of Holders of Roll Number, i R n Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1929. j on .Roll at 30th June, School. Attendance, j v* ff i' 1929. 1Q oQ 5 j 1st March, j ; 1929. Boys. Girls. Total. j Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools —continued. Waimate High School.. .. .. 110 60 [ 50 110 128 j 83 31 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. 31.5 j 294 | .. 294 328 186 109 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. 190-2 j .. J 188 188 216 145 53 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 682 632 j .. 632 739 428 252 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 403 .. j 413 413 456 282 147 South Otago High School .. .. 119 ' 72 49 121 130 75 51 Goro High vSchool . . .. .. 217-8 , 109 j 107 216 255 169 69 Southland Boys' High School .. .. 249 j 251 | .. 251 293 175 89 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 223 .. I 227 227 257 159 83 Totals .. .. .. 15,004-5 | 7,924 I 6,981 14,905 16,867 I 10,858 I 4,888 I l I I B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. I 267 262 j .. 262 271 i .. [ Christ's College .. .. .. J 328-2 ! 331 j .. 331 347 j Totals .. .. .. 595-2 i 593 | .. 593 j 618 Grand totals .. .. 15,599-7 j 8,517 | 6,981 15,498 17,485 10,858 4,888

Ages of all Pupils oil Roll at 30th June, 1929. Number of Schools. I "oars. 4 u to 15 Ycars - 15 to 18 Years - 16 to 17 Years - 17°™ars. T °Ages. aU B. G. B. ) G. B. j G. B . I G. B. G. B. G. B. I G. 1 I I 1 i Secondary schools (44) 381 367 1,513 1,424 2,280 [2,136 2,247 , 1,777 .1,483 1,083 888 664 8,772 j 7,451 Endowed schools (2) .. 14 .. 47 .. 123 J .. 152 .. 147 .. 123 .. 600 I !. All schools (46) .. 395 367 1,560 1,424 2,403 |2,136 |2,399 1,777 1,610 1,083 1,011 664 9,378 ! 7 451 J I I j 1 '

Number of New* Number of Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 1929. Entrants in ■g 1929 who had not Number of previously Secondary Schools. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. rs Education 1 " § 1 u Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. I I I I 44 (3,1212,8262,6022,2641,6381,2701, 000 730 359 316 52 45 8,772 7,45116,223 3,159 2,885 ! I 1 | l_ * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 30th June, 1929, are of course included in the first two columns of this table under the heading " First Year."

Number of Pupils Percentage of j Number of Pupils Percentage of taking Subjects. Whole Number. ! taking Subjects. Whole Number. Subject. Subjcct. J Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. j J Boys, Girls. 1 Boys. [ Girls. - . English .. .. .. 8,762 7,451 99-9 100-0 i Botany .. .. . 80 376 0-9 5-0 History and civics .. .. 8,167 7,188 93-1 96-5 Arts and crafts .. .. .. 387 .. 5-2 French .. .. .. 7,698 1 6,424 87-7 86-2 I Economics .. .. 248 56 2-8 0-8 Mathematics .. .. 8,467 5,125 96-5 68-8 jj Dairy science .. .. 266 .. 3-0 Geography .. .. 5,079 5,246 57-9 70-4 jj Natural science .. .. 88 81 1-0 1-1 Arithmetic .. .. 3,242 6,906 37-0 92-7 I Wool-classing .. .. 162 .. 1-8 Drawing .. .. .. 4,366 4,087 49-8 54-9 Home nursing .. .. .. 144 .. 1-9 Physical science and chemistry 7,480 j 532 85-3 7-1 Heat and light .. .. 64 11 0-7 0-1 Domestic and home science .. •• I 6,883 j .. 92-4 ! Workshop theory and practice 55 .. 0-6 Music and singing .. .. 1,294 5,009 14-8 j 67-2 Method of teaching .. .. .. 53 .. 0-7 Latin .. .. .. 3,817 2,385 43-5 32 1 Motor engineering .. .. 47 .. 0-5 Book-keeping and commercial 2,320 1,998 26-4 26-8 j Steam .. .. .. 46 .. 0-5 I work j Art .. .. .. .. 37 .. ! 0-5 Needlework .. .. .. 3,054 .. 41-0 Building construction .. 12 .. 0-1 Shorthand and typing .. 193 1,829 2-2 24-5 Mercantile law .. .. 8 .. 0-1 Physiology and hygiene .. 160 1,684 1-8 22-6 j Jurisprudence .. .. 7 .. 0-1 Cookery .. .. .. .. 1,632 .. 21-9 Constitutional history .. 6 .. 0-1 Woodwork .. .. 1,309 .. 14-9 .. Bankruptcy .. .. 3 .. * Elocution .. .. .. .. 1,071 .. 14-4 Trustee law .. .. 3 .. * Electricity and magnetism .. 999 .. 11'4 .. Company law .. .. 3 .. * Mechanics .. .. .. 895 8 10-2 0-1 I ' Agriculture .. .. 843 .. 9'6 .. j Total roll at 30th June 8,772 7,451 100-0 i 100-0 Metalwork .. .. 522 6-0 Ij [ * No significant percentage.


Table K5. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1929.

Table K6.—Number of Pupils at 30th June, 1929, boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


Number held Number held ! Number held Number Number Total Number. at Secondary at District ! at Technical receiving receiving Schools. High Schools. High Schools. Boarding- TravellingEducation District. | allowance allowance L . (included (included in Total in Total Boys. Girls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior, j Junior. Senior. Number). Number). Auckland .. .. ..160 94 254 125 85 j 26 4 10 4 i 40 22 TaranaKi .. :. ..29 12 41 17 14 j .. .. 5 5 j 12 1 Wanganui .. .. 18 14 32 9 9 3 2 7 2 j 5 Hawke's Bay .. .. 26 16 42 26 13 3 •• .. .. 13 3 Wellington '.. .. .. 51 37 88 53 30 i 3 1 1 j ... | 8 6 Nelson .. .. 26 22 48 27 16 j 3 1 1 j .. 21 Canterbury .. .. .. 58 57 115 57 29 23 .. 5 1 23 8 Otago .. .. ..54 30 84 42 30 j II 1 .. .. 10 2. Southland .. .. .. 4 11 15 6 7 j .. 2 3 1 Totals .. .. 426 293 719 j 362 233 j 72 11 29 12 144 43

Secondary Departments. cle a fcf 5.S — Boarding at Total. os'Slzl . . Boarding at Establishments Boarding £* g © aenooi. School Hostels. approved by privately. Principal. -S § w "S„c C3 O Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys, i Girls. Boys. Girls. I I 1 . | . i-? A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 75 59 | 18 23 I 93 82 .. Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. 12 | 38 .. 50 Mount Albert Boys'Grammar School .. .. 48 .. I 33 .. 81 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 33 j 33 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 14 .. 7 .. 41. I 62 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 9 9 9 Thames High School .. .. .. 2 1 2 1 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. 16 17 16 47 Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 3 2 3 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. 171 .. .. .. 19 .. 190 .. 19 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. .. .. 57 .. .. .. 14 .. 71 6 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. 15 .. 1.15 13 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. 40 .. .. .. 9 .. 49 Palmers ton North Girls' High School .. .. .. 17 . . .. .. 17 .. 34 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 51 27 .. 21 15 72 42 17 Napier Bovs' High School .. .. .. 66 .. .. .. 1 . • 67 Napier Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 58 9 .. 67 16 Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 12 10 12 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 15 .. .. 4 5 10 20 14 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. 6 10 , 50 10 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • • 2 j 2 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. 5 j 60 Rongotai Boys' College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. 32 .. 1 .. 9 .. 42 Wellington East Girls'College .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 •• 11 •. 12 Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 4 16 4 16 Nelson College .. .. .. .. 154 .. .. .. 15 .. 169 .. 21 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. 73 .. .. .. 33 .. 106 10 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 14 12 .. .... 1 14 13 Chrisfcchurch Boys' High School .. .. 44 .. .. j 14 .. 58 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. . . .. 43 .. .. .. 8 .. 51 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. . - .. .. .. .... 9 .. 9 Ashhurton High School .. .. .. 5 .. .. 4 13 9 13 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. . . 110 .. .. •. 12 .. 122 .. 29 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. . . .. 66 .. . • 18 84 9 Waimate High School .. .. . . . . .. .. .. • • 4 5 4 5 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. . . 155 .. .. .. 8 .. 163 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. . . .. 37 .. .. .. 14 .. 51 Otago Boys' High School .. . . . . 46 .. .. .. 22 .. 68 Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. . • •. • • 28 .. 28 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 2 4 2 Gore High School .. .. .. . . 18 24 .. 5 3 23 27 Southland Boys' High School .. . . . . .. j .. 32 .. 32 Southland Gir ls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 .. 27 Total, A .. .. .. 1,111 649 12 13 318 428 .1,441 1.090 140 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. .. 224 .. I .. i .. i .. .. 224 Christ's College .. .. .. .. 209 j .. | .. | .. | .. j .. 209 Total, B .. .. .. .. 433 j .. | . J .. | . .. 433 Grand totals .. .. .. 1,544 649 12 13 I 318 428 1,874 1,090 140 I J


Table K7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1929.


Endowment Income Account. Endowment^C^t 8 .! Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. Rnird From Reserves. Povern ' Voluntary Balance, , _ TnfArA _ f Balance, Sales of Balance, r "xj Contribu- Transfers Balance, Balance, _ Advances Transfers 1st Janu- I Adminis- 1st Janu- Endow- 1st Janu- * d tions and from other 1st Jann- Fees. Sundries. 1st Janu- to Boarders and ary, 1929. Vested in tered by * ary, 1929. ments. ary, 1929. a„v c :H4o a Miscel- Accounts. ary,1929. ary, 1929. -Lees. refunded. Sundries, i Boards. Land feuosiaies. laneou3> j Boards. ! I I I A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ !£ £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. 54* 247 459 .. 857 .. 268* 488 205 664 .. .. .. 258* 6,317 .. 5 Auckland Grammar School .. 10,600 10,201 1,744 428 481 400 496 6,125 794 100 .. .. .. 15* 2,731 .. 924 Thames High School .. .. 330* 938 91 30 j 111* 88 .. 877 Hamilton High School .. 313 .. 282 .. .. .. 34 .. 238 .. .. .. 1,600 .. .. 472 Rotorua High School .. .. 69 238 .. 31 .. .. 37 2,458 .. 1 New Plymouth High School .. 500 1,371 1,235 .. .. .. 518* 1,209 787 3,376 95 838 .. 1,831 13,884 3,944 50 Wanganui Girls' College .. 749 971 229 .. .. .. 75 .. 55 177 361 381 19 718 6,173 2,230 164 Palmerston North High School .. .. 473 .. .. .. 1,008* 2,959 .. 514 .. .. .. 159 2,981 553 376 Gisborne High School .. .. 3,072 3,800 .. 14 7 .. .. 239 .. .. 153 359 4 802 4,109 1,040 2 Napier High School .. .. .. 502 1,006 .. .. 799 .. .. .. 1,892 624 534 20 3,130 8,204 1,107 111 Hastings High School .. .. 4.12 .. 650 .. .. .. 22* 258 Dannevirke High School .. 189 .. 440 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1* 667 Wairarapa High School .. 514 .. 245 .. .. .. 1,437* .. .. 98 .. .. .. 910 2,702 200 49 Hutt Valley High School .. 154 23 251 .. .. .. 66* 227 134 Wellington College .. .. 5,494 13,688 1,459 1,759 13 .. 1,937* 15,674 . 856 7,115 .. .. .. 099 5,871 5 545 Marlborough High School .. 377 .. 92 400 .. .. .. 259 • ■ 44 Nelson College .. .. .. 995 450 .. .. .. 1,057 5,647 ; .. 488 233 912 .. 1,359 16,072 2,111 592 Rangiora High School .. .. 280 .. .. .. .. 101 .. .. ! 280 .. .. .. 365* 1,084 Christchurch Boys' High School 2,645 6,157 .. 486 .. .. .. .. .. ! 2,831 .. .. .. 481* 2,461 Christcliurch Girls' High School .. .. 528 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 2,044 .. Ill Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 88 .. 40 Akaroa High School .. .. 3,184 322 .. 50 .. .. 23 .. .. 1,602 .. .. .. 1,655* Hokitika High School .. 2,986 108 .. 279 .. .. .. .. Ash'ourton High School .. .. 1,162 .. 2 70 .. 1,700* 1,700 .. 2,937 .. .. .. 263 .. .. 2,123 Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,981 .. 57 .. .. 264* .. .. 2,679 .. .. .. 48 .. .. 1,070 Waimate High School .. 4,477 341 .. 159 .. .. .. 319 .. 3,607 Waitaki High School .. .. .. 1,921 606 198 .. .. 4,361* 63 141 2,638 .. .. .. 1,327 2,355 Otago High School .. .. 3,640 4,453 563 266 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,315 2,415 352 157 South Otago High School .. 140 .. .. .. .. .. 1,156 .. 156 Gore High School .. .. 19 .. 120 .. .. .. 339* •• •• •• •• 314* 1,434 Southland High School .. .. 2,172 333 .. .. .. 608* 623 | .. 2,022 .. .. .. .. .. 60 Totals .. .. 39,150 52,871 11,256 4,159 1,428 1,199 10,837* 39,614 2,972 34,374 1,466 3,024 43 11,822 81,504 11,542 6,811 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolt .. .. .. .. .. j .. Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. 3,349 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,149 .. 172 Totals .. .. .. | .. 3,349 .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,149 .. 172 ' ; ; __J J 1 I * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11A.


Table K7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1929— continued.

2—E. 6.


General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. j j Board From Government. I Balaiino anvp rn Balance, Voluntary a r hool 1 Transfers 1 + j anu '. mpTit i Transfers Balance, Transfers 1st Janu- Contribu- -nw- Sundries, from other v r nanifat;™ Sundries, from other 1st Janu- from other ary, 1929. Teachers' Incidental s u t) s idi es tions. Accounts. and Grants Accounts, ary, 1929. neous. Accounts. Salaries. Expenses. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £i££ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. 400 ! 10,540 1,494 8 71 97 757 .. 10 .. 31 18 20* 368 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 1,840 j 32,850 7,900 104 188 716 .. 11,342 188 17 .. .. 5,633 380 Thames High School .. .. .. j 640 I 3,630 525 .. .. 89 48 .. 76 61 .. .. 55 2 Hamilton High School .. .. .. j 738 1 6,490 1,088 .. 90 110 389 606 87 105 .. .. .. 305 Rotoraa High School .. .. .. j 171 3,090 556 15 16 89 236 1,049 27 48 .. .. 43 928 New Plymouth High School .. .. 345 j 10,160 1,580 .. 5 423 91 1,169 20* 362 88 90 4 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. 1,115 3,548 656 .. .. 155 1,817 1,416 29 .. 10 .. 20 Palmerston North High School .. .. 694 9,250 1,590 .. 54 218 96 311 31 144 84 .. 550 26 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 273 3,970 1,180 6 17 197 110 3,272 90* 97 .. .. 17 84 10 Napier High School .. .. .. \ 2,796 9,650 1,518 274 422 299 4,684 821 270* 219 Hastings High School .. .. .. j 18 5,020 940 119 85 39 195 579 8 75 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 464 3,520 508 .. .. 91 22 313 23 40 .. .. 81* 109 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 1,209 4,854 775 .. 134 188 10 .. 15 83 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. 64 5,500 1,030 .. 50 31 42 273 89 .. 1 10 Wellington College .. .. .. 2,404* 21,928 4,661 19 .. 600 316 7,399 444 .. 26 .. 503 693 Marlborough High School .. .. ..I 158* 7,740 907 11 11 19 187 757 .. .. 182 .. 10 Nelson College .. .. .. .. 543* 10,630 1,835 195 116 529 927 765 167 261 .. .. .. 200 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 135 3,330 453 62 237 132 501 .. 10* 69 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 422* i 10,450 1,800 30 .. 211 .. 200 79* 161 12 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 959 5,585 1,135 .. .. 135 243 146 272 166 195 Avonside Girls' High School .. ..I 523 3,450 675 54 .. 48 124 57 3* 67 9 Akaroa High School .. .. .. • • I • • • • • • • • Hokitika High School .. .. .. j | Ashburton High School .. .. .. j 61* 3,562 530 125 55 43 37 350 35* .. .. 63 43 52 Timaru High School .. .. .. 636* 10,428 1,865 .. 30 365 10 160 51* 224 .. .. 85 3 Waimate High School .. .. .. ; .. 2,080 320 .. 83 57 .. 328 .. .. .. .. .. ... Waitaki High School .. .. .. 2,697 11,970 1,650 101 76 438 845 70 434* 297 .. .. .. 323 613 Otago High School .. .. .. 3,102 13,760 2,945 50 51 273 995 4,266 631 .. .. .. 2,802 155 South Otago High School .. .. . . 108 2,295 325 22 50 .. 10 18 7* 34 Gore High School .. .. .. 735 4,240 633 .. .. 53 51 59 41* 69 .. .. 506 62 Southland High School .. .. .. 1,446 9,340 1,378 87 41 147 147 149 139* . 139 .. 45 Totals .. .. .. 16,248 232,860 42,452 1,282 1,882 5,792 I 12,890 35,875 918 2,738 " 638 126 10,246 3,714 623 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf .. .. j .. .. .. .. Christ's College .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. 10,175 j 1,406 9,969 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,175 | 1,406 9,969 .. .. .... .. .... * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11 a.


Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1929.


Endowments Income Account. Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. B °ard. Office Expenditure Transfers Ba i an ce Balance Expenditure on Interest Ba i ance Balance, Salaries on to £T?v' tv' Buildings, Sites, Loans on Loans PJtf 5SJ' Teachers' Incidental Miscel- 31st Deand Endow- other cem ber 1929 and cember 1929 Furniture, and repaid. and " e ~ Salaries. Expenses, laneous. cember, Expenses. ments. Accounts. cemDer > Ira ™f er8 temDer ' is " a - Apparatus. sundry. cemt >". la -»- 1929. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££££ Whangarei High School .. .. 25 337 120 170 857 .. 924 .. 120 45 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 505 2,905 11,442 8,122 50 831 7,187 .. .. 327 Thames High School .. .. 103 33 592 .. .. .. 171 595 88 Hamilton High School .. . , .. 116 480 .. .. .. 270 Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. 125 213 .. .. 2,369 .. 15 112 New Plymouth High School .. 50 3 2,604 449 .. .. 3,327 1,069 422 35 496 228 19 190 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 55 .. 1,593 301 .. .. 4 .. 174 130 225 105 .. 431 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 449 24 .. .. 2,465 Gisborne High School .. .. 100 2 3,272 3,512 .. 7 225 .. 14 .. 348 65 6 98 Napier High School .. .. 13 16 1,480 .. 799 .. 107 530 1,255 .. 562 54 30 532 Hastings High School .. .. .. .. 579 483 .. .. 227 .. .. 9 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 313 316 .. .. .. j Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 524 235 .. .. .. I .. .. 1,339* Hutt Valley High School .. .. 1 .. 273 155 .. .. 207 .. .. 88 Wellington College .. .. 323 686 14,514 6,878 .. 13 17,150 | 3,947 3,167 2,556* Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. 757 112 .. .. 315 ; .. .. 11* Nelson College .. .. .. 40 .. 1,405 .. .. .. 7,779 : .. .. 588* 847 179 .. 119 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 280 .. .. .. 36 197 83 64 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 189 758 3,032 5,309 .. .. 100 I .. 2,831 100* Ohristchureh Girls' High School .. 15 310 203 .. .. .. .. .. '. Avonside Girls' High School.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 .. .. 13 Akaroa High School .. .. .. 14 l,702f 1,841 .. .. 1,602 .. .. 23 Hokitika High School .. .. 36 27 333J 2,977 .. .. .. .. .. j Ashburton High School .. .. 30 31 1,087 16 .. 70 103 1,700 1,135 Timaru High School .. .. 99 99 2,839 .. .. .. 193 468 593 1.161 Waimate High School .. .. 40 131 3,935 870 .. .. 3,941 .. ..I 15* .. .. .. ! Waitaki High School .. .. 100 79 2,546 .. .. .. 463 .. .. 1,982* Otago High School .. .. 229 76 4,323 4,294 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. 18 121 .. .. 1,313 .. .. .. .. .. .... Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. 59 80 .. .. 64 .. .. 403* Southland High School .. .. 80 256 2,188 .. .. .. 860 819 1,199 841* Totals .. .. 2,033 5,879 63,047 36,478 1,706 921 51,530 9,325 11,096 5,828* 2,478 631 55 j 1,370 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School§ Christ's College .. .. .. 171 203 2,975 .. .. .. .. .. " " " " " " Totals .. .. 171 203 2,975 I " " * Accounts overdrawn. t Includes sundry payments in respect to District High School, Akaroa. t Includes sundry payments in respect to District High School, Hokitika. § Keceipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balanoe-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.



Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1929—continued.

Hostels Account. General Account. Imteuction AMoSnt. S P eclal Accounts. Total al S T)p' Teachers' Incidental oj Buildings, „ 1IndrJ to Material, ?, aI Total i ffifr??' Payments. oeraber> Salaries - Expenses. Rent, and ' 5" Ac cember, 1929. &c - cember, 1929. j cember, 1929 A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. ■■ 5,812 252 10,767 1,538 571 207 44 240 290 231* 1 265 83 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 3,524 116 44,834 8,140 742 505 .. 719 1,019 814* 405 5,608 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,750 452 287 48 285 111 23 114 57 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 2,072 .. 6,697 912 169 5 236 1,490 109 I 83 .. 305 Rotorua High School .. .. •• •• .. 3,859 563 56 187 465 91 31 i 44 971 New Plymouth High School .. .. .. 17,822 1,887 10.762 2,308 313 77 161 154 892 j 461* .. 94 Wanganui Girls' College -. •• •• 8,656 629 4,097 998 677 1,854 .. 1,080 98 59* 20 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 3,805 264 9,501 1,454 355 60 392 449 207 i 52 26 550 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 5,160 794 7,226 1,143 200 252 .. 203 12 ' 5* 47 65 Napier High School .. .. .. .. 9,472 3,079 10,233 1,687 656 3,444 1,147 3,295 176 227* Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,486 890 128 274 .. 217 65 18 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 598 67 3,777 548 124 5 .. 464 53 10 94 67* Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 2,376 1,486 5,157 775 .. 10 .. 1,227 57 40 Hutt Vallev High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,764 839 121 143 .. 123 82 i 7 .. 10 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 5,225 2,195 28,235 3,969 1,613 547 .. 1,844* 581 j 111* 568 629 Marlborough High School.. .. .. .. .. .. 8,083 843 380 226 44 103* 331 1 149* 10 Nelson College .. .. .. .. .. 17,623 2,512 11,317 1,831 612 2,301 .. 1,606* 230 j 198 .. 200 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 1,023 305* 3,453 393 112 328 .. 563 98 39* Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. 2,211 231* 10,771 1,546 200 81 .. 329* 218 125* Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. 1,495 1,110 5,748 769 146 136 .. 1,404 182 451 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 3,507 719 50 102 .. 551 36 36 Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. lOOt 1,755* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hokitika High School Ashburton High School .. .. .. .. 2,057 329 3,593 584 197 155 163 51* 52 24* 45 49 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. 589 529 10,660 1,825 160 122 .. 547* 413 240* 3 85 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,163 321 16 .. 368 4 4* Waitaki High School .. .. .. .. 2,243 1,438 12,378 1,697 .. 651 1,075 2,044 224 ! 360* 835 101 Otago High School .. .. .. .. 2,381 1,858 17,863 2,812 576 597 .. 3,596 243 388 126 2,830 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. 2,296 242 18 159 i 156 43* 27 Gore High School .. .. .. .. 1,224 105* 4,315 686 59 5 : 704 53 25* 5 563 Southland High School .. .. .. .. 60 .. 9,485 1,131 277 113 | 108 1,621 197 152* Totals .. .. .. .. 95,528 16,149 265,777 | 41,615 8,815 12,594 4,276 16,191 6,003 1,585* 3,420 11,162 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School]" Christ's College .. .. .. 19,321 .. 9,416 2,741 2,393 1,945 5,055 Totals .. .. .. .. 19,321 .. 9,416 2,741 2,393 1,945 5,055 * Account overdrawn. t Includes sundry payments in respect to District High School, Akaroa. J Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.

E.- 6,


Table K9.—Secondary-school Hostels for Year 1929.—Income and Expenditure.

Expenditure. Hostel. j Income. i : Hates ■ ! Profit. Los?. Expenses. Provisions. j b^ T e ™ta. Light ' &c " | Eepalrs ' Int^' and j Depreciation. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.J £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.i £ s. d.j £ s. d.( £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 2,801 17 3 65 5 11 816 18 11 268 0 Oi 698 2 9 199 18 9 224 17 6 12 17 8j 79 8 7j 272 13 2; 2,838 3 3 163 14 0 Christchurch Girls' .. 2,219 0 11 68 9 3 384 17 0 57 0 0 635 16 11 102 8 4 176 12 10 23 17 7 28 16 6 247 11 6 1,725 9 11 493 11 0 Dannevirke Boj's' .. 786 11 0 .. 393 0 6 120 0 0 146 1 6 45 11 1 7 7 0 56 0 10 .. 60 5 0 828 5 11 .. 41 14 Gisborne Boys' .. 2,969 7 11 60 0 0 916 4 9 500 0 0 730 6 0 12 18 0 108 2 11 11 13 2 80 5 7 253 0 0] 2,872 10 5 96 17 6 Gisborne Girls' .. .1,820 7 6 45 0 0 517 5 5 180 0 0 557 7 6 294 1 4 40 1 10 10 4 5 50 5 2 197 0 0: 1,791 5 8 29 1 10 Gore Hi"ii .. .. 1,506 14 0 .. 494 15 9 36 6 0 408 4 0 190 1 6 36 2 7 43 12 1 15 8 11 247 17 7 1,372 8 5 134 5 7 Hamilton Girls' .. 1,793 5 6 66 0 0 422 18 3 153 0 0 292 5 2 65 18 4 111 18 1 269 4 6 82 15 7 30 0 0 1,493 19 11 299 5 7 Mount Albert Grammar 3,065 4 0 126 12 3 757 13 2 120 0 0 561 9 0 241 6 6 28 4 1 13 15 8 340 14 8 172 18 5 2,362 13 9 702 10 3 Napier Boys' .. 4,756 12 6 232 7 6 1,440 12 8 370 0 0 1,072 2 9 291 14 6 .. 8 18 11 470 0 5 520 0 0 4,405 16 9 350 15 9 Napier Girls' .. 4,270 2 1 245 14 1 1,203 0 0 150 0 0 1,013 19 4 273 1 6 .. 118 7 1 267 17 0 345 0 0 3,616 19 0 653 3 1 Nelson Boys' .. 11,492 14 6 222 5 2 4,188 4 1 .. 2,741 4 3 752 18 7 408 2 7 677 19 3 354 3 7 285 15 0 9,630 12 6 1,862 2 0 Nelson Girls' .. 5,293 6 1 222 5 2 2,065 19 8 .. 1,341 15 2 382 17 0 204 1 3 52 19 2 92 0 2 210 12 0 4,572 9 7 720 16 6 New Plymouth Bovs' 11,875 10 4 52 1 11 3,770 15 7 841 14 4 1,873 14 9 880 6 2 92 10 2 110 5 3 2,993 11 7 887 13 0 11,502 12 9 372 17 7 New Plymouth Girls' .. 3,642 10 7 49 5 0 814 3 11 208 7 8 573 4 11 298 7 10 70 16 11 89 5 5 1,140 0 1 697 11 6 3,941 3 3 .. 298 12 8 Otago Boys' .. 2,658 3 0 99 4 6 575 8 11 150 0 0 736 12 4 166 1 11 88 4 5 119 18 5 345 13 6 282 12 0 2,563 16 0 94 7 0 Palmerston North Boys' 2,349 5 6 17 10 0 734 3 4 245 0 0 1 549 7 9 131 5 11 79 19 1 179 17 1 267 12 8 213 0 0 2,417 15 10 .. 68 10 4 Palmerston North Girls' 1,047 18 0 7 10 0 250 12 7 100 0 0 246 11 4 63 16 7 25 8 7 61 9 8 15 5 6 170 0 0 940 14 3 107 3 9 Rangiora Boys' .. 527 13 6 15 0 0 193 18 8 .. 195 0 0 36 4 2 9 18 4 0 11 6 16 7 5 39 9 6 506 9 7 21 3 11 Rangiora Girls' .. 546 9 6 15 0 0 200 13 4 171 14 2 45 19 10 6 12 5 1 3 9 13 10 2 48 16 6 503 10 2 42 19 4 Timaru Girls' .. 3,562 2 0 62 3 9 1,032 9 9 360 0 0 829 1 3 212 12 8 235 7 10 47 17 0 22 15 10 289 8 9 3,091 16 10 470 5 2 Wairarapa Bovs' .. 2,971 6 0 31 2 5 998 5 6 100 0 0 590 12 6 244 12 2 18 3 11 49 3 2 327 5 1 449 2 0 2,808 6 9 162 19 3 Waitalsi Girls'" .. 2,500 8 7 60 0 0 876 5 3 78 0 0 546 1 9 153 0 6 79 11 0 35 6 0 213 15 5 239 14 0 2,281 13 11 218 14 8 Wanganui Girls' .. 8,522 6 10 195 11 6 2,901 3 1 .. 1,399 6 0 823 4 9 416 7 5 13 8 0 2,747 0 6 .. j 8,496 1 3 26 5 7 Wellington Boys' .. 4,155 9 10 107 15 6 1,226 3 4 330 0 0 1,404 14 8 312 19 11 11 3 1 .. 141 8 5 591 19 1 4,126 4 0 29 5 10 Wellington Girls' .. 1,823 19 6 53 17 9 449 8 10 50 0 0 392 15 7 142 0 9 245 2 9 .. 133 9 3 263 6 1 1,730 1 0 93 18 6 Whano-arei Boys' .. 4,175 1 0 30 10 0 1,888 18 5 300 0 0 734 9 0 186 4 8 59 18 7 5 14 4 327 2 5 551 11 6 4,084 8 11 90 12 1 Whangarei Girls' .. 2,697 9 0 32 17 0 892 12 5 150 0 0 587 9 8 141 5 1 58 19 3 1 16 4 200 5 11 225 19 0 2,291 4 8 406 4 4 All schools .. 95,830 16 5 2,183 8 830,406 13 1 4,867 8 021,029 10 0 6,690 18 42,843 14 52,015 6 310,766 19 11 7,792 15 7 88,596 14 3 7,643 0 1 408 17 11



Table K10.—Secondary-school Hostels for Year 1929.— Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.

Expenditure. Number of Hostel. Income. j j i i Profit. Loss. «*»■ ' Expenses. i Revisions. Wages. j L iS ht,Fuel, & c. Repairs. | DepreeiaMon. Tota,. J I | I I I £ s. d. j s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. | s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 44 14607 7 2 24 62 1 9 111 01 0 8 25 13 1 15 Christchurch Girls' .. 43 0 19 10 0 7 3 5 0 6 5 8 0 11 1 7 0 3 0 3 2 3 0 15 5 4 5 Dannevirke Bovs' .. 15 1 0 2 .. 10 1 3 1 3 9 1 2 0 2 1 5 .. 1 7 1 1 3 .. 1 1 Gisborne Boys'" ... 61 0 18 805 59 32 47 1 4 08 01 06 17 0 18 1 0 7 Gisborne Girls' .. 34 1 0706 5 10 20 64 22 06 01 07 2 3 10304 Gore High .. .. 42 0 13 10 .. 4 6 0 4 3 9 0 10 0 4 0 5 0 2 2 3 0 12 7 1 3 Hamilton Girls' . . 30 1 3 0 0 10 5 5 2 0 3 9 0 10 1 5 3 5 1 1 0 5 0 19 2 3 10 Mount Albert Grammar 48 147 10 61 0 11 46 111 03 01 29 1 5 0 18 11 58 Napier Boys' .. 66 1 7 9 1 4 8 5 2 2 6 3 1 8 .. 0 1 2 9 3 0 1 5 8 2 1 Napier Girls' . . 74 1 2 2 1 3 6 3 0 9 5 3 1 5 .. 0 7 1 5 1 10 0 18 9 3 5 Nelson Bovs' .. 175 1 5 3 0 6 9 2 .. 6 0 1 8 0 11 1 6 0 9 0 8 1 1 2 4 1 Nelson Girls' .. 83 1 4 6 1 0 9 7 .. 6 3 1 9 0 11 0 3 0 5 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 New Plymouth Boys' .. 190 1 4 0 0 1 7 7 1 8 3 10 1 9 0 2 0 3 6 1 1 10 1 3 3 0 9 New Plymouth Girls' .. 63 1 2 3 0 4 5 0 1 3 3 6 1 10 0 5 0 7 6 11 4 3 1 4 1 .. 1 10 Otago Boys' .. .. 46 1 2 3 0 10 4 10 13 62 14 09 10 211 24 115 0 10 Palmerston North Boys' 40 12702 7 1 2 4 53 13 09 19 27 21 13 3 .. 0 8 Palmers ton North Girls' 17 1 3 8 0 2 5 8 2 3 5 7 1 5 0 7 1 5 0 4 3 10 1 1 3 2 5 Rangiora Boys' .. 14 0 14 6 0 5 5 4 .. 5 4 1 0 0 3 .. 0 6 1 1 0 13 11 0 7 Rangiora Girls' .. 12 0 17 606 65 .. 56 1 6 03 .. 05 17 0 16 2 1 4 Timaru Girls' .. 75 0 18 3 0 4 5 4 1 10 4 3 1 1 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 6 0 15 10 2 5 Wairarapa Boys' .. 44 160 0 3 89 011 52 22 02 0 5 2 10 311 147 1 5 Waitaki Girls' .. 37 1 6 0 0 8 9 1 0 10 5 8 1 7 0 10 0 4 2 3 2 6 1 3 9 2 3 Wanganui Girls' .. 113 1 9 0 0 8 9 11 .. 4 9 2 10 1 5 .. 9 4 .. 1 8 II 0 1 Wellington Bovs' .. 55 191 09 87 2 4 9 10 22 01 .. 10 4 1 18 10 03 Wellington Girls' .. 32 1 1 11 0 8 5 5 0 7 4 9 1 8 ! 2 11 .. 1 7 3 2 1 0 9 1 2 Whangarei Boys' .. 83 0 19 4 02 89 15 35 0 10 03 .. 16 27 0 18 11 05 Whangarei Girls' .. 66 0 15 9 02 52 0 11 35 ; 0 10 | 0 4 .. 12 14 0 13 4 25 All schools .. 1,602 1 3 0 j 0 6 74 12 51 1 7 j 0 8 I 06 2 7 1 10 1 1 3 1 10 01 I I I | __[ I Note. —This return is based on a fifty-two- week year, whereas the boarders are usually in residence for only forty weeks ; the average weekly cost of maintaining each boarder is therefore approximately 25 per cent, greater than the figures shown.


Table K11.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools as at 31st December, 1929.


Assets. Liabilities. . 1,1- I Balance. 1st .lanuarv, ! Balance, Secondary-school Boards. i ', M . ! a 1st December 1020 Bank Balances and Amounts owing to , _ t A , „„„„ T ;„v.iMn 00 T„tni uecemDer, uza. Investments Board Total. Overdrafts and Loans. j Other Liabilities, j lotal. A. Secondary Schools. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 403 16 3 916 13 5 864 14 5 1,781 7 10 2,000 0 0 669 19 3 2,669 19 3 Dr. 888 11 5 Auckland Grammar Schools .. Cr. 13,791 10 11 15,860 8 2 1,581 11 4 17,441 19 6 .. 5,957 9 10 5,957 9 10 Cr. 11,484 9 8 Thames High School .. .. Dr. 296 4 3 282 3 4 3,098 0 11 3,380 4 3 2,451 10 9 76 4 5 2,527 15 2 Cr. 852 9 1 Rotorua High School .. .. Cr. 262 14 8 459 .1.1 10 216 14 4 676 6 2 .. 108 5 0 108 5 0 Cr. 568 1 2 Hamilton High School .. .. ; Cr. 1,471 16 9 1,672 6 7 801 6 10 2,473 13 5 .. 273 7 11 273 7 11 Cr. 2,200 5 6 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 6,382 6 1 2,632 13 11 1,153 1 3 3,785 15 2 6,676 5 6 3,280 11 9 9,956 17 3 Dr. 6,171 2 1 Wanganui Girls' CoUege .. .. Cr. 2,522 16 3 4,090 16 5 1,444 15 6 5,535 11 11 2,714 17 11 562 14 9 3,277 12 8 Cr. 2,257 19 3 Palmerston North High Schools .. Dr. 2,600 9 8 1,866 17 11 861 9 2 2,728 7 1 2,600 0 0 227 15 10 2,827 15 10 Dr. 99 8 9 Gisborne High School .. .. Cr. 5,190 1 1 4,723 9 3 1,200 8 10 5,923 18 1 .. 335 7 11 335 7 11 Cr. 5,588 10 2 Napier High Schools .. .. Dr. 14,322 10 4 9,303 9 3 2,702 13 0 12,006 2 3 21,044 7 6 3,409 14 0 24,454 1 6 Dr. 12,447 19 3 Hastings High School .. .. Cr. 346 19 11 738 4 10 370 16 10 1,109 1 8 .. 842 3 10 842 3 10 Cr. 266 17 10 Dannevirke High School .. .. Cr. 687 4 4 789 19 3 93 14 6 883 13 9 .. 12 5 7 12 5 7 Cr. 871 8 2 Wairarapa High School .. .. Cr. 1,1.52 3 8 1,773 16 8 754 9 6 2,528 6 2 I .. 386 3 5 386 3 5 Cr. 2,142 2 9 Hutt Valley High School .. .. Cr. 73 18 0 ! 395 9 3 283 15 1 679 4 4 .. 11 8 6 11 8 6 Cr. 667 15 10 Wellington College .. .. Dr. 41,374 1 3 25,488 9 0 2,986 3 7 28,474 12 7 41,973 0 1 496 8 11 42,469 9 0 Dr. 13,994 16 5 Marlborough High School .. .. Cr. 358 7 9 800 0 0 340 4 6 1,140 4 6 151 0 11 996 18 2 1,147 19 1 Dr. 7 14 7 Nelson College .. .. .. Cr. 1,007 12 0 3,859 6 3 5,627 7 3 9,486 13 6 5,020 0 0 3,607 4 6 8,627 4 6 Cr. 859 9 0 Rangiora High School .. .. Dr. 1,233 19 0 283 10 9 563 0 9 846 11 6 1,049 13 6 555 11 1 1,605 4 7 Dr. 758 13 1 Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 46,506 .10 II .. 1,355 8 11 1.355 S 11 47,187 10 0 185 6 11 47,372 16 11 Dr. 46,017 8 0 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 4,428 7 11 .. 307 17 10 307 17 10 .. 4,668 15 2 4,668 15 2 Dr. 4,360 17 4 Avonside Girls' High School .. Dr. 321 7 10 .. 197 6 6 197 6 6 462 18 8 38 11 I 501 9 9 Dr. 304 3 3 Akaroa High School .. . . \ Cr. 1,579 13 11 108 11 1 27 14 7 136 5 S .. .. I ' Cr. 136 5 8 Hokitika High School .. .. j Cr. 3,148 18 5 : 2,977 3 3 194 7 9 3,171 11 0 .. 3 0 0 3 0 0 Cr. 3,168 11 0 Ashburton High School .. .. j Dr. 374 2 0 1,439 5 10 271 17 10 1,711 3 8 .. 173 4 0 173 4 0 Cr. 1,537 19 8 Timaru High Schools .. .. Dr. 3,292 2 3 ! 1,279 16 9 1,638 0 3 2,917 17 0 3,711 9 2 820 2 8 4,531 11 10 Dr. 1,613 14 10 Waimate High School .. .. Cr. 4,456 11 6 1,218 18 6 89 14 8 1,308 13 2 .. 768 15 10 768 15 10 Cr. 539 17 4 Waitaki High Schools .. .. Dr. 415 3 11 1,941 13 8 1.620 18 1 3,562 11 9 .. 1,367 12 5 1,367 12 5 Cr. 2,194 19 4 Otago High Schools .. .. Cr. 8,819 11 6 12,966 8 3 977 8 7 13,943 16 10 .. 3,394 17 3 3,394 17 3 Cr. 10,548 19 7 South Otago High School .. .. Cr. 195 6 9: .. 282 12 8 282 12 8 .. 121 8 1 121 8 1 Cr. 161 4 7 Gore High School .. .. .. Cr. 768 19 7 892 14 2 292 16 7 1.185 10 9 .. 93 10 4 93 10 4 Cr. 1,092 0 5 Southland High Schools .. .. .Dr. 17,138 9 10 1,000 0 0 1,575 17 3 2,575 17 3 18,606 15 1 228 1 9 IS,834 16 10 Dr. 16,258 19 7 Totals .. .. Dr. 93,275 4 6 99,761 17 7 33,776 9 1 133,538 6 8 155,649 9 1 33,673 0 2 189,322 9 3 Dr. 55,784 2 7 E. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School* Christ's Collegef ! J i| * Balance-sheet for this school is published in Table K 11a. t Return not available.



Table K 11 a. —Statement op Affairs and Balance-sheet op the Whanganui College Board op Trustees por the Year ended 31st December, 1929. College Account (Collegiate School). Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Boarding Account— By Pees— Wages .. .. .. 3,674 15 3 Boarding .. .. ..22,496 17 2 Groceries .. ~ .. 1,588 13 7 Tuition .. .. .. 4,015 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 1,166 10 7 Sundry school fees .. .. 840 5 0 Bread .. .. .. 469 6 1 Music fees .. .. 667 16 0 Fish .. .. .. 227 3 8 28,019 18 2 Fruit and vegetables .. 510 13 0 Scholarship funds .. . . .. 382 1 8 Butcher .. .. .. 1,451 17 10 School prizes.. .. . .. 85 2 6 Fuel and lighting .. .. 1,045 18 0 Laundry .. .. .. 782 3 6 28,487 2 4 Repairs and replacements .. 532 19 4 Transfer to Genera] Account .. .. 280 7 8 Matron's sundries . . .. 102 2 11 11,552 3 9 Less meals, &c., charged for 242 0 2 11,310 3 7 Sundry school funds . . . . .. 840 5 0 Trustees' exhibitions , . .. 293 0 0 Free places .. .. .. 105 0 0 Scholarships—Headmaster's Fund 163 6 8 Scholarships—Endowments .. 218 15 0 780 1 8 School prizes.. .. .. .. 153 17 11 Salaries of masters .. 8,801 5 2 Salaries of visiting teachers .. 102 7 6 Allowances .. .. .. 50 0 0 8,953 12 8 Medical Officer .. .. .. .. 350 14 0 Printing, advertising, telephones, &c. .. 236 19 9 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 699 14 9 Insurances .. . . . . .. 164 13 5 Laboratory expenses .. .. .. 71 11 4 Repairs and maintenance, buildings .. .. 491 15 0 Entertainments .. .. .. .. 37 16 9 Sundry school expenses ...... 77 4 9 Rates* .. .. .. .. .. 280 0 1 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Depreciation on furniture .. .. . . 223 15 4 Depreciation on pianos . . .. . . 95 4 0 £28,767 10 0 £28,767 10 0 St. George's School Account. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Wages .. .. .. 421 10 2 By Fees .. .. .. 4,078 1 0 Fuel and lighting . . . . 197 7 8 Less free tuition, &c. .. 96 15 0 Provisions ..' .. .. 782 6 4 3,981 6 0 Laundry .. .. .. 108 16 8 Music fees .. .. .. 134 8 0 Carpentry fees .. .. .. .. 38 6 6 1,510 0 10 School prizes .. .. .. .. 4 2 0 Less meals charged for .. 158 17 0 1,351 3 10 4,158 2 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,360 5 6 j Transfer to General Account .. .. 855 4 ]1 Medical Officer .. .. . . .. 49 12 3 Books .. .. . . .. . . 81 6 9 Printing, advertising, &c. .. .. .. 121 13 10 Sundries .. .. .. .. ... 132 15 6 Grounds . . .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Rent . . . . .. .. . . 75 1 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 1,625 0 0 Rates .. .. . . . . .. 17 18 1 Depreciation on furniture . . . . .. 77 13 6 School prizes .. .. .. .. 20 17 2 £5,013 7 5 | £5,013 7 5 General Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest .. .. .. .. .. 1,905 5 1 By Rents .. .. .. .. .. 5,652 4 1 Rates .. .. .. .. .. 331 2 5 Boys' extras— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 934 0 0 School.. .. .. .. .. 151 12 11 Audit fee .. .. .. .. 23 2 0 St. George's .. .. .. .. 2 12 3 Management sundries .. .. .. 21 18 4 Bonus on endowment insurance policies ... 184 18 0 Office rent .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Office sundries .. .. .. .. 98 11 9 Printing, advertising, &c. .. .. .. 54 10 7 Repairs and maintenance, estate .. . . 13 13 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 94 10 1 Contributions to Provident Fund .. .. 604 3 2 Donation to Provident Fund . . .. 100 0 0 School-garden .. .. .. .. 75 13 0 4,376 9 5 Transfer from School Account .. . . 280 7 8 Transfer from St. George's School Account .. 855 411 Transfer to Balance Account .. .. 479 5 3 £5,991 7 3 £5,991 7 3

E. 6

Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. I Assets. Balance Account .. .. 3,805 7 4 | Boys'accounts outstanding— £ s. d. £ s. d. Plus transfer from General Account 479 5 3 Collegiate School .. .. 939 6 2 4,284 12 7 St. George's School .. .. 187 17 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 102 12 2 I 1,127 3 4 Endowment funds— ! Rent accounts outstanding .. .. 1,238 4 2 Scholarships .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 — School prizes .. .. .. 511 14 0 2,365 7 6 3,511 14 0 Collegiate SchoolSchool funds— Buildings .. .. .. 81,619 0 0 Library .. .. .. 171 19 1 Furniture (£4,475 65., less depre-Book-room .. .. .. 703 9 3 ciation £223 15s. 4d.) .. 4,251 10 8 Collegian .. .. .. 188 0 0 Pianos (£952 os. 2d., less deprcciaWorkshop .. .. .. 164 14 2 tion £95 45.) .. .. 856 16 2 Cadet corps .. .. .. 29 6 7 86,727 6 10 Games .. .. .. 99 0 0 St. George's SchoolGymnasium .. .. .. 92 11 3 Buildings .. .. .. 23,207 17 3 Headmaster's Scholarship .. 166 2 6 Grounds .. .. .. 2,298 410 1,615 2 10 Furniture (£1,553 9s. 2d., less deProvident Fund .. .. .. 9,105 5 3 preciation £77 13s. 6d.) .. 1,475 15 8 Mortgages— 26,981 17 9 A.M.P. Society (school) ..81,600 0 0 Estate buildings .. .. .. 2,650 0 0 Less repayment, 1929 .. 850 0 0 Roads .. .. .. .. 13,004 1 11 Section Ib, London Street .. .. 650 0 0 80,750 0 0 Grev Street house .. .. .. 973 4 4 A.M.P. Society (St. George's) ..25,000 0 0 Tayforth land .. .. .. .. 2,093 15 8 Steward's stores on hand .. .. 198 4 0 105,750 0 0 Sinking Fund, St. George's School Grey Street house .. .. 850 0 0 loan.. .. .. .. .. 1,756 16 3 Tavforth land.. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Boys'extras paid but not charged— 108,100 0 0 : Collegiate School .. .. 1,513 13 4 Temporary loans .. .. .. 7,364 1111 St. George's School .. .. 192 1 2 Suspense Account .. .. .. 1,959 0 8 1,705 14 6 Bank of New South Wales .. 3,112 9 5 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 96 5 7 Plus unpresented cheques .. 76 0 6 Cash on hand .. .. .. .. 28 15 0 3,188 9 11 £139,231 9 4 £139,231 9 4 A. G. Bignell, Chairman. J. P. Williamson, Secretary. I have examined the books and accounts of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the year ended 31st December, 1929, and certif3' that the foregoing statement of accounts are in accordance therewith, and that in my opinion the above Balance-sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit the true position of the affairs of the Trust as disclosed by the books at 31st December, 1929. — T. Ballingall, F.P.A.N.Z., Auditor. Wanganui, 4th March, 1930.




Table K12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Hostels as at 31st December, 1929.

3—E. 6

Liabilities. Capital. Hostel. I i Loans. De t ?", c jf* ion Other Liabilities. Cash overdrawn, j AcC v^S}f ed Total. Fr ° m G G r~ eUt From other Sources. 8 I : ! ! | I ; £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. .. .. 319 ]1 6 5,767 5 11 8,655 0 0 533 19 7 44 14 11 230 11 3 .. 13.551 3 2 Christchurch Girls' .. .. .. 4,766 11 2 i 2,391 3 0 .. 482 9 10 4,516 3 4 .. 606 11 1 12,762 18 5 Dannevirke Boys' .. .. .. .. 1,464 0 0! .. 231 14 0 143 10 0 54 18 0 .. .. ! 1,894 2 0 Gisborne Boys' .. . . . . . , . 8,403 13 11 ■. .. 404 15 6 201 16 3 .. 526 7 1 9,536 12 9 Gisborne Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 5,722 3 2 .. .. 382 1 3 2 2 8 129 15 9 .. 6,236 2 10 Gore High .. .. .. .. -. 9,000 0 0 . 3,348 15 6 1,051 16 0 .. 41 4 7 104 12 6 .. 13,546 8 7 Hamilton Girls' .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 589 5 6: .. .. 589 5 6 Mount Albert, Grammar .. .. .. .. 8,404 6 11 .. 420 3 4 70 13 2 .. 1,274 14 4 10,169 17 9 Napier Boys' .. .. . . . . .. 32,360 2 2 .. .. 1,191 6 3 64 4 9 .. 703 13 3 , 34,319 6 5 Napier Girls' .. .. .. .. 7,287 13 1 .. .. 832 15 11 .. .. 1,473 12 0 9,594 1 0 Nelson Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 14,057 13 5 .. 4,000 0 0 1,158 15 0 .. .. 7,067 9 11 26.283 18 4 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 11,570 19 3 .. 520 0 0 922 12 0 .. .. 4,655 3 8 17,668 14 11 New Plymouth Boys' .. . . .. .. 3,609 7 5 5,191 7 9 .. 1,607 19 8 313 18 5 .. 10,759 5 4 21,481 18 7 New Plymouth Girls' .. .. .. .. 14,818 0 0 j 4,273 5 0 1,050 0 0 1,205 6 1 129 19 2 .. 3,578 16 5 j 25,055 6 8 Otago Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 9,130 0 0 .. .. 1,871 3 11 197 10 4 .. 667 8 3 11,866 2 6 Palmerston North Boys' .. .. .. .. 12,304 1 9 1,131 13 6 j 2,600 0 0 358 0 0 32 19 8 .. 792 18 0 17,219 12 11 Palmei-ston. North Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,408 0 0 947 6 0 j .. 170 0 0 16 11 6 .. 295 5 4 j 5,837 2 10 Eanfiora Girls' " " " 318 11 9 1,437 14 9 1,049 13 6 271 11 3 26 15 8 304 11 11 .. 3,408 18 10 Timaru Girls' . . .. .. .. .. 5,050 0 0 .. 2,902 5 4 581 5 7 132 5 8 .. 1.875 7 3 10,541 3 10 Wairarapa Boys' .. .. .. .. 15,914 18 9 1.000 0 0 .. 449 2 0 126 8 3 .. 792 15 6 18,283 4 6 Waitaki Girls'' .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 6,052 2 7 574 13 4 657 2 8 .. .. 228 10 5 ! 9,012 9 0 Wanganui Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,796 9 0 8,727 11 0 .. .. 516 19 2 .. 3,521 18 5 17,562 17 7 Wellington Boys' .. .. .. .. 12,996 8 9 .. 36,528 0 1 .. 38 18 10 .. .. 49,563 7 8 Wellington Girls' .. .. .. .. 6,415 18 1 .. 5,445 0, 0 .. 103 12 3 .. 772 15 9 12,737 6 1 Whangarei Boys' .. .. .. .. 9,481 10 1 2,014 0 0 .. 1,251 1 1 161 8 4 .. 1,644 4 0 14.552 3 6 Whangarei Girls' .. .. .. .. 2,547 6 6 .. 1,261 9 0 546 11 7 95 16 7 .. 355 8 )0 4.806 12 6 } 1 All schools .. .. .. .. 198,242 19 9 50,686 11 11 63,869 11 3 15,441 12 6 7,478 7 0 769 11 5 41,592 4 10 378,080 18 8 * Includes in some cases capital from other sources where this has not been shown separately.

E. —6.


Table K12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Hostels as at 31st December, 1929— continued.

Assets. Hostel. Hostel Site. Buildings. ! Furniture. S?'! Boai^ 1,668 other Deb t° rs - on°Hind 8 1 ™ Other Assets. 1 Cash. I Total. utensils, ffie. due. on mna. Iuvestnlent . ; forward. I I | I 1 | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ghristchuroh Boys' .. 2,623 8 0 5,823 14 6 631 3 5 350 17 8 60 2 0 .. 15 0 0 .. 72 7 1 .. 3,974 10 6 13,551 3 2 ■Christchurch Girls'.. .. 5,440 6 6 5,099 18 10 794 8 9 196 5 8 0 10 0 32 10 0 j 84 0 0 .. 5 8 1 1,109 10 7 .. 12,762 18 5 Dannevirke Boys' .. .. .. 1,464 0 0 188 8 4 87 5 0 .. .. ! .. .. .. 67 5 11 87 2 9 1,894 2 0 Gisborne Boys' .. .. 500 0 0 6,623 0 0 588 4 5 603 19 7 260 2 7 210 1 10 .. 299 16 10 .. 451 7 6 .. 9,536 12 9 Gisborne Girls' .. .. 350 0 0 3,612 0 0 508 13 3 494 14 0 206 4 11 221 19 1 .. 172 1 5 .. .. 670 10 2 6,236 2 10 •Gore High .. .. 2,026 2 6 8,743 2 4 964 17 4 .. 98 14 0 .. 10 0 0 .. 596 17 1 .. 1,106 15 4 13,546 8 7 Hamilton Girls' .. .. .. 50 12 7 315 5 4 .. 87 14 10 6 17 2 .. .. .. .. 128 15 7 589 5 6 Mount Albert Grammar .. 5,500 0 0 2,904 6 11 1,014 10 9 193 19 2 .. 3 12 5 17 7 4 420 3 4 .. 115 17 10 .. 10,169 17 9 Napier Boys' .. .. 476 2 0 28,796 4 9 3,087 15 5 .. 238 8 2 .. 40 0 0 .. 1,578 7 6 102 8 7 .. 34,319 6 5 Napier Girls' .. .. 1,370 0 0 3,960 18 11 1,956 14 2 .. 160 0 2 .. 35 0 0 .. 1,543 2 3 568 5 6 .. 9,594 1 0 Nelson Boys' .. .. .. 17,500 0 0 2,497 8 9 2,175 12 0 755 1 3 .. .. .. 1,007 2 10 2,348 13 6 .. 26,283 18 4 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. 13,983 3 6 1,739 18 1 1,068 7 3 593 16 3 .. .. .. 119 16 1 163 13 9 .. 17,668 14 11 New Plymouth Boys' .. 347 0 0 14,604 7 8 3,410 16 1 962 6 3 280 4 1 235 10 10 .. .. .. 1,641 13 8 .. 21,481 18 7 New Plymouth Girls' .. 4,203 12 6 18,000 4 0 1,990 1 2 253 11 8 96 15 6 34 1 6 .. .. .. 477 0 4 .. 25.055 6 8 Otago Boys' .. .. .. 9,130 0 0 352 0 7 342 12 5 16 5 0 137 0 2 30 0 0 1,850 0 0 .. 8 4 4 .. 11,866 2 6 Palmerston North Boys' .. 626 0 0 14,285 0 0 1,195 0 0 119 6 4 216 5 0 151 18 2 16 18 4 358 0 0 .. 251 5 1 .. 17,219 12 11 Palmerston North Girls' .. 1,000 0 0 3,767 6 0 654 13 4 126 2 0 89 3 0 14 4 7 3 0 0 170 0 0 .. 12 13 11 .. 5,837 2 10 Banoiora Girls' " " | 250 0 0 1,140 0 0 ! 560 0 8 99 9 4 76 3 0 5 8 0 .. .. .. .. 1,277 17 10 3,408 18 10 Timaru Girls' .. .. 628 9 6 6,303 10 0 ! 1,491 12 7 .. 299 15 2 0 8 0 ' 10 15 0 291 13 0 54 11 6 1,460 9 1 .. 10,541 3 10 Wairarapa Boys' .. .. 716 11 0 14,398 12 5 I 1,300 16 9 .. 126 17 8 .. 6 0 0 .. .. 1,734 6 8 .. 18,283 4 6 Waitaki Girls' .. .. 1,000 0 0 4,522 8 2 | 1,661 19 8 209 7 8 155 9 0 .. ! .. 25 0 0 .. 1,438 4 6 .. 9,012 9 0 Wanganui Girls' .. .. 500 0 0 12,380 0 0 j 2,485 13 8 1,059 7 9 108 16 5 360 1 8 ! 40 0 0 .. .. 628 18 1 .. 17.562 17 7 Wellington Boys' .. .. 5,000 0 0 40,171 6 5 ! 2,385 13 1 171 13 1 260 15 4 .. 10 0 0 .. 168 8 6 1,270 8 3 125 3 0 49,563 7 8 Wellington Girls' .. .. 5,024 0 5 5,663 3 0 j 963 18 7 79 15 3 26 7 8 16 5 0 15 2 6 .. 19 17 10 928 15 10 .. 12.737 6 1 Whangarei Boys' .. .. .. 10,953 0 6 1.330 2 11 508 11 2 236 11 6 1,261 9 0 10 0 0 .. .. 252 8 5 .. 14,552 3 6 Whangarei Girls' .. .. .. 3,546 6 0 j 604 7 7 592 6 5 53 12 6 ! .. 10 0 0 .. .. .. .. j 4,806 12 6 All schools .. 37,581 12 5 257,426 6 6 34,674 4 8 9,695 9 8 4,503 15 0 2,691 7 5 353 3 2 3,586 14 7 15,165 18 9 15,031 11 4 7,370 15 2 378.080 18 8 . ■ - 1 I JZ, l r . .A


Table K13.—lncidental Expenses of Secondary Schools, 1929.

Table K14. —Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1929. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


5rt £ S =1 § -S| § P a rH PS H n School. Total Cost. School. Total Cost. p O H 43 O M 1 tncd 5 erf " i o-g 3 °o a £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School.. .. 1,538-22 1-98* Wellington Girls'College .. 1,026-23 2-13 Auckland Grammar School .. 2,531-59 2 00 Wellington East Girlp' College .. 692-08 1-76 Mount Albert Boys'Grammar School 1,741-23 2-91 Marlborough High School .. 886-92 1-74* Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. 1,550-69 2-66 Nelson College .. .. 1,037-13 2-59 Epsom Girls'Grammar School .. 1,293-51 2-13 Nelson Girls'College .. .. 793-44 2-27 Takapuna Grammar School .. 1,023-44 2-43 Rangiora High School .. .. 392-76 2-17 Thames High School .. .. 451-67 2-1.5 Christchurch Boys'High School .. 1,566-50 2-18 Rotorua High School .. .. 562-80 1-86* Christchurch Girls'High School .. 769-13 1-69 Hamilton High School .. .. 912-48 2-10 Avonside Girls'High School .. 719-11 2-65 New Plymouth Boys'High School 1,715-55 3-16 Ashburton High School .. 583-66 2-79 New Plymouth Girls'High School 591-98 1-84 Timaru Boys'High School .. 1,089-30 2-71 Wanganui Girls' College .. 997-67 3-37 Timaru Girls' High School .. \ 736-16 2-16 Palmerston North Boys' High School 849-61 2-21 Waimate High School .. .. J 320-51 j 2-50 Palmerston North Girls' High School 604-80 2-40 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 926-65 , 1-88* Gisborne High School .. .. 1,142-75 2-42 Waitaki Girls'High School .. ; 769-98 J 2-12* Napier Boys'High School .. 949-05 3-11 Otago Boys'High. School .. ; 1,820-45 j 2-46 Napier Girls' High School .. 737-96 2-44 Otago Girls' High School .. i 991-06 j 2-17 Hastings High School .. .. 889-65 2-38 South Otago High School .. | 242-40 | 1-86 Dannevirke High School .. 548-41 2-70 Gore High School .. .. j 685-93 2-69 Wairarapa High School . . 774-68 2-50 Southland Boys' High School .. 622-96 2-13 Hutt Valley High School .. 838-75 2-04 Southland Girls' High School .. 507-83 j 1-98 Wellington College .. .. 1,643-20 2-26 —— Rongotai Boys' College .. .. 607-24 1-99+ All schools .. .. j 41,677-12 2-32 * Includes incidental expenses of junior high school. f Includes incidental expenses of junior department.

■ Roll Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll o g « Number at 30th June, 1929. sg at 31st j 1 1 j j — j gg 1 " - . , Decern- Class P. Si. S2. S3. 84. 85. I 86. [Totals. p£% School. ber, 1929 ) I I I ' ! I || _ _ . H g 18 I f B. I a. B. G. B. G. I B. G. ! B. j G. B. | G. B. G. B. G. ■§ M. F. ■< MO ] | j | j | H New Plymouth Boys'High .. 37 39 4 .. 6 .. 8 .. ! i.0 .. 11 .. 39 .. 39 1 .. New Plymouth Girls' High .. 33 3 34 2 2 .. 2 .. 3 .. 6 .. 2 .. 12 .. 8 2 35 37 .. 2 Wanganui Girls' College .. 27 .. 29 6 .. 2 .. 2 .. 10 .. 9 .. 29 29 .. 1 Gisborne High .. .. 25 13 19 1 7 2 4 1 5 9 3 13 19 32 .. 2 Napier Girls' High .. 45 .. 47 .. 6 .. 2 .. 1 .. 4 .. 9 .. 14 .. | 13 .. 49 49 .. 2 Nelson College .. .. 38 42 2 .. 10 .. 16 .. 13] .. 41 .. 41 1 1 Nelson Girls' College .. 42 .. 49 1 .. 3 .. 3 . . 12 .. 13 .. 1 17 . . 49 49 .. 2 Timaru Boys' High .. 54 571 .. 2 .. 4 .. 7 .. 5 .. 8 .. 8 .. 23 .. 57 .. 57 1 1 Timaru Girls' High .. 25 .. 27 .. 4 .. 1 .. 2 .. 4 .. 6 .. 2 .. 8 .. 27 27 .. 2 Totals .. ..326 154 205 4 12 4 6 11 15 14 26 28 35 35 56 56 58152 208 360 3 13 I '


DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1.—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1929.


Number of Holders Brill Wiimtw <iiniwmW of Government Number o{ Assistants Average Boll JNumDer, 81st uecemDer, BoU Free Places on Boll on Staff at - f a„v,„ni Atterid- Number, at 30th June, 31st December, 1929. mme oi scnooi. ftncej lst March; 1929 1929. j 1 1929. j Boys. Girls. | Total. Junior. Senior. M. F. Auckland Education District. Cambridge .. .. .. j 98 I 41 54 95 116 | 84 18 2 2 Dargaville .. .. .. j 103 49 | 49 98 120 ' 98 16 2 2 Helensville .. .. .. 63 25 37 62 75 58 9 1 2 Huntly .. .. .. 26 i 14 12 26 29 28 1 1 Matamata . . .. . . i 34 41 45 86 116 94 9 1 1 Morrinsville .. .. j 69 35 30 65 79 56 16 2 1 Ngatea .. . . .. 40 22 18 40 45 39 5 1 1 Opotiki .. . . .. 62 33 30 63 71 49 15 1 2 Otorohanga .. . . 37 16 16 32 46 32 8 1 1 Paeroa .. , . 65 40 24 64 73 45 21 2 1 Piopio .. .. . . 32 15 14 29 41 32 5 2 Putaruru .. . . .. 32 19 15 34 35 30 2 1 1 Rawene .. .. .. 19 14 6 20 19 15 3 1 Ruawai .. .. .. 22 10 12 22 25 22 .. 1 Taumarunui .. .. 137 j 61 71 132 163 120 29 3 2 Tauranga .. .. .. 117 58 52 110 137 102 25 2 3 Te Aroha .. . . .. 75 39 27 66 89 69 12 2 1 Te Awamutu . . .. 69 32 37 69 86 57 19 2 1 Te Kuiti .. .. .. 96 54 34 88 113 83 22 2 2 Te Puke .. .. .. 41 20 17 37 46 34 12 1 j 1 Waihi .. .. .. 124 73 46 119 142 115 23 3 j 2 Waiuku . . . . 41 19 16 35 48 40 5 1 1 Warkworth . . . . 33 17 16 33 35 29 5 111 Whakatane .. .. .. 44 23 20 43 54 37 12 2 | Totals .. .. 1,479 770 i 698 1,468 I 1,803 1,368 ' 292 38 28 ! 1 1 ■] Taranaki Education District. Manaia .. .. .. 39 17 19 36 44 25 16 i 1 1 Ohura . . .. j 24 9 6 15 32 28 .. 1 Opunake .. .. .. j 41 16 18 34 55 40 10 1 1 Totals .. ..104 42 | 43 85 131 93 26 | 3 2 Wanganui Education District. Foxton .. .. .. 39 13 \ 24 j 37 48 30 10 2 Hunterville .. .. .. 12 3 j 5 8 17 15 .. .. 1 Marion .. . . . . 85 34 j 44 [ 78 . 98 70 20 1 3 Ohakune .. .. .. 54 27 20 47 67 50 10 1 1 Taihape .. .. . . 44 26 j 17 43 53 38 6 1 1 Totals .. .. 234 103 110 213 ! 283 203 46 5 6 Hawke's Bay Education District. Te Karaka .. .. .. 46 22 19 41 52 41 6 1 1 Tolaga Bay .. 31 17 10 27 37 24 9 1 1 Waipawa .. . . . . 62 33 28 61 73 48 18 1 2 Waipukurau .. .. 74 38 33 71 85 62 16 2 1 Wairoa .. .. .. 51 18 25 43 65 48 10 1 1 Woodville .. .. .. 42 13 21 ! 34 j 49 43 4 1 1 Totals .. .. 306 141 ; 136 277 j 361 266 63 7 7 Wellington Education District. Carterton .. .. .. 38 15 [ 23 I 38 44 35 4 .. 2 Eketahuna .. .. .. 38 19 22 j 41 41 29 6 .. 3 Eeatherston.. .. .. 41 22 .15 37 50 36 8 1 1 Greytown .. .. .. 30 9 19 28 33 23 4 1 1 Levin .. .. .. 110 47 59 ! 106 128 89 29 3 2 Martinborough .. .. 31 7 18 j 25 42 30 4 1 2 Pahiatua .. .. .. 41 20 14 34 50 38 10 1 1 Totals .. .. 329 139 | 170 309 388 280 65 7 12


Table L1. —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1929 — continued.

Table L1a. —Ages of Pupils in Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools at 30th June, 1929.


Number of Holders Ttnll Wnmhpr slit Tipppmhor of Government Number of Assistants Average Boll JNumDer dlst December, RoU p re e Places on Boll on Staff at Attend- Number, at 30th June, 31st December, 1929. ot hcnooi. ance; l8t Marchi 1929 1929. j 1929. j ; Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. : Senior. M. F. . : I ] a Nelson Education District. Denniston .. .. .. j 22 8 8 16 28 26 1 1 Granity .. .. .. ; 38 20 17 37 47 40 6 1 1 Karamea .. .. .. 14 8 6 14 17 7 8 1 Motueka .. .. .. i 69 28 32 60 83 57 21 1 2 Murchison .. .. .. 16 5 11 16 22 17 1 1 Reefton .. .. . . 57 31 25 56 70 46 20 2 1 Takaka .. .. ..20 7 11 18 25 16 6 .. 1 Totals .. .. 236 107 110 1 217 292 209 63 7 5 Canterbury Education District. Akaroa .. .. .. 32 , 17 15 32 38 28 3 1 1 Ohristchurch West .. .. 262 148 102 250 298 230 j 53 6 5 Eairlie .. .. .. 44 22 17 39 66 j 36 : 12 1 1 Geraldine .. .. .. 61 28 28 56 74 1 40 ! 24 2 1 Hokitika .. .. .. 99 45 52 97 106 71 30 1 3 Kaikoura .. .. .. 25 8 13 21 30 27 1 1 Lyttelton .. .. .. 41 18 15 33 19 31 II .. 2 Methven .. .. .. 32 10 24 34 34 23 10 1 ] Normal .. .. .. 36 11 21 32 40 33 5 1 1 Oxford .. .. .. 25 8 16 24 33 22 j 4 1 Pleasant Point .. . .• 25 13 12 25 26 22 j 5 1 Southbridge .. .. 44 19 26 45 50 42 j 8 2 Sumner .. .. .. 35 15 18 33 39 31 5 .. 2 Temuka .. .. .. 73 29 40 69 83 61 I 20 2 1 Totals .. .. 834 391 399 790 j 956 697 194 20 18 Otaoo Education District. Alexandra .. .. .. 54 19 21 40 62 ] 36 16 1 1 Cromwell .. .. .. 31 16 14 30 35 31 5 1 J Lawrence .. .. .. 33 10 23 33 35 24 1] 2 Mosgiel .. .. .. 50 29 20 49 55 I 52 3 2 Normal .. .. .. 36 14 22 36 42 24 14 I 1 Owaka .. .. .. 26 9 16 25 27 25 4 1 Palmerston .. .. .. 47 24 25 49 53 37 12 1, 1 Roxburgh .. .. .. 35 17 16 33 44 31 4 1 1 Tapanui .. .. 28 17 10 27 32 26 1 1 1 Tokomairiro .. .. 46 15 29 44 53 42 10 1 1 Totals .. .. 386 170 196 366 438 328 80 12 7 Southland Education District. Riverton .. .. 68 38 34 72 77 62 11 1 2 Winton .. .. .. 47 18 25 43 57 40 17 1 1 Wyndham .. .. .. 30 18 11 29 35 29 4 1 1 Totals .. .. 145 74 70 144 169 131 32 3 4 Grand totals .. 4,053 1,937 1,932 3,869 4,821 3,575 861 102 89

Ages of Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 1929. Under 13 Years. 13 to 14 Years. 14 to 15 Years. IB to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years, j Over 17 Years. Totals of all Ages. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. ; Girls. Boys. Girls. , Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Auckland .. 49 52 183 170 295 254 223 175 112 96 54 41 916 788 Taranaki . . 5 2 8 12 21 24 16 15 5 7 5 3 60 63 Wanganui .. 9 6 35 23 37 49 26 34 17 11 (i 4 130 127 tlawke's Bay 9 12 44 47 58 47 37 29 20 19 14 t 6 182 160 Wellington .. 14 21 36 48 40 54 36 42 26 18 3 18 155 201 Nelson .. 12 13 38 33 45 36 31 27 16 15 3 5 145 129 Canterbury .. 21 17 95 90 148 158 102 98 59 72 21 37 446 472 Otago .. 12 16 41 55 57 51 61 57 21 24 13 17 205 220 Southland .. 4 8 25 10 31 25 17 18 5 13 7 6 89 80 All districts 135 147 505 488 732 698 549 495 281 275 126 i 137 2,328 2,240 | |


Table L2.—Classification of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Departments of District High Schools at the 30th June, 1929, according to Years of Attendance.

Table L3.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1929.


Number of New* Entrants in 1929 First Year i Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth T t 1 who had not prei Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. r , viously received Education District. , ™ f , Secondary ±otais. Education. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. | G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Auckland .. 462 405 282 202 108 114 53 50 9 17 2 .. 916 788 1,704 487 437 Taranaki .. 36 38 11 16 10 5 2 3 1 1 .... 60 63 123 35 36 Wanganui .. 65 57 30 | 41 29 17 5 6 1 130 127 257 75 64 Hawke'sBay .. 92 88 51 40 25 20 10 11 4 1 .... 182 160 342 97 92 Wellington .. 85 101 40 45 21 32 9 16 .. 5 .. 2 155 201 356 95 109 Nelson . . 62 68 46 32 21 20 15 7 1 2 .. .. 145 129 274 67 72 Canterbury .. 211 2.09 146 136 62 77 23 33 4 15 .. 2 446 472 918 221 211 Otago .. 95 105 63 57 26 30 15 17 6 8 .. 3 205 220 425 101 108 Southland .. 41 31 26 19 12 22 5 3 4 3 1 2 89 80 169 42 32 Totals .. 1,149 1,102 695 594 314 337 137 146 30 52 3 9 2,328 2,240 [4,568 1,220 1,161 _ . | i * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 30th June, 1929, are included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First Year."

1 I Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. Number. Subject. ! Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,325 2,235 99-9 99-8 History .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,318 2,208 99-6 98-6 Arithmetic . . .. .. .. .. .. 2,304 2,185 99-0 97-5 Geography .. .. .. .. .. .. j 1,943 1,825 83-5 81-5 Chemistry and physios .. .. .. .. j 1,960 1,678 84-6 74-9 French .. .. .. .. .. .. I 1,793 1,629 77-0 72-7 Mathematics .. .. .. .. ; 1,931 1,419 82-9 63-3 Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. | 1,880 318 80-8 14-2 Book-keeping and commercial work .. .. .. 737 988 31-7 44-1 Domestic science .. .. .. .. .. : 54 1,600 2-3 71-4 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 393 788 16-9 35-0 Woodwork .. .. .. .. .. .. ! 1,167 .. 50-1 Cookery .. .. .. .. .. .. i .. 1,095 .. 48-9 Music and singing .. .. .. .. .. 347 548 1.4-9 24-5 Needlework .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 872 .. 38-9 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. .. 415 ! 368 17-8 15-6 Dairy science .. .. .. .. .. 507 165 21-8 7-4 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 135 107 5-8 4-8 Writing .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 77 4-0 3-4 Physiology and hygiene .. .. .. .. 39 124 1-7 5-5 Botany .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 35 1-0 1*6 Arts and crafts .. .. .. .. .. 12 34 0-5 1-5 Scripture .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 19 0-8 0-8 Elocution .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. 1 '0 School method .. .. .. .. .. 4 12 0-1 0-5 Economics .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 .. 0-6 Total numbers on rolls at 30th June, 1929 .. 2,328 2,240 100-0 100-0


REGISTERED PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Table M1.—Roll Number of Pupils at Registered Secondary Schools, 1929.

Table M1a. Ages of Pupils on Roll of Registered Private Secondary Schools at 30th June, 1929.

Approximate Coat of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,050 copies), £42 10s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinnee, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93o.

Price 9d.


Boll Number, 31st December, 1929. Roll □ , Number, Sch001 - 1st March, Boys. Girls. Total. 1929. St. Cuthbert's College, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 207 207 226 Auckland Diocesan High School, Auckland .. .. .. .. 202 202 207 King's College, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 223 .. 223 235 Sacred Heart College, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 216 .. 216 236 St. Mar3''s Convent High School, Auckland .. .. .. .. 80 80 81 Convent of the Sacred Heart, Auckland . . .. .. .. .. 33 33 36 Wesley Training College, Paerata .. .. .. .. j 68 .. 68 68 St. Mary's Convent High School, Hamilton .. .. .. | 36 36 44 Marist Brothers' High School, Hamilton .. . . .. .. j 26 .. 26 29 Sacred Heart Convent High School, New Plymouth .. 37 37 43 Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, Marton .. .. .. J .. j 85 85 86 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Wanganui .. .. .. .. 89 89 98 " Iona" Presbyterian College for Girls, Havelock North .. .. .. 46 46 46 Woodford House, Havelock North .. .. .. .. .. 86 86 90 Te Aute College, Pukehou .. . . .. .. .. 80 .. 80 83 Sacred Heart High School, Napier .. . . .. .. .. 40 40 46 St. Matthew's Collegiate School, Masterton .. .. . . . . 45 45 46 Sacred Heart Convent, Wellington .. .. . . .. .. 41 41 43 Marsden Collegiate, Wellington .. . . . . .. .. .. 168 168 185 Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt .. .. .. . . . . 40 40 49 Scots College, Wellington .. . . .. . . .. 61 .. J 61 69 Solway Girls' College, Solway .. . . .. .. .. .. 55 j 55 59 Queen Margaret College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 72 72 65 St. Mary's College, Wellington .. . . .. .. .. . . 63 63 69 St. Patrick's College, Wellington.. .. .. .. .. 202 | .. I 202 234 Wellesley College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 29 . ■ ' 29 33 St. Mary's Convent High School, Blenheim .. .. .. .. 33 33 36 Sacred Heart College, Nelson .. .. .. .. .... 32 32 36 Cathedral Grammar, Christchurch .. . . .. .. ] 37 .. 37 48 Sacred Heart Girls' College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 83 83 91 St. Andrew's College, Christchurch . . .. .. .. j 190 .. 190 197 St. Margaret's College, Christchurch . . . . . . .. .. 98 98 100 St. Mary's Collegiate, Christchurch .. . . . . . . .. 34 34 41 St. Bede's College, Christchurch .. . . . . .. . . 128 .. 128 144 Marist Brothers', Greymouth .. . . . . .. ... 44 .. j 44 45 St. Mary's High School, Greymouth .. .. .. ..... 44 44 49 Convent of the Sacred Heart, Timaru . . .. .. .. j .. 39 39 37 Craighead Girls', Timaru .. .. .. .. .. j 52 52 54 St. Kevin's College, Oamaru . . .. .. .. .. j 93 .. 93 95 Archerfield, Dunedin .. .. .. . . .. . . .. 42 42 42 Christian Brothers' High School, Dunedin .. .. .. 70 .. 70 81 John McGlashan College, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 67 .. 67 ; 69 St. Dominic's College, Dunedin .. . . .. .. .. .. 65 65 68 St. Hilda's Collegiate, Dunedin .. . . .. . . .. .. 53 53 55 St. Philomena's College, Dunedin . . .. .. .. .. 38 38 42 Columba College, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. . . 98 98 103 St. Catherine's College, Invercargill . . .. ... .. .. 28 28 j 32 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. : 1,534 2,164 3,698 3,971

Ages of all Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 1929. ) Under 13 Years. 13 to 14 Years. 14 to 15 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years. Totals, all Ages. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. J Girls. Boys, j Girls. Totals for all 66 115 I 236 347 403 503 398 523 301 436 223 | 326 1,627 2,250 schools

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1929.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1929.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1929.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, E-06