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Table K2.—Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments). —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders — continued.

Table K2a. —Ages of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Schools and Endowed Schools at 30th June, 1929.

Table K3.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 30th June, 1929, according to Years of Attendance at Post-primary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).

Table K4.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Schools, 1929.

Number of Holders of Roll Number, i R n Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1929. j on .Roll at 30th June, School. Attendance, j v* ff i' 1929. 1Q oQ 5 j 1st March, j ; 1929. Boys. Girls. Total. j Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools —continued. Waimate High School.. .. .. 110 60 [ 50 110 128 j 83 31 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. 31.5 j 294 | .. 294 328 186 109 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. 190-2 j .. J 188 188 216 145 53 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 682 632 j .. 632 739 428 252 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 403 .. j 413 413 456 282 147 South Otago High School .. .. 119 ' 72 49 121 130 75 51 Goro High vSchool . . .. .. 217-8 , 109 j 107 216 255 169 69 Southland Boys' High School .. .. 249 j 251 | .. 251 293 175 89 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 223 .. I 227 227 257 159 83 Totals .. .. .. 15,004-5 | 7,924 I 6,981 14,905 16,867 I 10,858 I 4,888 I l I I B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. I 267 262 j .. 262 271 i .. [ Christ's College .. .. .. J 328-2 ! 331 j .. 331 347 j Totals .. .. .. 595-2 i 593 | .. 593 j 618 Grand totals .. .. 15,599-7 j 8,517 | 6,981 15,498 17,485 10,858 4,888

Ages of all Pupils oil Roll at 30th June, 1929. Number of Schools. I "oars. 4 u to 15 Ycars - 15 to 18 Years - 16 to 17 Years - 17°™ars. T °Ages. aU B. G. B. ) G. B. j G. B . I G. B. G. B. G. B. I G. 1 I I 1 i Secondary schools (44) 381 367 1,513 1,424 2,280 [2,136 2,247 , 1,777 .1,483 1,083 888 664 8,772 j 7,451 Endowed schools (2) .. 14 .. 47 .. 123 J .. 152 .. 147 .. 123 .. 600 I !. All schools (46) .. 395 367 1,560 1,424 2,403 |2,136 |2,399 1,777 1,610 1,083 1,011 664 9,378 ! 7 451 J I I j 1 '

Number of New* Number of Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 1929. Entrants in ■g 1929 who had not Number of previously Secondary Schools. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. rs Education 1 " § 1 u Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. I I I I 44 (3,1212,8262,6022,2641,6381,2701, 000 730 359 316 52 45 8,772 7,45116,223 3,159 2,885 ! I 1 | l_ * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 30th June, 1929, are of course included in the first two columns of this table under the heading " First Year."

Number of Pupils Percentage of j Number of Pupils Percentage of taking Subjects. Whole Number. ! taking Subjects. Whole Number. Subject. Subjcct. J Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. j J Boys, Girls. 1 Boys. [ Girls. - . English .. .. .. 8,762 7,451 99-9 100-0 i Botany .. .. . 80 376 0-9 5-0 History and civics .. .. 8,167 7,188 93-1 96-5 Arts and crafts .. .. .. 387 .. 5-2 French .. .. .. 7,698 1 6,424 87-7 86-2 I Economics .. .. 248 56 2-8 0-8 Mathematics .. .. 8,467 5,125 96-5 68-8 jj Dairy science .. .. 266 .. 3-0 Geography .. .. 5,079 5,246 57-9 70-4 jj Natural science .. .. 88 81 1-0 1-1 Arithmetic .. .. 3,242 6,906 37-0 92-7 I Wool-classing .. .. 162 .. 1-8 Drawing .. .. .. 4,366 4,087 49-8 54-9 Home nursing .. .. .. 144 .. 1-9 Physical science and chemistry 7,480 j 532 85-3 7-1 Heat and light .. .. 64 11 0-7 0-1 Domestic and home science .. •• I 6,883 j .. 92-4 ! Workshop theory and practice 55 .. 0-6 Music and singing .. .. 1,294 5,009 14-8 j 67-2 Method of teaching .. .. .. 53 .. 0-7 Latin .. .. .. 3,817 2,385 43-5 32 1 Motor engineering .. .. 47 .. 0-5 Book-keeping and commercial 2,320 1,998 26-4 26-8 j Steam .. .. .. 46 .. 0-5 I work j Art .. .. .. .. 37 .. ! 0-5 Needlework .. .. .. 3,054 .. 41-0 Building construction .. 12 .. 0-1 Shorthand and typing .. 193 1,829 2-2 24-5 Mercantile law .. .. 8 .. 0-1 Physiology and hygiene .. 160 1,684 1-8 22-6 j Jurisprudence .. .. 7 .. 0-1 Cookery .. .. .. .. 1,632 .. 21-9 Constitutional history .. 6 .. 0-1 Woodwork .. .. 1,309 .. 14-9 .. Bankruptcy .. .. 3 .. * Elocution .. .. .. .. 1,071 .. 14-4 Trustee law .. .. 3 .. * Electricity and magnetism .. 999 .. 11'4 .. Company law .. .. 3 .. * Mechanics .. .. .. 895 8 10-2 0-1 I ' Agriculture .. .. 843 .. 9'6 .. j Total roll at 30th June 8,772 7,451 100-0 i 100-0 Metalwork .. .. 522 6-0 Ij [ * No significant percentage.