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Session 11. 1918. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant lo Section 101, Subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.

I—B. 10.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or, elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, as provided by Section 101, Subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.


Securities. Bate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The The The Com- „ . The New Zealand missioners Government pubUc Trust state _ of Pub i ic OffiT 06 Office. j guaranteed Debts Sink1 Advances. ing Funds. The -p. q, , -r,. The State i ire ! ,„ T treasury. Insurance. ■ J Total. Held in the Dominion :— New Zealand Government, securities under — Tin- Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 Ditto ... „ 1901 PerCent. £ 4 May, 1919 £ 500 £ £ £ £ £ £ 500 4 „ 1921 3* Dec. 1918 3f „ 1918 4 Jan., 1921 4 Dec, 1921 4 „ 1919 4 Nov., 1922 4 . Dec. 1922 4 Jan., 1921 4 Feb.. 1921 4 „ 1924 3* Jan., 1919 3* „ 1922 3f „ 1919 4 „ 1919 4 „ 1921 3i • „ 1922 4~ April, 1921 3* Mar., 1920 3| Jan.. 1920 3f Mar., 1920 3f April, 1920 4 Nov., 1919 4 May, 1920 4 Nov., 1920 4 Mav, 1921 3| Nov.. 1919 4 May, 1918 4 „ 1919 4 „ 1920 4 ! Nov., 1920 90,300 2,500 8,100 32,900 10,000 i 90,300 2,500 8,100 32,900 10,000 600* 600 45,100 300t 131,300 1,340* 114,890 25,100 600* 170,700 61,750 500,000 8,650 600* 600 5,000 200,000 50,000 50,000t 50,000 49,000 50,000 175,300 525,000 1,100,000 220,000 500,000 50,000 165,000 50,000 14,000 30,000 "„ 1902 ... '.'.'. '.'.'. Z. Z. ",, 1903 ... ... ... ... ... "„ 1906 .'.'. .'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. 45,100 128,000 101,050 25,100 170,100 61,750 500,000 8,650 5,000 200,000 50,000 3,000 12,500 „ 1907 „ 1908 ... „ 1911 "„ 19"l2 '.'.'. '.'.'. Z Z Z „ 1914 49,000 50,000 175,300 525,000 1,100,000 220,000 500,000 50,000 165,000 50,000 14,000 30,000 The Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 ... If it • • • I



The Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 ... „ „ It ii fl ii • • • The Appropriation Act, 1912 1917 (section 22) ... The Bank of New Zealand Acts, 1903 and 1913 The Coal-mines Act, 1908 It li • - • ■ - ■ it it • • • • • • • * ■ The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867... The Consolidated Stock Act, 1884... 4 4 4 3f 4 4 3| 3i 4 4 4 3f 4 4 4 4 May, 1921 „ 1922 „ 1923 „ 1923 Nov., 1919 „ 1919 Mar., 1923 April, 1918 „ 1919 „ 1921 „ 1920 Dec, 1919 Feb., 1919 Dec, 1919 Jan., 1921 July, 1922 April, 1920 July, 1922 Mar., 1921 „ 1923 „ 1922-23 55,000 10,000 10,000 i ... 10,000 135,000 30,000 13,000 ... 5,000 17,500 1,900 55,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 20,0005 20,000 10,000 5,000 23,250 23,250 750,000 750,000 10,000 135,000 30,000 13,000 84,500* 84,500 194,200 301,000 165,000 8,100 75,000 15,000* 16,900 26,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 194,200 283,500 165,000 8,100 75,000 ] /; it - - - ... The Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 a a a • ■ • a it a The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 1915 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Finance 1917 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915-16 1915-16 ... The District Eailways Purchasing Act 1885 Extension and Amendment Act, 1886 The Finance Act, 1909 ... 26,000 20,000 4 4 4 „ 1921 ,, 1922 July, 1919 10,000 64,000 40,000 10,000 64,000 40,000 4 4 4 41 4H 4i 4i 4 4 4 4 June, 1920 Aug., 1920 Feb., 1922 Dec, 1920 „ 1920 Dec, 1920 Sept., 1930 Dec. 1930 „ 1940 Julv, 1941 Aug., 1921 Aug., 1921 April, 1922 Aug.. 1922 50,000 46,901 5,500 500 ... ... ... ... 6,000 z. 50,000 46,901 5,500 500 28,000" 28,000 133,650 200,050 6,000 50,000 63,950 250,000 10,000 1,120,000 375,000 ,',' 1915 Z. ..'. Z. ... ... 133,650 200,050 | 63,950 50,000 "„ - 1916 ... ... Z. ... 250,000 10,000 1,120,000 375,000 ... I I * Held on account of New Zealand Consols. Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. J Cheviot Estate. Workers' Dweliin; ;s Account. British Administration, Samoa.



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.

Securities. Rate of Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The The The ComThe New Zealand missioners Government Public Trugt gtate . of Publio Offi* 11106 Office. guaranteed Debts SinkAdvances, j ing Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. Interest. Held in the Dominion — continued. New Zealand Government, securities under — continued. The Finance Act, 1916 ... PerCent. 4 4 4 4i 4i 41 *2 4i 41 4* 41 41 4i 4* 41 2 4* 4* 41 4i 4+ 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Feb., 1923 1923 1923 Aug.. 1921 Sept., 1921 Oct., 1921 Nov., 1921 Dec, 1921 Jan.. 1922 Feb., 1922 Mar., 1922 April. 1922 Mav, 1922 June, 1922 Julv, 1922 Aug., 1922 Sept., 1922 Oct., 1922 Sept., 1930 „ 1930 „ 1930 ,, 1941 -Aug., 1921 Sept., 1921 Feb.. 1923 Sept.. 1930 April, 1920 . 1921 „ 1922 „ 1923 Oct., 1918 Nov., 1919 June, 1920 Mar., 1921 £ 200,000 £ £ £ £ [ £ £ 150,000* 2,100t £ 200,000 150,000 2,100 560,000 365,000 115,000 85,812 24,000 60,000 40,000 74,700 44,000 83,000 36,000 10,000 25,000 8,000 2,000 1,500 5,800 8,000 54,450 300 290 125,000 25,000 -18,400 6,500 10,800 11,000 5,200 54,700 105,000 100,000 ft ft • • • ■ ■ • ■ • • if ft - • * * * „ „ ... ... . . ... 560,000 365,000 115,000 85,000 24,000 60,000 40,000 74,700 44,000 33.000 36,000 10,000 25,000 8,000 2,000 1.500 812 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... H " ■ • ■ '" ... 11 11 • • • '' ' • ■ ■ - ■ • 500 "300 290 8,000 25,000 5,8001 53,950§ 125,000* ;; i9i7... ... ... ... it a ■ • • • • ' • • • • • The Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 ... 18,400 6,500 10,800 5,000 5,200 ... ... ... The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 9,700 6,000 45,000;The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 105,000 100,000 I 4



The Government Railways Act, 1908 The Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 a a n a a a it a a 4 4 4 3| 3f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3i June, 1922 „ 1920 Aug., 1920 Feb., 1922 Jan., 1919 1920 1923 1919 „ 1920 Feb., 1922 Jan., 1923 Feb., 1919 1920 May, 1918 1,000 140,000 2,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 50,350 36,350 10,000 6,000 100,000 ! I ... 8,200 | 16,400 4,000 3,000 I -LU , UW^' 3,300§ 6,390$ 1,1605 9805 § 140,000 2,000 3,300 10,000 5,000 14,590 42,560 4,980 53,350 36,350 14,000 11,000 100,000 it it tr The Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 ... 4,000 5,000!| n ,1 tt ... The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903 and 1905 Ditto, 1903, 1905, and 1907 tt tt 't tt ■ ■ • •• • The Hutt Eailway and Eoad Improvement Act, 1907 " if if 1910 The Hutt Road Act, 1915 The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870... a it a The Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 The Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 „ 1920 Feb., 1922 Jan., 1922 Feb., 1922 June, 1918 May, 1919 Feb., 1922 April, 1966 „ 1920 „ 1920 Oct., 1918 „ 1919 1920 Nov., 1919 1920 May, 1921 Jan., 1923 Feb., 1920 Mar., 1920 Aug., 1920 Jan., 1921 Feb., 1921 April, 1921 May. 1921 Sept.. 1921 Jan., 1922 127,000 27,590 2,000 15,000 20,900 30,000 35,000 24,900 9,000 18,000 15,000 177,215 10,000 71,200 137,735 8,270 62,000 29,500 400 388,600 4,000 5,200 2,100 5,000 5,100 ... 5,000 j 3,110c, 5,190j 4,2905 60,000 4,900§ 127,000 27,590 4,000 3,110 5,190 2,000 24,490 60,000 20.900 7,000 35,000 40,100 24,900 14,000 18,000 15,000 9,550 177,215 10,000 77,200 149,910 8,270 62,000 39,000 400 388,600 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 " 9,200 I 350§ // it • • • ... tl ir • ■ ■ 5,300 11,500 "7OOS 675§ if ii ■ ■ ■ ... li If • • • 9,'500 j ... ii it • • • it it ■ ■ - • • • 1 * War Expenses Account. f Workers' Dwellings Ac icount. { British Administration, Samoa. § Held on account of NeZealand Cons sols. Cheviot Estate.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The Government Insurance Office. The The New Zealand Public Trust StateOffice, guaranteed Advances. The Commissioners The of Public State Fire Debts Sink- Insurance, ing Funds. The Treasury. Total. Held in the Dominion — continued. New Zealand Government, securities under — continued. The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 £ £ £ £ £ £ 1,700* £ 135,000 1,700 1,500 24,150 67,725 Per Cent. 4 Feb., 1922 4 Jan., 1923 4 „ 1924 41 Feb., 1921 3§ ' Jan., 1923 £ 135,000 ... ... 24,150 1,500 tt if • • • • ' • The Land for Settlements Act, 1908, and New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Amendment Act.. 1910 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10 —Land for Settlements Branch 67,725 4 April, 1922 39,500 39,500 Ditto The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 The Land Law T s Amendment Act, 1913 4 Oct., 1922 4 Sept.. 1920 741,066 341,000 59,000t 741,066 400,000 ti a • • • a a * ■ - it - • - it it • • ' 4 April, 1919 4 Jan., 1920 4 Feb., 1920 4 Mar., 1920 4 April, 1920 4 Oct., 1920 4 Feb, 1921 4 Mar., 1921 4 Julv, 1921 4 Mar., 1922 4 Oct., 1922 4 Dec, 1922 4 April, 1923 5 Sept., 1931 5 Oct., 1933 5 Nov., 1933 5 „ 1933 5 Dec, 1933 5 Mar., 1934 5 June, 1934 5 Nov., 1934 5 April, 1935 5 June, 1935 108,000 9,800 52,400 10,000 15,000 45,000 4,500 10,000 8,000 244,800 25,000 100,000 15,000 9,800 ... 6,000 18,'450t 108,000 9,800 86,650 10,000 15,000 45,000 4,500 10,000 8,000 244,800 25,000 100,000 15,000 4,331 6,107 22,006 1,700 39,504 11,850 11,800 945 10,270 11,876 ... ... it it • • • ... ... a a ' • • ir a • • • •-• t, ». ... ... it tt • ■ • ■ • ■ The Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 ... „ „ ... » tt a u u a 4,331 6,107 22,006 39,504 800 945 1,000 | i'joo li','850 11,000 10,270 10,876 tt a u tt • • • * • • // a ti u • • •



The Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 ... The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 tt a • ■ • • • • It It • - * If II II It The Maori Land Settlement Act. 1905 ... ... The Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment 1907 The Mining -\mendment Act, 1913 The Native Land Act, 1913 ... ... | It if u it it n • •* The Native Land Purchase Act, 1892 The New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 ... tr u • • ■ ■ * ■ 5 5 3i 3i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3i 4" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3* 4 Feb., 1936 Mar.. 1936 June, 1918 Sept., 1919 Mar.. 1921 Sept., 1919 Mar., 1920 Jan., 1921 Mar.. 1921 „ 1923 Jan., 1923 1923 „ 1923 „ 1921 Mav, 1919 „ * 1920 April, 1919 „ 1920 Oct., 1920 April, 1921 „ 1922 Oct., 1922 April, 1923 Oct., 1922 Feb., 1925 „ 1925 50,000 ... 231, 500 250,000 785.000 370,000 416,000 33,975 50,000 7,000 4,500 98,500 250,000 160,000 250,000 100,000 50,000 II 0,338 756 ... 3,000 9,500 10,256 50,000 15,800t 15,800 25,000t 25,000 234,500 250,000 5,000t 790,000 370,000 416,000 33,975 800| 800 l,200t 1,200 50,000 7,000 4,500 98,500 250,000 160,000 " 250,000 100,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 125,000 3,340 500t 27,178 (1,9705 1,970 (2,000=! 2 -0°° 71,550 125,000 340 500 8,'678 13,500 3,000 4,000 The New Zealand Inscribed Stock --kst, 1917 4* May, 1938 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — -Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch ... „ „ ... ... ... i Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch Land for Settlements Branch ... 3i 3| 3* 3| 3f 3i Nov., 1938 Oct., 1948 April, 1949 Oct., 1948 April, 1949 „ 1949 Oct., 1948 100,000 37,000 325,000 100,000 5,000 25,000 2,300 19,250 50,000 100,000 37,000 325,000 100,000 5,000 25,000 j 30,00011 1 70000 (30,000**) ' V,WU 3i April, 1949 410,000 I * Workers' Dwellings. II Cheviot Estate. t Held on account of New Zealand Consols. ** Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account. J Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. § British Administration, Samoa. || D. H. and P. D. Company, Apia. *


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities I The Post OfficeThe Government Insurance Office. The The i New Zealand Publio Trust' StateOffice. ; guaranteed ! Advances. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. Held in the Dominion — continued. New Zealand Government, securities under — continued. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — continued. Local Authorities Branch Per Cent. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ a a ■ ■ * * * * ■ * a a •'' ■ ■ * a a ■ ■ ■ • * • 31 3| 3* 3f 4 4 3* 3* 3| 4 4 April, 1947 Oct., 1947 April, 1948 Oct., 1948 April, 1949 „ 1949 „ 1918 , 1949 Oct., 1947 „ 1948 April, 1949 „ 1918 , 1949 400,000 475,000 212,000 400,000 275,000 96,000 48,000 9,000 20,000 361, 600 54,500 80,000 30,000 400,000 475,000 212,000 400,000 275,000 96,000 48,000 9,000 20,000 361,600 54,500 80,000 30,000 a a ■ ■ * ■ • * Native Land Settlement Branch a a " • a a *• • a ir • • • ••• The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances -\cts, 1909-1910 — Advances to Settlers Branch Dec, 1921 Feb., 1922 Oct.. 1922 Jan., 1919 June, 1920 Feb., 1922 Oct., 1922 „ 1918 Nov., 1918 Jan., 1919 Jan., 1919 Feb., 1919 Mav, 1919 April, 1918 Jan., 1919 Feb.. 1919 April, 1919 „ 1949 205,000 2,094 750,000 205,000 25,000 406 73,700 99,000 8,000 64,850 12,350 21,500 15,300 33,000 5,250 3,000 50,000 30,000 ir a - - - - - - Advances to Workers Branch ... Government Advances to Workers Act, 1908 Land for Settlements Branch „ „ ... ... ... 4 4 4 4 4 3* 3i 3* 3| 3| 3| 3f 4 4 4 3| 3f 205,000 2,094 750,000 205,000 25,000 406 99,000 8,000 64,850 12,350 21,500 15,300 50,000 30,000 5,200 3,000 73,700* 33,000* 50* it a •• • • • • a a ■ - ■ • ■ • Native Land Settlement Branch a a ... * • •


2—B. 10


The Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 The Public Bevenues Amendment Act, 1915 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 July, 1920 Feb., 1921 May, 1921 Feb., 1922 Aug., 1920 Feb., 1921 Aug., 1921 Feb., 1922 . 1923 Mar., 1919 Sept., 1919 1,700,000 390,000 3,750 140,000 210,000 8,000 70,000 ... 200,000 1,700,000 390,000 3,750 140,000 210,000 8,000 70,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 ... ir a ... The Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914... n a i ,/ a ... 25,000 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 Ditto ... 10,000 7,000 5,'000t 4 4 4 4 4 , 1920 Mar., 1921 „ 1922 „ 1923 . 1922 19,000 17,000 2,000 10,000 10,000t 19,000 17,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment -\ct, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 Public Revenues Act, 1910 — The Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907 ... The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 800,000 30,000 20,000 19,000 5,000 15,000 800,000 30,000 20,000 19,000 5,000 15,000 ff ... ... 4 4 4 4 Aug., 1922 May, 1918 „ 1919 „ 1919 „ 1920 Nov., 1921 ,7 „ ... ... The State Advances -\ct, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch ... Local -Authorities Branch The Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 ... 4 4 4 4 4 3i June, 1919 , 1919 „ 1919 May, 1921 Mav. 1922 Aug., 1918 573,200 50,000 200,000 11,000 5,000 100,000 573,200 50,000 200,000 11,000 5,000 100,000 The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 ... The War Purposes Loan -\ct, 1917 4 4* 44 44 44 44 41 *2 41 *2 May, 1920 Nov., 1918 „ 1918 „ 1918 Sept., 1922 Oct., 1922 Nov., 1922 Dec, 1922 53,476 5,000 91 250,000 53,476 5,000 91 250,000 1,031,500 379,500 20,000 30,000 a a ... ... „ ,/ ... ... 1,031,500 379,500 20,000 30,000 i a a ... ... it it ... ... a a ... ... * Held on account of New Zealai d Consols. t Cheviot Estate, £30,000.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The Government Insurance Office. The I The ComThe New Zealand' missioners Public Trust State- j of Public Office. guaranteed ; Debts SinkAdvances. I ing Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. Held in the Dominion — continued. New Zealand Government, securities under — continued. The War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 Per Cent. 44 44 £ 5,000 38,300 £ £ £ £ £ I £ £ 5,000 38,300 Feb., 1923 Mar., 1923 a » ... ... 1 210,0001 1 210,0001 44 Nov., 1938 100 420,100 it a ■ • • The Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 Local authorities' securities, — Boroughs — Akaroa Arrowtown Balclutha 41 4 May, 1938 Mar., 1921 499,700 41,200* 41,200 499,700 Birkenhead ... Brunner Carterton Dannevirke ... 5 5 5 5 6 4* 44 41 2 5 5 5 44 5 5 4* 5 5i Sept., 1949 Mar., 1926 Sept., 1949 Nov., 1950 July, 1951 tMay, 1917 Sept., 1952 Nov., 1926 Jan., 1933 June, 1952 Jan., 1923 „ 1946 „ 1951 July, 1951 Nov., 1946 April, 1953 Julv, 1953 Mar., 1937 May, 1953 Oct"., 1942 April, 1943 Feb., 1941 Oct., 1922 Nov., 1951 July, 1952 446 2,'855 800 2,600 500 11,000 7,500 6,000 11,000 1,100 15,000 1,500 4,300 362 8,000 450 I 1,500 ... I 800 446 3,100 2,855 1,500 11,000 46,400 Dargaville ... 8,812 Devonport 100 12,000 2,300 530 6,000 3,800 1,500 6,592 ... j 12,100 Bketahuna I 2,830 Eltham 17,892 1 -



r eliding May, 1950 1,000 4,000 2,400 750 2,000 Foxton .... . Frankton Geraldine Gisborne Grey town Hamilton ,, ... Hastings a ■•• a i" Hawera Hokitika Ingle wood Kaiapoi 5 5 5 44 5 44 5 5 5 5 5 44 5 5 5 51 5 51 61 5 5 51 51 5 „ 1951 Jan., 1953 June, 1932 Mar., 1950 July, 1950 April, 1933 Jan., 1946 April, 1947 Aug., 1936 Feb., 1947 Oct., 1947 Aug., 1937 April, 1950 Oct.. 1951 Mar. 1953 May, 1953 April, 1919 Feb., 1920 Mar., 1950 Feb., 1938 Aug., 1933 Jan., 1942 1933-34 Mar., 1922 June, 1931 July, 1949 June, 1927 Oct., 1934 June, 1945 Nov., 1952 May, 1950 Nov., 1952 Mar., 1952 „ 1954 June, 1944 Feb., 1950 Sept., 1951 June, 1944 Feb., 1952 Dec, 1949 3,000 1,000 2,000 20,000 240 3,600 27,000 2,000 18,800 8,630 11,925 13,600 8,800 3,500 3,850 3,000 I ! t 1 15,000 2,400 2,750 2,000 27,000 2,000 22,800 62,955 3,840 3,500 3,850 3,500 I \ 6,500 9,340 12,500 Levin 9,100 240 a ... Lower Hutt ... 9,500 3,000 j Lyttelton Marton Masterton 3,000 1,500 I 3,750 24,000 700 5,000 ' 5,700 570 14,500 1,200 423 27,000 1,025 435 3,000 1,500 27,750 Mataura Motueka Mount Albert 700 5,000 it 6,270 Napier 44,148 New Brighton 435 * British Administration, Sami a. f Outstanding 31st March, 1918.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The The Government p uWio Trust Insurance Qffi Offioe. The The CornNew Zealand missioners State- | of Public guaranteed Debts SinkAdvances, ing Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. eld in the Dominion — continued. Local authorities' securities — continued. Boroughs — continued. Northcote Oamaru Onslow Ohakune Opotiki Per Cent. 5 4+ 5 5 51 5 51 51 51 51 51 51 6 44 44 44 44 4* 51 5 51 4 5 4* 51 5 5 July, 1953 Jan., 1920 Nov., 1923 Aug., 1953 Sept., 1950 May, 1952 Aug., 1922 „ 1952 Oct., 1952 Nov., 1952 Jan., 1953 Feb., 1954 April, 1954 Aug., 1932 Nov., 1948 Sept., 1953 Mar., 1950 Feb., 1921 „ 1948 April, 1934 Mar., 1927 Oct., 1952 Sept., 1949 May, 1952 Sept., 1921 „ 1935 Feb., 1932 Julv, 1950 Feb., 1952 Jan., 1925 April, 1933 I £ 13,800 £ £ 2,000 £ £ £ £ £ 2,000 13,800 7,600 17,826 7,600 17,826 18,000 1,800 ... ) I \ 19,800 /' • • • Palmerston North 85,000 24,000 3,000 18,000 10,200 33,750 7,810 // • • • • • • I i 1 181,760 „ ... ... „ ... ... 6,840 ,/ ■ ■ • Parnell Patea 6,848 5,000 i 5,000 1 ( 10,500 8,000 2,000 6,000 1,300 '500 Petone Queenstown ... Rangiora Stratford Sumner .... 9,120 16,000 2,600 3,000 100 1,300 9,120 16,000 J 5,600 Sydenham 25,'oOO 6,000 1 f 25,100 Taihape Tauranga ... 29,500 2,150 6,000 tt • •• '" '" Te Arpha 1,550 } 31,650 7,050 5,500 if *** **' •*' I



Te Kuiti „ • • Thames Timaru a Waipawa Wairoa Waitara 5 51 51 51 51 5 5 51 4 5 5 5 5 51 51 5 5 5 5 5 5 51 4f 6 44 41 4 4 4* Oct., 1954 Aug., 1951 April, 1953 Mar., 1954 Oct., 1954 June, 1949 „ 1950 „ 1952 June, 1947 Sept., 1935 June, 1949 July, 1942 Aug., 1950 Nov., 1951 April, 1954 Mar., 1949 Nov., 1949 Jan., 1931 July, 1932 Oct., 1947 July, 1951 „ 1950 May, 1952 Mar., 1932 Jan., 1925 Dec, 1925 Mar., 1933 Julv, 1931 June, 1933 Dec, 1932 4,000 2,000 3,600 3,530 1,300 14,000 1,400 5,500 1,000 5,400 800 2,000 4,000 400 7,000 500 1,800 2,300 3,450 4,200 1,575 1,775 1,100 600 1,000 l r 1 ) 23,430 20,900 10,400 800 6,400 7,500 4,100 7,650 3,350 it Wanganui East , f ... Whangarei ... ,, ... Winton Woodville City of Dunedin City of Nelson ... 1,100 600 City of Wellington 100,000 25,000 15,000 I 16,000 133,400 ,/ 8,400 Counties — Akaroa Awakino Awatere 4i 51 51 5 5 51 51 Mar., 1949 Feb., 1952 Mar., 1951 April, 1952 Sept., 1950 May, 1952 June, 1950 Oct., 1950 April, 1952 900 5,300 2,000 1,300 1,000 1,800 1,000 2,000 1,525 900 5,300 \ I 3,300 Colling wood ... 2,800 „ ... Egmont I) a 4,525 a • • •


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The Government Insurance Office. The Public Trust Office. The New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances. The Commissioners The of Public State Fire Debts Sink- Insurance, ing Funds. The Treasury. Total. Held in the Dominion — continued. Local authorities' securities — continued. Counties — continued. Featherston ... £ Per Cent. 5 5 5 5 51 51 51 44 44 51 5 51 51 5 5 51 5 51 51 51 5 5 5 51 54 51 5 5 51 5 5 £ £ £ 300 200 1,000 £ £ £ £ Franklin Hawera Hawke's Bay Heathcote Hobson Horowhenua... Aug., 1925 July, 1949 June, 1950 July, 1951 Aug., 1951 July, 1952 Feb., 1954 July, 1953 Mav, 1938 July, 1941 Aug., 1922 Dec, 1925 April, 1950 Mar., 1953 Dec, 1953 Feb., 1950 April, 1950 Nov., 1951 Feb., 1950 Dec, 1952 July, 1951 Dec, 1951 Sept., 1925 June, 1926 July, 1950 „ 1950 Oct., 1920 Feb., 1954 Oct.,. 1949Feb., 1953 June, 1951 Jan., 1949 Mar., 1950 1,969 2,264 2,400 100 2,500 6,500 500 61,500 3,000 6,000 2,500 2,500 500 2,800 5,500 3,500 350 350 850 1,200 120 1,500 450 2,100 1,100 12,000 2,000 1,200 1,500 900 I I 1 1 12,569 500 64,500 4,664 6,000 5,000 3,300 Kairanga Kaitieke 5,500 4,200 Kawhia Mackenzie 850 Manawatu 1 1 1,320 1,950 Masterton Matamata ) 1 I 3,200 15,200 2,400 Murchison ...



Opotiki 5 51 51 51 5 5 5 5 5 51 51 51 5 sisi 5 5 5 51 51 51 5 5 51 51 5 51 51 51 51 51 51 Ol 5 5 51 51 51 Oct., 1949 Feb.. 1954 Nov., 1952 1950 Jan., 1949 Oct., 1949 Dec, 1949 July, 1950 Mar., 1951 May, 1951 Jan., 1942 „ 1919 Sept., 1953 Oct., 1951 Nov., 1949 „ 1950 „ 1953 Feb., 1950 Sept., 1949 Jan., 1950 Nov., 1952 Jan., 1954 Mar., 1953 June, 1950 Julv, 1951 Feb., 1952 Mar., 1953 Nov., 1949 Mar., 1952 Aug., 1952 Jan., 1953 May, 1953 June. 1953 Nov.. 1953 Dec, 1953 May, 1950 April, 1950 „ 1950 „ 1952 Nov., 1953 4 000 [ 400 i 1,800 i 7,000 ; 7,000 i 1,750 I 700 I 4,500 i 875 ! 3,500 i 1,000 j I 4,400 Otamatea Piako Raglan 1,800 7,000 „ ... 18,325 n ... „ ... Takaka Tauranga Thames Waiapu 2,000 1,000 2,000 11,000 a ... Waikato Waimarino ... 11,000 20,000 2,700 4,000 7,500 2,500 350 300 200 250 1,140 2,450 ) 34,200 2,500 1 2,240 „ ... Waipa Wairarapa South Wairoa 1,969 2,450 1,969 a ... Waitomo ,/ ... it ... „ ... 7,500 10,000 1,250 125 3,500 - 3,750 3,500 2,200 7,000 9,950 2,000 1,078 1,508 107 7,500 1 ) 17,500 31,275 a ... 2,000 Wanganui Whakatane ... ir ... 10,193 )rainage Boards — Aorangi Buckley 5 5 Julv, 1954 May, 1939 '600 480 480 600 i


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The The The ComThe Post Government v . , Th ,S, , New Zealand missioners The Office. Insurance Trust State- °f Public State Fire T „£° Office Office. guaranteed Debts Sink- Insurance. ' Advances. ing Funds. Total. Held in the Dominion — continued. Local authorities' securities — continued. Drainage Boards — continued. Ellesmere Hillside Kirikiriroa Sluggish River Taieri Te Rapa Wairau Maori Waitarua Woodlands ... Fire Boards — Hamilton Palmerston North Harbour Boards — Auckland Greymouth ... Mokau Patea a - - * * * * * - * Thames Wellington ... It ' ' ' ' Westport Whakatane ... River Boards — Hutt Opio Spring Creek Tuamarina 1 ... ... i Per Cent. 4 5 51 5 51 5 5 51 51 5 51 51 51 51 4 5 4* 4J 41 4 4 41 51 51 51 5 Oct., 1952 Dec, 1953 Nov., 1953 Mar., 1950 July, 1952 „ 1951 Jan., 1950 Nov., 1952 Jan., 1953 Sept., 1953 Dec, 1951 Jan., 1953 Feb., 1952 £ 2,850 £ 1,453 £ 5,000 500 300 1,000 120 850 5,000 1,500 1,000 3,500 1,600 £ £ £ £ ) r 1 £ 5,50( 30( 1,001 1,45: 12( 85( 5,001 1,501 4,50( 1,60( July, 1937 „ - 1952 Mar., 1950 Feb., 1946 „ 1949 „ 1953 April, 1938 Aug., 1946 „ 1946 Jan., 1949 May, 1952 500 260,000 50( 260, 00< 1,00( 21,870 5,000 8,130 10,000 49,100 27,000 489,500 i',000 } 35,001 10,001 36,600 I I 112, 70( 36,000 lb','500 500, 00( 36,00( Feb., 1953 June, 1950 „ 1954 Aug., 1950 5,000 400 1,000 500 5,00( 40( 1,001 501 /

B —10

3—B. 10


Road Boards — Avondale Inch-Clutha ... It "• Kirikiriroa Mangere Mercer Omaka Picton Spring Creek ... Tamahere Tamaki West... W 7 airau it Town Boards — Bull's Ellerslie it Featherston ... Frankton Gonville Hikurangi Hunterville ... it It Huntly tt Johnsonville ... ... J ... I ... 51 5 5 5 5 5 51 51 5 5 51 51 5 51 51 5 5 5 5 5 44 5 5 5 5 5 5 51 51 51 5 5 5 5 51 April, 1953 Dec, 1949 Aug., 1950 Sept., 1953 Oct., 1953 Mar., 1950 June, 1951 Sept., 1952 Aug., 1952 Oct., 1950 May, 1950 June. 1953 Dec, 1951 June, 1949 „ 1951 Sept., 1920 ! Dec, 1920 Jan., 1954 Dec, 1934 Oct., 1933 June, 1934 Feb., 1949 July, 1950 Aug., 1948 July, 1929 Sept., 1950 Aug., 1953 Feb., 1930 Aug., 1930 „ 1931 Dec, 1951 Aug., 1952 Sept., 1953 Nov., 1917* ■■ Jan., 1923 Nov., 1927 Aug., 1948 Dec, 1951 \ 15,000 3,500 1,000 14,500 3,000 1,000 1,000 100 1,000 1,500 500 666 2,100 3,500 770 6,000 10,000 1,000 600 2,270 500 600 200 500 7,500 1,700 700 7,000 5,000 "'500 6,000 2,000 575 3,000 400 1,000 800 2,000 j f 1 t J J ) 1,000 1,100 2,500 18,500 500 666 2,100 4,270 6,000 11,000 3,370 600 15,500 700 7,500 1,700 7,700 8,500 8,575 7.200 * Outstanding 31st March, 1918.



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.- continued.

Securities. Rat of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The The j The Own. Government p , . . NewJZeaknd missioners Insurance Publ,c Trust State - , of Pubhc Office Office. guaranteed : Debts SinkAdvances, ing Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. i Held in the Dominion — continued. Local authorities' securities — continued. Town Boards — continued. Kaponga Leamington ... Manaia Mangaweka ... Manunui Martinborough Morrinsville ... Ngaruawahia... ... ..., Onerahi Opunake Raetihi Raglan Rongotea Tuakau Upper Hutt ... I I "' I Per Cent.j 5£ ! Jan., 1948 5J Mar., 1953 5 Dec, 1949 5 „ 1951 5 i Aug., 1931 5 Dec, 1949 5 ! Jan., 1953 5 Aug., 1954 5 Dec, 1949 5 Nov., 1950 4| Jan., 1953 5 „ 1953 5 Aug., 1953 5i Dec, 1954 5 Jan., 1950 5 Mar., 1949 5 Dec, 1949 54 Feb., 1952 5i Dec, 1952 5| Oct., 1951 5 Mar., 1930 5 July, 1934 5i Mar., 1952 5i May, 1953 5i Mar., 1954 5 Aug., 1952 5 : Sept., 1934 5i May, 1953 5 Jan., 1952 5 Aug., 1953 5 Mar., 1954 5i . July, 1951 £ 1,500 1,500 2,500 700 £ 5,000 500 250 660 900 900 2,500 250 3,500 350 4,500 450 6,000 3,500 350 1,600 '660 600 60 30,000 900 2,100 500 : 2,000 1,100 11,000 1,100 350 ! £ £ £ I £ i 1 1 I i 1 £ 5,500 910 1,500 3,300 2,750 8,800 6,000 7,950 660 660 33,000 500 700 2,000 13,550



Waipawa Waipukurau ... Waiuku Warkworth ... Waverley Water-supply Board — Waimakariri-Ashley ... ,, ... ... ... ... Debentures Advances Office : Sinking Fund Branch ... „ „ Local Authorities Branch Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch Fixed-deposit receipts Landed and house property Freehold Leasehold „ Freehold and leasehold... 5 5 5 51 5 5 5 5 4. *5 44 4* Jan., 1927 July, 1942 Jan., 1955 „ 1952 April, 1950 „ 1947 „ 1955 Oct., 1956 Sept., 1930 June, 1916 Dec, 1920 July, 1941 21,000 1,000 I 7,500 600 14,000 200 750 13,000 '.'. 16,350 Z. 9,000 60,138 2,142,872 559,865 13,420 4,780 2,200 8,500 600 14,000 200 1 18,950 [ 15,200 25,350 ■ 2,762,875 3,048 133,121 1,776 102,682 3,185,863 6,493,762 417,427 7,587,337 2,636,790 159,394 25,991 2,600 ... 11,981 24,048 > 263,570 9,391,2,73 Mortgages „ i\dvances Office : Sinking Fund Branch „ „ Advances to Settlers Branch „ „ --dvances to Workers Branch „ „ Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch -10,800,948 Property acquired by foreclosure ... 3,223 6,571 j 9,794 _____ 4,042,427 8,647,518 13,563,823 263 ,560 171,787 2,000,536 57,414,194 • Total held in the Dominion 28,724,543 ield in London :— British war-loan stock 5 I I I I , l,050,000t k ! 2,773,000 ! 50,000: I o 5,055,001 20,0005 11,162,0001] j | 17,66' Canadian stock 2* 3 Oct., 1947 July, 1938 12,667 5,000 I * Outstanding 31st March, 1918. t War Expenses Account. } Deposit Account. S Reserve Fund securities, £885,117. State Advances.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion or elsewhere as on the 31st March, 1918, etc.— continued.

Price Scij

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (760copies), £32.

By Authority : Marcus P. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lB.

«' Held on account of New Zealand Consols. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. ■ - -


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. ! The The r , . The New Zealand (Government „ ,.. ... . ... . T Public trust] btate- ,. ffi Office. guaranteed Advances. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. Total. Held in London — continued. Percent. onr> Cape of Good Hope consolidated stock ... ... 3 J , 1929-49 200 ... The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 ... 4 Jan., 1919 12,900 The Government Advances to Settlers Extension Act, 4 June, 1920 80,000 Imperial Treasuiv bills ... ... ••• ••• 4 April, 1918 ... 4 1918 3* May, 1918 4 „ 1918 3| June, 1918 3i „ 1917 India stock" 2 i ■•■ 1( ® 3 Oct., 1948 41 ... 3 Jan., 1931 12 34 Jan., 1931 217 National war bonds ... ... ••• ••• 5 Oct., 1922 New South Wales stock ... ... ... ... 3* Sept., 1918 27,000 New Zealand inscribed stock ... ... ... 3 April, 194o 2 260,495 3* Jan., 1940 318,000 South Australian stock ... ... ... •■• 3* Jan., 1939 12,000 4 April, 1924 1,773 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 ... ... ... 4 May, 1923 .Victorian stock 3 1929-49 12,380 Egyptian guaranteed bonds ... ... ... 3 Transvaal stock ... ... ••■ ■"•• ' 3 ••• Fixed deposit at London Joint Stock Bank (Limited) J 4| April, 1917 j £ 625, 900 i i £ £ 1 I £ £ £ 831,714 396,054* 1,487,203 99,147 1,685,067 247,794t 65,3411 357,766+ 153,010; i 1,700,000 11,300,000. 200 50,4001f 5,000 59,000] 230,000 ] 200,000* £ 200 12,900 80,000 - 4,746,979 1 576,496 1,700,000 1,300,000 27,000 [ 3,554,995 J- 13,773 5,000 12,380 59,000 230,000 200,000 Io r\ A Ci nr\ 4 Totals - 3,042,794 3,042,794 625, 900 625, 900 I i/-i n-ir> nt\r> 10,917,696 10,917,696 14,586,391 * Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account. + State Advances. J Reserve Fund securities, £885,117. § War Expenses Account. Nelson Rifle Prize Fund.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1918., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, B-10

Word Count

PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1918. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, B-10

PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1918. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, B-10