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Waipawa Waipukurau ... Waiuku Warkworth ... Waverley Water-supply Board — Waimakariri-Ashley ... ,, ... ... ... ... Debentures Advances Office : Sinking Fund Branch ... „ „ Local Authorities Branch Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch Fixed-deposit receipts Landed and house property Freehold Leasehold „ Freehold and leasehold... 5 5 5 51 5 5 5 5 4. *5 44 4* Jan., 1927 July, 1942 Jan., 1955 „ 1952 April, 1950 „ 1947 „ 1955 Oct., 1956 Sept., 1930 June, 1916 Dec, 1920 July, 1941 21,000 1,000 I 7,500 600 14,000 200 750 13,000 '.'. 16,350 Z. 9,000 60,138 2,142,872 559,865 13,420 4,780 2,200 8,500 600 14,000 200 1 18,950 [ 15,200 25,350 ■ 2,762,875 3,048 133,121 1,776 102,682 3,185,863 6,493,762 417,427 7,587,337 2,636,790 159,394 25,991 2,600 ... 11,981 24,048 > 263,570 9,391,2,73 Mortgages „ i\dvances Office : Sinking Fund Branch „ „ Advances to Settlers Branch „ „ --dvances to Workers Branch „ „ Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch -10,800,948 Property acquired by foreclosure ... 3,223 6,571 j 9,794 _____ 4,042,427 8,647,518 13,563,823 263 ,560 171,787 2,000,536 57,414,194 • Total held in the Dominion 28,724,543 ield in London :— British war-loan stock 5 I I I I , l,050,000t k ! 2,773,000 ! 50,000: I o 5,055,001 20,0005 11,162,0001] j | 17,66' Canadian stock 2* 3 Oct., 1947 July, 1938 12,667 5,000 I * Outstanding 31st March, 1918. t War Expenses Account. } Deposit Account. S Reserve Fund securities, £885,117. State Advances.