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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 3rd Day of July, 1908. Ordered, " That a Committee' be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all matters pertaining to agricultural and pastoral industries and stock, with power to confer and sit together with any similar Committee which may be appointed by the Legislative Council, and to agree to a joint or separate report; the Committee to have power to call for persons, papers, and records; three to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Buddo, Hon. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Kidd, Mr. Lang, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Rhodes. Mr. Okey, Mr. Rutherford, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. McNab.) Wednesday, the 2nd Day or September. 1908. Ordered, " That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that the names of Mr. Bollard, Mr. Hornsby, .Mr. Maepherson, and Mr. Witty be added to the Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee."—(Hon. Mr. McNab.)


Page. fo. Petitioners. ! BillsAgricultural Produce Sale and Importation Bill Impounding Act Amendment Bill " Dairy Industry Act, 1908," proposed regulations under 2 2 3 Final report . . .. .. 5 141 ' Hale, John .. 172 Harris, Adam 2 2

No. L'etitioners. I Page. 57 Kerr, Donald .. .. .. 2 567 Kerr. Donald .. .. .. 3 /■*. ■ » -m- lmriA t ±1 rt 211 Lysnar, W. D., and others .. .. 2 212 I Maddison, W. .. .. .. : 2 459 i Raymond, John W. .. .. .. 2 Regulations, proposed, under " The Dairy | 3 Industry Act, 1908 "



EEPOETS. No. 172.—Petition of Adam Haeris, Sen., of Saddle Hill, near Dunedin. Petitionee prays for redress on account of an injustice inflicted on him by the Noxious Weeds Act. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th September, 1908. No. 212.—Petition of W. Maddison, of Gisborne. Petitioner prays for an investigation of his improved system of earmarking live-stock, with a view to its adoption by the Government. I am directed to report that the Government be requested to make inquiries with a view to bringing in some improved general system of earmarking flocks. 9th September, 1908. No. 211. Petition of W. D. Ltbnab and 22 Others, of Gisborne. PETITIONERS pray that some relief may be granted from the present system of earmarking livestock, which has been found to afford inadequate protection to flocks. I have the honour to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th September, 1908. The Agricultural Produce Sale and Importation Bill. The Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee, to whom was referral! the Agricultural Produce Sale and Importation Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 9th September, 1908. The Impounding Act Amendment Bill. The Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee, to whom was referred the Impounding Act Amendment Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments shown on the attached 9th September, 1908. No. 57 —Petition of Donald Kerr, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to the Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee's report of the 23rd October, 1906. 1 am instructed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th September, 1908. N O . J4i. —Petition of John Hale, of Nelson. Petitioner prays for consideration for serious misfortune and monetary loss he has been called upon to suffer, and is loyally suffering, for the good of the community, owing to the destruction of his orchard. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1908. No. 459. —Petition of John W. Raymond, of Invercargill. Petitioner represents that his retiring-allowance under the Superannuation Act, after nineteen years' service as Inspector of Stock and Fruit at Bluff, is inadequate, &c. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th October, 1908.


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No. 567.—Petition of Donald Kerr, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to the recommendations made by the Stock Committee on the 23rd October, 1906. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make; and, further, that this Committee respectfully urges that the Standing Orders be amended in order that no petitioner may approach Parliament more than once during any one session on the same petition without the consent of the House first obtained. 9th October, 1908. The Proposed Regulations under "The Dairy Industry Act, 1908." 1. The Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee, to whom was referred the proposed Dairy Regulations, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that the regulations as amended, with the evidence and minutes of the Committee, do lie on the table and be printed. 2.. That the regulations as amended be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th October, 1908. [Note. —For minutes of proceedings and evidence aide 1.—12 a. ]

Proposed Regulations under " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," as to the Registration, Inspection, dtc, of Dairies. Regulations. 1. For the purpose of these regulations— " Dairy" means and includes any farm, stockyard, milking-yard, paddock, shed, stable, stall, or any other place where cows from which the milk-supply of a dairy is obtained are depastured, kept, or milked, arid includes any place where milk or cream is oollected, deposited, treated, separated, prepared, or manufactured into butter or cheese on the farm ; but does not include (a) any milk-shop, or any factory, skimming-station, or other premises used for the manufacture, milling, blending, tinning, or packing of butter or cheese, or the manufacture of condensed, preserved, or dried milk; nor (b) any farm where the whole of the milk produced, whether used as milk or cream, or manufactured on the premises into butter or cheese, is consumed by persons resident or employed thereon : "Dairyman" means the occupier of a dairy, and includes the dairyman's agent or manager, and also inoludes, in the case of a company, the managing director, manager, secretary, or other principal officer of the company in New Zealand : "Infectious or contagious disease " means typhus fever, enteric fever, scarlet fever, bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, rodent ulcer, malignant diseases, venereal diseases, and any other disease that the Governor by Order in Council gazetted declares to be an infectious or contagious disease within the meaning of the said Act: Inspecior" means any Inspector appointed or deemed to be appointed under " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," or "The Stock Act, 1908." 2. (1.) Every dairyman shall apply for the registration of his dairy to the Inspector, at the office of the Inspector of Stock for the district in which it is situated, on or before the Ist day of July, 1909, except in the case of premises not erected or not in use as a dairy at that date, when the application shall be lodged with the Inspector at least twentyone days prior to their use. (2.) Every application for registration shall be in or to the effect of the form numbered 1 set out in the Schedule hereto. 3. On receipt of an application for registration as aforesaid the Inspector shall register the dairy in a book to be kept for the purpose, and issue to the dairyman a certificate of registration (hereinafter termed a " certificate ") in the form numbered 2 set out in the Sci edule hereto. Such certificate shall be for the whole or the unexpired portion of the twelve months ending on the 31st day of July in each year : i. Any dairyman wishing to transfer his certificate shall apply to the inspector, at the office from-which the certificate was issued, in the form numbered 3 set out in the Schedule hereto, and forward his certificate with the application. On receipt of such application the Inspector shall amend the register accordingly, and transfer the certificate by indorsing thereon "This certificate is hereby transferred to ,of , as from the day of , 190 ."

The fee for the transfer of a certificate Bhall be one shilling. 5. Every dairyman desiring a renewal of his certificate shall, on or before the Ist day of July in each year, apply for such renewal to the Inspector at the office from which the certificate was issued. The application shall be in the form numbered i set out in the Schedule hereto. On receipt of such application the Inspector shall issue a fresh certificate in favour of the applicant. If a renewal is not required the dairyman shall notify the Inspector to that effect in writing on or before the Ist day of July next preceding the date of expiry of the certificate. 6. (1.) The fee for registration, or for renewal of registration, shall be for every dairy in connection with which it is intended there shall be, during the season following the date of the application for registration— (a ) Not more than three cows in milk .. .. .. Is. per annum. (b.) More than three, but not more than twenty, cows in milk .. ss. per annum. (c.) More than twenty cows in milk 10s. per annum. (2.) The applicant shall send or deposit the prescribed fee with every application for registration or renewal. 7. All certificates in force and expiring on the 31st day of March, 1909, are hereby extended to and shall be deemed to expire on the 31st day of July, 1909. 8. No dairyman shall occupy or use any premises or place as a dairy except in conformity with the following provisions :— (a.) In every shed where cows are stalled overnight the air-space for each animal shall not be less than 600 cubic feet. (6.) The floor of every cowshed shall be of an even surface, and formed of concrete,, wood, or other material impervious to water. A suitable gutter shall be provided and connected with the outletdrain. (c.) The inside of the walls and all internal woodwork of every cowshed shall be thoroughly coated once a year with lime whitewash, being first scraped if necessary. (d.) No cowshed, or building where cows are to be kept, of milking-yard or stock yard to be used in connection with the milking of cows, shall hertafter be erected within 30 ft. of any stable, fowl-house, fowl-run, calf-pen, trough from which calves are fed, manure-heap, cesspool, closet, urinal, or liquidmanure tank, or within 50 yards of any piggery. (c.) No cowshed hereafter to be erected shall be within 30 ft. of any dwelling-house : Provided that within the boundaries of any city or borough containing a population of 5,000 persons or over, computed from the latest official census returns as published from time to time, no cowshed shall be within 100 ft. of any dwelling-house, or of the boundary of any street or adjoining property. (/.) Every cowshed in which more than six cows are to be milked at either the morning or evening milking, and which is not provided with sufficient



stalling-accommodation to hold all the oows at one time, shall have either— (i.) A yard, sufficiently large to hold the cows brought in at any one time for milking, attaohed thereto but divided therefrom by a partition or fence, the floor of such yard to be properly laid with ooncrete, wood, or other suitable material; or (ii.) A yard of such dimensions as aforesaid situated at least 30 ft. from such oowshed and connected therewith by a race the floor of which is properly laid with conorete, wood, or other suitable material. (g.) Every cowshed, milk-house, or other building where milk is kept or stored shall be properly constructed, lighted, ventilated, cleansed, and drained; and no suoh cowshed, milk-house, or other building shall be connected by a covered drain with any liquid-manure tank or other plaoe into which any offensive matter is discharged, or with any sewer, unless suoh drain or sewer is properly constructed, trapped, and ventilated. (h.) Every place where oows are milked, and every stock-yard or race, together with the surroundings thereof, shall at all times be kept in good repair, drained, oleansed, and in a sanitary condition. (t.) No sewage-drain, gully, or drain-Trap shall be within any oowshed or milk-house. (j.) Every dairy shall be provided with a sufficient supply of wholesome water for watering the stock. (k.) No liquid manure or other offensive matter shall be discharged, or allowed to flow, into any watercourse or other place whereby the water-supply of any stock is likely to be contaminated. (I.) Every cowshed shall be provided with a sufficient supply of good water for washing the milkers' hands, and for such other purposes as may be necessary. 9. Every dairyman shall notify the Inspector at least seven days before commencing to make any structural alterations to his cowshed, milk-house, or milk-stand, and shall in such notice give brief particulars of the proposed alterations. 10. Every person while employed in the handling of milk in or about a dairy shall at all times keep himself clean, and wear clean clothing. 11. No person shall draw milk, nor shall any dairyman permit any milk to be drawn, from any cow, until the udder and teats of such cow have been thoroughly cleansed. 12. No dairyman shall place, or allow to be placed, in any milk-house or cowshed anything of a character likely to endanger the purity of milk. 18. Every dairyman shall immediately after milking— (a.) Thoroughly strain all milk ; (6.) Where the milk is not immediately separated, cool it; (c.) Where the milk is immediately separated, forthwith 000 l the cream. 14. No milk shall be cooled, separated, or stored in any oowsbed, milking-yard, or stock-yard. 15. Every dairyman shall, immediately after the milk or cream is oooled, keep it in a cool place, and at all times thereafter while it is in his possession securely cover it, and protect it from the sun's rays. 16. Every bucket, can, or other utensil used in the handling of milk or cream in or about any dairy shall be thoroughly cleansed, and Bhall then be allowed to drain in a position fully exposed to the air. Such cleansing and airing must be done at a distance of not less than 30 ft. from any cowshed, milking-yard, stock-yard, or other place where such utensils would be likely to become contaminated, and within the following specified times : — (a.) In the case of buckets, cans, or other utensils used in the milking of cows, the work of cleansing shall be finished as soon as possible after the completion of milking operations. (6.) In the case of cans or other utensils used in or about a dairy farm for the handling or storage of milk, such cans or utensils shall be cleansed by the dairjman as soon as possible after being emptied. (c.) In the case of cans or other utensils used by the dairyman in the conveyance of milk or cream to a factory, milk-vendor, milk-depot, or other place, or used in the retail of milk or cream, suoh cans or utensils shall be cleansed by the dairyman as soon as possible after being emptied. (d.) In the case of cans or other utensils used in the conveyance of milk or cream consigned by a dairyman by rail or otherwise to a factory, milk-vendor, milk-depot, or other place, such cans or utensils shall, as soon as possible after arrival at the consignee's premises, be emptied and be cleansed by the person to whom they are oorißigned.

(c.) In the case where oans used for milk or cream are also used for the conveyance of skim-milk or whey to any dairy, the dairyman shall empty them or cause them to be emptied immediately on arrival at such dairy, and forthwith cleanse them or cause them to be cleansed. 17. When an Inspector absolutely forbids the use of any buoket, can, or other utensil for the purposes of dairy-produce he may, after giving the dairyman fourteen days' notice, impress into the material of such bucket, can, or other utensil one or more broad-arrows in such a way as to be easily seen; and no dairyman shall use or suffer to be used in connection with the handling or storage of milk or cream any buoket, can, or other utensil so branded. 18. Every dairyman in whose dairy a separator or milkingmaohine is used shall immediately after every use of such machine thoroughly wash, olean, and scald, or cause to be washed, cleaned, and scalded or sterilised, all rubber parts and every other part thereof whioh comes into contaot with the milk, and shall use suitable appliances for the purpose. The parts of the milking-machine which come into contact with the milk shall not be stored in the oowshed. 19. Every dairyman shall provide sufficient facilities for boiling the water necessary to enable him to fully comply with the provisions of these regulations. 20. Every dairyman shall cleanse or oause to be cleansed all conveyances used about his dairy for the conveyance of milk, cream, skim-milk, or whey, and shall not so use any such conveyance unless it is cleansed and kept cleansed. 21. Every dairyman shall forthwith notify the Inspector if he or any member of his family or any person on or about the premises is attacked by or is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, or is a member of any household wherein any person is affected with any such disease, and, similarly, if any of the stock in or about his dairy or used in connection therewith appear to be suffering from any disease or disorder. 22. No dairyman shall— (a.) Employ or allow in or about his cowshed or other place used for milking purposes, or in or about his milk-house or other place where dairy-pro-duce is collected, deposited, treated, separated, prepared, given away, sold, bartered, or offered or exposed for sale or barter, any person suffering from an infectious or contagious disease or knowingly having been in contact with a person so suffering ; (6.) If himself so suffering, or having recently been in contact as aforesaid, in any way take part in the conduct of his trade or business as a dairyman, until in eaoh case there is no further danger of the communication of infection to the milk. 23. No dairyman shall— (a.) Sell, barter, offer for sale or for barter, give away, allow to be used for human consumption, or feed or allow to be fed to animals, any milk or cream from any cow that is or is suspected of being diseased or in an unhealthy condition. (6.) Sell, barter, offer for sale or for barter, or give away any milk drawn from a cow within four clear days after the date of calving, or within any longer period thereafter during which the milk is unfit for use. (c.) Sell, barter, or offer for sale or for barter, any dairyproduce from an unregistered dairy. 24. No dairyman shall use any cowshed, milk-house, or rr.ilk-stand, or other building used in connection with the handling or storage of milk, or permit the same to be used, as a sleeping-apartment, or for any purpose incompatible with the cleanliness of such cowshed, milk-house, or milkstand, or of the utensils and appliances therein, or in any manner likely to contaminate the milk therein : Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the housing of dairy cattle (not including calves) in any cowshed. 25. No dairyman shall, except in the case of dairy cattle brought into a cowshed for milking or housing, permit any animal, including any poultry or pigeon, to remain in any cowshed, milk-house, or other building used in connection with the handling or storing of milk. 26. Any notice or other document required to be delivered to any dairyman under the said Act or these regulations shall be deemed to be sufficiently delivered either by giving it to him personally or by leaving it at his usual or lastknown place of abode with some person there appearing to be not less than fourteen years of age, and to be an inmate thereof, or in charge thereof, or employed thorein, or by posting the same addressed to such dairyman at his usual or last-known place of abode. 27. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations is liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds,



SCHEDULE. (Form 1. Regulation 2.) Application for the Registration of a Dairy. To the Inspector of Dairies, at the Office of the Inspector of Stock. I, ,of , apply for registration of the undermentioned premises as a dairy under the regulations (made in pursuance of " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908 ") governing the registration, inspection, &c, of dairies. The particulars of such premises are as follows : — Situated on Section , Block Borough [or County] of Area of farm : acres, on Road. Approximate number of cows that will be in milk during the coming season The sum of , registration fee, is enclosed. Dated at , this day of , 190 Signature of Applicant: Postal Address: Countersignature of Inspector after Inspection. (Form 2. Regulation 3.) Certificate of Registration' of a Dairy. [Application No. . [Full name], of [A bode and Occupation], is hereby authorised to use the premises described in application dated , 190 , and numbered , as a dairy, subject to the provisions of " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," and the regulations for the time being in force thereunder. Dated ihis day of , 190 . , Inspector of Dairies, District.

(Form 3, Regulation 4.) Application for Transfer of Certificate of Registration of a Dairy. To the Inspector of Dairies, at the Office of the Inspector of Stock. I, , of , apply for the transfer of my certificate of registration of a dairy, registered No. , to , , of , whose signature appears below, as from the day of , 190 . The certificate of registration together with the prescribed fee, amounting to one shilling, are enclosed. Signature of Applicant: Address: Date: I, , of , agree to the transfer, Signature of Transferee : Address: Date: (Form 4. Regulation 6.) Application for Renewal of the Registration of a Dairy. To the Inspector of Dairies, at the Office of the Inspector of Stook. I, ,of , apply for a renewal of the registration of my dairy, numbered , situated at , and in accordance with the regulations I forward herewith the certificate numbered , and the prescribed fee, amounting to Dated this day of , 190 Signature of Applicant:

Final Report. I am directed to report that at a meeting of the Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee held on Thursday, the Bth instant, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to, viz. :— " That this Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the manner in which the Chairman, Mr. Frank Lawry, has conducted the important proceedings of the Committee during the session." 10th October, 1908.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,400 copies), £i.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oB.

Price 6d . ]

2—l. 12.

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AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL, AND STOCK COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. LAWRY, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, I-12

Word Count

AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL, AND STOCK COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. LAWRY, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, I-12

AGRICULTURAL, PASTORAL, AND STOCK COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. LAWRY, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, I-12