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No. 567.—Petition of Donald Kerr, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that effect may be given to the recommendations made by the Stock Committee on the 23rd October, 1906. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make; and, further, that this Committee respectfully urges that the Standing Orders be amended in order that no petitioner may approach Parliament more than once during any one session on the same petition without the consent of the House first obtained. 9th October, 1908. The Proposed Regulations under "The Dairy Industry Act, 1908." 1. The Agricultural, Pastoral, and Stock Committee, to whom was referred the proposed Dairy Regulations, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that the regulations as amended, with the evidence and minutes of the Committee, do lie on the table and be printed. 2.. That the regulations as amended be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th October, 1908. [Note. —For minutes of proceedings and evidence aide 1.—12 a. ]

Proposed Regulations under " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," as to the Registration, Inspection, dtc, of Dairies. Regulations. 1. For the purpose of these regulations— " Dairy" means and includes any farm, stockyard, milking-yard, paddock, shed, stable, stall, or any other place where cows from which the milk-supply of a dairy is obtained are depastured, kept, or milked, arid includes any place where milk or cream is oollected, deposited, treated, separated, prepared, or manufactured into butter or cheese on the farm ; but does not include (a) any milk-shop, or any factory, skimming-station, or other premises used for the manufacture, milling, blending, tinning, or packing of butter or cheese, or the manufacture of condensed, preserved, or dried milk; nor (b) any farm where the whole of the milk produced, whether used as milk or cream, or manufactured on the premises into butter or cheese, is consumed by persons resident or employed thereon : "Dairyman" means the occupier of a dairy, and includes the dairyman's agent or manager, and also inoludes, in the case of a company, the managing director, manager, secretary, or other principal officer of the company in New Zealand : "Infectious or contagious disease " means typhus fever, enteric fever, scarlet fever, bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, rodent ulcer, malignant diseases, venereal diseases, and any other disease that the Governor by Order in Council gazetted declares to be an infectious or contagious disease within the meaning of the said Act: Inspecior" means any Inspector appointed or deemed to be appointed under " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908," or "The Stock Act, 1908." 2. (1.) Every dairyman shall apply for the registration of his dairy to the Inspector, at the office of the Inspector of Stock for the district in which it is situated, on or before the Ist day of July, 1909, except in the case of premises not erected or not in use as a dairy at that date, when the application shall be lodged with the Inspector at least twentyone days prior to their use. (2.) Every application for registration shall be in or to the effect of the form numbered 1 set out in the Schedule hereto. 3. On receipt of an application for registration as aforesaid the Inspector shall register the dairy in a book to be kept for the purpose, and issue to the dairyman a certificate of registration (hereinafter termed a " certificate ") in the form numbered 2 set out in the Sci edule hereto. Such certificate shall be for the whole or the unexpired portion of the twelve months ending on the 31st day of July in each year : i. Any dairyman wishing to transfer his certificate shall apply to the inspector, at the office from-which the certificate was issued, in the form numbered 3 set out in the Schedule hereto, and forward his certificate with the application. On receipt of such application the Inspector shall amend the register accordingly, and transfer the certificate by indorsing thereon "This certificate is hereby transferred to ,of , as from the day of , 190 ."

The fee for the transfer of a certificate Bhall be one shilling. 5. Every dairyman desiring a renewal of his certificate shall, on or before the Ist day of July in each year, apply for such renewal to the Inspector at the office from which the certificate was issued. The application shall be in the form numbered i set out in the Schedule hereto. On receipt of such application the Inspector shall issue a fresh certificate in favour of the applicant. If a renewal is not required the dairyman shall notify the Inspector to that effect in writing on or before the Ist day of July next preceding the date of expiry of the certificate. 6. (1.) The fee for registration, or for renewal of registration, shall be for every dairy in connection with which it is intended there shall be, during the season following the date of the application for registration— (a ) Not more than three cows in milk .. .. .. Is. per annum. (b.) More than three, but not more than twenty, cows in milk .. ss. per annum. (c.) More than twenty cows in milk 10s. per annum. (2.) The applicant shall send or deposit the prescribed fee with every application for registration or renewal. 7. All certificates in force and expiring on the 31st day of March, 1909, are hereby extended to and shall be deemed to expire on the 31st day of July, 1909. 8. No dairyman shall occupy or use any premises or place as a dairy except in conformity with the following provisions :— (a.) In every shed where cows are stalled overnight the air-space for each animal shall not be less than 600 cubic feet. (6.) The floor of every cowshed shall be of an even surface, and formed of concrete,, wood, or other material impervious to water. A suitable gutter shall be provided and connected with the outletdrain. (c.) The inside of the walls and all internal woodwork of every cowshed shall be thoroughly coated once a year with lime whitewash, being first scraped if necessary. (d.) No cowshed, or building where cows are to be kept, of milking-yard or stock yard to be used in connection with the milking of cows, shall hertafter be erected within 30 ft. of any stable, fowl-house, fowl-run, calf-pen, trough from which calves are fed, manure-heap, cesspool, closet, urinal, or liquidmanure tank, or within 50 yards of any piggery. (c.) No cowshed hereafter to be erected shall be within 30 ft. of any dwelling-house : Provided that within the boundaries of any city or borough containing a population of 5,000 persons or over, computed from the latest official census returns as published from time to time, no cowshed shall be within 100 ft. of any dwelling-house, or of the boundary of any street or adjoining property. (/.) Every cowshed in which more than six cows are to be milked at either the morning or evening milking, and which is not provided with sufficient