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Presented to the Hous% of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, thb 11th Day of July, 1907. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from M to Z that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House ; and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum ■ the Committee to consist of Mr. Alison, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Buddo, Mr. Greenslade, Mr. Hornsby, Mr. Okey, Mr Rutherford Mr. Stallworthy, Mr. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Fowlds.)


I—l. 2.

No. Petitioners. Page. No. Petitioners. j Para. 273 246 Ah Ming Aitkin, E. J., and 107 others (and 301 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 7 8 96 865 34 203 13 794 693 15 231 97 416 61 396 869 854 528 81 Morrison, Mrs. M. Mosley, E. D., and 13 others .. .'. Murray, W. G. Macdonald, T. K, and 1,249 others .. Macintosh, A. Mackenzie, Dr. F. W. .. . '. McCarroll Bros, and Chadwiek McDonald, K, and 104 others McDougall, J., and 268 others McGaveston, T. P., and 45 others Mcintosh, D., and 61 others McKeever, W. McKenzie, A. McLaughlin, A. M. .. McLeavey, James McLeod, N, and another McNeil, A., and 6 others 7 11 4 3 4 11 7 3 8 3 5 6 6 11 13 8 4 725 Bull, George, and 18 others (and 23 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 12 380 Eccles, H. D., and 231 others 5 824 Final Report Fisher, T., and 107 others (and 8 similar petitions, as per Sohedule) 13 12 205 Horn, J., and 188 others 8 800 Kwok Wah Sui 11 18 206 Langlands-Soott, W. .. Little, J., and 313 others 3 8 705 Nicholson, T. II 527 3 202 235 473 285 766 j Makgill, J. E., and 209 others Manning, F. W., and 10 others.. Matheson, J., and 24 others Meikle, William, and 54 others Milbank, R., and 8 others Millar, T. W., and 38 others Mookenjee, K. K 6 4 4 4 ! 6 6 8 257 72 866 627 O'Donnell, J. O'Flaherty, M. O'Leary, E., and 116 others O'Meara, Mrs. C. L. .. 5 3 11 7 808 Paull, E., and 1,048 others (and 2 similar petitions, as per Schedule) 12


INDEX— continued.


No. Petitioners. Page, j No. Petitioners. Page. 798 686 82 149 62 330 724 Pennifold, Mrs. A. Piper, J. D., and 15 others Plummer, A. Prince, C. H. Prujean, J. E. .. Punch, J., and 283 others Pye, W. J. .. 11 8 8 6 7 7 11 63 184 43 85 Tanner, S. B. Taylor, I. .. Thompson, A., and 61 others Tizard, E. F. Totalisator petitions 5 5 3 6 9-10 659 Ussher, T., and 140 others 8 116 847 Rowley, J. .. Ryan, S. 7 12 6 Vicars, M., and 50 others (and 48 similar petitions, as per Schedule) Vile, Mrs. H. B. .. , 8 208 207 554 303 528 289 815 700 41 290 237 696 276 Schaumann, H, and 577 others Schaumann, H, and 599 others Scott, W. J. Scully, H. .. Smith, A. G., and another Smith, George Smith, George (No. 2) Smith, M. A. Smith and Smith Stenerson, Mrs. E. Stevens, H. E., and 65 others .. Stubbles, William Swann, John 6 8 6 5 8 4 11 7 4 7 8 8 5 859 342 44 555 88 45 19 840 720 363 Watson, F. G., and 21 others Wells, E., and 135 others Williams, W. K, and 359 others Wilson, D. .. Wilson, P., and 37 others Wolfe, Mrs. M. Wood, C, and 25 others Woolfleld, T. R. Wright, A. H. 12 5 3 7 4 3 3 12 8 5



No. 45.—Petition of P. Wilson and 37 Others, of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Petitioners pray for the extension of the Post-office at Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1907.

No. 44. —Petition of E. Wells and 135 Others, of Taranaki. Petitioners pray for the opening-up of the Upper Carrington Road. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th August, 1907.

No. 18.—Petition of W. Langlands-Soott, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays for a refund of fine of £5, imposed by the Commissioner of Stamps I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th August, 1907.

No. 72.—Petition of M. O'Flahertt, of Dannevirke. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of the death of her husband while in the employ of the New Zealand Government. I am directed to report that the Committee is of the opinion that the Government should make a compassionate allowance of £50 to the petitioner. 6th August, 1907. \

No. 43.—Petition of A. Thompson and 61 Others, of Flaxbourne. Petitioners pray that the railway between Seddon and Ward may be completed as early as possible I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of policy, it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th A-ugust, 1907.

No. 203.—Petition of T. K. Macdonald and 1,249 Others, of Wellington. Petitioners pray that the law relating to the sale of New Zealand wines be amended. fam directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the pray roL tlTpethion, out is of opinion that the Governmentshould deal* thepearliest possible opportunity, and in a comprehensive manner, with the wine industry of New Zealand. 6th August, 1907. .

No. 19.—Petition of Mart Wolfe, of Eketahuna. PBT the Government to introduce, during the present session, such legislation as will give relief in this and similar cases. 27th August, 1907.

No. 15.—Petition of K. McDonald and 104 Others, of Waipu. „ c finn i-r, vonair fhp road connecting Waikiekie with Waipu. to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1907.

No 97 —Petition of T. P. McGaveston and 45 Others, of Ngatimoti. hL* » «„m of £800 ma V be placed on the estimates for the purpose of forming Pu-ttttoners pray that a sum oi .i/ouo moj tto the Government for consideration. ' 27th August, 1907.



No. 3.—Petition of P. W. Manning, Jun., and 10 Others, of Otatl. Petitionees pray for a grant of .£240 to be spent on road-works in the Otau Block. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1907.

No. 202.—Petition of John Matheson and 24 Others, of Opaheke. Petitioners pray for a sum of £400 to be placed on the estimates for road-works. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 190£.

No. 81.—Petition of A. McNeil and 6 Others, of Otau. Petitioners pray for a sum of £200 to be spent on roads in the Otau Block. , I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1907.

No. 235.—Petition of William Meikle and 54 Others, of Swanson West Coast Road. Petitioners pray for a sum of £300 to be spent on the Swanson West Coast Road. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th August, 1907.

No. 41.—Petition of Smith and Smith, of Christchurch. Petitioners pray for a refund of Customs duty paid on an alleged woodworking-machine. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. 27th August, 1907.

No. 13.—Petition of Alexander Macintosh, of Sydney, N.S.W. Petitioner prays (a) that a sum of £1,482 13s. may be paid to him from the Consolidated Fund for services as auditor to the Bank of New Zealand during the time he was performing the duties of general manager; (&) that an inquiry may be held into the circumstances which led to his resignation of the position of general manager. I am directed to report — (a.) That the Committee has carefully considered the petition, and the evidence submitted by the petitioner, and is of opinion that he has no claim whatever for the payment of his salary as auditor of the Bank of New Zealand from the date of his appointment as general manager ; (6) that nothing has been submitted to the Committee showing any necessity for inquiry into the circumstances which led to the retirement of petitioner; the Committee has therefore no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1907.

No. 88.—Petition of Daniel Wilson, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for redress on account of loss sustained in connection with his " ParliamentaryShield " competition. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 3rd September, 1907.

. . No. 34.—Petition of W. G. Murray, of Nelson. Petitioner prays for further compensation on retiring from office as a Commissioner of Crown Lands. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 3rd September, 1907.

No. 289.—Petition of George Smith, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compensation for his services as assistant armourer in the Defence Department. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition referred to the Government for consideration. ■ - ■ 3rd September, 1907.


V 4

No. 63.—Petition of S. B. Tanner, of Timaru. Petitioner prays for a public inquiry into the causes which led to his compulsory resignation from the police. .. _ I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 3rd September, 1907.

No. 257.—Petition of John O'Donnell, of New Plymouth Petitioner prays for a grant of land for military services. I am directed to report that, as petitioner arrived in the colony after the repeal of the Act giving grants of land to retired soldiers settling in the colony, there is no power to grant his petition, and therefore the Committee has no recommendation to make. 3rd September, 1907.

No. 303.—Petition of Hannah Scully, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of her husband's services in the Police Force. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 3rd September, 1907.

No. 184.—Petition of Isaac Taylor, of Otakou. Petitioner prays for compensation for his wrongful arrest and imprisonment. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, taking into consideration the unfortunate circumstance of the petitioner being arrested by mistake for another person on the evidence of several independent witnesses, and that he was put to considerable trouble and expense before it was proved to be a case of mistaken identity, petitioner should be granted a sum of £75. 3rd September, 1907.

No. 276.—Petition of John Swarm, of Ruapuke, Aotea, Raglan. Petitioner prays for (a) a pension to be granted him for military services, and (5) that the expenses which he incurred in coming to Wellington to be examined by the Military Pensions Board may be paid. I am directed to report that in respect to the prayer (a) the Committee has no recommendation to make, and in respect to (b) the Committee is of opinion that it should be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government. 10th September, 1907.

No. 416.—Petition of D. Mclntosh and 61 Others, of Brighton. Petitioners pray for the extension of the Walton Park Railwaj- to Brighton. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 10th September, 1907.

No. 380.—Petition of H. D. Eccles and 231 Others, of Bay of Islands. Petitioners pray for a speedy completion of the Hukerenui and Kawakawa Railway. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th September, 1907.

No. 363. —Petition of A. H. Wright, of Newmarket, Auckland. Petitioner prays for a refund of his expenses while attending the Supreme Court as a witness. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 10th September, 1907.

No. 342. —Petition of F. G. Watson and 21 Others, of Maunu. Petitioners pray for a grant to improve the Kaitara Bush Road. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 10th September, 1907.



No. 85.—Petition of E. F. Tizard, of Birkenhead, Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be allowed to select an area of land for flax-growing purposes I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 10th September, 1907.

No. 149.—Petition of C. H. Prince, of Pirongia. Petitioner prays that he may be granted the New Zealand Volunteer Service Medal I am directed to report that, owing to the short period for which the services of the petitioner are certified to by the Defence Department, and to the fact that his services were long prior to the regulations governing the issue of the New Zealand Volunteer Service Medal coming into force, which regulations are not retrospective excepting for Volunteers that are now on the district reserve and have twelve years' continuous service before being transferred to that list, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th September, 1907.

No. 473. —Petition of R. Milbank and 8 Others, of Hunua. Petitioners pray for a grant for the Otau-Hunua Road. : I amTirected to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to.the Government for consideration. 11th September, 1907. ___

No. 554.—Petition of W. J. Scott, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for reinstatement in the Government service. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make m respect to this petition. 11th September, 1907. ___

No. 61.—Petition of W. McKeever, of Tweed, N.S.W. Petitioner prays that his name as a deserter be removed from the books of the colony and that the "alance of the sum, which was recommended by the House in 1905 to be granted him, be paid, the , t Committee is of inion that there is now no charge of desertion againsW. McKeever, as he has been granted the New Zealand War Medal; and in respect to his clahn for the balance of the sum recommended by this Committee in 1905, the Committee recommends it to the favourable consideration of the Government. 13th September, 1907.

No. 208.—Petition of Henry Schaumann and 577 Others, of Alexandra South. Petitioners pray that a vote of £50,000 should be provided to carry out a scheme of water-con-""?Sl i d££dt??fert that the Committee is of opinion that, as this petition involves an important question of public policy, the total cost of which the Committee has no means of ascertaining, it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 13th September, 1907.

No. 385.—Petition of T. W. Millar and 38 Others, of Eweburn. Petitioners pray for the retention of the post-office at Eweburn. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 13th September, 1907.

No 527.—Petition of J. E. Makgill and 209 Others, of Waiuku. Petitioners pray for the construction of a branch line of railway to connect Waiuku, Mauku, and petition involves a question of public policy, the Committee Tof opinion that it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th September, 1907.

No. 396.—Petition of Alexander MoKenzie, of South Dunedin. Pvtitionfr prays for compensation for services performed in the Public Works Department I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th September, 1907.



No. 290.—Petition of Eliza Stenersen, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for further compensation on account of the death of her husband while in Government employment. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that a recommendation should be made to the Government that a sum of £50 should be granted to petitioner. 25th September, 1907.

No. 116.—Petition of J. Rowley, of Christchurch. Petitioner prays for a further retiring-allowance. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 25th September, 1907.

No. 62.—Petition of J. E. Prujean, of Denlair, Wanganui. Petitioner prays for an investigation into the circumstances of his being placed under forcible restraint in a lunatic asylum. I am directed to report that the Committee, having given the fullest consideration to the case as presented by the petitioner, and to the departmental reports thereupon, is unable to find any special features to warrant a recommendation that an inquiry should be held. 25th September, 1907.

No. 330.—Petition of John Punch and 283 Others, of Raetihi. Petitioners pray that a survey should be undertaken for a railway to connect Raetihi with the Main Trunk line. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, as this petition involves a question of public policy, it should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th September, 1907.

No. 555.—Petition of W. K. Williams and 359 Others, of Ohura. Petitioners pray that the construction of the Stratford-Ongarue Railway may be commenced from the northern end. I am directed to report that, as this petition involves a question of policy, the Committee is of opinion that it should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1907.

No. 273.—Petition of Ah Ming, of Cambridge. Petitioner prays for the return of poll-tax paid for the second time. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, as the Department reports it has made provision to meet the prayer of this petition, it should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist October, 1907.

No. 693. —Petition of MoCarroll and Chadwiok, of Mareretu. Petitioners pray for an inquiry into the condition of timber sold to them by the Government, and for such relief and compensation as the House may deem fit. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the first prayer (a) of the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and, as the other clauses are contingent on the first prayer, it has no further recommendation to make. Ist October, 1907.

No. 96.—Petition of Margaret Morrison, of Caversham. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance in recognition of her late husband's services as a member of Parliament. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd October, 1907.

No. 700. —Petition of Mary Anne Smith, of New Plymouth. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd October, 1907.

No. 627.—Petition of Catherine L. O'Meara, of Pahiatua. Petitioner prays that she may be granted a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services to Parliament. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd October, 1907,



No. 686.-—Petition of J. D. Piper and 15 Others, of Woodville. Petitioners pray that assistance be granted towards the cost of opening up the Woodville-Aohanga (Piper's) Road for vehicular traffic. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th October, 1907.

No. 659. —Petition of T. Ussher and 140 Others, of Nihotapu. Petitioners pray for a sum of £500 to be granted for metalling and otherwise improving the Waikumete-West Coast Road. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th October, 1907.

Nos. 205, 206, 207, 231, and 237.—Petitions of J. Horn and 188 Others, J. Little and 313 Others, H. Schaumann and 599 Others, J. McDougall and 268 Others, and H. E. Stevens and 65 Others. Petitioners pray for the continuation of the work oil the Otago Central Railway. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, as these petitions involve a question of policy, they should be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth October, 1907.

No. 528.—Petition of A. G. Smith, of Wellington, and N. McLeod, of Auckland/ V Petitioners pray for the balance of pay to be handed over to them for acting as commissioned officers in South Africa whilst only being paid as non-commissioned officers. I am directed to report that, in view of the admitted facts that these officers received commissions from the New Zealand Government, and served as lieutenants in South Africa, and, further, that they were not responsible for the non-confirmation of their commissions by the Imperial Government, the Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. ~ : Bth October, 1907.

No. 82.—Petition of A. Plummer, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compensation for loss on contract to feed Maori prisoners at the Chatham Islands, alleged to have been made with the Government. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. Bth October, 1907.

No. 720.—Petition of T. R. Woolfield, of Otahuhu. Petitioner prays for a grant of land or other compensation for military services. . I am directed to report that the Committee, after giving further consideration to the petitiou and to departmental reports upon same, has no recommendation to make. 23rd October, 1907. . i

No. 766.—Petition of K. K. Mookenjee, of Calcutta. . Petitioner prays for pecuniary assistance. I am directed to. report that the Committee is of opinion that consideration of this petition should be deferred until this day six months. 30th October, 1907.

No. 696.—Petition of William Stubbles, of Porirua. Petitioner prays for compensation to the extent of the rent and rations to which he be entitled while serving as fireman at the Porirua Mental Hospital. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to the prayer of this petition. : : ' 30th October, 1907. :

Nos. 6 and 46.—Petition of Maud Vicars and 50 Others, and 48 other similar Petitions, containing 36,471 Signatures, praying for the Abolition of the Totalisator; also Petition of E.. J. Aitkin and 107 Others, and 301 other similar Petitions, containing 35,419 Signatures, praying for the Retention of the Totalisator. -. j -. . . , • I am directed to report that, as it is the expressed intention of the Government to bring down legislation this session dealing with this question, the Committee is of opinion that these petitions, containing over 70,000 signatures, should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist November, 1907. ~



Schedule. Petitions presented to the House of Representatives during the Session of 1907 praying for the Abolition of the Totalisator.

No. 6. —Maud Vicars and 50 others. „ 7.—Ellen Brown and 39 others. „ B.—John Jemison and 116 others. ~ 432.— J. Arming and 840 others. „ 433.—Hugh B. Billons and 2,015 others. „ 434.—Mary Buttorick and 746 others. ~ 435.— J. Davidson and 133 others. ~ 436.—Kate Dempsey and 561 others. „ 437. —Mabel Edmunson and 1,138 others. „ 438.—William J. Elliott and 349 others. „ 439.—L. E. Falkner and 58 others. ~ 440.—Ada Fergusson and 296 others. „ 441. —J. E. Gibson and 855 others. ~ 442.—James Grice and 622 others. „ 443.—Henry Grocott and 818 others. „ 444.— J. H. Harrison and 3,250 others. „ 445.— G. P. Havill and 727 others. „ 446.— E. M. Hefferman and 700 others. „ 447.—M. Jacobson and 843 others. (> 448.— H. A. J. Keck and 1,742 others. „ 449.—Thomas Kemp and 3,730 others. „ 450.—M. Kibblewhite and 1,162 others. ~ 451.—A. McFarlane and 1,042 others. >( 452.—Rev. J. Gordon McLeod and 1,882 others.

No. 453.— J. Neol and 274 others. „ 454.— E. E. Patchett and 255 others. „ 455.—5. Pethybridge and 355 others. ~ 456. —John Petrie and 326 others. ~ 457.— E. A. Plummer and 684 others. „ 458.— D. A. Poole and 303 others. ~ 459.—C. Robertson and 1,799 others. „ 460. —S. Robinson and 928 others. „ 401.— R. H. Smith and 429 others. „ 462.—Rev. H. T. Stealey and 206 others. „ 463. —James Low and 108 others. „ 464. —C. J. Tocker and 745 others. „ 465.— R. S. Tucker and 2,515 others. „ 466.— J. Waterman and 365 others. „ 467.—C. White and 494 others. „ 468.—C. E. Wilson and 637 others. ~ 469. —R. Woodman and 325 others. „ 470.—M. A. Wocdfield and 1,013 others. ~ 471.—James Young and 1,511 others. „ 474.—A. Glenn and 108 others. „ 511.—D. Rodger and 192 others. „ 574.—A. 801 l and 205 others. „ 575. —Rev. N. D. Boyos and 10 others. „ 576.— E. D. Gilmour and 22 others.

Petitionn presented to the House of Representatives during the Session of 1907 praying for the Retention of the Totalisntor.

No. 46.— E. J. Aitkin and 107 others. „ 47. —M. Ballin and 20 others. ~ 48.—Alfred Bray and 53 others. ~ 49. —R. Chapman and 53 others. ~ 50. —R. J. Dent and 53 others. „ 51.— E. S. Dent and 53 others. 52.— H. A. Flint and 47 others. „ 53.—H G. Meed and 49 others. „ 54.— J. E. McCarthy and 42 others. „ 55.—Thomas Morgan and 380 others „ 56.—Sir W. R. Russell and 51 others. „ 57. —C. Selby and 53 others. 58.— F. Wahrlich and 53 others. „ 64.—James Bell and 50 others. „ 65.— H. Chisnall and 53 others. ~ 66.—A. Findlay and 26 others. „ 67. —A. J. Gray and 46 others. „ 68.— W. B. Ingram and 47 others. „ 69.— R. Kerr and 21 others. „ 89. —W. Dickson and 51 others. „ 90.— N. Hubner and 54 others. „ 91.— J. McLeod and 53 others. „ 92. —W. Rosoman and 52 others. „ 99. —F. W. Allerby.and 51 others. „ 100.— H. Dixon and 53 others. „ 101.—L. Griffiths and 52 others. „ 102.— G. Jackson and 53 others. „ 103.— W. H. C. Lang and 54 others. „ 104. —W. Lawson and 52 others. „ 105. —John Loft and 52 others. „ 106. —James Simpson and 53 others. „ 107.— R. H. Sole and 807 others. „ 109.—5. Callinan and 27 others. „ 113.— H. Ferris and 53 others. „ 114.—C. Gascoigne and. 52 others. „ 115.— G. McCarty and 52 others. „ 122.— G. R. Hall and 52 others. „ 123.—A. Manning and 53 others. „ 133. —N. Botica and 25 others. „ 134.— W. Fisher and 53 others. „ 1.35. —J. Molony and 53 others. „ 136.— H. Mead'and 53 others. „ 137. —A. Perrin and 52 others. „ 138. —A. Ranson and 53 others. „ 139.— J. Ridler and 53 others. n 140. —A. E. Wakeman and 53 others. n 141. —W. Wood and 49 others. „ 142.— W. Sands and 53 others. „ 143.— W. H. Wood and 53 others. „ 152. —S. Bishop and 53 others. „ 153.— J. S. Fitch and 53 others. n 154. —L. Hillman and 53 others. „ 155.—C. Humphrey and 50 others. ); 156.—A. Hunt and 51 others. „ 157.—M. J. Keane and 53 others. „ 158.— H. Mackay and 44 others. „ 159.— J. McKee and 53 others. n 160.— W. Pallett and 43 others. „ 161.— C. A. Robertson and 53 others. 2-1. 2.

No. 102.—P. Ryan and 53 others. „ 103.— W. J. Walker and 377 others. ~ 171.—8. Bryant and 53 others. „ 172. —J. Cory and 50 others. „ 173. —J. Dooley and 53 others. ~ 174. —A. Jefferson and 53 others. „ 175.—P. A. Kirk and 53 others. ~ 176.— G. Loram and 53 others. ~ 177.—M. Mason and 57 others. „ 178.— W. Masted and 50 others. „ 179. —R. A. Saunders and 53 others. ~ 180.— E. Sutherland and 53 others. „ 181.—A. R. H. Swindley and 53 others. ~ 189.—A. Crompton and 53 others. „ 190.— G. Ellis and 53 others. „ 191.—A. Gibson and 53 others. „ 192.— H. Mehaffy and 33 others. „ 193.— J. D. Mitchell and 51 others. „ 194.—X. Murray and 53 others. „ 195.— G. S. Newton and 50 others. „ 190.— T. Witt and 31 others. „ 218.— W. H. Rayner and 53 others. „ 219.—C. H. Bailott and 701 others. „ 220.— R. Dalziel and 53 others. „ 221. —N. Gernom and 53 others. „ 222.—5. Grant and 53 others. „ 223.— E. Kilbride and 86 others. ~ 224.— H. Lohrman and 53 others. „ 225. —B. Robinson and 53 others. „ 226.— H. Strand and 53 others. „ 227.— W. G. Trask and 53 others. ~ 230.— J. Hughes and 45 others. „ 243.— E. G. Brown and 53 others. ~ 244. —J. Cremer and 57 others. „ 245.—A. Edwards and 53 others. n 246.—C. Gunson and 102 others. „ 247.— E. E. Lewis and 51 others. ~ 248. —A. Lowndes and 53 others. „ 249.— E. H. Nicholson and 26 others. „ 250.— W. Patterson and 106 others. „ 251. —A. Pepper and 52 others. „ 252.—5. B. Reid and 53 others. „ 253.— R. F. Stewart and 53 others. „ 254.— E. J. Williamson and 53 others. ~ 262. —W. H. Armitage and 24 others. „ 263.—D. Douglas and 55 others. ~ 264.—V. Jenkins and 52 others. „ 205.— F. Morgan and 53 others. „ 266.— E. S. Oliver and 215 others. „ 267.—A. Smith and 323 others. „ 268.— W. Temple and 53 others. „ 269.—D. Wells and 26 others. „ 281.—D. Cash and 233 others. „ 282.— W. Mcßae and 52 others. „ 283.— J. Renwick and 270 others. „ 284.—P. S. Patterson and 172 others. „ 293.—A. J. Avery and 53 others. „ 294.—5. B. Bailey and 209 others. „ 295,—8. Delle Coste and 53 others.



No. 290.— T. Lennard and 53 others. „ 297.— W. Lyall and 53 others. ; f 298.—D. Stewart and 53 others. . „ 312. —H. Alexander and 53 others. ~ 313. —George Andrews and 107 others. ~ 314.— E. Howard and 52 others. ~ 315. —J. Muir and 53 others. t) 316.— T. Murphy and 51 others. n 317. —W. Palmer and 101 others. „ 318.— W. H. Soppet and 26 others. ~ 319.— F. Wright and 53 others. „ 322. —W. Duggan and 53 others. „ 323.— G. Firmer and 53 others. ~ 324.— J. Fowler and 53 others. ~ 325.— J. S. Laurie and 53 others. „ 326.— E. T. Lennard and 150 others. ~ 327.— W. McGuire and 53 others. „ 333.— R. J. Arres and 53 others. „ 334.— W. J. Carter and 54 others. „ 335.— J. Irwin and 53 others. „ 336.—D. H. Lewis and 107 others. ~ 337.— F. McDermott and 319 others. „ 338. —George Spencer and 53 others. „ 339.—P. Wilson and 55 others. ~ 350. —F. F. Barratt and 54 others. „ 357.—P. Brind and 53 others. „ 358.—John Brown and 53 others. „ 359.—C. C. Davis and 53 others. ;, 360.— H. Herbert and 52 others. „ 361.— E. Phillpot and 108 others. „ 372.— H. Connop and 50 others. „ 373.—M. Dethmer and 53 others. )t 374.—C. Hulse and 53 others. „ 375.— H. Little John and 57 others. „ 376.—P. Maxwell and 53 others. „ 377.— H. Reid and 53 others. J( 378.— W. Sloggens and 53 others. „ 388.— R. P. Abraham and 53 others. „ 389.— J. D. Armstrong and 53 others. „ 390.—James Doyle and 53 others. „ 391.— J. Jackson and 107 others. „ 392.—D. MeCorkindale and 53 others. ~ 393. —W. J. Trubshaw and 53 others. ~ 407.— M. Downs and 53 others. ~ 408.— D. Munro and 53 others. „ 409.— J. Smith and 164 others. t) 413.— J. Yardlay and 53 others. „ 414.— J. Roy and 53 others. „ 418.— J. Anderson and 103 others. ~ 419.—P. Douglas and 53 others. n 420.— H. Higgenson and 53 others. () 421. —W. Hogg and 53 others. „ 422.—D. Houston and 53 others. „ 423.— W. G. Hunter and 53 others. „ 424.— G. A. Lanier and 53 others. „ 425.—C. McDonald and 57 others. „ 426.—C. Peterson and 53 others. ~ 427. —W. Poulgrain and 53 others. n 428.—C. L. Rogers and 53 others. „ 429.— H. J. Sileocks and 52 others. n 430.— E. C. Studholme and 147 others. „ 431.— F. J. Wilson and 107 others. ~ 475. —J. W. Anderton and 53 others. () 476.—M. A. Eliott and 42 others.. „ 477.— J. Fisher and 53 others. ~ 478.— J. Jackson and 38 others. „ 479.— J. McGrath and 269 others. (J 480.— J. Moran and 539 others. . ~ 481.—Mrs. Moss and 431 others. „ 482.— J. Sanderson and 53 others. „ 483.— J. J. Taylor and 53 others. t> 484.— N. Toohill and 53 others. „ 485.—C. J. Watts and 161 others. ~ 501. —J. W. Babarich and 53 others. ~ 502.— E. Barett and 323 others. „ 503.— F. C. Ceother and 107 others. v 504,—A. F. F. Ellis and 53 others. „ 505.—A. Fane and 53 others. ~ 506. —G. Gray and 53 others. „ 507. —A. Horn and 53 others. n 508.— W. Milne and 53 others. „ 509.— J. Ramsay and 53 others. „ 510.—M. A. Turner and 53 others. „ 512.—P. Bolton and 209 others. ~ 513.— J. Cooper and 53 others. „ 514.— J. H. Courbourne and 35 others. M 515.— F. Dette and 53 others. ~ 516.— F. Hegh and 53 others. „ 517.—A. M. McGavin and 53 others. ~ 518.— J. Nolan and 53 others. „ 519.—5. C. Oates and 53 others. ~ 520.— W. Paget and 53 others.

No. 521. —G. Shaw and 53 others. ~ 522.— J. G. Townsend and 53 others. „ 523.— W. Watson and 53 others. „ 524.— F. C. Watson and 213 others. „ 525. —H. E. Whitmore and 53 others. „ 529.— T. Branigan and 53 others. „ 530. —J. Cato and 53 others. „ 531.— H. F. Chaffey and 269 others. ~ 532.— J. L. Conway and 125 others. „ 533.—D. J.fEvans and 107 others. „ 534.— R. L.'Hills and 100 others. ~ 535.—A. E. Keefer and 53 others. () 536.— H. O'Meara and 53 others. „ 545.— T. A. Bauer and 53 others. „ 546.— E. M. Coyle and 161 others. „ 547.— H. Gibb and 53 others. „ 548.—D. E. Morrison and 53 others. n 549.— T. Page and 53 others. „ 550.—A. T. Shand and 107 others. „ 551. —S. Veale and 53 others. ~ 577. —N. Banks and 53 others. „ 578.— F. Dare and 53 others. „ 579.— T. Davis and 53 others. ~ 580.—A. Cameron and 49 others. „■ 581.— W. H. Griffin and 161 others. „ 582. —R. Lamplough and 53 others. ~ 599.—A. Clements and 53 others. '„ 600.— J. McGrath and 107 others. „ 601.— W. T. Ryan and 53 others. „ 602.—D. Willetts and 178 others. „' 607.— E. Abbott and 53 others. „ 608.— H. Cook and 53 others. >f 609.— T. Fagan and 269 others. „ 610.— W. Mitchell and 240 others. ~ 611.— J. Nicholson and 107 others. „ 612.— N. Reuben and 53 others. „ 613.— T. Roberts and 52 others. >( 614.—C. Short and 107 others. „ 623.— G. Burger and 161 others. n 634.— T. H. White and 53 others. „ 635.— G. W. Williams and 124 others. „ 643.—Tui Ihaia and 41 others. „ 644. —H. Jones and 53 others. „ 650.— E. W. Page and 53 others. „ 656.—M. J. Connell and 53 others. „ 660. —A. Crosswell and 53 others. „ 661.— T. Daly and 53 others. „ 662.— G. J. Gothan and 52 others. „ 663.—M. Hogan and 53 others. „ 671. —John Halm and 53 others. „ 672.— J. Hyde and 53 others. ~ 673. —R. Lucky and 53 others. ~ 674. —T. Manning and 53 others. „ 675.— J. P. Slattery and 54 others. „ 676.— W. Thompson and 5,497 others. „ 682.—P. Hill and 55 others. „ 685.— F. W. Hawkins and 99 others. ~ 689.— T. Duncan and 53 others. n 694.— E. J. McDowall and 107 others. „ 699.— J. Roy and 314 others. ,-, 701. —S. E. Brooks and 54 others. j, 704.—A. Murray and 55 others. ~ 741. —T. Dwyer and 59 others. „ 742.— H. C. Williams and 107 others. t> 744._w. P. Clarke and 215 others. „ 751.— T. Perkins and 217 others. „ 761.— J. M. Dawson and 107 others. „ 762.—A. McDonald and 53 others. „ 763.— W. Evans and 377 others. ~ 704. —J. A. Fowler and 52 others. „ 765.— T. Smith and 107 others. „ 709.— W. Redford and 161 others. __ 770. _R C. Boyd and 540 others. __ 778.—C. W. Beasley and 107 others. „ 779.— T. Benbow and 107 others. tt 780.— F. Gadsby and 107 others. „ 781.— J. Pilcher and 269 others. „ 782.—Ethel Rutherford and 53 others ~ 783.— J. Taylor and 53 others. n 784.— W. H. Mackay and 269 others. ~ 785.— J. Pearl and 53 others. it 789.— J. R. Brown and 539 others. ; ( 790. —W. L. Luxford and 53 others. „ 790.— T. Kindall and 539 others. 801.— F. de J. Robin and 53 others. „ 802. —H. Sutherland and 540 others. „ 803.— J. Clark and 539 others. ~ 807.— W. Davies and 539 others. „ 810.— R. A. Clark and 539 others. „ 816.— D. W. Finlayson and 539 others. n 817. —H. Holder and 46 others. „ 822.—A. Henderson and 539 others.



No. 869. —Petition of A. M. McLaughlin, of Cadrona. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's and her own services in the Education Department. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Education Committee. 14th November, 1907.

Nos. 865 and 866.—Petitions of E. D. Mosley and 13 Others, and E. O'Leary and 116 Others. Petitioners pray that the Civil Service Superannuation Act may be passed into law during this session. I am directed to report that this Committee is of the opinion that, as this question is at present being considered by the Public Accounts Committee, these petitions should be referred to that Committee. 14th November, 1907.

No. 705.—Petition of T. Nicholson, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that he may be granted the old-age pension. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 19th November, 1907.

No. 800.—Petition of Kwok Wah Sui, of Alexandra South. Petitioner prays for a refund of the poll-tax paid on account of his wife. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and also that the Government be recommended to gazette or publicly notify that the poll-tax will be strictly enforced in all cases of Chinese entering the Dominion, whether male or female. 19th November, 1907.

No. 798.—Petition of Mrs. A. Pennifold, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that the compassionate allowance granted to her late continued to her. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in respect to this petition. 19th November, 1907.

No. 794.—Petition of Dr. F. W. Mackenzie, of Wellington. ' Petitioner prays for his reinstatement in the Volunteer service, and for an inquiry into the causes which led to his dismissal therefrom. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner's case has been practically met by the Government having carried out the recommendations of the Committee of last session, and, there being no charge against the petitioner, there seems no reason to hold any further inquiry. 19th November, 1907.

No. 815. —Petition of George Smith (No. 2), of Wellington. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of his services in the Defence Department. I am directed to report that, a similar petition having already been reported upon and referred to the Government for consideration, the Committee has no further recommendation to make. 19th November, 1907.

No. 724.—Petition of W. J. Pye, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may be granted compensation on account of an injury received while on duty as a Volunteer. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 19th November, 1907.



No. 725. —Petition of George Bull and 18 Others, of Waikiekie, and 23 similar Petitions as per Schedule. Petitioners pray for a survey and grant to carry out the extension of the Main Trunk Railway as fas as Maungatapere. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that, as these petitions involve a question of policy, they should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1907.


No. 726.— N. H. Campbell and 15 others. „ 727.— J. L. Clarke and 17 others. „ 728.— J. J. Fraser and 10 others. „ 729.— W. H. Griffin and 3 others. „ 730.— J. F. Henry and 12 others. ~ 731. —A. E. Mason and 6 others. „ 732.— R. Millar and 17 others. „ 733.—McCarroll Bros, and 10 others. „ 734.— D. McGregor and 9 others, „ 735. —J. M. McGregor and 18 others. „ 736. —D. McKenzie and 17 others. ~ 737.—M. and 11 others.

No. 738.— W. McKinstry and 18 others. „ 739.—A. Stephen and 7 others. „ 740.— F. G. Watson and 18 others. „ 753.— E. C. Mason and 18 others. „ 754.— F. S. Millington and 6 others. ~ 755.— J. Montaine and 10 others. „ 766.— R. H. Skelton and 18 others. ~ 757.— R. Turner and 11 others. ~ 758.— J. Williams and 7 others. „ 805.— A. J. McKay and 17 others. „ 800.—Samuel Poutai and 17 others.

No. 840. —Petition of C. Wood and 25 Others, of Oropi and surrounding districts Petitioners pray for road to-be constructed in the district. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1907.

Nos. 808, 811, and 812.—Petitions of E. Paull and 1,048 Others, D. Farquharson and 2,155 Others, and G. S. Haycock and 394 Others, of Dunedin, Roslyn, Richmond, and surrounding districts. Petitioners pray for the abolition of bottle licenses. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of these petitions involves an alteration of the existing law, the Committee is of opinion that they should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1907.

No. 847.—Petition of S. Ryan, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of his services in the Imperial army in the Crimea, and in the New Zealand troops in the Maori War. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1907.

No. 859.—Petition of Mrs. H. B. Vile, of Wanganui. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of her late husband's services to the New Zealand Parliament. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1.907.

No. 824. Petition of T. Fisher and 107 Others, and 8 similar Petitions as per Schedule. Petitioners pray for the retention of the totalisator. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that these petitions, containing 800 signatures, should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1907.


No. 825.— G. Gardner and 107 others. 829.—A. W. Hazelwood and 107 other! ', 832. —W. Newson and 107 others. " 835.— E. R. Haybittle and 107 others.

No. 839.— W. Lockhead and 107 others. ~ 842.—5. G. Pearce and 53 others. ~ 843. —A. Atkinson and 53 others. „ 856.— F. McGregor and 52 others.



No. 854.—Petition of James McLeavey, of Ohau. Petitioner prays that the State do pay the remaining liabilities of the Horowhenua Mounted Rifle Corps, lately disbanded. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 19th November, 1907.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions M to Z Committee has held sixteen meetings during the session. Number of petitions referred to the Committee ... ... ... 455 Number of petitions dealt with ... ... ... ... ... 454 Number of petitions held over ... ... ... ... ... 1 Number of reports presented to the House ... ... ... ... 71 Number of specific recommendations made therein ... ... ... 5 Number referred for favourable consideration... ... ... ... 9 Number referred for consideration ... ... ... ... ... 30 Number referred to other Committees ... ... ... ... 4 Number no recommendation, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 23 I am also directed to report the following resolutions passed by the Committee, viz.:— " That this Committee desires to record its hearty appreciation of the able, courteous, and businesslike manner in which the Chairman, Mr. Buddo, has carried out the business of the Committee during the past session." " That the Committee desires to place on record its approval of the courtesy, attention, and ability with which the clerk, Mr. Farr, has discharged his duties during the session." 20th November, 1907.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,900 copies), £7.

Authority : John Mackat, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7.

Price 6d.]

3—l 2


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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, I-02

Word Count

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, I-02

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS M TO Z COMMITTEE. (Mr. BUDDO, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, I-02