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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 3ed Day of June, 1903. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions A to L Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for papers and persons ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. E. G. Allen, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Lethbridge, Mr. R. McKenzie Mr. Remington, Mr. Symes, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Wood, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones.)


I—l. 1.

352 103 275 o. — Petitioners. Page. Adam, James, and others .. . • 7 Adamson, John •. • • • • 8 Aitken, A. M., and others (with three 7 similar petitions) Allen, E.G.. • • • • ■ • 9 Allen, Katherine .. • • • • " Allen, Thomas .. ■ • • • 8 No. . Petitioners. Page. 670 ; Clark, A. C, and others .. .". 12 530 j Clark, J. J. (vide Appendix I.—lc.) .. 12 737 I Clark, J. J., and others .. .. 12 415 | Cleary, W. .. .. ... .; ; 9 550 i Collier, Joseph .. .. .. 5 673 I Conboy, W. H. .. .. 14 593 j Cookson, E. .. .. .. ...'18 203 ' Coughlan, William .. .. ..I i > 457 Crawford R. .. .. .. .. 9 852 I Crombie, John .. .. .. 12 273 ! Cummins, M. E. .. .. .. 5 588 19 135 145 440 229 666 576 511 574 896 678 14 Bailey, Lieut.-Colonel .. .. • • 4 Baird, Annie ... .. • • • • 9 Bakewell, R. H. .. ■ • • • 5 Barr, John .. • • • • " H Barron, W., and others .. •• 12 Barry, W. J. .. ■• ■■ •• 6 Bassett, W. G. • • • • • ■ » Batty, Clara .. • • • • 18 Bavly, B. P. .. • • • • .. 10 Beattie, James, and others (with seventeen 7 similar petitions) (Gore-Waikaka Railway) Bell, John .. • • • • • • * Bell, Thomas .. .. • • ■ • ° Bennett, A. T., and others .. .. 4 Bigwood, John .. • • • ■ * Bilkey, John .. . ■ • • '' 1 Black, J., and others .. .. • • 2 Blaremberg, H. von .. . • • • U Boggon, H. M. .. • ■ ■ ■ 5 Boler, S. F. .. •• •• •• . 9 Bradley, A. J., and others .. • • 14 Bray, John .. ■ • • • • • 8 Brent, Daniel .. .. • ■ • • l Brown, Jessie .. . • • • • ■ * Brown, John Grey Brown, Patrick .. •• ■• ° Brown, W. J. .. • • • • J| Bunny, H. R. .. • • ■ • "A Burrows, E., and others .. .. n 458 j Davidson, J. M., and others .. ... : 9 372 I Davidson, Mary .. .. .. 5 536 I Davis, CM., and others (Dargaville-Kaihu 9 Railway) 549 J Diack, William .. .. .. 6 259 ! Dickie, William .. .. .. 7 183 Driscoll, John .. .. .. 3 55 Dudson, J. .. .. • • 9 43 Dunbar, Peter .. .. .. 4 769 Durbridge, P. H. .. .. 12 158 98 204 161 702 122 581 404 408 686 177 96 220 230 624 699 466 611 831 Earle, Charles William, and another .. 11 2 Falconer, John, Captain .. .. 8 201 Ferguson, Christina .. .. .. 6 34 Fowlds, George, and others .. .. 7 736 Francke, A. E. .. .. 12 462 Freeman, J. W. .. .. -. 9 263 Friend, Matilda .. .. •. 5 522 Fuller, Walter .. .. .. 6 860 Gage, Annie .. .. .. 11 395 Garrard, W. G. .. .. 10 777 Garrard, W. G. .. .. 11 565 Gifford, J. .. .. ..11 217 Gillam, W. E. .. .. .. 4 436 Glendinning, J., and others .. 10 208 Goss, John, and others .. .. 3 353 j Grant, Katherine J., and others .. 7 344 Grinton, David .. .. .. 6 118 I Guthrie, Caroline .. .. .. 4 878 62 416 725 Caulton, Lucia .. • • "2 Causley, William .. • • ■ • " Chamberlain, Charles, and others .. 9 Christopher, A. G. .. • • .. 12



INDEX— continued.

No. 123.—Petition of Thomas Scott and 138 Others. Petitionees pray that assistance be granted the Dunedin Free Kindergarten Association either by subsidy or by annual grant. I am directed to report that this Committee recommends that this petition be referred back to the Classification Committee. 16th July, 1903.

No. 19.—Petition of Kathebine Allen, of Greymoutb. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted her owing to the loss of her husband, who was in the Government service. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th July, 1903. No. 96.—Petition of Daniel Beent, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him for loss of office in the Dunedin High School. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th July, 1903. No. 5. —Petition of A. J. Hulme and 2 Others, of Christchurch. Petitionees pray that a compassionate allowance be granted them for the wrongful prosecution of F. W. Hulme. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th July, 1903.

No. )56. —Petition of S. A. Leech, of Westport. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him for loss of office, in accordance with the reports of the Public Petitions A to L Committee of 1896, 1897, and 1901. I am directed to report that, as this Committee has annually given favourable reports on this petition since 1896, the Government be again recommended to give it favourable consideration 23rd July, 1903.

No. 122.—Petition of J. Black and 32 Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that publicans and others be restrained from selling tobacco and such articles during the prescribed half-holiday. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. 24th July, 1903.

No. ! Petitioners. Page. No. Petitioners. Page Page. 589 8 750 886 883 521 199 15 302 Haggarty, Patrick .. .. .. 7 Hamilton, Mary Ann .. .. .. 3 Harris, George H. .. .. .. 12 Harvey, D. .. .. .. 13 Hatrick, A., and others .. .. 13 Healey, Joseph, and others .. .. ; 10 Hefferman, Marv .. .. .. 3 Hitchens, H. H. A. .. .. .. 6 Hitt, T. W. R., and others (with thirty- 8 three similar petitions) (against totalisator) Hoare, G. A., and others (with fourteen 8 similar petitions) (against disabilities of Civil servants) Howe, 0. .. .. .. .. ! 12 Hughes, S. E. .. .. .. 7 Hughey, John .. .. .. 4 Hulme, A. J., and others .. .. 2 Hunt, W.J. .. .. .. ..14 "882 73 734 390 270 56 4 638 88 710 75 Kirwin, J. C. .. .. .. .. 18 Kitt, Louis, and others .. .. 3 Langmuir, A. J., and others .. .. 11 Lawler, Margaret .. .. .. 10 Lee, Robert .. .. .. .. 6 Leech, Samuel A. .. .. .. 2 Leigh, F. W, and others .. .. 3 Letham, C. E. .. .. ..11 Lindsay, A., and others .. .. 14 Lodder, William .. .. .. 11 Lowcay, Frances .. .. .. 3 310 618 649 91 5 87 895 892 Macey, W. H., and others .. .. 13 McFarlane, D., and others .. .. I 13 270 New Zealand Coal and Oil Company 6 (Robert Lee) 20 Parr, Mary, and others (with seventy-five 8 similar petitions) (in favour of totalisator) Pitcaithly, J., and others .. .. 13 421 803 498 720 Isbister, Magnus .. .. .. 5 Isbister, M., and others .. .. 13 Isherwood, J. C. R. .. .. .. 6 Isitt, Frank W., and others .. .. 14 771 123 Scott, Thomas, and others .. .. 2 751 677 274 219 Jackson, J. J. G. .. .. .. 11 Jeffery, R. T., and others .. .. 10 Jennings, Peter .. .. .. 7 Jerred, Mary Ann .. .. .. 4 516 Walkley, F., and others (with twenty- 10 three similar petitions) (Bible-reading in schools) Waters, W. J., and others .. .. 6 Young, James P., and others .. .. 6 371 428 396 264 Kelly, Mary Ann .. .. .. 10 Kelman, James, and others .. .. 10 Kent, Catherine .. .. .. 5 367



No B.—Petition of Maey Ann Hamilton, of Napier. Petitionee prays that relief be granted her owing to her husband being killed while working on public works. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the Government be strongly recommended to give effect to this petition in accordance with the provisions of " The Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act, 1900," subsection (1), (a), Second Schedule. 24th July, 1903. No. 4.—Petition of F. W. Leigh and 35 Others, of Christchurch. Petitionees pray that publicans and others be restrained from selling tobacco and such articles during the prescribed half-holiday. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. 24th July, 1903.

No. 208.—Petition of John Goss and 11 Others, of Wanganui. Petitionees pray that publicans and others be restrained from selling tobacco and such articles during the prescribed half-holiday. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Labour Bills Committee. sth August, 1903.

No. 73.—Petition of Louis Kitt and 322 Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that the Government will appoint some official representative of the Chinese in the colony. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. sth August, 1903.

No. 75. —Petition of Feances Lowcay, of Lyttelton. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted her for loss of husband, an ex-member of the Permanent Militia. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. sth August, 1903.

No. 135. —Petition of Thomas Allen, of Greymouth. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him for loss of office, he being an ex-clerk of the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 11th August, 1903.

No 183. —Petition of John Deiscoll, of Mulgrave Street, Wellington. Petitionee prays that a compassionate allowance be granted him as an ex public servant. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th August, 1903.

No. 2.—Petition of John Falconee, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that he be granted compensation for loss of office, he being an ex-officer of the Defence Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 11th August, 1903.

No. 199.—Petition of Maey Heffeeman, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that her daughter may be released from the Avondale Asylum. I am directed to report that on this petition the Committee has no recommendation to make. 11th August, 1903.

No. 103. —Petition of John Adamson, of Miller's Flat. Petitionee prays that he may be paid the wages earned, and be refunded the expenses incurred, while he had charge of the " Hermitage." I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st August, 1903.

No. 177.—Petition of John Beay, of Reefton. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted him. I am directed to repoit that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st August, 1903,



No. 118. —Petition of Caeoline Gutheie, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that a compassionate allowance be granted her. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 21st August, 1903.

No. 219.—Petition of Maey Ann Jeebed, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that further compassionate allowance be granted her for loss of husband, an ex public servant. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 21st August, 1903.

No. 145.—Petition of Lieut.-Colonel Bailey, of Timaru. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him for loss of office on his retirement from the Defence Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1903.

No. 158. —Petition of John Bell, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that he be granted an inquiry into and recompense for an alleged gross miscarriage of justice. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1903.

No. 204.—Petition of A. T. Bennett and 658 Others, of Kawakawa, Auckland. Petitionees pray that the railway be extended from Hukerenui to Kawakawa. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1903.

No. 161. —Petition of John Bigwood, of Ida Valley. Petitionee prays that he may be refunded the amount expended in defending the alleged wrongful prosecution of his son. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 28th August, 1903.

No. 220.—Petition of Jessie Beown, of Epsom, Auckland. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted her for loss of husband, Major Brown, ex Native Interpreter, &c. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th August, 1903.

No. 203. —Petition of William Coughlan, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that he be allowed to participate in the benefits of the Police Provident Fund. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 28th August, 1903.

No. 43.—Petition of Petee Dunbae, of Ashburton. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him for land taken for railway purposes at Pukeuri. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th August, 1903.

No. 217.—Petition of W. E. Gillam, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that the sentence passed upon Harry J. Fox, of Auckland, may receive the consideration of the House of Parliament. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 28th August, 1903.

No. 91. —Petition of John Hughey, of Feilding. Petitionee prays that inquiry be made into the sale of certain land near Oroua Biver, and that restitution may be made to him. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 28th August, 1903.



No. 421. —Petition of Magnus Isbisteb, of Dunback. Petitionee prays that an inquiry be made re the deduction from the subsidy of the Waihemo County Council, and that the amount be refunded. I am directed to report that, this petition being informal, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th August, 1903.

No. 98.—Petition of Thomas Bell, of Bangiriri. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted him for the loss of Sunday Island. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition, with the evidence attached, should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration." 3rd September, 1903. _

No. 230. —Petition of John Geey Beown, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays that his case may be reconsidered, and that relief may be granted him as a returned trooper. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th September, 1903

No. 273.—Petition of M. E. Cummins, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that further compassionate allowance be granted her on account of her late husband's public services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th September, 1903.

No. 372. —Petition of Maey Davidson, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays that she may be granted relief from the Clutha Floods Relief Fund on account of the loss of her husband in that flood. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition, with letter attached, should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration ; and that before the passing of the Bill intituled " The Clutha Floods Relief Fund Trustees Empowering Act, 1903," now before the House, a full inquiry be made into the position of the petitioner; and, if the facts stated in the petition be substantiated, the Committee are of opinion that provision should be made for Mrs. Davidson out of the said funds now in the hands of the said trustees. 4th September, 1903.

No. 263. —Petition of Matilda Feiend, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that further compassionate allowance may be granted her on account of her late husband's public services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th September, 1903.

No. 264. —Petition of Catheeine Kent, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance may be granted her husband for his public services in the past. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th September, 1903.

No. 229.—Petition of R. H. Bakewell, M.D., of Auckland. Petitionee prays that the allowance due to him as medical officer during the Boer war be paid to him. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 11th September, 1903.

No. 404.—Petition of Heney M. Boggon, of Napier. Petitionee prays that his rights may be safeguarded in the event of the passing of the Law Amendment Bill. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, as legislation is pending. 11th September, 1903.

No. 550.—Petition of Joseph Colliee, of Okuru. Petitionee prays that a compassionate allowance be granted him for past services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 11th September, 1903.

* Note.—Report brought up on 3rd September. Debate on question, That tne report and evidence do he on table and be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, interrupted by 5.30 adjournment.



No. 549.—Petition of William Diack, of Mokotua. Petitionee prays that the approach to the Tumai Station be improved. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Railways Committee. 11th September, 1903. No. 522. —Petition of Waltee Fullee, of Kinkiri. Petitionee prays that the Government will contribute towards fencing of road taken through his property. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 11th September, 1903.

No. 344.—Petition of David Geinton, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that relief may be granted him on account of sickness contracted during the Boer war. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 11th September, 1903.

No. 15.—Petition of H. H. A. Hitchens, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that compensation be granted him on account of wrongful prosecution. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 11th September, 1903.

No. 498.—Petition of J. C. R. Isheewood, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays that he may receive a land-grant as a military settler. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 11th September, 1903.

No. 201.—Petition of Cheistina Feeguson, of Gore. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance may be granted her on account of her late husband's public services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1903. '

No. 270. —Petition of New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Robeet Lee—Attorney), of Orepuki. Petitionees pray that assistance may be given them in the development of the shale industry. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist October, 1903.

No. 371.—Petition of W. J. Watees and 16 Others, of Port Chalmers. Petitionees pray that they may receive compensation for loss of licenses in Chalmers Licensing District, and inquiry into the local-option poll. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist October, 1903.

No. 367.—Petition of James P. Young and 159 Others, of Orepuki. Petitionees pray that the Orepuki Shale-works may be assisted in the development of the shale industry. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist October, 1903.

No. 511. —Petition of W. J. Baccy, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that he may receive some compassionate allowance in recognition of his past services. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 2nd October," 1903.

No. 624.—Petition of Pateick Brown, of Whakatane. Petitioner prays that he may receive a land-grant for past military services. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 2nd October, 1903.



No. 62. —Petition of William Causley, of Thames. Petitionee prays that he may receive compensation for loss sustained by and through rifle range adjoining his property. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 2nd October, 1903.

No. 589.—Petition of Patrick Haggaety, of Kimbolton. Petitionee prays that he may receive a land-grant for past military services. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 2nd October, 1903.

No. 649.—Petition of S. E. Hughes, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that he may receive a title to certain lands. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 2nd October, 1903.

No. 274. —Petition of Petee Jennings, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that compensation may be granted him on account of loss of land taken by Government. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd October, 1903.

No. 352. —Petition of James Adam and 1,779 Others, of Tokomairiro. Petitionees pray that the Bruce local-option poll may be validated. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition, together with the evidence of Rev. P. B. Eraser, should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th October, 1903.

Nos. 275, 365, 364, and 525.—Petitions of A. M. Aitken and 77 Others, Annie Goedon and 59 Others, G. M. Aitken and 71 Others, and Geace Fox and 405 Others, of Dunedin. Petitionees pray that civil and political disabilities be removed from women. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon these petitions. 9th October, 1903.

No. 14. —Petition of James Beattie and 19 Others, of Gore (together with 17 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that provision be made for the construction of the Gore-Waikaka Railway. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th October, 1903.

Schedule. No. 346.—A. Matheson and 6 others. No. 640.— J. Robertson and 19 others. „ 347.—E.'Moar and 19 others. „ 646.— J. G. McCarthy and 7 others. „ 353. -A. J. Cruickshank and 5 others. „ 647. —M. McLay and 14 others. „ 410.—M. Kirkpatrick and 4 others. „ 659. - J. Pullar and 19 others. „ 464.— J. O'Brien and 15 others. . 660.— W. McGill and 7 others. „ 495.—D. Lamb and 19 others. „ 661. -R. Mitchell and 17 others. „ 496.— W. Matherson and 19 others. „ 669.— J. Watt and 16 others. „ 526.— J. W. Lamb and 9 others. , 698. —D. Mclntyre and 14 others. „ 639.— F. Milne and 19 others.

No. 259.—Petition of William Dickie, of Rotherham. Petitioner prays that a compassionate allowance be granted him for loss sustained by flood. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 9th October, 1903. No. 34.—Petition of George Fowlds and 127 Others, of Auckland. Petitionees pray that the Morgan system of timber-measurement be introduced into our publicschool syllabus. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Education Committee. 9th October, 1903. ' No. 353. —Petition of Katheeine J. Geant and 1,206 Others, of Milton. Petitionees pray that the licenses existing in the Licensing District of Bruce shall remain in force till another poll be taken. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th October, 1903.



No. 302.—Petition of T. W. R. Hitt and 31 Others, of Christchurch (together with 33 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitionees pray that no further licenses be granted for the use of totalisator. I am directed to report that, as a question of public policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make upon these petitions.

9th October, 1903. Schedule. No. 423.— E. E. Eagle and 88 others. No. 616.— J. W. Twentyman and 13 others. „ 454. —A. Hoare and 48 others. „ 617. —J. A. Cunningham and 33 others. „ 472. —J. Rapley and 25 others. „ 642. —A. J. Gardiner and 17 others. , 473. -H. E. Ensor and 66 others. „ 643.-— E. F. Cox and 31 others. „ 507. —J. H. Rogers and 46 others. „ 644. —J. Stout and 17 others. , 517.— F. Walkley and 19 others. „ 650.— J. R. Kay and 8 others. 548. —W. Ham and 23 others. „ 657. —A. J. Larking and 133 others. 555. —J. Grant and 106 others. „ 658.—C. F. Jeffreys and 151 others. „ 561.— J. Fletcher and 19 others. „ 703.— J. Finch and 62 others. „ 562. —C. Lucas and 21 others. „ 738. —0. A. Eibye and 51 others. . 602.—L. Hawkins and 62 others. „ 739.—M. J. Williams and 61 others. . 603.— J. S. Dodds and 37 others. „ 740.— W. R. Kirker and 70 others. „ 604.—A. H. Tates and 23 others. „ 741.— J. Bedggood and 41 others. „ 605.— J. Wrenn and 45 others. „ 754.— E. J. Mather and 195 others. „ 606.— J. Wray and 233 others. „ 755.— J. A. Flesher and 8 others. „ 607.— G. J. C. Telford and 104 others. „ 756.—M. Morrison and 9 others. „ 608.—5. McKenzie and 24 others. I

No. 310. — Petition of G. A. Hoaee and 7 Others, of Christchurch (together with 14 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitionees pray that civil and political disabilities be removed from Civil servants. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon these petitions. 9th October, 1903.

Schedule. No. 311. —W. H. Jenkins and 9 others. No. 361. —Canterbury Tanners and Fellmongers' „ 327.— E. W. F. Gohns and 1 other. Union. „ 328. —R. Gadsell and 8 others. „ 386. —Canterbury Women's Institute. „ 329. —J. Rhind and 2 others. „ 387. —Christchurch Socialist Church. „ 339.— J. Moore and 4 others. „ 388. —Christchurch Amalgamated Society of „ 357. — 3. B. Butler and 4 others. Engineers. „ 358. —J. N. Bunt and 1 other. „ 389. —New Zealand Socialist Party, Christchurch „ 359. —Christchurch Furniture Trades' Union.. Branch. „ 360. —Christchurch Painters' Union.

No. 20. —Petition of M. Pace and 600 Others, of Wanganui (together with 75 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitionees pray that the licenses for the totalisator may continue as at present. I am directed to report that, as a question of public policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make upon these petitions. 9th October, 1903.

Schedule. No. 21.— F. C. Wilkinson and 653 others. No. 107.— J. Woodhouse and 319 others. „ 22.— G. Huviler and 403 others. „ 108.— J. Thompson and 593 others. „ 23.— J. Harrop and 111 others. „ 109.—X. Wilson and 312 others. » 24.—A. J. H. Lindop and 277 others. „ 110.— F. Fenton and 419 others. „ 25. —J. McLaughlin and 142 others. „ 111.— J. W. Bew and 107 others „ 26.—8. McCloy and 1,559 others. „ 112.—5. W. Brown and 839 others. „ 27.— W. R. Davis and 41 others. „ 113.— J. W. Russell and 253 others. „ 28.— R. N. Clark and 53 others. „ 114.—L. Whelan and 300 others. „ 29. —A. Cassidy and 51 others. „ 115.— W. Theyers and 53 others. „ 30.—M. Ryan and 45 others. „ 126.— W. Hall and 111 others. „ 31.—8. T. Bennet and 42 others. „ 127.— W. H. Gibson and 51 others. „ 32. —J. C. Ritey and 53 others. „ 128.— W. R. Remington and 53 others. „ 46. —Renata Whairi and 53 others. „ 129.—L. J. Lawless and 104 others. „ 47.—A. Bills and 53 others. „ 130.— F. J. Jones and 386 others. „ 48. —Hararaia Whata and 53 others. „ 131.— N. Dempsey and 33 others. „ 49.— J. Kiddle and 1,300 others. „ 132.— R. Mclnnery and 1,556 others. „ 50.— J. Robertson and 31 others. „ 134.— W. C. White and 202 others. „ 51.— W. Fryer and 1,052 others. „ 139.—P. Power and 349 others. „ 52.— W. Baigent and 686 others. „ 140.— F. Stuckey and 27 others. „ 53. —R. Roake and 37 others. „ 141.— J. Roughan and 29 others. „ 63.— W. L. Fleming and 461 others. „ 155.— J. T. Gwynne and 52 others. „ 64.— R. Lloyd and 14 others. „ 156.— J. Sloan and 3 others. „ 65. —R. Matthews and 50 others. „ 157. —V. S. Gwynne and 52 others. „ 66.—D. Kinney and 287 others. „ 169.—D. Findlayson and 14 others. „ 67. —M. McArtney and 500 others. „ 170.— F. Anrionette and 48 others. „ 68.— R. Longley and 138 others. „ 171.— J. Heffran and 9 others. „ 69.— W. J. Stratter and 57 others. „ 172.— R. Cochran and 514 others. „ 77. —J. Andrews and 509 others. „ 173.—A. Levy and 333 others. „ 78.— Z. Johnston and 1,949 others. „ 182.— W. Bedward and 2,049 others. „ 80.— W. Burns and 53 others. „ 186.— T. Bryant and 385 others. „ 81.— W. S. Edgecombe and 52 others. „ 187.— J. P. Clark and 52 others. „ 82.—P. Davidson and 51 others. „ 188.— J. H. Monteith and 49 others. „ 83.— J. D. Buchanan and 46 others. „ 191 —J. D. Hayes and 49 others. „ 84.— J. Cosgrove and 188 others. „ 231. —W. Lorking and 863 others. , 85.— W. H. Tucker and 547 others. „ 232.—P. S. Eraser and 1,223 others. „ 86.— E. Sullivan and 712 others. „ 233.—M. Jackson and 589 others. „ 105.— R. Jones and 647 others. „ 301. —R. E. Orombie and 189 others. , 106.— J. Collins and 336 others.



No. 588.—Petition of E. G. Allen and 6 Others, of Port Chalmers. Petitionees pray that the Otago Dock Trust may receive, by subsidy or otherwise, fair and reasonable compensation for dock purposes. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 440. —Petition of Annie Baied and 27 Others, of Dunedin. Petitionees pray that they may receive compensation for the forced sale of the Lake Wakatipu Shipping Company's property. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 16th October, 1903. _

No. 574. —Petition of W. G. Bassett, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that redress for certain grievances be granted him. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 16th October, 1903.

No. 408.—Petition of S. F. Bolee and 49 Others, of Tauhoa. Petitionees pray that telephonic communication may be extended to that district (Tauhoa). I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 416. —Petition of Chaeles Chambeelain and 33 Others, of Ponui Island. Petitionees pray that they may receive the pre-emptive right of leasing oyster-beds adjoining their property. I am directed to report that, as legislative effect has been given to the prayer of the petitioners, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th October, 1903.

No. 415.—Petition of William Cleaey, of Puhipuhi. Petitionee prays that he may receive some relief for the seizure of gum by officials. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration 16th October, 1903. *

No. 457. —Petition of R. Ceawfoed, of Palmerston North. Petitioner prays that he may receive some compassionate allowance for loss of his son. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903. . __

No. 536. —Petition of C. M. Davis and 99 Others, of Aratapu (together with 6 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that the Dargaville-Kahu Railway be extended to Hokianga. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

Schedule. No. 537.— G. Massey and 11 others. i No. 540.— R. C. Pollock and 13 others. „ 538.— H. J. Slade and 24 others. „ 582.— Thos. Webb and 11 others. „ 539. —J. Benjamin and 14 others. „ 591.—A. Neild and 135 others.

No. 458.—Petition of J. M. Davidson and 402 Others, of Tauranga. Petitionees pray that provision may be made for the survey of the railway-line Te Puke to Rotorua. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 55. —Petition of J. Dudson and 131 Others, of Maketu. Petitionees pray that provision may be made for the erection of a wharf at Maketu. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 462. —Petition of John William Freeman, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays that he may receive a grant of land as a military settler. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Lands Committee. 16th October, 1903. 2—l. 1.



'No. 395.—Petition of W. G. Gaeraed, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that his wife may receive the old-age pension. I am directed to report that the Committee-has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 16th October, 1903.

Nos. 436 and 524.—Petitions of J. Glendinning and 155 Others, of Dunedin ; and H. E. Andeew and 3 Others. Petitionees pray that a dental school be established, and that dentists be exempt from juries. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 521. —Petition of Joseph Healey and Party, of Whakatane. Petitionees pray that they may receive the full amount for work done on Government works, Ruatoki. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, and that the Government's attention be called to the report of this Committee, 4th November, 1901, Petition No. 527. 16th October, 1903.

No. 677.—Petition of R. T. Jeffeey and 445 Others, of Opotiki. Petitionees pray that provision may be made for the survey of railway-line Gisborne to Rotorua. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903. __

Nos. 396 and 401. —Petition of James Kelman and 600 Others, of Alexandra; and A. C. Iverson and 95 Others. _ Petitioners pray that provision may be made for the extension of the railway to Ophir. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon these petitions. 16th October, 1903.

No. 428.—Petition of Mary Ann Kelly, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that she may receive compassionate allowance for loss of husband, an ex public officer. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1903. No. 390. —Petition of Maegaeet Lawlee, of Kaikoura. Petitionee prays that she may receive further compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

No. 516. —Petition of F. Walkley and 21 Others, of Ohau (together with 23 other similar Petitions, as per attached Schedule). Petitioners pray that a referendum may be taken for Bible-reading in schools. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th October, 1903.

Schedule. No. 554.—Isabella Grant and 106 others. No. 742. —W. H. Kirker and 76 others. „ 559.— J. Fletcher and 20 others. „ 743.— N. Hall and 40 others. „ 560.—C. Lucas and 21 others. ■ „ 744. —M. J. Williams and 60 others. „ 596.— H. B. Chapman and 237 others. „ 745.—0. A. Eibye and 51 others. „ 597.—Peter Keir and 72 others. „ 746. —A. Charlton and 22 others. „ 598.—A. J. Carmichael and 19 others. „ 747.— J. A. Flesher and 16 others. „ 599. —S. McKenzie and 24 others. „ 757.—A. Kinkade and 203 others. „ 600.— W. Grant and 39 others. „ 758.—M. Morrisch and 12 others. „ 601. -L. Hawkins and 62 others. „ 770.— J. Pitcaithly and 26 others. „ 622.—C. Bruce and 38 others. „ 773.—M. A. Harris and 70 others. „ 662.-P. Steer and 152 others. „ 789.— G. A. Alexander and 20 others. „ 663.— F. McDonald and 112 others.

No. 678.—Petition of B. P. Bayly, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that compassionate allowance be granted him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th November, 1903.



No. 666.—Petition of John Bare, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that certain changes may be made in the duties on oils, &c. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th November, 1903.

No. 831. —Petition of Chaeles W. Eaele and Another, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that greater liberty be given the Press by the repeal or amendment of Standing Order No. 229. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Standing Orders Committee. 4th November, 1903.

No. 565.—Petition of J. Gifford, of Kaihu. Petitionee prays that he may receive redress for loss of land. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th November, 1903.

No. 714.—Petition of A. J. Langmuie and 189 Others, of Ongarue. Petitionees pray that the Stratford-Toko Railway be extended to Mangaroa. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th November, 1903.

No. 638.—Petition of C. E. Letham, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that she may receive further compassionate allowance. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of ihe Committee; this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 4th November, 1903. No. 702.—Petition of John Bilkey, of Pukekohe. Petitionee prays that he may receive compensation for loss of trees. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the matter in question is one between the petitioner and the local body referred to ; they have therefore no recommendation to make. 6th November, 1903.

Nos. 611 and 856. —Petitions of E. Buerows and 261 Others, of Auckland ; and T. Julian and 84 Others. . Prtitionees pray that the present vaccination laws be repealed. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, the Committee being of opinion that the present restriction providing that notice be given within a prescribed time should be rescinded. 6th November, 1903.

No. 860. —Petition of Annie Gage, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that further compassionate allowance be granted her for loss of her son. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1903.

No. 777. —Petition of W. G. Gaerard, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that he may receive redress for certain grievances. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 6th November, 1903.

No. 751. —Petition of J. J. G. Jackson, of Martinborough. Petitionee prays that he may be refunded the amount stolen from him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the prayer of the petition should be given effect to, and that the Government be recommended to pay the balance of the amount stolen. 6th November, 1903.

No. 710. —Petition of William Loddee, of Karangahake. Petitionee prays that he may receive some compassionate allowance or other relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1903.

No. 581. —Petition of H. yon Blaeembeeg, of Palmerston North. Petitionee prays that he may receive redress for damages sustained by loss of office. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition, 13th November, 1903.



No. 725. —Petition of A. G. Cheistophee, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays that an inquiry be made into his removal from the Commission of the Peace. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 13th November, 1903.

No. 737. —Petition of J. J. Clark and 2 Others, of Dannevirke. Petitionees pray that they may receive the amount of salary due as officers during the Boer war. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 13th November, 1903.

No. 670.—Petition of A. C. Clack and 3 Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that compassionate allowance may be granted them for loss of father. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 13th November, 1903.

No. 530. —Petition of J. J. Clack, of Dannevirke. Petitionee prays that he may receive a just and adequate sum for services rendered in the Defence Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition, together with a copy of the evidence, should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. (Vide Appendix 1.—1 c.) 13th November, 1903.

No. 852. —-Petition of John Ceombie, of Blenheim. Petitionee prays that some compassionate allowance may be granted him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 13th November, 1903.

No. 736.—Petition of A. E. Feancke, of Colac Bay. Petitionee prays that provision may be made by which he may obtain the old-age pension. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 13th November, 1903.

No. 750. —Petition of Geoege H. Haeeis, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that he may receive some compassionate allowance for injuries sustained as a police officer. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, the Committee being of opinion that his injury was received while in the execution of his duty. 13th November, 1903. _.

No. 618. —Petition of O. Howe, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that he may receive the balance alleged to be due for services rendered during the Boer war. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 13th November, 1903.

No. 576.—Petition of William Bareon and 20 Others, of Caversham. Petitionees pray that inquiry be made into the winding-up of the Colonial Bank. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government, and that the Government be recommended to give effect to the prayer thereof. 17th November, 1903.

No. 878. —Petition of Lucia Caulton, of Wellington. Petitioner prays that she may receive some compassionate allowance for loss of husband. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th November, 1903.

No. 769.—Petition of F. H. Dubbeidge, of Nelson. Petitioner prays that inquiry be made into his dismissal from police service, and that he may receive relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition, together with the evidence taken before the Public Petitions A to L Committee on a similar petition in 1902, be referred to the Government for consideration, 17th November, 1903.



No. 886.—Petition of D. Harvey, of Oamaru. Petitionee prays that some compassionate allowance may be granted him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th November, 1903.

No. 883.—Petition of A. Hateick and 17 Others, of Wanganui. Petitionees pray that some compassionate allowance be granted the widow of the late T. C. Jones of the Native Land Court Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 17th November, 1903. _

No. 803.—Petition of Magnus Isbistee and 2 Others, of Palmerston. Petitionees pray that an inquiry be made into the deductions made in the subsidy of the Waihemo County Council. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 17th November, 1903.

No. 771. —Petition of J. Pitcaithly and 10 Others, of Pigeon Bay. Petitionees pray that the totalisator be abolished (same as No. 302). I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 17th November, 1903.

No. 699.—Petition of W. J. Brown, of Dunedin. Petitionee prays that he may receive compensation for the closing of a street. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th November, 1903.

No. 466. —Petition of Heney R. Bunny, of Carterton. Petitionee prays that inquiry be made into the conduct of the Licensing Committee election in Wairarapa Licensing District, and a refund be made to the Wairarapa County Council of the excessive charges made. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of this petition is to be the subject of inquiry by Commission, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th November, 1903.

No. 892.—Petition of D. McFaelane and 20 Others, of Gore. Petitionees pray that provision be made for the construction of the Gore-Waikaka Railway (same as No. 14). I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th November, 1903.

No. 896.—Petition of Claea Batty, of Blenheim. Petitionee prays that some compassionate allowance be granted her for loss of husband killed at rifle butts." I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the Government be recommended to grant the petitioner some annuity. 20th November, 1903.

No. 593.—Petition of Edmund Cookson, of Waitekauri. Petitionee prays that compassionate allowance be granted to bim as an ex-militiaman. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th November, 1903.

No. 882.—Petition of J. C. Kiewin, of Nelson. Petitionee prays that inquiry be made into his case, and that he be paid amount due to him. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the Government be requested to pay the sick-pay claims up to the date of his discharge, 25th October, 1902, if such claim be correct. 20th November, 1903.

Nos. 895 and 897.—Petitions of W. H. Macey and 597 Others, of Blenheim ; and A. Walsh and 70 Others. Petitionees pray that some compassionate allowance be granted to Mrs. Batty, whose husband was killed at the rifle butts.



I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the Government be recommended to grant the said widow —Clara Batty—some annuity. 20th November, 1903.

No. 686. —Petition of A. J. Bradley and 56 Others, of Helensville. Petitionees pray that steps be taken to develop the hot springs of Helensville as a tourist resort. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make upon this petition. 21st November, 1903.

No. 673.—Petition of W. H. Conboy, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that an inquiry be made into certain charges against various Government Departments, and that certain wrongs be redressed. I am directed to report that, at the request of the petitioner, the consideration of this petition is postponed till next session. 21st November, 1903.

No. 87.—Petition of Waltee James Hunt, of Wellington. Petitionee prays that compensation be granted him on account of the loss of timber-rights in Ngarara Block. I am directed to report that, after taking some evidence thereon, the Committee have postponed the consideration of this petition till next session. 21st November, 1903.

No. 88.—Petition of Alfeed Lindsay and Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that compensation may be granted W. J. Hunt on account of his loss of timber-rights in the Ngarara Block. I am directed to report that, after taking some evidence thereon, the Committee have postponed the consideration of this petition till next session. 21st November, 1903.

No. 720. —Petition of Feank W. Isitt and 6 Others, of Wellington. Petitionees pray that inquiry be made into the abstraction of a ballot-paper, and that steps be taken to prevent a recurrence of such. I am directed to report : (1.) That the Committee, having taken evidence from various witnesses, finds that Mr. Isitt at 8.53 a.m. on the morning of the day of the election for the Licensing Committee in the City of Wellington, and prior to the opening of the polling-booth thereat, was illegally in possession of a stolen ballot-paper, such paper being printed for and intended to be used at the said election. (2.) That the Committee examined Mr. Isitt as to the manner in which the said ballot-paper came into his possession, but though he alleges that it was given to him he, at different periods of the inquiry, absolutely declined to give the Committee the name of the person from whom he received the said ballot-paper. (3.) That the Committee is of opinion that the said ballot-paper was stolen for the purpose of manipulating the result of the said election, and thus defeating the will of the electors. (4.) That the Committee finds that Mr. Isitt, on or about the 29th day of December, 1902, wrote to eleven of the Returning Officers in the colony requesting them to supply him with copies of the ballot-papers used in their respective districts at the local-option poll. Mr. Isitt admits having received such ballot-papers from three of these Returning Officers, but at the inquiry positively declined to give the Committee the name of any of these Returning Officers who had thus illegally supplied him with such ballot-papers. (5.) That the Committee is of opinion that these ballot-papers could have been used as a ground for upsetting the local-option poll in some of the electorates. (6.) That the limited time at the disposal of the Committee makes it impossible to fully investigate, at this late period of the session, the serious import of the issues involved in the prayer of the petition. (7.) The Committee therefore recommends that the prayer of the petition, with the evidence taken thereon, together with the report of the Commissioner, be referred to the Government for "consideration ; and further recommends that the Government be requested to make further investigation into the matters above referred to and the other irregularities as prayed for by the petitioners. (Vide Appendix 1.-lB.) 21st November, 1903. -

Final Repoet. I am directed to report that your Committee has held thirty meetings, and has received 296 petitions for consideration, of which 30 have been recommended to the Government for favourable consideration, 92 have been recommended to the Government for consideration, 159 have received no recommendation, 12 have been referred to other Committees, and 3 remain unconsidered. 21st November, 1903. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,250 copies/, £8 lis. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o3. Price 6d.}

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. SYMES, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-01

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REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. SYMES, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-01

REPORTS OF PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE. (Mr. SYMES, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, I-01