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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed


Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 3ed Day of June, 1903. Ordered, " That a Public Petitions A to L Committee, consisting of ten members, be appointed to consider all petitions that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee, to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereupon to this House ; also to have power to call for papers and persons ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. E. G. Allen, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Lethbridge, Mr. R. McKenzie Mr. Remington, Mr. Symes, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Wood, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones.)


I—l. 1.

352 103 275 o. — Petitioners. Page. Adam, James, and others .. . • 7 Adamson, John •. • • • • 8 Aitken, A. M., and others (with three 7 similar petitions) Allen, E.G.. • • • • ■ • 9 Allen, Katherine .. • • • • " Allen, Thomas .. ■ • • • 8 No. . Petitioners. Page. 670 ; Clark, A. C, and others .. .". 12 530 j Clark, J. J. (vide Appendix I.—lc.) .. 12 737 I Clark, J. J., and others .. .. 12 415 | Cleary, W. .. .. ... .; ; 9 550 i Collier, Joseph .. .. .. 5 673 I Conboy, W. H. .. .. 14 593 j Cookson, E. .. .. .. ...'18 203 ' Coughlan, William .. .. ..I i > 457 Crawford R. .. .. .. .. 9 852 I Crombie, John .. .. .. 12 273 ! Cummins, M. E. .. .. .. 5 588 19 135 145 440 229 666 576 511 574 896 678 14 Bailey, Lieut.-Colonel .. .. • • 4 Baird, Annie ... .. • • • • 9 Bakewell, R. H. .. ■ • • • 5 Barr, John .. • • • • " H Barron, W., and others .. •• 12 Barry, W. J. .. ■• ■■ •• 6 Bassett, W. G. • • • • • ■ » Batty, Clara .. • • • • 18 Bavly, B. P. .. • • • • .. 10 Beattie, James, and others (with seventeen 7 similar petitions) (Gore-Waikaka Railway) Bell, John .. • • • • • • * Bell, Thomas .. .. • • ■ • ° Bennett, A. T., and others .. .. 4 Bigwood, John .. • • • ■ * Bilkey, John .. . ■ • • '' 1 Black, J., and others .. .. • • 2 Blaremberg, H. von .. . • • • U Boggon, H. M. .. • ■ ■ ■ 5 Boler, S. F. .. •• •• •• . 9 Bradley, A. J., and others .. • • 14 Bray, John .. ■ • • • • • 8 Brent, Daniel .. .. • ■ • • l Brown, Jessie .. . • • • • ■ * Brown, John Grey Brown, Patrick .. •• ■• ° Brown, W. J. .. • • • • J| Bunny, H. R. .. • • ■ • "A Burrows, E., and others .. .. n 458 j Davidson, J. M., and others .. ... : 9 372 I Davidson, Mary .. .. .. 5 536 I Davis, CM., and others (Dargaville-Kaihu 9 Railway) 549 J Diack, William .. .. .. 6 259 ! Dickie, William .. .. .. 7 183 Driscoll, John .. .. .. 3 55 Dudson, J. .. .. • • 9 43 Dunbar, Peter .. .. .. 4 769 Durbridge, P. H. .. .. 12 158 98 204 161 702 122 581 404 408 686 177 96 220 230 624 699 466 611 831 Earle, Charles William, and another .. 11 2 Falconer, John, Captain .. .. 8 201 Ferguson, Christina .. .. .. 6 34 Fowlds, George, and others .. .. 7 736 Francke, A. E. .. .. 12 462 Freeman, J. W. .. .. -. 9 263 Friend, Matilda .. .. •. 5 522 Fuller, Walter .. .. .. 6 860 Gage, Annie .. .. .. 11 395 Garrard, W. G. .. .. 10 777 Garrard, W. G. .. .. 11 565 Gifford, J. .. .. ..11 217 Gillam, W. E. .. .. .. 4 436 Glendinning, J., and others .. 10 208 Goss, John, and others .. .. 3 353 j Grant, Katherine J., and others .. 7 344 Grinton, David .. .. .. 6 118 I Guthrie, Caroline .. .. .. 4 878 62 416 725 Caulton, Lucia .. • • "2 Causley, William .. • • ■ • " Chamberlain, Charles, and others .. 9 Christopher, A. G. .. • • .. 12