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Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.


No. Petitions, &c. Page. No. Petitions, &c. Page. 520 255 A. Adams, R. A., and Others Anderson, J., and Others Auckland Domain Vesting Bill Auckland Hospital Eeserves Exchange Bill 6 3 4 3 511 516 490 489 151 46 508 M. Martin, R., and Others .. Masterton Road Board Matai Taua, Wi Mahuri te Mclvor, John McKay, A. J., and Others McLennan, A., and Others .. Morgan, M. G., and Others 6 6 5 r> 2 2 o 166 38 256 418 30 50 178 B. Baigent, Henry, and Others Bain, John, and Others.. Bates, Russell Bowman, Joseph Breach, Moses S. Brown, T., and Others .. Browne, S. W. .. 4 4 4 5 3 2 7 N. Naval and Military Land Claimants, Report on 52 petitions 3,4 o. c. Cheviot Estate Disposition Bill Clyne, Catherine Colvin, John Coyle, John Cruickshank, D. J., and Others 9 217 542 Oakes, John Peter O'Connor, Michael O'Loghlen and Satchell, and Others 2 2 (i 497 503 257 510 4 0 G 3 6 452 P. Phillips, Coleman 6 419 44 R. 196 & 258 63 83 D. Dixon, Marmaduke, and Others 3 Riesterer, Lorenz Robertson, William, and Others .. 6 2 Donnelly, Bridget Dore, C, and Others 1 2 550 s. Sowerby, L., and Others State Forests, Description of Land proposed to be withdrawn from Straka, Paul Sutherland, G., and Others 7 505 E. Edwards, A. W., and Others 337 163 4 7 2 G. Gimmerburn Forest Bill T. H. Harrex, P. G. G., and Others Harrison, T. and G. Hurley, George 398 Tairua Land Bill Thorp, A.J... Tongariro National Park Bill 6 4 2 439 48 *656 5 1 1 V. Vipond, J., and Others .. 153 J. Johnson, John C, and Others 472 K. Kyngdon Land Grant Bill 5 138 399 132 w. Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board Wairarapa North County Council Ward, John Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act 1877 Amendment Bill Whangaroa County Council Wilson Land Bill Wyles, R., and Others .. 3 4 3 7 1 3 2 L. Land Act Amendment Bill Land for Settlements Act Amendment Bill.. Leeds, C. E., and Others Lundon, John Lyttelton Harbour Board Land Bill 5 5 6 5 4 113 149 509 482 20 Y. Young, S., and Others *O1 1892.




Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Bepresentatives. Wednesday, the 28th Day of June, 1893. Ordered, " That a Committee bo appointed, consisting of twelve members, to consider all Bills and petitions that may be introduced into this House affecting the waste lands of the Crown, and to report generally on the principles and provisions which they contain, with power to confer and sit together with any similar Committee which may be appointed by the Legislative Council, and agree to a joint or separate report; the Committee to have power to call for persons, papers, and records ; three to be a quorum. The Committee to consist of Mr. Duncan, Mr. Hogg, Mr. Lake, Mr. Mackintosh, Mr. T. Mackenzie, Mr. Meredith, Mr. C. H. Mills, Mr. Rhodes, Hon. Mr. Rolleston, Mr. W. C. Smith, Mr. R. Thompson, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie.)

No. 656, 1892.—Petition of George Hurley, of Sydney, New South Wales. Petitioner lays claim to 300,000 acres in the Chatham Islands, which he alleges were purchased by one W. Brodie, in 1840, and conveyed to petitioner by the heirs and executors of the said W. Brodie. He prays consideration of his claim. I am directed by the Waste Lands Committee to report that, having considered this petition, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th July, 1893. .

No. 63.—Petition of Bridget Donnelly. Petitioner states that she was a free immigrant to New Zealand in the year 1864, and was therefore entitled, according to existing regulations at the time, to a grant of land, which, however, she did not then apply for. She now prays that a grant of land or other relief may be given her. I am directed by the Waste Lands Committee to report that, having considered this petition, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th July, 1893. . ■

No. 20.—Petition of S. Young and Others. Petitioners pray that roads may be constructed to their lands in Catlin's Eiver, Otago. I am directed by the Waste Lands Committee to report that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th July, 1893.

No. 113.—Petition of the Whangahoa County Council. Petitioners pray that the county should be granted a share of the proceeds of the sale of timber taken off the Crown lands at Whangaroa, for the purpose of maintaining roads in proper order. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 12th July, 1893.

No. 48.—Petition of T. and G. Harrison. Petitioners are lessees of grazing-runs in South Canterbury, and pray that " The Eating Act, 1882," may be so amended as to permit of their runs being rated for local purposes upon the same basis as private freehold lands are now valued. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, as the question raised is one involving policy. 12th July, 1893.




No. 44.—Petition of William Eobertson and Others. Petitioners state that the area of land purchased by them at the Peninsula, Otago, in 1862 has been wrongly stated in the Crown grant issued in 1866, and that they have therefore had conveyed to them less than they are entitled to. They pray that a sum of £302 may be given to them by way of compensation. I am directed to report that, this petition having been considered by the Waste Lands Committee on several previous occasions, and no new facts or evidence being adduced in the present instance, the Committee sees no reason to alter the decision arrived at last session, viz., " That they have no recommendation to make." 14th July, 1893.

No. 9.—Petition of John Peter Oakes. Petitioner lays claim to a block of land on the Hauraki Gulf, known as the Waiharareke Block, comprising 12,000 acres, which he alleges was purchased by his father, since deceased, in 1840. He prays a Crown grant may now be issued to him for the land. I am directed to report that, this petition having been considered by the W T aste Lands Committee on several previous occasions, and no new facts being adduced in the present instance, the Committee sees no reason to alter its former decisions —namely, " That the petitioner has no claim against the colony." 14th July, 1893.

The Tongariro National Park Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Tongariro National Park Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy. 18th July, 1893.

No. 149.—Petition of Eobeet Wyles and 63 Others. Petitioners pray for roads to be constructed between Mongonui, Oruru, Fairburn's, Victoria Valley, Kaitaia, and Awanui, in the Province of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1893.

No. 153.—Petition of John C. Johnson and Others. Petitioners pray that a sum of £400 may be placed on the supplementary estimates for the purpose of constructing roads between Whananaki and Opuawhanga, in the Province of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Wast.c Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1893.

No. 151. —Petition of A. J. McKay and Others. Petitioners pray that roads may be constructed between Waipu, Waikiki, and Mareretu, Province of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th July, 1893.

No. 50.—Petition of T. Brown and Others. Petitioners pray that a road may be constructed to the property of T. E. Clements, at Waimate, Canterbury, or that other relief may be granted to him. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Ist August, 1893.

No. 217. —Petition of Michael O'Connor. Petitioner prays for a reward for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Public Petitions Committee M to Z for consideration. Ist August, 1893.

Nos. 163, 83, and 46.—Petitions of G. Sutherland and Others, C. Dobe and Others, A. McLennan and Others. Petitioners pray for an extension of the provisions of " The Selectors' Land Eevaluation Continuance and Amendment Act, 1892," in order that they may obtain a revaluation of their properties. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee having carefully considered these petitions, they are of opinion that the petitioners have no claim for a revaluation of their properties, and they therefore do not recommend any legislation on the subject. Ist August, 1893.



No. 257. —Petition of John Coyle. Petitioner prays for a retiring-allowance on account of services in the Armed Constabulary, from which force he was compelled to resign on the ground of ill-health. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Public Petitions Committee A to L for consideration. Ist August, 1893.

Nos. 196 and 258.—Petitions of Marmaduke Dixon and Others, of West Eyreton, Canterbury. Petitioners pray that the extended powers sought to be conferred on the Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board, under "The Water-supply Act, 1891," may not be granted; and, also, that Mr. Dixon may be permitted to take water for irrigation purposes from the Waimakariri Eiver. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that no private waterright should be admitted in any county or water-supply district unless under the control and sanction of such bodies. 2nd August, 1893.

No. 138.—Petition of the Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board. Petitioners pray that extended powers maybe conferred upon them, under " The Water-supply Act, 1891/' in order that they may give effect to their proposed irrigation scheme. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the Act is defective so far as Part A is concerned ; but, as considerable change of opinion seems to have arisen in the district, they are of opinion that further legislation should be postponed until after the next election to the Board. 2nd August, 1893.

The Wilson Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Wilson Land Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they therefore beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 4th August, 1893.

No. 30.—Petition of Moses S. Breach. Petitioner is the owner of land situated on the Hoteo Eiver, Kaipara Harbour, Auckland. The land came into petitioner's possession by exchange nearly thirty years ago. Petitioner only received a Crown grant for the land in August, 1888. In the Crown grant land amounting to 27 acres in all, said to be excess of that to which petitioner is legally entitled, was cut out by the department. Petitioner states that the land so taken is the only spot suitable for a landing-place and for a dry building-site. The department offers to reconvey the land so cut out back to petitioner for £1 per acre. Petitioner prays that he may be allowed to retain the whole of the land which he has been in undisturbed possession of for nearly thirty years. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 4th August, 1893.

No. 255.—Petition of J. Anderson and 29 Others, of Makaretu and Blackburn, Hawke's Bay. Petitioners are settlers in the districts of Makaretu and Blackburn, and pray that the area of land set apart as a forest reserve in the district may not be thrown open as a special settlement, as they are of opinion that the settlement is being promoted for speculation purposes. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the prayer of the petitioners should receive the careful consideration of the Government. 15th August, 1893.

No. 132.—Petition of John Waed, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for a grant of land as a free immigrant, for which he duly received an order, but was unable to obtain a Crown grant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make in reference to this petition. 15th August, 1893.

The Auckland Hospital Beserves Exchange Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Auckland Hospital Eeserves Exchange Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. A copy of the Bill is attached hereto. 15th August, 1893.

Nos. 403, 140, 378, 374, 300, 368, 366, 365, 364, 361, 25, 51, 56, 58, 62, 72, 734 of 1892, 75, 326, 739 of 1892, 330, 334, 325, 313, 308, 242, 297, 240, 243, 252, 265, 272, 278, 281, 16, 121, 117, 116, 102, 114, 100, 231, 162, 228, 191, 160, 136, 158, 164, 98, 96, and 97.—Petitions of B. E. Lambert, Thomas Pratt, E. Spencer, Thomas McMillan, James Pearce, W. G. Garrard, W. Parry, Thomas Penk, John Kelly, D. Macartney, Charles Crozier, Thomas Dolman, James Eoss, Edwin G. Clements, B. J. Daveney, James McGrath, Margaret Gee, P. Brogan, M. W. Wilson, James Neway, James Camp, E. Healey, E. Alcorn, J. A. Lloyd, W. H.Beere, V. Blagrove, D. Cameron, M."Looney, W. McDowell, F. W. and J. E. Mackenzie, T. E.Woolfield, W. Golding,


J. Healey, J. Spencer, M. A. Muir, E. Miles, S. A. Vaney, J. O'Brien, W. G. Garrard, C. S. Yonge, J. D. Bentley, P. Bedford, M. Murphy, J. P. Ward, A. S. Ford, P. McKenna, T. McConnell, J. Murphy, M. Sullivan, B. Curtiss, B. Guthrie, and James Muskett.

Petitioners pray for grants of land for military services. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, is of opinion they should be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd August, 1893.

The Cheviot Estate Disposition Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred "The Cheviot Estate Disposition Bill," have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy of the Bill. 23rd August, 1893.

No. 398.—Petition of A. J. Thoep. Petitionee prays for redress on account of certain Native lands which he states he purchased and which have never been conveyed to him. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee for consideration. 23rd August, 1893.

Papeb No. 202.—" Description of Land pboposed to be withdrawn prom State Forests." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above paper, having duly considered the same, have the honour to report that the Committee has no objection to the land being withdrawn. 29th August, 1893.

The Lyttelton Haeboub Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Lyttelton Harbour Board Land Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that the Bill be not allowed to proceed. 31st August, 1893.

The Auckland Domain Vesting Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Auckland Domain Vesting Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy of the Bill. 31st August, 1893.

No. 38.' —Petition of John Bain and 13 Others, of Ashwick Flat, Canterbury. Petitionees are settlers at Ashwick Plat, and their lands being of very poor quality, they pray that they may have their holdings reclassed and placed as " second-class " lands. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that an amendment of the law is necessary enabling the Land Board, with the approval of the Minister, to remit to bond fide occupiers such conditions of improvement as prove, on experience, not to be suitable. Should legislation be impossible this session, the Land Board should be requested to abstain from enforcing such conditions in this particular case till a further opportunity of legislation has been afforded. The petition is therefore referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist September, 1893.

No. 166. —Petition of Henby Baigent and 2 Others. Petitioners allege that through an incorrect survey a portion of their land, situated at Pigeon Valley, Wakefield, Nelson, amounting to 27 acres, has been wrongly conveyed to one G. Eairhall. They pray that the value of the land may be refunded to them, together with interest and costs of survey, which they estimate at £120. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee, having carefully considered this petition, is of opinion that the sum of £45 should be paid to petitioners in satisfaction of all claims. Ist September, 1893.

No. 256.—Petition of Bussell Bates, of Kai Iwi, Auckland. Petitioneb alleges he selected certain land at Kai Iwi, Auckland, at ss. per acre, and that the price was afterwards raised to 7s. 6d. per acre ; that he had to purchase at 7s. 6d. or lose the land and the value of the improvements he had made thereon. Petitioner, therefore, maintains that he is entitled to compensation, and prays relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make in reference to this petition, as they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. Ist September, 1893.

No. 399.—Petition of the Waibaeapa Nobth County Council, Masterton. Petitionebs state that a difficulty exists in taking roads through Native lands, as the felling of bush and sowing of grass is sufficient to deem such lands " cultivated lands " within the meaning of " The Native Lands Court Act, 1886." They therefore pray for an amendment of the Act.




I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that in any amendment of the law provision should be made for giving larger powers to the local bodies in respect of taking roads through Native lands, giving them (the local bodies), subject to appeal to the Waste Lands Boards, the power of deciding whether the right of taking roads should be exercised or not. The petition is referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September, 1893.

The Land foe Settlements Act Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Land for Settlements Act Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown in the attached copy of the Bill. 6th September, 1893.

The Land Act Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Land Act Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 6th September, 1893.

The Gimmebbuen Fobest Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Gimmerburn Forest Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 6th September, 1893.

The Kyngdon Land-gbant Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Kyngdon Land-grant Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 6th September, 1893.

No. 489.—Petition of John Mclvob. Petitionee prays for compensation for loss of office as a magazine-keeper. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Public Petitions Committee M to Z for consideration. Bth September, 1893.

No. 482.—Petition of John Lundon. Petitionee prays for a refund of moneys paid out and remuneration for services rendered in connection with a mission to Te Moananui, chief of Hauraki, Thames, in the year 1868. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Public Petitions Committee A to L for consideration. Bth September, 1893.

No. 418.—Petition of Joseph Bowman, of Kaiwaka, Auckland. Petitionee states that, owing to the incorrect survey of a line of fence, he was deprived of 2 acres of land, and, in addition, was called upon to pay costs in an action brought against him, amounting to £213 18s. Id: that he defended the said action by the advice of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, at Auckland. He now prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has received serious injury from the errors of the department, and recommends the case to the favourable consideration of the Government. Bth September, 1893.

No. 490.—Petition of Wi Mahubi te Matai Taua and 2 Others. Petitionebs pray that their lands at Palmerston North may not be taken from them, as decided by the Native Lands Court on the 14th January, 1890. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Native Affairs Committee for consideration. Bth September, 1893.

No. 439.—Petition of F. G. G. Haebex, of St. Bathan's, and 38 Others. Petitionbes pray that the subdivision and sale of the Highfield Bun, No. 225, Gimmerburn and Blackstone Districts, may be proceeded with, as originally notified, and that the Proclamation revoking such subdivision may be withdrawn. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee has no recommendation to make in reference to this petition. 12th September, 1893.



No. 419.—Petition of Loeenz Eiesteree. Petitioner states that certain deferred-payment land, held by him at Hokianga, has been forfeited by the Auckland Land Board for non-fulfilment of improvement conditions. He prays that the land may be restored to him, or other relief given. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee, after careful consideration of all the circumstances, does not see reason to recommend any interference on the part of the Government or the House. 18th September, 1893.

No. 503. —Petition of John Colvin. Petitioner prays for an amendment of "The Public Eeserves Vesting and Sale Act, 1892," section 7, by which a certain portion of his land, in the City of Dunedin, has been taken from him and vested in the Corporation of the said city. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

Nos. 508, 509, 510, and 511.—Petitions of M. G. Morgan and Others; C. E. Leeds and Others; A. J. Cruickshank and Others; E. Martin and Others. Petitioners pray that the road between Warkworth and Whangarei may be constructed vid Mangaripa Valley and Waipu Gorge. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

. . .. No. 520.—Petition of E. A. Adams and 60 Others, of Bltham. Petitioners pray that a road may be constructed to their lands at Eltham, Taranaki. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 516. —Petition of the Masteeton Eoad Boaed. Petitioners state that a difficulty exists in taking roads through Native lands; that the felling of bush and the sowing of grass is sufficient to deem such lands through which it is proposed to take a road as " cultivated lands" within the meaning of " The Native Lands Court Act, 1886." They therefore pray that the Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that in any amendment of the law provision should be made for giving larger powers to the local authorities in respect of taking roads through Native lands, giving them (the local bodies), subject to appeal to the Waste Lands Boards, the power of deciding whether the right of taking roads should be exercised or not. 18th September, 1893.

No. 497. —Petition of Catheeine Clyne. Petitioner makes claim for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 18th September, 1893. ;

The Taieua Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Tairua Land Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they therefore beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 20th September, 1893.

No. 542.—Petition of D. O'Loghlen and Satchell and 65 Others, of Manawatu. Petitioners are ratepayers of the Manawatu Eoad District, and they pray that the drainage system of the Kairanga Block may be improved and carried to a proper outlet. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion, after careful consideration, and having taken evidence, that the petitioners have no claim on the colony. 26th September, 1893.

No. 452.—Petition of Coleman Phillips, of Peatherston. Petitionee prays for relief in connection with the prosecutions instituted against him by the Wellington Land Board, as he is advised ho can obtain no redress at law. He therefore prays that the House will afford him such relief as they may think meet. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee recommend the petition to the favourable consideration of the Government; and, as there would now be difficulty in giving effect to the resolution of the Wellington Land Board of the 30th June, 1892, they suggest that the justice of the case would be satisfied by the withdrawal of the forfeiture of the Dry Eiver Block. 26th September, 1893.



No. 178. —Petition of Simon Welton Beowne, late of Little Barrier Island. Petitioner alleges that he made an agreement with the Native owners of land on Little Barrier Island to cut and remove timber therefrom, for which right he paid £200. He is now restrained from removing any timber, and therefore prays relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Waste Lands Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 26th September, 1893.

No. 337.—Petition of Paul Straka, of Puhoi. Petitioner states he has suffered pecuniary loss to the extent of £231 2s. through not being able to obtain his deeds for lands purchased by means of scrip ; that he has been compelled to pay for the survey of his land and has not received the usual allowance of land for performing such survey; that ho purchased land from a Maori chief, by name Te Hemara, of which he has never obtained possession. He prays relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1893.

No. 505.—Petition of A. W. Edwards and Others, of Waiorongomai, Thames. Petitioners are lessees of the Thames High School endowment, and state that their rents are excessive, and the terms of their leases not of sufficient duration to warrant improvements being made. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1893.

No. 472.—Petition of J. Vipond and Others, of Matakana. Petitionbes pray that the charges for the revaluation of their lands, held under the perpetual-lease system, may be reduced. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th September, 1893.

The Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act 1877 Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act 1877 Amendment Bill, have the honour to report that they have duly considered the same, and beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto which are shown on the attached copy of the Bill. (For Petition and Appendices, vide Appendix 1.-5b.) 26th September, 1893. '

No. 550. —Petition of Leslie Sowebby and Others, Eatepayers, Normanby Town District. Petitioners pray that the Waihi Eecreation Eeserve may not be exchanged for other land by the Normanby Town Board, and that the Government will take steps to prevent such exchange. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1893. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), £5 sa.

Authority: Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB93.

Price 6d.]

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REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-05

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REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-05

REPORTS OF WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (Mr. R. THOMPSON, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1893 Session I, I-05